Chapter 140 The god king was born, walks the way for the sky!

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Long time, isolated from the world.

The time flow rate is not the same.

Maybe if you stay in it for a day, the crape myrtle star will be in the past few years, decades, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

It is also possible to stay in it for thousands of years, and the big star of Ziwei has only passed one day.

This is due to the influence of time.

Yang Hao, sitting cross-legged beyond the long river of time at this moment, doesn’t care about the passage of time.

He seized opportunities from the long river of time and perfected his own method of reincarnation.

The bigger reason is because Yang Hao discovered that when he came to the bank of the time long river, the time corridor had hidden the entrance.

“The breath of the promenade is still associated with me.”

“But now I can’t enter.

“It seems that just like walking in the time corridor before, you need to stay on the banks of the time river for enough time to leave.

Yang Hao sensed the existence of the breath of the time corridor, so he no longer thought about it.

In fact, he didn’t want to leave either.

Coming to the banks of the long river of time with his talent for time, for him, the more time he can stay, the more he can improve his time attainments.

In addition, Yang Hao looks at his system revenue record.

[Because of the long viewing time, “get 10 million points.][Because of gaining insights’ gain 10 million points. 】

[Because of the “long viewing time” 10 million points. 】


The system income record at this moment will pop up a series of income reminders of huge points.

Over time, the points earned at any time are several times higher than usual.

It serves multiple purposes, and Yang Hao is naturally willing to stay longer.

“Are you still transitioning?”

At this time, Yang Hao felt towards Wuya Pagoda, 190 he had already stayed for some time before the long river of time without the concept of time.

But he turned his gaze to the goddess Lori in the Wuya Pagoda.

The goddess Wang Lori still hasn’t completely transformed.

But the breath has become weaker and weaker.

“I don’t know how much death can be eliminated after transforming her.”

Yang Hao remembered the words of Emperor Changyu, and the reminder that came after endless years made him also slightly awe-inspiring.

“Fortunately, the Immortal King Immortal Potion is not really completely absorbed by her. Since I can’t leave now, let me also try to refine this Immortal King Immortal Potion.”

In the endless tower.

The elixir of the God King, who originally blended with the Goddess Loli and disappeared, returned again after the Goddess Loli gradually took shape.

From the beginning to the end, there may be some goddess immortal medicine turned into goddess Loli, but compared with the huge amount of suppression that Yang Hao originally collected, it is naturally only a drop in the bucket.

Yang Hao sensed the Immortal King’s Medicine in the Wuya Pagoda, and simply began to practice on the bank of the river for a long time.

One after another, the Immortal King’s Medicine was madly absorbed by Yang Hao and refined.

The supreme divine object between the world and the earth does not even need to be refined, it is completely transformed into a pure and incomparable precious liquid, which nourishes Yang Hao’s limbs and corpses and the wild killing array.

His breath began to increase crazily in the next moment!

The spirit treasures that had gradually solidified in the original flood killing array, also under the water of the God King’s Immortal Medicine, began to emit a peerless light that had never been seen before.

The foundation of Yang Hao far beyond ordinary people was quickly filled with the precious liquid of the elixir of God King like a lake.

[Achieved 30 million points for “Breakthrough of Realm”. (bcdb)][Achieved 30 million points for “Breakthrough in Realm”.]

Time flows with the long river on the side.

Yang Hao’s realm is also under a large number of points in the system, and continuous breakthroughs have begun.

King of the Third Stage days.

King Realm Fourth Stage day.

King’s Realm Seventh Stage days.

Yang Hao seemed to be completely indulged in his practice. On the one hand, he was nourished by the rich aura that came over his face for a long time. On the other hand, the premature killing array in his body began to be crazily perfected, and there was an incomparably mysterious change.

Just when Yang Hao hurried forward, heading towards the Ninth Stage of the King Realm.

He had a strange feeling in the dark.

Scenes of scenes emerged from his mind, clearly sober, but like dreaming.

He saw himself transforming into a huge and incomparable figure, appearing on the big star of Ziwei like Immortal King Lin Nine Heavens!

He saw himself slowly speaking, eloquently speaking, and uttering the law, as if preaching, and the listener was the practitioner of the whole Ziwei star.

He also saw the crape myrtle star in his own eyes, and began to follow his own walk, and the world’s ancient trees appeared with his own pace, and endless spiritual energy was born, covering the entire crape myrtle star.

He saw with his own eyes the spiritual energy into the sea, the avenue manifested, and the whole crape myrtle star ushered in a real great world.

