Chapter 117 Real World Sacred Key, the second sequence!

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Yang Hao probably glanced at these name taboos transformed into big Chinese characters.

Bai Yu is a taboo of the Great Good Fortune, Yang Hao once saw it on the golden book of Ziwei.

As the founder of the Wanfa Stele Forest, it is naturally the first sequence well-deserved, which is not surprising.

Guo Huai, Yang Shuang, and Yang Hao below are not surprising.

He also saw the names of these people on the Wanfa Stele Forest before.

These people are all old monsters in the Holy Land of Good Fortune, ranking in front of the Wanfa Stele Forest, and there is no problem at all.

But the name of Lin Feng alone made Yang Hao a little confused.

Elder C.

At first glance, you know that the status in the Holy Land of Good Fortune is not high.

What’s more, Yang Hao also remembered at this moment.

The last person on the Wanfa Monument is also the name of this Lin Feng.

“The Lord of Good Fortune said before that the movement of the Wanfa Stele Forest happened after an elder walked out.

“Besides, Yunyin, you just said that someone has come to this secret realm in advance recently.”

“I also took the lead and took away the gods from the solidified god array.”

“Shoot, this Lin Feng also seems to be a lucky guy.”

Yang Hao sighed, just memorizing Lin Feng’s name, and didn’t care too much.

After all, he knows that the great world is coming, and this era will be extremely glorious.

While he got the chance, naturally there are countless arrogances like Youlan Saintess and Xiao Qing’er who are also striding forward and plundering the chance.

No matter how overbearing he is, it is impossible for him to be tens of thousands, and he will have thousands of opportunities in one.

So the only thing Yang Hao can do is to receive all the opportunities presented to him unceremoniously.

Going faster and farther than these Tianjiao, leaving them far away is enough!

“Yun Yin.”

“Can this picture of stars transformed into a forest of Wanfa steles be taken away?”

Yang Hao looked at the star map directly in front from the big letters of golden light.

He knew that the moment he himself entered this temple, he was caught in this celestial map and spied the essence of the Wanfa Stele Forest.

Therefore, Yang Hao naturally gave birth to the mind to take away this picture of stars.

Yunyin: “”

After she heard Yang Hao’s words, although she was used to it, she still felt a little speechless.


“This Forest of Ten Thousand Laws Stele is the proud work of a great emperor who is very good at formation.”

“Unless you are the emperor, or the emperor agrees, it is impossible to collect this star map.”

“Because this is a Jidao Emperor Soldier.”

Yunyin was helpless, she found that Yang Hao was very different from Xiao Qing’er.

Yang Hao always thinks about how to maximize the opportunity he gets, wants to plunder all the benefits, he is extremely overbearing.

Although Xiao Qing’er is diligent and wise in her practice, she needs to urge her to find opportunities.

Comparing the two, it is impossible for Xiao Qinger to defeat Yang Hao.

“The Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles is an extremely Dao Emperor soldier?”

Yang Hao heard Yunyin’s explanation, and immediately reacted.

This picture of the stars has almost gathered the efforts of the Great Fortune, and it is naturally an emperor’s soldier.

He owns a Extreme Dao Emperor Soldier himself, and has also seen the Extreme Dao Emperor Soldier in the Nine Color Heaven Gate, knowing that Yunyin is right.

Unless the emperor personally gives it, or becomes the emperor himself, it is almost impossible to forcibly obtain an emperor soldier.

“That’s it.

“Since you can’t take it away, let’s have a good understanding of it.”

Yang Hao is very decisive, even if he can’t take this star map, but the star map contains all the formation information of the Wanfa Stele Forest.

You don’t need to step by step to comprehend, and you don’t need to bother to face the battle, you can directly comprehend.

This is also a great opportunity.


Just when Yang Hao was about to comprehend the Array Dao in the Star Chart again, he suddenly had a pause, and he inadvertently glanced at the system income record.

[Because of the discovery of the real world god’s key’, I got 1.5 million points. 】

“There are treasures, but I haven’t found them.

Yang Hao’s eyes flickered, looking at the system panel.

One and a half million points.

It was a match with the fetish he had found in the Nine-color Tianmen before.

It’s just that Yang Hao’s gaze swept across the entire sanctuary, in the sanctuary, it was very concise.

Apart from the blooming golden light and the star map, there are only those gilded golden characters.

Yunyin looked at Yang Hao who was about to comprehend the star map, but suddenly stopped, a little puzzled.

But in the next moment, Yunyin saw Yang Hao walk away.

Afterwards, she looked at Yang Hao with a bit of surprise and directly stretched out her palm, grabbing at the golden characters floating in the void of the sanctuary.

Immediately, Yang Hao’s palm was like reaching into the water, splashing ripples.

“Sure enough, hiding here.”

Yang Hao’s eyes showed satisfaction, and his palm really caught a shadow from the golden characters.

