Chapter 680 In power

Yang Hao’s number is small, so he will soon be in power. His opponent is Lu Biao, which is pure coincidence

When enemies met, they were very jealous. Lu Biao’s eyes were red.

“Clap!” Lu Biao put down his sword as soon as he entered. “The battle at Hunyuan Tower was the greatest shame in my life. Today I want to tell you that violence is useless. My sword will let people know what power is.”

The audience laughed.

Lu Biao, who likes to use violence to bully the weak, said that violence is useless. This is the first joke in today’s game.

“I beg you!

Yang Hao didn’t have too much nonsense, he showed his sword and saluted according to the rules.

call out!

Lu Biao was suddenly stabbed by a sharp sword.

I have to admit that the strength of this palace group on the sword is indeed much stronger than on the fist, because Jiuxiao-Son of Heaven is on the sword.

However, the gap between them is too big!

Nine Heavens Sword


There was the clash of swords on the stage in an instant, and all the audience couldn’t help making surprise sounds in the next instant.

In the late stage of Qi refining, Lu Biao, who was considered a high-level swordsman in the outer holy land, was defeated in one step.

Green light, Yang Hao sword against Lu Biao’s throat

“How can this be?”

Lu Biao looked sluggish and motionless. The skin in front of the Adam’s apple can clearly feel the coolness of the sword, as if the Yang Hao sword can pierce his throat in the next instant. “You lost.” Yang Hao retracted his sword and stepped back.

Why does everyone who fail like to ask how is this possible?

“go to hell!

Lu Biao roared suddenly, and even when Yang Hao took the sword to sneak attack, the sword stabbed Yang Hao into a dumb laugh, vicious and cruel.

Suddenly there was a scolding on the stage, calling Lu Biao despicable and shameless.

However, some people yelled excitedly to stab Ouyang trash to death. These people are undoubtedly Tian Chengzi’s loyal supporters

“Be careful.” People who I hope Yang Hao wins can’t help but exclaim loudly, especially Venerable Tianhuan and Linglong. Their facial expressions changed dramatically. They hope they can fly and be on the stage immediately.


Yang Hao snorted coldly.

The green and black sword lights on the ring suddenly flashed, and then turned into bloody lights.

Lu Biao screamed and flew out, half of his body was soon stained red with blood, a big blood hole appeared on his right shoulder, and his right arm was drooping. I wonder if his right arm will be lost forever.

…For flowers…

Someone in the audience immediately scolded Yang Hao for being cruel, saying that he didn’t need to start so cruelly. They thought that the most accurate way for Yang just now was to be stabbed in a blood hole by Lu Biao.

Of course, if Yang Hao was stabbed to death like this, they would definitely scold Yang Hao for being too low in strength and even having the face to participate in the competition.


“There are keyboard players everywhere!”

Yang Hao fired those who scolded him.

This kind of people will scold you no matter what you do, because their purpose of paying attention to you is to scold you, just scold you.

Who wants to scold you, do you still need a reason to scold you?

The deacon of the referee section looked up to the stage from Yang Hao.

Deacon Duan recovered his health.

He must have been stabbed with Yang Hao by Lu Biao just now, but I didn’t expect Yang Hao to react so quickly. The sword move is like a lightning counterattack, hitting Lu Biao hard and winning.

In any case, there is no doubt that there will be no victory now. Deacon Duan announced the result loudly.

The stage below Yang Hao degrees can be traced back to Venerable Tianhuan and Linglong, and they both gave a thumbs up to Yang Hao degrees. Inch,

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