Chapter 710 Poacher

This woman in white looks absolutely under-years-old. She fell into the valley for the first time. Her blood was crimson, shocking, but her face was even more shocking. Even now, she was very pale and couldn’t hide her incomparable appearance.

She held the sword tightly, and the blood flowing from the tiger’s mouth flowed down the hilt and down the body, but her hand was still very stable, and the sword was also very stable.

“Su Shengjun?” Yang Hao’s heart shocked behind the big stone

Then a thin, gloomy gray man fell down, shook his body, stood upright, and stood in front of the woman. No emotion can be heard in his voice. He said: “As expected to be a kendo wizard, Nine Heavens Heavenly Dao Holy Land claims to be rare in a century. He can kill me, but what? After tonight, this world will no longer be strange.

Are you still human

Hebu, if I don’t die, I will destroy your heaven Demon Wind Village.

Zhang’s face became calmer and his breathing became more even.

“It’s really cool.” He said not much, but the sword and horse were trained to attack.

Zhang gritted his teeth and swung his sword to block it. People flew back and hit ~ a boulder in the valley.

The big rock exploded with a bang.

Zhang was seriously injured, and blood poured out of his mouth. But the sword in her right hand was still strong and stable, enough to prop up half of her body, causing her to kneel down on one knee, staring at her with beautiful eyes full of sharp rays-Hebu moving slowly forward

She clearly knew that she was not an opponent of the same level. This was a battle with no doubt about the result, but she still did not give up.

She can fight as long as she breathes, because she is the city sacred land of Zhang’s first son

“Two steps.” Hebu stepped forward slowly. “There are rumors that you once killed Hua Hai. Now I believe that the person who needs me to kill Hu Cheng must be Hu Cheng’s first person. No one can contact him. It is a rare genius to have such power at your age. It’s a shame to die. Well, as long as you hand it over, I won’t kill you.” “Mocking!”

Zhang suddenly broke out of violence, so the sword was unified.

“The unity of man and sword? You have come this far. When you break through the ocean, I really can’t kill you. But now

Hebu was shocked, but his hands were not slow, and his sword swung out.

The night was suddenly torn, and the sword light rolled and collided, continuously splashing strands of sparks.

Zhang’s sword light is even more thunderous, and Zhang’s sword light is even more outrageous.

The sword light intertwined more and more fiercely, and the collision became more and more fierce.


Hebu suddenly yelled, the sword light shuddered, and the sword light became more domineering, and it was simply earth-shattering.

Zhang suddenly snorted, the light of the sword broke open, and the long sword in his hand shot away, piercing the hilt of a big tree next to it. Her body bounced off the walls of the valley and fell to the ground, unable to stand up. Several blood holes in her body were bleeding all the time.

…For flowers…

She did not panic, only regretted.


Hebu still has three blood holes on his body, among which the blood hole on the left chest can penetrate his heart a little lower, but it is a pity that he is so close to death.

His injuries are also serious. Blood oozes from his mouth, his face is white, and his steps are frivolous. Although he is a master at sea, Zhang is an invulnerable person and an out-and-out master.


It’s more difficult to hurt me than I thought. Hebu moved forward, holding the sword more forcefully.

He must have. And Zhang already knows his identity. If Zhang is not killed tonight, it will be a disaster for Demon Wind Village.

Without hesitation, he walked up to Zhang and swung his sword to cut off.

At this time, the elbow changed, and this change happened suddenly.


Zhang chased after the huge boulder next to him, someone broke through the air, and his fist instantly hit him

“Anyone. Hu Chengzao? Go to hell!”

His attention was always on Zhang Di, and he didn’t notice that there were still people in the valley so surprised, but then he realized that the border was long ago by the people of the Xiaozun Mansion group, cut off the knife and slashed over, trying to kill this. Overpowered poacher. Inch.

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