What shocked Yang Hao even more was that in the dark, it seemed that he had seen with his own eyes thousands of black and white light from all over the world of the big star of Ziwei, connecting with his huge figure, as if because of this black and white light, There was a strange fetter.

This is a very strange and sober dream.

When Yang Hao was practicing in Time Changhe.

More than ten years have passed since the star of Ziwei.

This day.

All the practitioners were horrified to discover that there were a series of unusually difficult visions in the sky.

The golden glow is all over the sky, and the light is permeating.

Endless auras began to converge.

“what is that!

Some cultivators exclaimed, and saw a figure wearing a gold suit appearing between heaven and earth.

This figure exudes an extremely terrifying power, which seems to be similar to the corpse of the Jiuyou Emperor in the past.

But this figure was not as mudd as the Jiuyou Emperor’s Corpse.

On the contrary, she is very spiritual, and she speaks with divine voice.

“Today, I take my destiny and walk the way for the sky.”

The voice fell to the ground, and her figure slowly walked on the vast star of crape myrtle.

She spoke the words of heaven, and when she opened her mouth, endless truths manifested, resounding through the whole crape myrtle star.

Just as she said!

Preach all beings!

Walk for the sky!

Every step she took, she crossed tens of thousands of miles, but under her feet there were budding trees of the world.

The aura is getting stronger and stronger.

All the practitioners whose cultivation base reached the power realm were shocked to find the law barriers of the entire Ziwei star. As this figure continued to preach, it became more and more loose, and could easily link and feel it.

“Today, break the power and enter the gods!”

“Today, I am the emperor!

“Today, be holy!”

The voices of ecstasy one after another reverberated in every corner of the big star of Ziwei!

The reason is clear, and the spirit is like a sea.

This figure is personally unveiling the prelude to the great world.

On this day, the endless cultivators of the big star of Ziwei began to break the shackles that trapped them, and strode towards a more powerful realm!

On this day, the big star Ziwei had countless demon geniuses who had an epiphany, clarified their own minds, some people cast an unparalleled foundation, some people led the world to visions, and some people gave birth to divine bodies.

“The Dao is manifested, and the Dao is hopeful!”

Old monsters walked out one after another, watching the changes between the world and the earth, tears streaming down their faces.

They sublimated in the extreme and began to evolve their own magic.

Today, they feel that the road ahead has once again brightened, and the path of preaching has been opened again!

“The god king was finally born.”

“Unfortunately, I missed that opportunity.”

In the Holy Land of Good Fortune, Lin Feng’s breath continued to break through. He looked at the walking sermon at the end of heaven and earth, like the figure of King Immortal.

he knows!

That is the Immortal King’s Medicine!

The previous life was the birth of the god king, which opened the prelude to the great life and ushered in the best era.

Now, time has come to this day again.

Nothing seems to have changed.

Because of this, Lin Feng is not reconciled!

More than ten years ago, he wanted to capture some of the elixir, and get into bondage with the goddess king.

However, it is a pity that he encountered great horror that day and was expelled from the real world god array.

To this day, Lin Feng couldn’t figure out what was going on.

But Lin Feng didn’t have time to think any more at this moment. He wanted to take this opportunity to step into the quasi-sacred realm and use the power of the great world to return to the pinnacle of his previous life as soon as possible.

at the same time.

Compared to more than ten years ago, the hundred thousand mountains, which are almost seldom populated, are within the enclosed real world god array.

The figure of a peerless beauty remains independent from the world, and her breath continues to flicker.

In the end, the breath reached its peak, only one step away from the Emperor Zhun.

“Has the great world come?”

“Aura becomes a sea, it makes sense to manifest.”

“That figure, isn’t it dead?”

Looking into the distance, this survivorship is independent, floating like Immortal, naturally it is Jiang Wu.

She frowned, looked at the figure that brought the great world into the distance, and recognized it.

Her guess in the past years was indeed correct.

The mystery of this undead medicine for the king is extremely mysterious.

They almost completely wiped out her flesh and blood, and they didn’t let her fall.

“Some trouble.

Jiang Wu looked at the figure of the goddess king, if only some of the god king’s elixir was intercepted, it would be fine.

But they have almost completely suppressed and wiped out the goddess king’s body, but they have already forged an endless cause and effect.

With Jiang Wu’s current vision, the cultivation base of the goddess king who is preaching has reached the peak of the quasi emperor, only one step away from enlightening the Tao.

If it is liquidated with them.

She may not be afraid with the help of Eternal Sanctuary’s Jidao Imperial Soldier.


Jiang Wu looked a little worried, and looked into the core of the real world.

She and Fang Qingying and others have all walked out of the corridor of time for many years.

But Yang Hao still got the chance in the corridor of time. .

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