Chapter 688 Exciting battle

Wan Guhao also giggled. She suddenly turned her head and looked in the direction of the medical hall. It is the shame of the entire mansion that a trash becomes a big Buddha, and it is also the shame of her eternal life, can you use Hongmeng Shengyuan to prevent this shame from appearing?

Yang Hao and Zhou Yuan have entered the arena.

The scene started to boil again. This close battle is most likely to happen. Da Zun Mansion thinks this war is very exciting.

Although Da Zun Di does not think that Yang Hao is Tian Chengzi’s opponent, it also admits that Yang Hao and Zhou Yuan exist at the same level. In the boiling atmosphere, Zhou Yuan did not draw his sword, he just looked at Yang Hao, as if he wanted to see Ouyang Yang Hao’s strength, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

Seeing that the other party didn’t draw the sword, Yang Hao was a little strange.

Zhou Yuan suddenly asked, “Are you confident to defeat Tian Chengzi?

The air seemed to be a little slow, and the boiling scene calmed down a lot.

Da Zun Di wanted to know what Zhou Yuan meant when he asked.

Yang Hao didn’t understand, and asked, “Why do you ask this?”

Zhou Yuan told the truth: “Just promised to give me a Shenghu Pills, and asked me to kill you or maim you.”


There was an uproar. Many people can’t help but look at Tian Chengzi.Does this mean that Tian Chengzi has no confidence to fight Yang Hao?

He is so powerful, it is impossible!

“This is despicable.” “Suddenly someone shouted.

Dazundi was slightly startled, how could he get involved in despicable things?

After a little thought, many people will understand.

“Yes, this is interesting. If Zhou Yuan accepts, he will do his best. Even if he can’t defeat Yang Hao, he will definitely lose both, so he can easily defeat Yang Hao.”

Some people agree with this view of war.

Of course, those supporters of Tian Chengzi immediately retorted loudly, saying that Senior Brother Li didn’t want to do anything, so he borrowed from Zhou Yuan to defeat Yang Hao. If you can’t even beat Zhou Yuan, how can you be qualified to fight Senior Brother Li?

In any case, Tian Chengzi’s small actions under the stage cannot be put on the stage. When people know them, they will always be hurt.

“Damn it!” Tian Chengzi’s face was pale.

At this moment, Zhou Yuan, the person Tian Chengzi wanted to kill was definitely the first one, and then Yang Hao.

On stage, Zhou Yuan added: “I have stopped refining natural gas for almost two years. Shenghu Pills are really important to me, but I just don’t like someone using this to buy me off and let me do my best for him. So I gave up in this war.”

Having said that, Zhou Yuan turned and jumped off the platform. After landing, he turned around and said, “That way, if you die on the battlefield, I will definitely not have a good life. Don’t hurt me to delete!”

Yang Hao smiled and said, “I have never hurt anyone.”

“That’s good.” Zhou Yuan stepped aside.

Yang Hao responded very well.

Everyone looked at each other, and the most anticipated battle ended in Zhou Yuan’s abstention.

In this way, Yang Hao really had a chance to compete with Tian Chengzi, and Dazundi couldn’t help but look at Tian Chengzi. Finally (Wang Nuo is good), someone can’t help but ask, will he lose?

This is a problem that never happened before in Da Zun Mansion

“Next” Duan Tang’s loud voice once again attracted the attention of Da Zun Di to the stage.

Xie Dajiao took the stage first.

Tian Chengzi’s face was extremely cold. As soon as he took power, he said to Xie Dajiao, “Get away!” Xie Dajiao wanted to salute with his sword. He was a little stiff when he heard this, but his grip on the sword suddenly became stronger. “I originally respected you

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