Chapter 825 drama

“Guest, please stay.”

People looked back and found that the person who called them was the one who fell down in the opera today. He took off his makeup and dressed in white clothes. The man looked handsome.

“what happened?”

Asked Nan Wuxuan.

“This is what was left on the table you just sat on. Isn’t it a bit?”

Emperor Wu Ji saw a string of beads in his hand and picked it up quickly.

“It’s mine, thank you, son.”

“You’re welcome, raise your hand.”

Bai Mian Xiaosheng smiled and said:

“It doesn’t look like the location is local, is it going to Yangcheng? Do you want to visit?

“Yes! Xingle Theater is famous far and wide, so I came to Guanyang City to see it.

Xuan responded.

“It is necessary to stay for a few more days. The theater has recently released a new drama, which is very exciting. They all use Yangcheng, the most famous corner, and they can feast their eyes on it.

“That’s great. What is the new play called?”

“The gods are wrong.”

“Immortal is wrong! Just listen to the name.”

“That is to say, this drama is destined to live in the world.”

The white-faced niche is full of glory,

“This new play will start the next day. If you come, you must come and reserve a seat earlier. This is also a kind of fate with the position. That day, you will help reserve a table.”

“Really? I thank you for shooting my son first. By the way, my son, what’s your name?” “Xiao Shengyichen is too.”

The name “Yichen” is very nice.

The 783 name Qichen is very artistic.

“Thanks to the compliments of two Immortal girls, Xiao Sheng has already floated over.”

The people of Yi Chen, Emperor Wu Ji and Nan Wu Xuan have been talking and laughing for a long time.

Except for Nan Wujing, I despise him very much. He is a good man, dressed like a shrew. It happened that Emperor Wudi and sister Xuan liked to talk to him. It’s annoying enough. Unless he is a mortal and unarmed, he will show some color.


Standing outside the theater with Yao Xueren, I just heard the conversation between them

“I heard that there is a new play the day after tomorrow, it must be the day after tomorrow

Yao Xue said softly:

Henggu Tianyu nodded and walked straight out of the Xingle Theater.

Yao Xue vaguely felt that there was a familiar voice in the speaker, and turned to look carefully.

I was stunned in an instant,

Isn’t that woman Nanzhao! The Emperor Wudi, princess?

Why did you find this place so quickly?

what to do?

The princess will recognize me.

Yao Xue subconsciously touched her face in a panic and suddenly remembered that she was no longer the original face, and her hanging heart slowly let go. Seeing Henggu Tianyu had gone, she hurriedly chased after her.

Henggu Tianyu walked in front alone, uneasy, as if he was going to see an old friend. Maybe there will be a fierce battle. It is common for Henggu Tianyu people to fight and kill, but where does this uneasiness come from?

In the morning, the sky is blue and there is no wire frame. It is like a filter and noise reduction, it shines brilliantly.

Emperor Wu Ji lay on the window and looked into the distance, startled in a daze.

Months passed. I don’t know if the father who is far away in Nanyuzhao is okay, if the old illness has relapsed, you find that Princess Wudi is a fake, what’s wrong with Aunt Mo Yu, and there are more things to do.

“hurry up!

“Don’t run.

“Get a good position early!”

“Come on! Don’t be without seats in today’s new play. I don’t want to stand like last time.

“I heard that there are a lot of new plays to be performed. Even the building is open today, I have to go and see it.

The street gradually became noisy.

When Emperor Wudi listened carefully, he turned out to be a group of people going to the Xingle Theater.

It’s a bit crazy to queue up early in the morning. I don’t know what I see at the moment is just a small scene.


Someone knocks on the door,

“Is the princess up? Go up and down the stairs and eat something.”

Emperor Wu Ji opened the door and saw that there was no scene in the south, Yang Hao stood at the door. There is no scene in the south, smiling and focusing.

“Okay, I will go down now. Where is Miss Wuxuan?”

“She is already downstairs, let’s go.”

Xiao Jian Yang Hao’s pedestrian walked down and immediately put the fresh and hot steamed buns ordered by Nan Wu Xuan on the table.

Looking at the buns, I instantly remembered that I had just gone down the mountain, and smiled faintly.

“It’s really lively today (bcdb).”

Yes, I didn’t expect the new play of Xingle Theater to be so popular

“The little student named Yi Chen is really handsome

“Yes, it’s so beautiful, and the temper is so gentle, it compares us all.” Emperor Wu Ji and Nan Wu Xuan have been talking.

Nan Wujing is speechless, it is rare to sit and eat steamed buns.

“I will go today.”

Yang Hao interrupted Emperor Wudi’s conversation.

Do Dugu brothers want to watch a new play too?

Nan Wujing could finally insert a sentence and joked with a smile.

“Brother, Brother Dugu is afraid of danger today.

Nan Wuxuan has them.

“Yes, yes, no one can resist Dugu martial arts anyway.”

Nan Wu knew it was boring, and didn’t taste it anymore.

The son of “Dugu”, there are people from the world of Demon in the theater. Although these two days have not embarrassed us, it is better to be careful.


Yang Hao pedestrians walked slowly towards the theater, and from a distance, they saw people at the entrance of the theater.

Pedestrians hurried past while complaining,

“Too many people squeezed in!”

“Seat tickets are sold out, and it’s still a long time to come early!”

“Only one ticket left!”

It’s hard to squeeze in this kind of scene. Fortunately, Yi Chen left his seat early, and people used invisibility to enter the theater.

Today’s theaters are decorated more delicately and luxuriously than before.

There was a huge banner saying “Immortal Woman Error” in the middle.

Outside the theater, there are thousands of people coming and going, side by side, and thousands of empty streets.

The theater was full of people and it was very lively.

The Emperor Wu Ji was still sitting in the corner, carefully observing the people passing by. “You came!”

Yi Chen emerged from nowhere, and smiled to greet him.

“Yeah, so many people today!”

Wu Nanxuan said with emotion.

“I told you, eh? Is it my son?”

Yi Chen looked at the handsome Yang Hao standing next to Emperor Wudi and asked:

“This is Yang Hao’s son

Emperor Wudi replied.

“Dugu”‘s son is really arrogant and talented, and Xiao Sheng is also very polite.

Yi Chen obviously likes Yang Hao very much, and has never been so free from the restrictions of the South.

Yang Hao nodded slightly as a polite greeting.

Sitting beside Nan Wujing coldly, his heart was depressed. Why didn’t this Yi Chen see him being passionate?

“Come on, I’ll reserve a good place for you and follow me upstairs.

As Yi Chen said, he led Yang Hao to the floor where the drama was only open.

Yi Chen stopped in front of the “Qiu Ting Xuan” private room, and the station dedicated to serving guests in the Qiuting Xuan private room hurriedly pushed open the door of the wing.

The private rooms of Qiutingxuan are very large, twice as large as ordinary private rooms. The furnishings in the private rooms are exceptionally fresh and elegant.

“Come in, here is a good location.”

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