Chapter 134 Evolve your own method to suppress the goddess king! (5/7, please customize)

The goddess king was born, with a unique posture in the world.

Suddenly, the eternal giants flee, the speed is extremely fast.

In addition, this place is the place where she was born, which is half the home court.

Unless the emperor came to the world, no one else could leave her behind.

The same is true in practice.

Since the record of the undead medicine, all the born undead medicines have not been suppressed by the emperor, even the quasi emperor can only cut them off by half at best, and chances are still needed.

Because they are the purest gathering of the essence of the world!

Born to be the darling of the world, he is favored by the world.

In the words of a cultivator, the immortal medicine is born to be the child of luck!

It is simply unrealistic to suppress and capture them completely!

From the very beginning, it was heard that the undead medicine was about to be born, and all the powerhouses who came to prepare for the opportunity of the undead medicine had no real plan to swallow the undead medicine in this age of no emperor.

In their view, it is already a shocking opportunity to be moisturized by the fragrance of the undead medicine and baptized by the essence of the undead medicine before it was born.

Of course, if you are lucky, you can still capture part of the body of the Undead Medicine, it is even better, and it is enough to change everything and complete the transformation.

According to the original historical trajectory, Fang Lie and Fang Qingying, who had fallen, had the greatest chance for the birth of the God King Immortal Medicine this time, and obtained part of the flesh and blood essence of the Goddess King.

In contrast, under the siege of Yang Hao, Wuya Pagoda almost collected half of the flesh and blood essence of the goddess king, which is already shocking the world!

“That’s it.

“She has reached the stage of an eternal giant, and it is not easy to stop her.”

At this time, Jiang Wu’s figure paused, looking at the figure of the goddess Wang going away, with some regrets.

Not only her, Fang Qingying and Anling Saint’s figure also gradually stopped.

The speed of the goddess king is too fast, no one can really stop it.

Everyone has been satisfied with the harvest of this trip, and the goddess king transformed into the immortal medicine has been hit hard.

Originally speaking, with her birth power and endless accumulation of year-end accumulation, maybe after she was born, she could really dominate the sky and the earth, and become the first emperor after the end of the dark age.

It’s a pity that after this battle, the goddess Wang’s vitality was greatly injured.

Don’t talk about Zhengdao the Great, the goddess king wants to be promoted to the quasi-emperor, and now I am afraid that it will take a lot of trouble.

“Want to go?”

What everyone didn’t expect was that Yang Hao’s calm voice suddenly sounded.

Ge Ran gave birth to a mysterious and mysterious aura on him.

“What is Hao’er trying to do? I can’t catch up with the elixir of death.”

Jiang Wu was taken aback and looked at Yang Hao.

“Master wants to fight?”

Fang Qingying was also earnest, waiting for Yang Hao’s instructions.


But at the next moment, Yang Hao’s calm voice sounded.

As his voice fell, the Great Killing Array he had sacrificed to the outside world began to tremble constantly.

Gradually, it turned into a bluestone.

When Yang Hao saw this scene, a trace of surprise flashed across his eyes, but his face did not change, and he still began to evolve a mysterious method with great earnestness.

His body.

The Dao pattern of time began to spread like a celestial woman’s flowers, and almost instantly formed a pattern like a net of heaven and earth, dispersing in the sea of ​​spiritual energy.

At the same time, the supreme Immortal bone, which had been silent in the sea of ​​spiritual energy, shook with an extremely rare madness.

On the pure white Immortal bone, under the anomaly of the time pattern, a mysterious and mysterious aura also spread.


Yang Hao’s two eye pupils suddenly turned into blue double pupils under the abnormal movement of the sea of ​​spiritual energy, evolving endlessly.

Back in time.

In the past years, after Yang Hao mastered the time lines, he used it to look back at the time and check the past magical means.

Now, it was used by him again, but it was completely different from before.

“This, this is”

Jiang Wu looked at Yang Hao, his beautiful eyes flickered, and his eyes trembled faintly, as if endless memories surged, and a touch of crystal clear dripping inadvertently.

She seemed to see a familiar scene in the past.

But Yang Hao was fully absorbed at the moment, and didn’t notice Jiang Wu’s expression.

With the emergence of the strange method he evolved, within the core of the real world that should have no time to exist, in everyone’s eyes, it vaguely seemed to see a long river of time, appearing surgingly!

Almost instantly, the long river of time flushed the goddess king who was about to leave the core of the real world.

The goddess king’s eyes were incredibly shocked.

How could she not dared to imagine that the moment she was about to escape from birth, she would fall back over time!

This is not being blocked, being washed away!

It’s the real time rewinding!

At this moment, the figure of the goddess king is returning to its previous position, and the aura on his body has also traced back from the eternal giant to the giant realm before the outbreak.

