Chapter 603 Lineage Fusion

All rules are Tao!

And the way of Immortal, that is to say, the way of martial arts, is the strongest rule. Although barbaric, it is also very powerful and the most important rule.

He is now in Wujindao and has reached a bottleneck. It will take a long time to continue to break through this understanding.

However, his current body has not completely broken the shackles. It is like a chain that binds him. He must break it before he can move on.

Martial arts still has not merged with the Helong bloodline and the Helong bloodline. Only through true integration can the shackles be completely broken.

In the past, he did not practice in the world of Hongmeng. The existence of profound energy is only a kind of existence permitted by the rules, and aura is also a kind of energy. What the monk needs to do is to continuously use these energies to break all the bonds of the body and upgrade to the level 647 of the sacred body.

Once the divine body is in place, the divine role is not far away.

This process may require nine steps to complete.

This is the nine changes of Shinto.

The Nine Changes are memories inherited from the previous life of Immortal’s Way. He sorted it out in detail. In fact, it still belongs to the ability to use, continuously cultivate and break the bondage of the body, so as to learn the mystery of Immortal’s way and gain the power of the supreme rule.

The nine changes are divided into:

The first change: Innate interest.

This change is the fusion of the inner air and entering the realm of Bigou.

Although the foundation is the most basic, it is also the most important. Because of different achievement methods, the discipline rules are also different. Their fighters opened a natural gas pool, established a foundation for storing natural gas, and broke the shackles.

Therefore, the vast majority of people who become warriors have already achieved this step.

The second change: Refining the skin into gold;

The third change: refining ossified jade;

These two changes, Yang Hao, have been completed, and blood, bone and tendon refinement belong to these two changes.

Therefore, these two changes can also span the past.

The fourth change: large deficiency yin channels;

Fifth change: Shenque Yang pulse;

These two yin and yang meridians are quite important, which is a prerequisite for the establishment or development of sacred veins. Without these two meridians, it is extremely difficult to break the bondage.

The sixth (bcdb) change: Yin and Yang meridians;

In this process, the sacred pulse passes through the limbs, and the power and energy of the heavens and the earth in the body, as well as the speed of operation, all increase dramatically.

At present, Yang Hao point has reached a sacred state, and the sacred pulse is being cultivated in his body. Unfortunately, all the sacred veins are developing in his body, but the yin sacred veins have not yet developed.

The seventh change: the colored glaze body; if you cultivate to this level, you can prolong your life for a thousand years, understand the nine or more rules of the gods, and you can attack the half-step god!

A half-step divine realm, equivalent to a supreme power!

The eighth change: Vajra Eucharist;

Compared with the supreme, the strong are more powerful.

The ninth change: True God’s Fate

This ninth change belongs to the highest realm of the supreme strong realm. It is refined into nine drops of sacred blood, enters the sacred realm, and ascends to the sacred realm.

This ninth change has completely stabilized the divine character.

However, reaching this level is equally difficult!

Therefore, the bottleneck he is facing now is not so much the supreme rule, as it is his own martial arts limit. He has not yet fully integrated into the dragon’s blood and flesh and blood, and this martial art cannot fully integrate into his soul. The fourth change is the Great Deficiency Yin Channel, the fifth change is the Great Deficiency Yang Channel, and the Yin-Yang Holy Channel has not been realized.

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