Chapter 608 Energy core

The energy body here is obviously more powerful and huge than the energy bodies in other regions. It has an energy core that stores very pure energy, which is what the warrior said is a good supplement.

The energy body here is extremely difficult to deal with. Its power is equivalent to cutting the sacrament. Ordinary people also need to be careful when entering the tomb of the nine gods.

Generally speaking, the higher the mental IQ, the higher the strength of the energy body deep in the grave, which is very difficult to deal with.

The tomb of the nine gods is divided into nine energy levels.

The energy body that Yang Hao previously obtained was basically a low-level energy body, and he did not encounter a high-level energy body. The power of these guys swept the mighty madly.

This is not a level that significantly improves combat effectiveness.

Yang Hao raised his head and looked towards all the energy bodies in the distance. He resisted the impulse in his heart and finally gave up the idea of ​​taking the tomb of the gods.

However, when Yang Hao was about to leave, an energy body suddenly appeared in front of him, carrying a ghost. Before he recovered, the energy body roared, and the medical spirit fork in his hand suddenly came towards him.

(bcdb) This ghost fork turned out to be a real weapon, and its level was not low. Its powerful force swept across fiercely from a distance, and the passing void was shattered.

Yang Hao frowned.

It’s too much. I was about to leave. I was suddenly attacked by a beast. The remaining energy body and the guardian inscription in the distance suddenly raised their heads and swept in his direction. “Ho! Roar.”

The roar resounded across the sky.

At the same time, those guardians and energy bodies, like pulling a piece of hair and moving the whole body, immediately rushed in his direction.

It looks like I can’t hide it.

Yang Hao glanced over the energy body carrying the ghost fork step, and sighed secretly in his heart.

Then, the light flickered on his palm, and a spear was held tightly in his palm, stepped out with the palm of his foot, and then burst out suddenly.


The storm swept across the energy body, and Yang Hao immediately pierced his chest with a spear, and the surrounding energy body suddenly dispersed.

He waved his hand, Yang Hao swept all the energy towards him, and then a thumb-sized diamond crystal appeared in his palm.

A little fluorescence and rich energy mist spread out from it.

This crystal is the energy core. According to the classification, it should be the fourth-level energy core, but it belongs to the lower-level energy core. Yang Hao suddenly smashed it into pieces without thinking about it.

With the crushing of the energy core, the energy core is absorbed into the body without any cultivation technique.

With the current Yang Hao cultivation technique, he does not need to take the initiative to run, and the running speed of the cultivation technique has reached a terrifying speed, it will absorb all the energy cores in his hand.

A stream of pure and warm energy, like a tide, burst out from the energy core, and then poured into Yang Hao’s body.

It was absorbed almost in the blink of an eye.

As the energy overflows, it is also absorbed by the body.

Yang Hao was surprised to find that this kind of energy does not actually need to be refined. It just ran with his ribs for a week, and it has overflowed into his body’s limbs and bones, and finally entered his muscles, bones, and even his cells. .

Yang Hao’s face was astonished.

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