Chapter 815 Ants

“This grandpa, you won’t be out of money.”

Xiao Qing asked loudly with a puzzled face.

“Yes, this person has silver, Brother Nan, silver!”

Yang Hao pointed at Nan Wujing and pushed him with his hands. Nan Wujing was speechless in pain, took out the silver ingot from his waist and put it on the table.

“! Xiao, let’s boil the water to these two guest officials.”

The face instantly returned to the original smiling face.


“Guardian, the two guest officers fainted after drinking water. Tomorrow, go to Lu Jinyi and ask him to have a look.”

The young two bowls of immersion water were placed on the table.

“Hey, wait a minute, help me help them to the guest room.”

After all, this is the human world, and it is inappropriate to use this technology in public. Yang Hao thinks so.


Xiao immediately walked to his side and watched.

Although this little girl is not as real as our princess, her beauty is superb.

Just when I was about to lend a helping hand, I was moved by Yang Hao

“If you help him, I will help this woman.”

Yang Hao immediately stopped some other small intentions when he saw the shop.

Little bitterly took his hand back, walked to the south where there was no scenery, and muttered in his heart:

“Why is this person okay? Didn’t you drink? I obviously watched and drank.”

Yang Hao helped Nan Wuxuan onto the bed in the guest room and found that she was sleeping very deep. She was worried when she thought that it was just a small look at 780, so she put an Immortal barrier on the bed. People in the world can’t see the barrier of Immortal woman, but they can’t get close to the bed.

Early the next morning,

Yang Hao woke up early, lying in bed thinking wildly.

Yang Hao couldn’t figure out why their brothers and sisters in Nanwujing were confused. If it’s the dining table and ghosts, why is it okay? Where is the problem?

And Aunt Mo Yu. Why did the master ask me to go to Nanzhao to find Aunt Demon Yu but couldn’t find this person? Was it really Master’s dream that night? The master does not have an annual contract, so it is necessary to find out more about it temporarily. Yang Hao sat up and knocked on the door of Nan Wuxuan’s house. He did not respond. He opened the door and saw Nan Wuxuan still sleeping. Then he went to Nan Wujing’s room and saw him

When it was all over, I decided to go to the city to find Lu Jin for medical treatment, and then go to Aunt Mo.

In the city,

Bustling streets,

“Old man, may I ask, do you know where Doctor Lu Gu is?”

The old man in front looked at Yang Hao, glanced at his mouth, and pointed at a middle-aged man with a beard and Huang Fan sitting at a long table in a big coat.

“Look, that is.

“Okay thank you.”

After speaking, Yang Hao walked in the direction of the old man’s finger.

“Fool, another fool who was deceived!”

The old man shook his head and walked away with a wry smile.

“Are you Lu Jinyi?

“Next, is there anyone in the son’s house?”

Lu Jinyi slowly touched his beard.

“Yes, follow me as soon as possible.”

The old man visited two silverware “Okay.”

Yesterday, I saw the appearance of silver. When I put my hand on my waist and twisted it slightly, I took out two tablets.

Doctor Lu immediately took the silver in Yang Hao’s hand and quickly closed the stall.

“My son, please lead the way.

“Here, by the way, Lu Jin, how long have you been practicing medicine here?”

Yang Hao asked.

“The old man has practiced medicine for many years, and his son doesn’t believe in the old.”

Doctor Lu Gu remained vigilant against this reaction.

“No, I want to ask you about your situation alone.”


“Mo Yu, have you heard of Auntie?”

Doctor Lu Gu was a little relieved.

“Mo Yu? Auntie I have never heard of it, but the aunt’s name seems to be in the palace. You might as well go to the palace gate and ask the guard there.”

“Palace? Okay, thank you very much.”

“Make way, make way!

“what sound?”

Chu Jian

“Today is the princess’s birthday. Every birthday, the princess will go out to worship and pray at Luwawa Monastery, and the ceremony is about to come.”

Doctor Lu immediately knelt on the ground, and the surnames around him also knelt down.

Yang Hao ignored it, vaguely realized that there seemed to be an extraordinary dragon spirit in this ceremony.

Although the sedan chair is draped in white gauze and the breeze is breezy, real people can be vaguely seen. The woman sitting in the sedan chair has beautiful willow (bcdb) eyebrows.

The woman in the car seemed to feel something and turned and walked towards the crowd.

The young man in the crowd who did not kneel down except the guard was looking at her.

The two looked at each other through the thin white gauze.

With those eyes, I feel that I have known each other for many years

“The son? The son?”

Doctor Lu’s hand hovered before Yang Hao’s point,

Yang Hao suddenly woke up,

“It’s nothing, let’s go quickly.”

Doctor Lu saw that Yang Hao’s cheeks were slightly red, and he smiled:

“Our princess is a more beautiful person than Immortal, a different lord, and a more infatuated man. There is no need to be ashamed, but the old lady can remind her son that our princess has a marriage contract, so don’t think about it.”

Yang Haoguang said:

“Thanks for kindly reminding, what is the difference between you and the princess?”

Doctor Lu Gu’s mysterious secret path:

“Our princess will change to Demon, and will be waterproof. Our surnames rumored that she was the god Immortal who fell from the sky to the world.

“Oh? Do you know how to Demon? How did you know?”

Yang Hao asked curiously.

“This matter, the old man has personally experienced it,

Years ago, a natural disaster occurred suddenly, and it rained for several years. There is no harvest, and everyone is in danger.

Just when everyone was disheartened, when our first queen, the princess’s mother, gave birth to a little princess, at that moment, the continuous heavy rain stopped, the long-lost sun came out, and the sun wine was in Nanzhao, on every piece of land, Nanzhao people cheered in the sun.

After that, the weather is good every year and there is a big harvest every year. Therefore, we all say that this princess is an Immortal woman who rules the water.

“Princess, here we are. Princess?”

The woman sitting on the chariot was startled and said softly:

“Auntie, did you notice anything weird just now? Will that person be the one the other person said?”

“The old slave also feels dragon spirit, but he is still uncertain. After today’s sacrificial ceremony, the old slave will send the princess back to the palace, and then he will meet the princess in the inn.

Doctor Lu Gu, can you solve this person’s embarrassment?”

Yang Hao first took Doctor Lu to the room with no view to the south.

Doctor Lu Gu looked at his face, touched his stomach, and asked:

“This person is an ant. There is nothing serious, but he will have a big pain in his stomach. I have a bottle of 10,000 water here. I can drink it immediately.”

“That’s true, that’s great. Give it to him quickly.

“Two silver bottles.”

“Okay, here you are.

Yang Hao immediately put his hand on his waist, and instantly took out the ingot

Xiao Ya widened her eyes next to her, regretting in her heart. It turned out that this man is a very rich master. He hates that he got too little last night.


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