Chapter 166 Destroy the Daomen, the Seven-Colored Holy Relic (1/7, please customize)

[Fifty million points are obtained for “Discovering the Star God Crystal”.][Fifty million points were obtained for “Disaster Tribulation God Crystal” was discovered.]


[Get 100 million points for “Discover Eternal Blue Gold”.][Obtained 80 million points due to the discovery of the ruined door. 】

The divine light flowed, and the divine objects descended directly in front of Yang Hao.

Most of the gods are permeated with the breath of law and are extremely exuberant.

“Star God Crystal, Cursed God Crystal”

Yang Hao roughly glanced up, and found most of the god crystals with special rules.

These god crystals are extremely precious, but he has already obtained a lot of them in the first level.

Of course, this time there were more divine crystals that appeared in front of him, and the types of special laws contained far surpassed the previous harvest of the first layer, reaching as many as twelve.

“good stuff.”

Yang Hao did not hesitate to put away these god crystals. These god crystals would be one of the most important resources for his cultivation in the giant realm.

Even without mentioning whether it can meet the special laws, any one in front of you can resist hundreds of thousands of penances in the giant realm.

The value of Shenjing can be seen.

“Destroy the Dao Sect, what is it?”

“Do you know Yunyin?”

At this time, after Yang Hao put away the divine crystal, there were still two shadows left, both exuding endless rich divine light.

Yang Hao is very clear that although there are only two, the system’s income record tells Yang Hao that these two shadows are the 12-time biggest gains, and the value is much higher than that of the god crystals containing special laws.

First, he focused his eyes on the thing named “Destroy Daomen” by the system, so he asked Yunyin casually.

However, Yunyin was silent for a moment, and said with some uncertainty: “I’m not sure if it is the thing in the legend.”

“If so ”

“Wan Dao Pavilion, it’s a pity that the saint can’t enter, otherwise the world will be crazy.”

Yunyin’s words aroused Yang Hao’s interest.

He collects the ruined door that exudes divine light. It is a mini door, and there is a space in the middle of the porch to fluctuate.

With Yang Hao’s space and formation skills, he instantly sensed the transmission aura from him.

As if, as long as he is willing to touch, he will be immediately teleported to the unknown by this small door.

“The ultimate law is the great road.”

“But this is the rule of everything, not the rule of the practitioner.”

“Many extreme powers who have cultivated the law to the ultimate level will have nowhere to go, no way to go, no way to turn the rules into magic, and the performance is supreme.”

“In this case, unless you enter some extremely rare secret realms, you can only use time and talent to comprehend it.”

“If you have an epiphany and the ultimate understanding of the law, you can instantly become holy and evolve a small world.

Yang Hao’s eyes moved slightly when he heard Yunyin’s words.

He understood the meaning of Yunyin’s words.

“What do you mean is that this ruined door can help the emperor to realize the ultimate law, the road to enlightenment?”

If it is like this, it is indeed far more precious than Shenjing.


Yunyin said without hesitation: “But it’s definitely more than that.”

“For the emperor, this thing is a treasure in the world, even if the emperor doesn’t change it.”

“But for the saint, the same effect is infinite, because the saint needs to play the killing formation into the world.”

“The law can only bless the power of the killing array at best. If you want to truly evolve the killing array into the world, you need a great way to exist.”

“The more you control, the stronger the avenue will be.

“It’s a pity that the average saint can enlighten a great way, and it has exhausted his life’s cultivation background.”

“For example, Saint Anling, although his combat power is already considered good in the Saint Realm, his killing array has not evolved into a small world so far, which is enough to explain the problem.”

“If this thing has a high probability of being the one in the legend, it can only be bred in such a mysterious place as Wandao Pavilion.

“Master, don’t use it now. This thing is so amazing, it can only be used once, and it will collapse after consumption.”

“If you can reach the extreme level in the attainments of the Law of Destruction in the future, then you can use this thing to enter the Dao of Destruction and travel, and there is a great chance that you will be able to enlighten the Dao and fully control the Dao of Destruction.”

“Unfortunately, the law of destruction is a special law, and it is not so easy to reach the extreme.”

Yunyin said regretfully, she was very knowledgeable and explained the origins of this ruined door that Yang Hao had obtained.

“so it is.”

“The strongest realm that Wandao Pavilion can enter is the emperor. It’s not surprising that a god like the ruined door appears.”

Yang Hao nodded, unlike Yunyin’s unsure, he had determined through the system that this thing was exactly what Yunyin said in his mouth.