Looking closely, there is a black substance in his hand like a square.

The tentacles are cold, but isolate all spiritual power.

“True World Divine Key, what is it.”

Yang Hao secretly said in his heart that he learned about this black square-like substance through the system, but he didn’t know what effect it had.

And he was surprised to find that this real world key was isolated from spiritual power and could not be brought into the sea of ​​spiritual energy at all.

He has obtained many fetishes, and this is the first time he has encountered a fetish that cannot be collected into the sea of ​​spiritual energy.

Fortunately, although it can’t be collected in the sea of ​​aura, it can be collected with Wuya Pagoda.

Yang Hao sacrificed the Wuya Pagoda and directly collected the real world key into the Wuya Pagoda, and then asked Yunyin: “Do you know what this is?”

“Master, my concubine doesn’t know what this is.”

“It looks very ordinary.”

Yunyin immediately responded, she was in the Wuya Pagoda, and for the first time she was investigating this fetish that Yang Hao didn’t know how to find.

If it weren’t found in this extraordinary place, and placed in the garbage dump, Yunyin might have missed it.

Yang Hao nodded slightly, and didn’t blame it.

Yunyin is a saint and comes from other big stars. He has a wide range of knowledge, even she doesn’t know it, but it arouses Yang Hao’s curiosity even more.

“But master, look at it quickly.”

“Your name appears on the sequence.”

At this time, Yun Yin suddenly spoke to Yang Hao.

Yang Hao immediately looked at his mind from the key of the real world.

Sure enough, the golden characters that he had just reached in front of his eyes at this moment began to gradually become illusory.

…For flowers…

“Yang Hao, Eternal Sanctuary Chief Holy Son, second sequence.”

Immediately, a large golden letter engraved with Yang Hao’s name appeared slowly, pressing on top of Lin Feng, second only to the Great Fortune.

At the same time, Yang Hao suddenly sensed waves of fluctuations in the Wuya Pagoda.

“It turns out that the real world god key is similar to the existence of the sequence god crystal.

“It’s just that it’s more powerful than Sequence God Crystal.”

“I can enter the Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles at any time through the Divine Key of the Real World.”

“Able to go to every corner of the Wanfa Stele Forest at will.”

“I can even take away the Seven Dao God Tablets in the Wanfa Tablet Forest.”

“Not only that.

Yang Hao’s heart was shaking, and his eyes were full of divine light. In an instant, too much information poured directly into his thoughts.

He mobilized the real world’s divine key, and immediately his eyes reflected in the star map.

Suddenly, a figure appeared.

“Anling Sage, Supreme Elder of Good Fortune Holy Land, no sequence.”

In an instant, the message of Saint Anling appeared in his eyes.

Just now, when he got the second sequence, he understood all the rules in the Wanfa Stele Forest.

Naturally, it was easy to understand that his previous guess that he had been conspired at the 150,000th step was correct.

Therefore, Yang Hao directly used the magic key of the real world to search for practitioners who were still in the Forest of Ten Thousand Dharma Steles.

If you want to use the Sequential Crystal, you must enter the Forest of Wanfa Steles.

Jiang Wu was guarding his way outside, and the news of his death was uncertain. The person who had calculated against him was scrupulous about Jiang Wu, and he certainly did not dare to go out.

Therefore, Yang Hao easily used the real world key to lock the Saint Anling!

Through the star map, he directly saw the Anling Saint at this moment, closing his eyes and concentrating, quietly practicing.

“Old tortoise, don’t you think there is no danger if you don’t move out without moving?” Wan Li sneered.

Now that he knows who is plotting against him, he naturally won’t let it go!

Defects must always be reported as his character!

If he didn’t get the second sequence of the Wanfa Stele Forest, he would write down the message of Saint Anling and let his guardian Jiang Yao suppress him.

but now.

Yang Hao smiled softly, with a cold murderous intent in his eyes.

He touched the Divine Key of the real world, a mysterious and mysterious aura, allowing him to indirectly temporarily control the Emperor’s Soldier of the real world named Wanfa Xingchen Tu.

“verb: move.”

With Yang Hao’s understatement, it fell.

Suddenly, the entire Wanfa Stele Forest shook suddenly.

“The Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles, has it changed again?”

At this moment, the Anling Saint, who was cultivating in the Forest of Ten Thousand Fa Steles, slowly opened his eyes and scanned the surrounding lightly, without paying attention.

He has practiced in the Holy Land of Good Fortune for thousands of years and is very familiar with the Wanfa Stele Forest.

Saint Anling knows very well that no matter how the Wanfa Stele Forest changes, as long as he does not crack the divine stele in front of him, he will not move, nor will he be affected by any changes in the Wanfa Stele Forest.

However, this time Anling Saint miscalculated.

Before his eyes, the world changed in an instant!

ps: There is one more chapter tonight, but it may be a little bit late.

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