Chapter 180 Five Elements Avenue World! Under the saints are all ants! (1/7, please customize)

A heavy and sticky feeling invades the whole body, just like sinking into a quagmire, making Yang Hao extraordinarily unaccustomed.

“Is this inside the Dao World?”

He looked in all directions, like a silent universe.

The world is heavy, and the darkness is endless.

However, as long as you pay a little attention, you can find that the sticky feeling of the heavy body at this moment is clearly the rich and endless five-element rule!

“Master, the biggest difference between Avenue World and Wandao Pavilion is that the Avenue World is like a pool of pool water, and each pool of water is filled with corresponding laws, which is countless times richer than Wandao Pavilion.”

“This should be the world that belongs to the Five Elements Avenue.

“Of course, naturally there won’t be as many rules as Wandao Pavilion.”

“For example, if you enter the world of avenues through the five-element door, then your current position can only be confined to the “pool of water” that contains the five-element rule. ”

“However, the good news is that you enter through a door, and your strength is not strong, and you will not be too severely rejected by the road.

“It should be possible to stay in this Five Elements Avenue world far longer than the saint, reaching eight or even ten years.”

At this time, Yunyin immediately explained to Yang Hao.

Yang Hao heard the words and his head slightly, at the moment of “20-20”, he can indeed sense the Five Elements Rule easily, which is easier than in Wandao Pavilion.

You know, he hadn’t really comprehended the Five Elements Law before.

However, he can easily sense that Yunyin’s words are actually somewhat inaccurate.

Here, it is not as small as “a pool of water”.

At the end of the extreme eyes, there are endless and deep, and the vast world on the edge can not be seen.

The world of the Five Elements Avenue seems to be really like a world, without boundaries, it is impossible to get out of the Five Elements Avenue world into the world containing other avenues.

“Can I only stay for up to ten years? It’s a bit troublesome.”

The World of Five Elements Avenue is much wider than he imagined.

But his goal in entering the world of the Five Elements Avenue is to hunt down the imperial sage.

Yang Hao now understands why Jiang Wu said he couldn’t chase him down.

The imperial sage can only stay in this avenue world for three years.

In three years, trying to find a saint from this five-element avenue world is indeed a needle in a haystack.

He can stay for eight or ten years, and it seems that it is no different from the entry of a saint.

In fact, this is not the case. The time spent in the Dadao World is limited to one’s own time.

In eight or ten years, he can control his time so that when the imperial sage stays in the world of Five Elements Avenue for three years, he has already spent ten years.

Naturally, within three years of the Five Elements Avenue World, it is possible to find ten years.

Although the odds are still not too high, they are here, and Yang Hao will not think too much.

He began to fly in this world of Five Elements Avenue. While familiarizing himself with the world, he tried to sense the breath of the imperial saint.

In such a world full of rich rules, the breath of a saint is as dazzling as a big sun.

As long as the imperial sage is within a million miles, Yang Hao can definitely sense the other’s breath.

Because of this, Yang Hao felt that it was not without hope that he wanted to find the imperial saint in this world of Five Elements Avenue.

[Because of the’automatically perceive the Five Elements Law’ to get 100 million points. 】

[Achieved 100 million points due to “comprehension of the Five Elements Principle”.]


[Achieved 80 million points due to “comprehension of the Five Elements Principle”.]

Yang Hao glanced at his system revenue record panel.

When he searched for the imperial sage, besides he was comprehending the Five Elements Law by himself, the system also began to comprehend the Five Elements Law crazily.

“If I stay here for eight or ten years, maybe I can reach the ultimate of the Five Elements Rule.

Yang Hao has already sensed that his control of the Five Elements Rule is advancing by leaps and bounds. According to his estimation, it may not take too long to condense the Five Elements Crystal in his body and break through to the Third Stage of the Giant Stage.

He was a little hesitant at first. It is also a special law. Compared with the special laws of yellow spring, death, and destruction, the law of the five elements is not as powerful.

But when he realized that with the help of the system, there was a hint of the possibility of breaking the five-element rule into the ultimate in the world of the five-element avenue, so he became interested.

It is only the emperor’s ability to break the law to the ultimate and form the road.

“Once the law is turned into a great road, will I be holy?” Yang Hao’s eyes flickered, and he moved a little.

There was a word of mouth in this world, which was recognized by almost all practitioners.

Under the saint, all are ants.

The reason is that the saints control the avenue, and the practitioners under the saints are like two worlds.

In fact, the same is true.

Yang Hao has already had the experience of fighting against the saint head-on.