His eyes flickered, but only after clues to the mini door in his hand, he put the ruined door into the sea of ​​spiritual energy.

After all, the current law of destruction has not even reached the entry level, let alone the extreme state. There is still a long way to go if you want to really use this thing.

But he is not in a hurry, he is just a giant.

Great ability to cultivate space, gods to cultivate time, giants to cultivate ten thousand methods.

According to Yang Hao, after initially comprehending the two supreme laws of time and space, the giant realm can perceive other laws through the two laws of time and space.

If you can comprehend the nine principles, you can form long biomass in your body, promote eternal giants, and comprehend more laws.

As for the extreme state of the law, that is already a matter for the emperor.

Therefore, strictly speaking, at least Shenjing is more practical to him than Daomen.

“It’s so difficult to destroy Daomen.”

“That thing should be even more extraordinary.”

After Yang Hao put the ruined door into the sea of ​​spiritual energy, he looked at the gleaming divine light again.

At this time, after some collection from him, there was only the last divine object left in front of his eyes.

But even if it was a divine object, the divine light it radiated was as vast as the sun.

What concerns Yang Hao most is that in the system’s revenue record, when he discovered this fetish called Eternal Blue Gold, the reward point reached 100 million points.

It is more than twice the god crystal, and it is 20 million points higher than the destruction of the door!

Although the point acquisition of the system has been continuously increasing with the improvement of Yang Hao’s realm.

Yang Hao is very clear that there has never been a mistake in judging the value of items through the system’s income records.

This eternal blue gold can be more precious than the destruction of the door, and it can certainly bring surprises to him.

He did not hesitate to collect the eternal blue gold directly, and a water-blue Immortal gold appeared on his palm.

The material of this water-blue Immortal gold is soft, and Yang Hao can change various shapes even with a light pinch.

A burst of spiritual power permeated, and the water-blue Immortal gold was unscathed.

A law poured in, and the water-blue Immortal gold remained intact.

“Eternal Blue Gold, this thing should have been extinct. Once it appeared in the last era, it would be scrambled and collected by the emperor.”

Seeing Yang Hao testing the eternal blue gold, Yun Yin said after being silent for a moment again.

“Is it the material for emperor soldiers?” Yang Hao had already guessed when he heard Yunyin’s words.

The eternal blue gold in his hand is obviously not a god thing that can be used for perception and cultivation like the god crystals and Taomen, but more like the best material for forging.


“The Jidao imperial soldiers are things against the sky. Once they are born, God will condemn and destroy the imperial soldiers.

“Even the emperor can’t stop it.”

“But the great emperor’s wisdom is infinite, and they finally found a solution.”

“They discovered that there are seven 210 kinds of sacred objects containing endless air luck in the heavens and the earth.”

“They are Dao Tribulation Gold, Phoenix Blood Crimson Gold, Immortal Tears Green Gold, Da Luo Fine Gold, Eternal Blue Gold, Dragon Black Gold, Feathered Green Gold.”

“The emperor called these seven holy objects the seven-color holy objects.

“If you want to cast the emperor’s soldiers, you must gather the seven-color holy relics that carry the atmosphere between the heaven and the earth.”

“Unfortunately, these seven-color holy relics may appear anywhere in the world, but they are extremely rare.

“For example, your master, Huangquan Road, is a magic weapon that has the potential to become an emperor.

“But even the Emperor Eternal Life could not find more seven-color holy relics and cast them.

Yunyin said slowly, letting her know one by one.

At this time, Yang Hao finally understood why it was against the sky with Grandpa.

With Yunyin, it is like bringing an encyclopedia.

He has discovered that Yunyin can recognize whatever gods he encounters and give excellent suggestions.

With such an encyclopedia, it is impossible to miss any adventures at all times.

Although he had vaguely guessed the purpose of Eternal Blue Gold, he would never know as much as Yunyin.

“It’s no wonder that when I get Huangquan Road, Emperor Yongsheng will let me exercise on my own.”

“It turns out that he doesn’t have the materials to exercise anymore.”

Yang Hao thought of this, shook his head and laughed.

Knowing the value of eternal blue gold, he was in a great mood.

As expected, Wandao Pavilion had a lot of fetishes.

Along the way, whether it is a seven-color holy object such as the god crystal, the door or the eternal blue gold, it is of great use to him.

“The last layer, I don’t know what will be.

After Yang Hao received the eternal blue gold into the sea of ​​spiritual energy, with a thought, he moved towards the third and last floor of the Wandao Pavilion.

ps: If there was no update one point before, today’s update should be in the evening. .

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