Everything is in the plan of losing every gambling, Jiang Chen is also happy, and now for him, as long as Chen Zhulu arrives, he will play a fake match.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Suddenly asked every bet.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Chen was puzzled.

"You are making so much noise in the Void God Realm. Now many top sects are looking for you, digging for your details, and one day you will be exposed." Every bet will lose and said: "At that time, If there is no top power behind you to support you, you will probably die suddenly."

"Don't worry about this." Jiang Chen smiled, not worried at all.

Jiang Chen now has not many forces behind him, but there are not many, and there are strong ones!

Ru Song Tingtao, Hong Yi, and his senior brothers and sisters.

What's more, in the Nine Heavens God Realm, Jiang Chen still has a few old friends alive, and a few apprentices are also alive.

When the time comes, as long as he meets them for a round, who else can Jiang Chen be afraid of?


At this moment, Jiang Chen's eyes flashed with a gleam, and said: "Well, 40% of the profit, you can replace me with 30% as the source of Taoism, and you can replace the remaining 10% with materials for the formation."

"Materials used for the formation?" Doubtfully asked every bet.

"I'm useful." Jiang Chen looked mysterious and said, "Better give it to me now."

"Now?" Frowning at every bet, seemingly embarrassed.

The formation materials, and even the source of Taoism, are of course not a big deal for Qianqiu Gambling House.

After all, they are doing dark business, profiteering, and their background is so deep that people can't imagine.

But time is too short!

"Give me one day!" Every bet must be lost and said: "I will give you a little first, and then more refunds and less supplements, what do you think?"

"Well, this time tomorrow, I'll be waiting for you here." Jiang Chen said.



After that, every bet must be lost, and he hurried to prepare the source of the Dao source and formation materials for Jiang Chen.

And Jiang Chen sat on the spot with a smile on his face.

He knows that he must lose the battle between himself and Chen Zhulu, so it doesn't matter to him whether he fights or not.

Moreover, that battle will definitely attract worldwide attention, and all major sects will send people to watch the battle.

Even in the entire Void God Realm, nine out of ten people will come!

At that time...Isn't there a lot of people in all parts of the Void God Realm?

Jiang Chen was happy when he thought of this.

However, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry, waiting quietly in the room.

After all, if you want to take action, you must first have resources in place!

In this way, after waiting for a day, every bet must be lost as scheduled, bringing 30 drops of Daoyuan, and a lot of materials for the formation.

"Don't worry, although my Qianqiu gambling house is a shady business, but I am very creditworthy." Every gambling must lose, "Now because the plate has not been sealed, it is still uncertain how much I can earn. I will give you this first. If you make more money at that time, I will make up for it."

"Okay, no problem." Jiang Chen nodded.

After all, Jiang Chen put away these things, smiled and looked at every bet that would lose, and asked: "Do you know that there is a better place in this virtual **** realm?"

"There are several." Every gambling must lose, and subconsciously said: "Qingyun, Liantian, Bibo, Shaoguang, these blessed places are very good, not much worse than the bright blessed land."

"Oh? Then... where are these blessed places?" Jiang Chen asked.

It's not a fool to lose every bet, he didn't think about those places before, and now he heard Jiang Chen's words, he seemed to realize something!

I saw him look weird, staring at Jiang Chen, and asked: "Couldn't you be..."

"Ahem...My sect is too poor, and the landscape is gone. I am going to bring back some special products from the virtual **** realm to my sect." Jiang Chen smiled.

"Soil... native product? Dongtianfudi!?" Every gambling must be lost.

Jiang Chen has moved away from a bright and blessed place, it is impossible that he still wants to move another one now! ?


"You want so many materials for the formation, shouldn't you... have to move a few?" Every bet must lose, realizing the seriousness of the problem!

"Yeah." Jiang Chen was very calm. Anyway, he is on the same boat with every gambling, and there is nothing to hide.

However, every gambling must lose, I shuddered all over, saying: "The cave houses, Qingyun, Liantian, Bibo, Shaoguang I mentioned before, among which Liantianfudi belongs to my Qianqiu gambling house. what!"

"Oh...then the remaining three are okay?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Qingyun belongs to Kunlun Mountain, Bibo is proud to come to Tianmen, Shaking Light is Shaking Light Shenzong." Every gambling will lose and said: "These three blessed places, if you have the ability to move, you can move."

"That's okay." Jiang Chen jokingly said with a glare in his eyes, and said: "When the time comes, you will draw me a map and coordinates, and do me a favor by the way."

"What's busy?" asked every bet.

"Help me procrastinate." Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows: "I will tell you more specifically."

Afterwards, Jiang Chen told the plan in his mind that every gamble would be lost.

After hearing that every gambling must lose, he looked weird, stared at Jiang Chen, and said, "You kind of... just join my Qianqiu gambling house. It's really dark!"

"How black is this..." Jiang Chen muttered: "Those top sects, how can you lose a hole of heaven and blessing? There will be no less meat."

"But you... this time... it's really a bit of a big noise." Every bet must lose.

"Others don't know my true identity, I'm afraid of being a fool!" Jiang Chen said.

Afterwards, Jiang Chen patted the shoulder that every bet would lose, and said jokingly: "It's not so much that I got on your thief boat, it's better to say...you are on my way of no return."

"It's a pit!" He cursed softly every time the bet must be lost.

He has cheated others all his life, and never thought he would meet someone more capable of cheating than him now!

Moreover, he knew what Jiang Chen was going to do, this time there were too many people in Jiang Chen's pit!

"Then be careful yourself." Every gambling must lose and he said in a deep voice: "If it gets exposed, don't confess my Qianqiu gambling house!"

"Don't worry." Jiang Chen whispered.

In the next few days, every gambling must be lost, someone sent a map and marked the coordinates, and even thought about the route with Jiang Chen for running!

Afterwards, every bet must be lost and disappeared.

And Jiang Chen also quietly left.

Time passed slowly, until five days later, Chen Zhulu came!

This time, he entered the Void God Realm with his true body!

His arrival undoubtedly caused a thousand waves of waves!

On this day, the Void God Realm, and even the outside world, all the people from all walks of life, up to the main god, down to the little monks, all came to the Haotian City!

They want to see this battle, and more people are betting on it!

"Han Han will win!"

"Even Ye Yun is not a naive opponent, what is Chen Zhulu!?"


Many people were full of confidence in Jiang Chen, and these words even reached Chen Zhulu's ears, making him palpitate and nervous!

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