Chapter 802 Logically

“If you want to enter the inner courtyard, you must pass a rigorous examination. Even if you respect God, you have no right to draw people directly to the inner courtyard!”

“no problem!

“With the qualifications of Swallow Eucharist, if the assessment fails, then entering is a joke!”

“That’s great! Then can I accept him as an apprentice now?”

Li Moyun asked eagerly.

Elder Li and Shi Wei, his world is not weak. If he is here, I am afraid he will not let the children worship you as a teacher. ”

Yang Hao smiled and said: Touching his nose, “In my opinion, if this is not the case, after Shi Wei leaves, I will let the children stay here, and you will cultivate a good relationship with him. In the future, accepting students will also be logical. of!’



After hesitating, Li Moyun grinned and said: “It seems that I can’t stand this apprentice “Seven Seven Zero” anymore.”


Hearing this, Yang Hao raised his eyebrows and glanced at Li Moyun suspiciously.


Li Moyun grinned: “Actually, my world of Roda has been consolidated, and I can break through to the invincible Great Sage at any time!”

“As long as there is a chance, it will not be a problem to break through the world of Rhoda in Heavenly Sage

Yang Hao couldn’t help but wonder.

Sure enough, who can become a good elder in the Holy Martial Academy?

Looking at the peak of the Great Sage Rhoda’s paradise, he could break through to the Heavenly Sage at any time as a result.

Those who are white and flawless, will his heaven be higher?

“Well, Elder Li, can I ask, how strong are they in Elder Bai?

Yang Hao was curious and couldn’t help but ask.

“Elder Bai’s power bite!

Speaking of innocence, Li Moyun smiled bitterly and said in a low voice: “I dare not say more, I can only say a word, you know it yourself.

“Even if I try my best, I can’t hold my breath in front of him!”

“He wants to kill me, I have no chance to resist!”

“so smart?”

Yang Hao was surprised. The voice of Blue Sky suddenly came in my mind: “The white clothes are seamless, and Murongning’s strength is not simple. The gap between you and them is still very large. Don’t think about it.

Knowing the gap between himself and his elders, Yang Hao no longer thinks too much.

Coaxing Li Moyun away, Yang Hao continued to wait.

After a while, Shi Wei opened the room and said in a low voice: “Sir, as long as Xiaotian can have a good time, I will let you take me for a ride in the future!”

“You can rest assured that as long as you perform well, you don’t have to worry about Xiaotian’s future.

I glanced at it and found that Shi Tian was asleep, so I immediately said: “Before you regain strength, I must say.”

“That method has side effects. Once you accept it, your life and death will be in my hands from now on!” Yes!

Shi Wei said innocently: “I have forgotten my life and death, as long as Xiaotian can live well.

“Also, I can only completely solve your injury now. As for the strength, I want you to recover slowly!”

Yang Hao said calmly: “As long as the injury is resolved, I believe that with your talent, returning to the top will not be a problem.”

“Of course, it is also good for you, and it may improve your qualifications!”

“My lord, just do it. I can bear everything!”

Shi Wei clasped his fists, his face full of fearless expression.

“Close your eyes!

Hearing this, Shi Wei closed his eyes, and the next moment, after the source of seven drops of Tianshui emerged, he sank into Shi Wei


After the source of Tianshui enters Shi Wei, it immediately transforms into the purest force, impacting Shi Wei’s meridians


However, within a dozen breaths, the blockage of Shi Wei’s meridians has been resolved by the Holy Breath.

At the same time, Shi Wei’s breath slowly rose, corroded in Li San’s body, and was gradually cleaned and purified by Tianshui.


The sacred glory envelops Shi Wei

His breathing slowly rose and became more and more powerful.

After a quarter of an hour, the divine glory dissipated.


Shi Wei’s lips lightly opened, and a turbid air was exhaled, and thunder surged in his body.

“I finally returned to the Great Sage!

Clenching his fists, Shi Wei opened his eyes, feeling the power of his body like a volcano, ecstatic.

Since being poisoned, he has fallen from the peak of the Great Sage Da Luo to the invincible saint. After a while, if Yang Hao is not satisfied, he may become a mortal and die completely.

“Shi Wei met adults!”

Holding fists in both hands, Shi Wei respectfully salutes Yang Hao.


Yang Hao said calmly, “I didn’t heal your injury and asked you to salute me.

“My lord, tell me what to do.

Shi Wei is very busy.

“How long have you been in the sunset sky?”

Yang Hao asked suspiciously.

“One month.

Shi Wei sighed and said, “If it weren’t for the sunset, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to last that long.”

“Well, the first task I give you is to form an intelligence organization under the sunset sky! As for how to recruit people, don’t I teach you?”

God quote

“Of course, my lord, don’t worry, I will do everything well!”

Shi Wei clasped his fists, his face condensed into the sky.

Although he didn’t know how Yang Hao cured him and Shi Tian, ​​he knew that this was definitely not an ordinary method.

Yang Hao took such a great effort to heal him. If he doesn’t behave well, where does he have a face?

“If you encounter anything, come here to find me.

Yang Hao waved his hand and said calmly: “The people here are not bad, be careful.”

“Thank you for your concern!”

Shi Wei clasped his fists and turned to look at the sleeping Shi Tian, ​​his eyes filled with disappointment.

The setting sun is full of the sky, but it is full of chaos. Although he is the heaven of São Paulo, it is still difficult to mix some skills in this chaotic sky, and there will be danger at any time. “Shi Tian will be handled by me. In a few days, his Red Emperor will evolve, and I will find an expert at the Celestial level to teach him. Don’t worry!”

“Santa Luotian? A strong man in the world

Hearing this, Shi Wei suddenly became short of breath.

Although he used to be the pinnacle of San Da Luo Tian, ​​he is far away from San Da Luo Tian 3.1

Even in the whole sunset, there were few strong people in Shengda Luotian. Therefore, after learning that there would be such a strong one to teach Shi Tian, ​​Shi Wei was very excited.

“The grown-up is so nice, but the villain didn’t expect it!

Shi Wei knelt down on one knee, and his heart firmed up his idea of ​​painting for Yang Hao’s liver. Not only for himself, but also for Shitian’s future!

“You don’t need to worry. If you do well, Shi Tian has a bright future!”

“Thank you, my lord!”

Taking a deep breath, Shi Wei no longer hesitated, no longer attached to Shi Tian, ​​suddenly turned and walked out of the room.

He knows that the goal of Yang Hao is to quickly grasp the news of the sunset sky, even if you can’t completely control the intelligence agency of the sunset sky first, you should dig out the news in the sunset sky.

When Shi Wei left, Yang Hao Bo closed the door and took out the secrets that Shi Wei had handed in.

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