Chapter 870 Hard to survive

“I don’t rely on it! I can’t bear it!” Yang Hao shouted, speeding up his pace, and personally walked ahead. But at this time, a few people appeared in the forest, holding steel knives, and staring at Yang Hao.

“Well, I drove this road. This tree is the leader of the tree. The man yelled at Yang Hao. Before he finished the roar, his fist fell on his face.

“Ah!” The leading robber cried and was fisted by Yang Hao, took him away, and hit the tree directly before stopping, but he was already unconscious.

“Get out of the way!” Yang Hao roared low, scared the nearby robbers trembling, he left to pick up the leader as soon as he arrived.

“Song’s gun!” Jin Yuyan suddenly yelled and ran over. Among the robbers who were about to escape, one turned his head suddenly.

“Sister? How are you?” One of the robbers turned and ran back. The robber looked as old as him, and quite handsome. “Gun, what happened to Lord Dragon and Lord Dragon? How did they become robbers?” Jin Yutang asked. In front of these people, Jin Yutang had been a mercenary from the Blackwood Mercenary Corps for a while. After experiencing in Yang Hao and, happened

After the incident, Jin Yutang chose to leave, and chose to start with Yang Hao and experience it together. This is also the agreement of people under the moonlight.

“It turned out to be young lady. No wonder that 810 was so powerful just now. Boxing killed our group leader.” Song Qiang cared about Yang Hao, but he ignored him and walked over. “It’s like this. Last time I didn’t let that Tianchen Jingan hire me. Last time, Tianchen Jingan left without giving us a commission. Finally, I ran into a lot of troubles in the forest.

One day there will be a team in the forest, and there are powerful three-five beasts, causing our Blackwood Mercenary Group’s combat effectiveness to drop sharply. Now the number is less than half. Moreover, resources are scarce, so Lord Guo Jilong has no choice but to become a robber to make a living.

“Make a living?” Yang Hao frowned and sneered. “I believe the loss is heavy. I can’t even afford to eat. I can only make a living by robbery. I don’t believe it. At least Lord Dragon and Lord Dragon are also Taixu, right? I still need this mess.” Yang Hao is still straight. Worried about what happened that night, Tianchen Jingan dared to think about Jin Yutang, and Prince Guo Jilong even


However, it was useless to kill the Tianchen Jinqian of the Tianchen family in Taiyuan, which made Yang Haocheng regret.

(bcdb) It is said that Song Qiang’s face was red, and he also guessed what Guo Ji meant. They just want to make a fortune by robbing their family members. Now they continue to make money as mercenaries. Although there are many people here, it is impossible to grab a pen. Guo Jiren, who is obsessed with money, caused this situation.

“Okay, don’t talk about him, Brother Yang Hao.” Jin Yuyan screamed, and then said to Song Qiang solemnly: “Go back and tell them Lord Long, don’t continue robbing in the end, otherwise you will encounter some ruthless and powerful people. People who are in danger.

“I don’t want to be like this either, that is, Lord Long has robbed a few large sums of money in a row since a few days ago, and is now obsessed with money.” Song Qiang shook his head reluctantly, and the other robbers left with the leader without waiting for him. .

“Come on, let’s just fight that bastard.” Yang Hao said angrily.

“You are really free.” Ling’an shook his head.

People galloped along Songqiang Road and came to a small valley in the blink of an eye.

“Who is it!” When Yang Hao walked out of the forest, a guard with a spear rushed out and stood in front of them.

Brother, it’s me. I take them to the Dragon Lord. “Song Qiang came forward and greeted the guard. “Hey, isn’t this the old lady?” A guard recognized Jin Yutang.

“It’s me.” Jin Yutang said, “can we go in?”

“Yes, of course.” The people were released very quickly. They clearly remembered that this little girl and their Dragon Lord sample were powerful masters of Saint Huangwu, and they were not enough for their clan to recruit with a few guards. Although they don’t know that Jinyutang is already in the early stage of three desires, but they will be shocked to forget who they are.

People weren’t stopped, maybe someone else went out to snatch it. People came to the largest tent in the middle unimpeded. The tent is the best choice for survival in the wild, but now the Blackwood Mercenary Corps can be said to have used this as their base camp. Generally speaking, only unusually wealthy mercenaries will buy large tracts of land in cities to build their own houses, but obviously

The Blackwood Mercenary Group cannot reach this level.

“Who is it?” When Yang Hao arrived at the door, there was a suspicious voice inside.

“Long time no see, Lord Guo Long.” Yang Hao opened the curtain. He sat up with horror.

“You, you, you, are you?” Guo looked at Yang Hao in panic, then turned his eyes and saw Jin Yutang “Little sister, you are here.”

“Close to the subject, we advise you not to grab this business, otherwise it will be difficult to survive.” Yang Hao didn’t want Jin Yutang to communicate with them too much, so he went straight to the subject.

“Little Wawa, what do you know, how can we live otherwise!” Lord Long sitting next to him was unhappy. He was a bit grumpy and stood up directly. The main body of the meter is directly in front of the Yang Hao point.

“You are old, don’t be impulsive.” Guo beat Lord Long.

“You are wise, otherwise he will have to lie down.” Yang Hao pointed to Lord Long and said to Ji.

“What are you talking about!” Long Wangye directly raised his fist, hitting Yang Hao before hitting it. But Yang Hao looked at him calmly, just casually raised his palm and grabbed a fist that was many times larger than him. The gap between Taixu Saint District and Saint Huangwu was so big, and then the huge body of the Dragon Lord flew directly back.

“Tai Xu Sanctuary! When he was young, this was a strong man from Wu Shengyu Province. This is really amazing.” Guo Ji knew that Yang Hao was a sacred place, but he was still going to brag about it and see if he could let it go. Yang Hao is better, let them go. After all, Yang Hao is just a child.

“Decide quickly.” Yang Hao is a cool way.

“A genius like you, Fang Chen, why waste time in such a place? The things of our little people will not affect your cultivation, why bother us?” Guo Daoji.

“Quickly decide, don’t let me say it again.” It’s a pity that Yang Hao didn’t enter. Now he just wants to solve this matter early, embark on the journey early, become stronger early, and then go to Taixuyuan to find Jin Lei. “Well, I only ask for one thing. If you promise to help, we will wash our hands and quit.” Guo Ji Said with a frown. .

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