Chapter 634 laughing stock

“Are you saying that the decline of the Chu family has a lot to do with you?” Yang Hao stared at Zhuli, asking without emotional fluctuations.

Zhu Li didn’t know why, he always felt that there was great anger hidden in this sentence. Anger is buried in his body. At this time, it exploded frantically. Amazing power is terrible.

However, Yang Hao was stared at like a wolf. On the one hand, he was scared to death. On the other hand, he was very concerned about face and was unwilling to admit to counseling. After all, there were two people around, and both of them were former. The overlord of the Rhubarb League. Wouldn’t he be a laughingstock if he was so scared?

At the time, he didn’t want to admit that he was not smart enough, so he pretended to be tough and said: “Yes!”

Yang Hao stared at Zhuli without any mood swings,

“663 is very good.” Yang Hao spit out lightly: “You should be glad that you live to this day.”

Yang Hao’s voice came down, and then his figure flashed in front of Zhuli

The three could not help but face a drastic change.

When a war sword appeared in his hand, the light in Yang Hao’s hand gleamed. A strange cold light flickered around the sword. The blood of the mysterious beast in Yang Hao gushed frantically.

After the blood of this mysterious beast roared out, Yang Hao’s figure turned into a virtual shadow, no one could notice, and so did the separation of the candle.

He clearly felt that Yang Hao had left, but he couldn’t see where his shadow was.


When there was a tremor in the void, the three of them woke up.

Yang Hao is behind them!

Three people are facing upheaval.

He wanted to escape quickly, but Yang Hao had a cold smile.

“Can you escape?”

As soon as the words fell, the sword in his hand suddenly burst out with a shocking sword light, and the sword light was brilliant. The entire Ouyang Fu was violently swept out of the sky by this sword light. Everyone stopped when they saw the sword light. He raised his head in surprise and rushed towards Ouyang Fu’s position.

What happened?

There was a burst of suspicion.

“Peng! Bang!”

At this moment, in the tomb, the three Zhuli had not had time to turn around. When they were preparing to fight back, the sword energy had passed through their chests, but they (bcdb) stared at death with wide eyes. Is incredible.

“How can this be?

Three people fell.

And Yang Hao waved his hand, and the three corpses entered the ring.

These three people, in any case, are also Sheng Tao. This collection must be very rich. It is better to keep it for yourself than to waste it on others.

After killing three people with this sword, Yang Hao obviously felt that the blood qi in his body had become a little unstable, and it might explode at any time. Yang Hao couldn’t help but be surprised secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, his current strength can only maintain balance at best. To completely stabilize this situation, at least refining Wudi Xie Jing can do it.

There is no need to refine it completely, but at least one or two drops of Wudi Xie Jing must be refined. Only after refining, a person can gain divine power and enter the supreme power domain.

Thinking of this, Yang Hao killed the three and did not stay here. He must leave this place as soon as possible.According to the proportion of time, he has been in the tomb of the gods for more than two months, and there is still one month. If you can make full use of this time, Maybe he is not far from stepping into the realm of the supreme powerhouse.

He raised his head and walked to the outlying area.

Yanzi should still help him delay his opponent.

Yang Hao then stepped forward and left the tomb.

Energy storm

“Zi Yan, let’s go!”

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