The saint can not only evolve the avenue, but also follow the law. The powerful and enchanting saint has even turned the killing array into a small world.

Regardless of whether it is a avenue or a small world, under the saint, it can be called a dimensionality reduction attack.

His background is extremely powerful, and he can easily suppress the emperor, but it is too difficult to kill a saint.

Don’t talk about a saint, even if he is a quasi saint, he will kill the ancient sword saint with all his knowledge, and then he will beheaded, which is enough to explain the problem.

If he can use this five-element avenue to break through the world and reach the ultimate, then he will no longer need to be so troubled against the saints.

“With the master’s amazing understanding, even if he didn’t have a deep understanding of the Five Elements Law before, he can’t really gain a lot here and condense the five elements.”

Yunyin’s voice also reminded that she did not expect Yang Hao to have greater ambitions, and was already imagining that the Five Elements Rule would reach its ultimate and evolve the road.

But this is also normal. Yunyin didn’t know that Yang Hao had a system. With the blessing of the system, Yang Hao came to this world of Five Elements Avenue, and it was like a fish in water.

“First chase and kill the imperial sage, this is the main purpose of coming here.” Yang Hao smiled and said to himself.

He stepped on his feet, even if the Five Elements Rule was thick and sticky, it made him bear a heavy load, but he could still fly thousands of miles easily.

“Is that Dadao Xinghe?”

Flying in the dark and endless silence of the universe, Yang Hao can see far away, like the horizon, which can never be reached. There are various twinkling stars that flicker and illuminate the entire silent world from time to time.

He keenly saw the big star at the end, and he was quite familiar.

As Yang Hao watched attentively, the light and shadow flickered in an instant, and he could see clearly.

In the whole avenue galaxy where the big star of Ziwei would appear unless someone swayed it, he was looking at each other across the five-element avenue world, and he could see clearly.

“Lin Feng, really did not fall.

Yang Hao squinted his eyes.

Dao Xinghe is as usual, neither the main star of Dao nor Tian Gang star of Dao has seen more changes.

As soon as his eyes crossed the three slightly lonely main stars of the Dao Dao Xinghe, Yang Hao discovered that the Dao Tian Gang star, which represented Lin Feng, still existed in the Dao Tian Gang star.

Although it was much bleak compared to what he had seen before, as if it was going to be extinguished at any time, it still existed.

To exist means to live.

Yang Hao’s guess came true, Lin Feng did not have a courtyard.

“Xiao Qing’er’s breath is getting stronger and stronger.”

“It seems that I got a lot of opportunities.

It was confirmed that Lin Feng had not fallen, and Yang Hao’s mood was not shaken. He looked at another Dao Tiangang star not far away from Lin Feng.

The Dao Tiangang star belonging to Xiao Qing’er was exceptionally bright at this moment, much more brilliant than last time.

Especially in the shadow of Lin Feng’s dark and difficult Dao Tiangang star, it was even brighter.

Yang Hao withdrew his gaze, and did not continue to pay attention.

It is enough to know the general situation of your enemies, there is no need to take them too seriously.


Just when Yang Hao was about to continue searching, he suddenly stuttered, as if he had found something.

Suddenly, he looked at the main star of the avenue that belonged to him in the distant avenue galaxy.

“Sure enough.”

Yang Hao’s eyes lit up, and he felt that it seemed that he was close in front of him, but in fact it was as far away as the avenue and galaxy that separated a world, and a breath was connected to him.

This breath naturally belongs to his main star.

Of course, it is impossible for him to gain anything with this breath.

It’s just that with Yang Hao’s wisdom, 3.1 instantly draws inferences about it and found the blind spot.

He instantly turned his gaze to the avenue and land evil stars that hadn’t deliberately checked in Dao Xing Han.

There are also many evil stars of great roads and places, and there are also shining bright stars, but also gray and dim stars.

Yang Hao’s gaze constantly wandered, sweeping the evil stars one after another, and the information of each evil star was in full view.

“found it.”

Finally, Yang Hao’s eyes stopped, and he fixed his gaze on an equally bleak star.

This great evil star is the great evil star of the imperial sage!

At this moment, he could easily sense that this great evil star was also like his great main star, falling out of nothingness, reflecting into this five-element avenue world.

This breath is extremely weak, if it weren’t for him to be the main star of the Dao, he would most likely not be able to perceive it.

“I think you have to flee there.”

A smile was drawn at the corner of Yang Hao’s mouth.

His speed exploded, locked in the emptiness of the avenue and galaxy, and left with murderous aura!

The imperial saint hiding in this five-element avenue world was found by him!

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