Chapter 742 Plummet

Yang Hao was shocked. He was speechless for a while, and couldn’t help but hold his thumbs up in his heart. There is nothing wrong with this truth.

But people are people, and ants are ants. How to compare them?

Yang Hao also understands that Liang Zun’s residence has such a large Buddha statue, and Liang Zun’s people often do this.

“The Big Buddha is right.” “I’m just an ant in Liang Dafo’s eyes,” Ling Xiao said.

“Yes.” Liang Shidou said bluntly, “this is a stronger ant.”

“Aren’t you afraid of being bitten to death?” Yang Hao chuckled lightly.

How many people have you seen killed by ants? Liang Shidou also giggled.

One laughed in the pavilion, and the other laughed by the lake.

Laughter was originally something that made the atmosphere of the world relaxed, but who can feel the relaxed atmosphere at this time?

People broke the waves again on the lake, the offensive was more fierce, and there was a tendency to move forward.

The reason why they did not have such a momentum in “July Two Three” is that they don’t want to die.

But now, they know they will die.

Knowing that he will die, but also attack, then he must go all out.

The enemy is dead, or he himself is dead.

Yang Hao sighed suddenly, “Do you think it makes sense to let them die to determine my power?”

This is the meaning of their existence. Liang Shidou said.

The voice was calm, it seemed that Liang Zundi was not dead.

Calm down, as long as you think about it, you will know the cruelty and cruelty of Liang Shidou

Perhaps Liang Shidou was not born cruel, but when he sat in the position of the Great Buddha, he was already cruel.

Be cruel to him, then he is cruel to others.

Behind the cruelty is great.

Everything is for Liang Zundi

The meaning of Liangzundi’s existence is to make contributions to Liangzun’s residence, and the meaning of Liangzun’s existence is to let them enjoy the ownership of Liangzundi higher than others.

Now some people threaten the existence of Liang Zundi, and they must make greater contributions.

The biggest contribution is to die for Liang Zundi

If all the people present are dead, then the enemies that threaten Liang Zun’s survival can be killed, they are all meaningful people.

This is also the true meaning of their existence.

Some strong people in Liang Zun’s Mansion feel cold, but they will not feel cold because of it. Instead, they will do their best.

If they can kill the enemy desperately, they are not afraid to do so. After death, people living in your house can continue to enjoy more things than others.

If the enemy is alive after death, whether you can continue to enjoy your property is not your problem.

“Since this is the meaning of their existence, I will help them.”

Yang Hao waved his hand, Jinhong’s eighteen swords swept the sword light that had been shrouded in the pavilion, and then turned into countless sword lights. This was a one-sided massacre.

The sword light shrouded, and no one fell into the water alive when it broke open.

The lake became bloody, and the blue snake lake became a blood lake.

The broken arm of the fallen limb was splashed with blood, causing rippling layers on the surface of the lake, and then gradually returning to calm.

“Did you see it?” Yang Hao sat on the guardrail of the pavilion, with his back facing the pillar of the pavilion, feeling that he was not the person who just killed, and everything had nothing to do with him.

However, he killed someone, which is a fact that no one can deny.

The people by the lake looked at the people in the pavilion, their eyes were awesome.

Then, countless eyes looked at Liang Shidou again and looked at their most admired Buddha.

This big Buddha is one of the many big Buddhas in Liang Zun Di for countless years, and has enough ability to rank in the top three.

“Impressive.” Liang Shi Doulu.

This is a fact.

But he didn’t tell the truth, so he couldn’t answer Yang Hao.

see it?

I can’t see it, so it’s good.

But they will not back down.

Now that you have given up, there is no chance to stop.

If there is, then the enemy is dead, or they are all dead.

Liang Shidou waved his hand.


The one-sided slaughter continues.

One shadow after another swept from the lake shore to the pavilion in the middle of the lake. They were greeted by a terrible sword light.

There are fewer and fewer people on the shore of the lake, and more and more people flock to the pavilion in the middle of the lake.

There are fewer and fewer people by the lake, and more and more dead bodies in the lake.

Maybe there are fewer and fewer dead bodies in the lake.

There are carnivorous fish in the lake because some bones are flying.

The bones are white because there is no meat.

Where is the meat?

Was eaten.

The people on the shore are getting colder and colder.

Liang Shidou’s face became calmer and calmer.

When the sea was calm on the shore, there were only ten people left.

Liang Shidou and the nine most powerful people he brought.

Liang Shidou finally sighed

He must admit that the people in the pavilion are too strong for him to cope.

Patriarch, let’s do it. “After sighing, Liang Shidou looked at the darkness nearby.

Someone came out in the dark. Is a teenager.

Young eyes carry countless years of vicissitudes.

The boy is the ancestor of Liang Zundi

Jumping with a sword at his feet. Liang Zun’s residence, the ancestor and Yu Jianfei stopped at a distance of meters from the pavilion

The son of Wuji Tianyu is indeed extraordinary. The ancestor Liang Zundi said, “But is it worth dying for a little thing?”

“I heard that you have broken through to the sky. Immortal Yang Hao finally stood up, which means that he did not despise the enemy and respect the sky. Immortal

“Just know.” Liang Zundi sneered, with a little sarcasm, “Since I know you dare to come, then you already have the strength of Immortal? In this case, you are in Wuji Tianyu. Status is definitely not just a son.”

Of course he understands that Yang Hao points are not an achievement of Tian Immortal.

“Actually, I’m not even a son. “I’m just Lei Zefeng, the youngest son,” Yang Hao said with a smile.

“Just know.” Liang Zundi’s ancestor raised his face slightly, “You have won so many people who killed me in Liang Zun’s residence. Is it your own fate now, or am I going to kill you?”


Lei Mang’s entire sky plummeted, huge waves suddenly rose on the surface of the lake, mountains also appeared on the lake, and at the same time a protruding rattan sticks out.

“What kind of treasure is this?” The ancestor Liang Zundi’s expression suddenly changed 3.1. This was an attack he had never seen before.

Yang Hao did not answer him. He left the pavilion, standing in front of the ancestor Liang Zundi, and then punched.

Is it in the sky Immortal?


Liang Zundi and the ancestors are full of sword light.

He is a sword Immortal, and also a very good swordsman. He made Liang Zundi the world’s largest swordsman in Shanghetu during the Qingming Festival.

The huge waves were suppressed, the mountains were cut off, the vines were cut off, and Lei Mang was blocked.

However, his sword could not stop his fist.

Strictly speaking, we cannot stop the ninth punch.


The ancestor of Liang Zundi fell back to the shore and landed in front of Liang Shidou

Teenagers are no longer adolescents, they are already the gods with white, gray and wrinkles.

“Surrender” The ancestor Liang Zundi only said two words and there was no sound. .

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