Chapter 641 Family decline

At this time, almost all the candidates had already left, and Zhulong had also left, his shadow flickering, and then raised his head as if he realized it, and walked in the direction of Yang Hao.

Those eyes were full of malice, like a poisonous snake, staring at him. No eyebrows.

This guy is here to get rid of the immeasurable catastrophe. Leaving such a person is still a threat to him, and it is not good to be remembered.

People kept coming out of the tombs “six six seven”.

But at this moment, Zhizunqiang did not leave. Everyone was standing in this void, seemingly waiting for this.

However, after “Yang Hao Yi” appeared, Time felt that there was a god in his forehead inch, and a terrible oppression had formed.

Infinite catastrophe!

Yang Hao took a deep breath.

Finally, the boundless tribulation came. I didn’t expect it to come so soon.

But at this moment, the supreme was stronger, his eyes were shining, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

After all the candidates appeared one after another, they also felt the existence of this force. Everyone looks different.

At this time, Ziyuan and Lin Yun, both felt the oppression, and raised their eyebrows, showing a surprised expression.

Although this immeasurable oppression of Heavenly Tribulation is not very Conan Destroyer, this sense of oppression still makes them feel extremely heavy.

As for the candidates at the bottom of the list, their faces are pale and very difficult to get along with. It is conceivable that they will face a terrifying and endless calamity.

“Yang Hao.

At this time, Li Yuexing’s figure appeared. He and Heibo stood in front of Yang Hao’s point with complicated eyes.

Uncle Hei raised his eyebrows and gave Yang Hao a deep look.

“Come on, the decline of the Chu family is coming to an end,” he said.

Li Yuexing’s expression was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he thought of a possibility, his face was also surprised, and then he blinked and looked at Yang Hao, who seemed to be asking him.

Yang Hao nodded lightly.

Li Yuexing looked surprised, but more excited, the palm of his sleeve robe trembled uncontrollably at this time.

“Brother-in-law, I look forward to you entering the four realms.” Li Yuexing smiled at Yang Hao.

Yang Hao looked startled, then nodded.

“Let’s do this first. You should also travel through the boundless tribulations. Perhaps you will all enter the celestial tribulation space. This boundless tribulation may be your chance to make good use of it and accomplish everything.” Li Yuexing said: “Your boundlessness The endless calamity is not big. After the endless calamity has passed, you’d better not be separated from Yue Ying’s supreme powerhouse. After all, in that

At that time, these guys like Wan Yao Zhizun might want to kill you. ”

A look of indifference.

Looking for you?

Even if I don’t look for you, if you dare to look for you at that time, then you will completely lose your home!

Yang Hao took a deep breath, but he didn’t care.

“Okay, we won’t delay you too much time. I will go back with Heibo, the jade pendant that Xiaoling gave you earlier, and then you can use 3.1 Li’s palm seal martial arts to open it, and there is a dry kun for free, Then you know how to enter the Four Realms and find your way to Li’s house. Remember, the sooner the better, so as not to delay the change. The big man is very proud

It’s best not to be at odds with him at all. you know what I mean. “Li Yuexing said. Yang Hao nodded.

“Come on, I talk too much about feelings, so let’s do it first.” Li Yuexing said.

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