Chapter 534 Huasheng

If it weren’t for physical limitations, she believed Yang Hao is now the supreme strong.

Hao Juan was also secretly surprised. She didn’t expect Yang Hao’s cultivation base for Immortal cultivation to rise so quickly. How long has it passed, less than ten and a half months before and after, his Immortal cultivation cultivation base has broken through one after another.

The gap between the talents of Immortal Way has widened. She believes that this gap will only get bigger and bigger as time goes by, and she can only keep up.

Feeling this power gap, Hao Juan could only sigh secretly in her heart~ breathe out.

When they were in Hou Jian Building, the power gap between their groups was not very big at first, but now, the power gap is getting bigger and bigger. She believes that the gap between them will continue to expand.

Yang Hao perceives, and soon feels the breath of Wang Yiling

“Yiling.” Yang Hao Shenyin said: “You come to the mountain to the east. There are many mountains a mile away. I will wait for you here.”

In Wang Yiling of the Tianyu Dynasty, the voice of God suddenly echoed in his mind.

She opened her eyes and walked towards the area where Yang Hao was.

Then the man moved and left the scene. The next moment, she felt Yang Hao’s breath.

“Someone is coming!” Li Ruowei said.

“Don’t be nervous, this is a friend.” Yang Hao said.

When Li Ruowei heard this, she let go of her vigilance.

Hao Juan’s eyes showed curiosity.

She was very curious and didn’t know who Yang Hao was talking about.


A light and shadow flashed, and Wang Yiling’s figure appeared in front of the three of them.

Seeing this figure, Hao Juan and Li Ruowei turned around one by one. When they won the movie, a hint of surprise flashed in their eyes. Wang Yiling held hands, a strand of long light red hair hanging down, eyes gleaming with brilliance.

She stared at Yang Hao for a long time.

“Have you been to Huasheng?

Yang Hao nodded lightly.

“Oh, there are more people than people. This makes people very angry.” Wang Yiling sighed slightly in her heart: “I think when I am with you in the Lingxiao Palace, I am already in a purple state, and you have just entered the chakra Status. Now your achievements in Immortal Way have left us behind.”

“This is what Wang Yiling Yang Hao said, pointing to Wang Yiling.

Then he pointed at Li Ruowei and Hao Juan

“This is Li Ruowei, this is Hao Juan

The three women nodded to each other as a first acquaintance and a polite greeting.

…For flowers…

Master, your achievements in Immortal cultivation should be the saint of the second heaven. Wang Yiling asked Yang Hao

“Four days.” Li Ruowei said.

Wang Yiling’s eyes widened and his face was shocked.

“Four or four days?” She asked Yang Hao dumbfounded with a strange look

Yang Hao nodded lightly.

Good luck he said.

Wang Yiling gave him a white look.


Lucky ghost, she doesn’t believe this, if all is lucky, then why isn’t it her luck?

The cultivation base of Immortal Way, after the Circle Vein Realm, is mostly the strength and the talents of Immortal Way, and after the Detective Realm, almost all talents occupy a large part. If there is no outstanding talent, Immortal’s cultivation Dao’s cultivation base is difficult to improve, and their strength has risen in a straight line.

She is still a respected person and is ready to begin to realize the truth and move forward. Yang Hao has been a saint for four days. What is this concept? This is not a slight difference. In particular, the barrier of sainthood is a huge challenge. It is not very tolerant of Huasheng. She tried at least two or three times, but they all failed. Inch.

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