“Master, this is creating your own law.”

“It’s about the creation of time, what an enchanting thing this is.”

Looking at the long river of time that appeared in front of him, even if he knew that it was not true, seeing the incredible scene in front of him, Saint Anling was still shocked and unbelievable!

As a saint, he naturally understands it!

What Yang Hao displays is not any tactic, cultivation technique, magical power that exists in the world

It’s your own method!

Although this self-made method is only a rudimentary form, Anling Saint can see many flaws and loopholes at a glance.

However, this is indeed a law!

It’s still time-related!

How does this make Anling Saint not shocked?

Why are saints saints?

The law follows the words, and the law of nature is self-contained.

Only when you reach the realm of a saint and realize the mystery of the rules of the world, can you touch the Tao and create the law!

But now, his own master is just a small king.

Even Dao Xin has never condensed!

But he still relied on his amazing talent to create a time-related method!

(bcdb) Don’t talk about the saint Anling, even Jiang Wu was shaken, watching Yang Hao’s time law intently.

Her emotions were more complicated, and too many memories came to her heart.

In the past years, Jiang Wu was faintly touched when he saw Yang Hao inscribed with the ten immortal Dao patterns, and finally condensed the time Dao patterns.

When Yang Hao later triggered the long-term vision, although the surface was calm, Jiang Wu’s heart was still extremely shocked.

Now, watching Yang Hao evolve his own method, Jiang Wu has endless feelings.

“Behead him.”

At this time, Yang Hao’s cold voice came.

In fact, when he was already in the princely realm, he had already born enlightenment and deduced this method.

At first, he even almost resorted to it.

At that time, he still had some regrets.

Now after Yang Hao evolved for the first time, he suddenly realized.

Fortunately, he didn’t use it at the princely level.

This time he used this unfinished time method, and even the sudden change of the Great Killing Array helped him, which also consumed endless energy.

If used at the princely level, he is very likely to be backlashed because of the triggering of time.

Of course, Yang Hao is extremely satisfied with the power that this self-created method has evolved at this moment.

Watching the return of the goddess king, Yang Hao’s eyes were like stars, and he followed everyone to make a move!

“I will not die!”

At this moment, the goddess king, who was backtracked by Yang Hao’s own method, once again broke out of the strength of the eternal giant realm.

Unfortunately, Yang Hao and others are already ready.

This time, the sky and the earth were so dense that the goddess king had no way to break through the line of defense.

One after another, flesh and blood essence was beheaded!

The endless divine body of the Goddess King has suffered heavy losses again and again!

She gave birth to madness!

I didn’t expect at all that when no emperor was born, I would fall into such a situation.

She is not reconciled!

Crazy counterattack!

Especially for the guy who let himself escape from birth, and back in time again.

All her killings were suppressed on Yang Hao!

Yang Hao was desperately killed by the goddess king who had reached the level of eternal giants. He was covered in blood, his tendons were broken, and he was severely injured.

But his divine body is too powerful!

Recovering time and time again, compete with the goddess king without any fear!


Finally, there was a cold drink.

The Scarlet Shadow Sword followed the white jade plate, covering the goddess king whose aura became weaker and weaker.

In the end, the goddess king uttered an unwilling roar.

No more blood and blood!

She was so powerfully included by Wuya Tower!

A god-king immortal potion that can prove Dao as soon as it was born has been completely suppressed!

If this battle is known, I am afraid it will shock the world and be stunned!

An undead medicine was forcibly suppressed by an existence that was not the emperor!

“Big harvest, shocking harvest.” Anling Saint was shaking with excitement.


“The divinity of this undead medicine is not revealed at all.”

“She shouldn’t have been completely obliterated.”

But at this moment, Jiang Wu said calmly.

Immortal medicine is unique, and each plant is different.

The biggest difference is divinity.

The true dragon immortal medicine, the divine hegemony is revealed, even the great emperor will be shocked in an instant, and will eventually be refined into a supreme imperial soldier.

The immortal medicine has endless divine life. After taking it, it is said that it can live to the end of the world. It is said that the trace after the birth is unknown.

True Phoenix’s elixir, divinity

And now they showed the Immortal King of God, even if they were suppressed by Yang Hao, they never showed their divinity from the beginning to the end.

The Immortal Medicine is named immortality because life is extremely tenacious. Jiang Wu believes that it cannot be concluded that the Immortal King’s Medicine has been completely erased.

“It’s okay.”

“The harvest is satisfactory enough.”

Yang Hao smiled faintly. After sensing the movement in the Wuya Pagoda, he pointed to the distant big star and said: “Auntie, when I just evolved the law, I discovered that besides this God King Immortal Medicine, there is a treasure in the core of the real world. exist.”

ps: This article is original fantasy. Some things are definitely different. The naming is for a sense of substitution. Explain. .

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