I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 887: Nine Worlds in Danger

The visitor is not someone else, it is the Nine Worlds!

Jiang Chen was very surprised, the princess of the dignified nine-day dynasty, what did she come to the adjacent college for?

Also, come as you come, kicking the gate of my cave mansion has several meanings! ?

"Do you think I want to come? My father has an order, let me follow you to practice." Jiu Tianxia said grumpily: "I really don't know what my father thinks, I actually let you be my master!"

"Heh, I don't know what your father thinks, he actually let you be my apprentice." Jiang Chen curled his lips and didn't want to accept this apprentice in his heart!

Nine Worlds are inherently stubborn, extremely murderous, and also arrogant, with a temperament like a young lady!

Jiang Chen is really unwilling to have more contact with Jiu Tianxia, ​​it feels troublesome!

However, his father is Jiu Shen, the emperor of the Nine Heavens Dynasty.

What else can Jiang Chen say? He didn't dare to resist, so he could only accept it silently.

"To be honest, I have nothing to teach you." Jiang Chen said: "The Nine Heavens Dynasty does not lack cultivation techniques, nor does it lack divine skills or even Tao skills."

"You really have nothing to teach me." Jiutianxia frowned, and she was puzzled just like that.

Even if she can't practice Nine Heavens Profound Art, but there are so many top techniques in the Nine Heavens Dynasty, and there are also many divine and Taoist skills, so she doesn't have to worry about cultivation at all!

So, what does Jiu Shen mean by letting her be Jiang Chen's apprentice?

"Forget it, it may be that the emperor is on a whim. I am staying here for a few days now, and I will go back when the emperor has figured it out." Jiu Tianxia muttered.

Afterwards, I saw Jiu Tian Xia walked into the cave mansion with a big heart, and sat down on the only soft cave in the cave mansion.

"Take care of your own practice, this princess is tired and wants to rest." said Jiu Tianxia, ​​squinting, and she really went to sleep!

Jiang Chen was quite speechless when he saw this.

The talent of Nine Worlds is extremely high, and it is not too much to be called an evildoer.

However, she is really not at all concerned about the practice!

If not, with her natural aptitude, she should enter the realm of the gods no matter what!

"At first glance, you are used to it!" Jiang Chen secretly said.

Next, Jiang Chen continued to practice, and he didn't bother to take care of the nine worlds.

So, until three days later.

Saito is here again on this day!

This time, Saito didn't bring anything, but told Jiang Chen that the Yin and Yang two qi springs adjacent to the academy had been opened.

The Yin and Yang Two Qi Spring is a sacred spring adjacent to the academy, which contains the power of Yin and Yang, which can adjust the strength in the monk's body to achieve a certain balance.

It can also promote a person's cultivation and even improve physical fitness.

And this yin and yang two qi spring, only the person of the Saint Child level can enter.

However, Jiang Chen didn't have much interest in the two springs of yin and yang, and just responded casually.

Saito didn't say much, turned around and left.

"If you don't want to go to the Yin and Yang Erqi Spring, let me go." Jiutianxia jumped up from the soft couch, moved his hands and feet, and said: "It's boring to stay in this cave all day long!"

"Okay, you go for me." Jiang Chen whispered.

For Jiang Chen, his foundation is very solid, his body strength is also very pure, there is no need to use yin and yang to reconcile.

In the nine worlds, this little Nizi has a very angry temper. It is also good to go to the Yin and Yang Erqi Springs to reconcile.

Half a day later, it was on a low mountain in the depths of the back mountain adjacent to the college.

There is nothing surprising about the low mountain, but at the top of the low mountain, there is a spring that spouts spring water with black and white colors.

The spring water flows down from the low mountain and gathers at a distance of 100 meters from the low mountain.

And that gathering place is the so-called yin and yang two qi springs!

This short mountain is the spring of the Yin and Yang two qi springs!

At this moment, Saito is lurking on the low mountain, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and there is a ray of black mist in his hand!

He has been waiting for this day for a long time!

"Supreme Daoguo? Son? Oh, after today, you are nothing!" Saito said coldly, and the black mist in his hand turned into drops of black liquid, dripping onto the spring.

The black liquid is like a venomous snake, flowing along the spring water, and finally enters the Yin-Yang two-qi spring.

Saito was very excited, but his expression was very hideous!

These black liquids, but the Dao Liquid he had spent a lot of money to obtain!

One drop can completely dissipate a creature's cultivation base and become a waste person!

And the few drops of Taoist liquid just now are enough to turn a god-level powerhouse into nothingness!

However, he didn't know that it was not Jiang Chen who was in the Yin and Yang Two Qi Spring at this moment, but Nine Worlds!

After more than ten breaths, Jiu Tianxia, ​​who was soaking in the hot spring, suddenly turned pale, and his own cultivation base was quickly dissipating!

Even her body, and even her soul, are showing signs of decay!

At this moment, Jiu Tianxia panicked, got up hurriedly, put on his clothes, staggered out of the Yin-Yang Two Qi Spring.


Saito's eyes widened. He was surprised to see the Nine Worlds!

In his plan, it should be Jiang Chen who rushed out of the Yin and Yang Two Qi Springs at this moment, not a woman!

As far as he knows, among the saints adjoining the various realms of the college, there are no women!

"Who is she?" Saito frowned, his eyes flickering.

He knew that since he missed this time, there would not be a second time, Jiang Chen would definitely notice it!

But at this time, I can't hide it!

So, in that case, I can only fight!

"You forced me! I just want to take back everything that belongs to me!" Saito said coldly, and then disappeared in place.

At the same time, Jiang Chen who was cultivating suddenly opened his eyes.

Just because he felt it, there was a horrible rotting aura quickly approaching him!

"help me!"

After a few breaths, when the skin and flesh were blooming and the soul was dying into the cave, Jiang Chen's whole body was blown up!

"What's going on!?" Jiang Chen was shocked. This is the nine worlds of the Nine Heavens Dynasty. How many people in this world dare to attack her! ?

What a fate! ?

"The hot springs are poisonous!" Jiutianxia was very weak, with blood and tears flowing in his eyes.

Her physical body was crumbling and decayed, and her cultivation base dropped a lot!

Its soul and divine soul are even more surrounded by a decadent force, about to be annihilated!

"Hua Dao Ye!?" Jiang Chen explored the situation in the Nine Worlds, his expression changed drastically, and said, "Don't talk about it!"

Immediately, Jiang Chen sealed his hands and stabilized the body of Jiutianxia with an immortal fire. Then the Wanhua Tianzhu appeared, the lights burned, and the faint light enveloped the souls and souls of Jiutianxia.

In this way, it can be regarded as stabilizing the injury of the nine worlds!

However, this is only temporary!

Huadao Liquid is the most vicious and incurable poison. Anyone who is contaminated by the slightest can't escape the result of life and death in Huadao!

However, what Jiang Chen didn't expect was how this Huadaoye would appear on Jiu Tianxia!

"It's him!"

Suddenly, Jiang Chen woke up, and a person's name flashed in his mind-Saito!

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