I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 827: Follow the old rules

"Oh, I'm waiting." The descendant of the **** emperor chuckled, then turned and left.

Jiang Chen didn't pay attention to the next few battles.

He tried to detoxify the river with immortal fire, but the effect was not great.

Even Jiang Chen secretly used Wanhua Tianzhan to burn with the heart of light, but he couldn't obliterate the soul eater!

"How can the descendants of the **** emperor be so vicious?" Mu Xingyun frowned on the side and said: "According to legend, the **** emperor saved the Nine Heavens God Realm in the first place. He was considered a great man and made great achievements. The spirit worships."

"The disciples he taught, not to mention the strength, should be upright."

Hearing this, Jiang Chen nodded to himself.

When he first saw the descendant of the **** emperor, Jiang Chen felt that this person was weird.

And now, Jiang Chen is even more sure that this **** emperor's descendant definitely has a problem!

"Lou Ying, Jueyingmen is well informed, do you know about the descendants of the **** emperor?" Jiang Chen asked.

Lou Ying heard this, shook his head, and said: "The **** emperor is rarely born, and Jue Yingmen has very little information."

"I don't think this person is right." Jiang Chen glanced at the descendant of the **** emperor from the corner of his eyes.

"Perhaps... his identity is correct, maybe the inheritance is wrong." Lou Ying guessed: "There has been more than one **** emperor in the Nine Heavens God Realm. The inheritance he inherited may belong to another **** emperor."

Having said this, Lou Ying stretched out three fingers and said, "The one who is most remembered by the world is the Emperor Haotian, the one who has made great achievements and saved the Nine Heavens God Realm."

"The other two people, one of them is a woman, very strong, but also very mysterious. There are very few records in the ancient books, and they have not heard of her inheritance."

"And the last one is recorded in some mountain magazines. It seems to be called the Poison God Emperor." Lou Ying said: "You said this God Emperor is a descendant, is it a Poison God Emperor's descendant?"

Throughout the long history of history, there have been many powerhouses of the **** emperor level, among which the most prestigious is the Haotian **** emperor.

As for the other two, there are not many records.

Of course, in addition to these three, there may be several **** emperors, but they have not been recorded.

At this moment, Lou Ying speculated that the descendants of the God Emperor who came to participate in the Haotian Conference might be the descendants of the Poison God Emperor.

"Poison God Emperor?" Jiang Chen frowned, but he had also heard of this God Emperor.

However, the reputation of this **** emperor is extremely bad.

When the Poison God Emperor was alive, he caused public outrage in the world, and eventually disappeared suddenly and disappeared.

There are rumors that the Poison God Emperor was killed by another God Emperor.

It was also said that the Poison God Emperor was practicing in retreat, attacking a higher level of cultivation.

But no matter what, as a **** emperor, his strength is naturally beyond doubt.

And the strength of its descendants will not be weak!

However, in the previous battle, the descendant of the **** emperor only made one move, and he couldn't see his true strength at all.

The only thing people can see is that the descendants of the **** emperor will use poison, and it is very insidious!

"No matter which descendant of the **** emperor he is, Jiang Liu's revenge will be reported!" Jiang Chen said coldly.

"If it is really a descendant of the Poison God Emperor, then this guy must be careful." Lou Ying reminded: "Those who use poison must be treated with caution."

"It's okay, I want to give it a try, how strong is Poison God Emperor's poison!" Jiang Chen said.

Jiang Chen hadn't watched the next few battles, and was helping Jiang Liu suppress Soul Eater.

Until half a day later, the second round began.

The people who were promoted were Jiang Chen, Ruo Xiao, Tianzi, Chen Zhulu, and the descendant of the **** emperor.

However, due to minor injuries and temporarily unable to take action, there were only four people left in the second round of fighting.

"This time, I must beat you to death!" The emperor stared at Jiang Chen, angrily in his heart.

Chen Zhulu didn't speak, but the cold glow in his eyes was enough to show how much he hated Jiang Chen!

As for the descendant of the **** emperor, he has been laughing and looking at Jiang Chen, seemingly mocking.

"Let's draw lots." The old man in charge said, with four lotteries standing in front of him.

"You come first!" The emperor stared at Jiang Chen, and said: "This time I must fight you! I must kill you!"

"Oh? Really?" Jiang Chen chuckled, pointing at the descendant of the **** emperor, and said: "I would rather fight him."

"Waiting at any time." The descendant of the **** emperor raised his eyebrows: "It's just that if you meet me, it will probably be a dead end."

"Try it." Jiang Chen said softly.

Afterwards, the lottery started, and Jiang Chen got the second lottery.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Zhulu and Tianzi won the No. 1 and No. 4 picks respectively.

"Damn! My life is back!? Neither of them can draw the number three pick!?" The emperor looked anxious, looking at the number four pick in Chen Zhulu's hand with a depressed expression.

Chen Zhulu was also speechless, with a one-third chance that he just missed it!

"That's it, the descendants of the **** emperor will educate you." Chen Zhulu sighed. He couldn't kill Jiang Chen himself, feeling very uncomfortable.

The emperor was grind his teeth even more angry, even he said to the descendant of the **** emperor: "Don't kill him! I will kill him by myself!"

"Okay." The descendant of the **** emperor said with a smile: "Then I will give him a breath."

"Good!" said the emperor.

Listening to the tone of the two, it seemed that Jiang Chen was bound to lose.

Of course, in everyone's hearts, Jiang Chen must be defeated.

After all, the descendant of the **** emperor is not a joke, not to mention that this descendant of the **** emperor will use poison, and the path of poison is very profound!

"What did the two of us say? Do you really want to fight you to death?"

At this moment, in the arena, Chen Zhulu and the emperor were fighting against each other with a strange look.

They have a good relationship, and they are like brothers in private.

Now, let them fight a fight, the two of them are naturally reluctant.

"Then the old rules." The emperor looked weird and shook his palm and said, "Let's get started."

"Good." Chen Zhulu nodded, also clenching his fists.

At this moment, the audience is boiling!

The battle between Tianzi and Chen Zhulu attracted everyone's attention.

You know, these two people are veritable Tianjiao evildoers, and they are also born "rich men", disciples of Kunlun Mountain and Aolai Tianmen!

Before the battle between these two people started, everyone had already guessed that it would definitely be exciting!

However, the next moment, a group of people was completely messed up.

I saw that the two of them were very imposing, holding a fist, and then shot at the same time under the attention of everyone!



"What the hell!"

"What are you doing!?"


Everyone is dumbfounded, this is what you said to follow the old rules! ?

mora! ?

Brother, this is the Haotian Conference, not a playhouse!

"Ahem... I'm sorry, I won."

At this moment, Chen Zhulu was slightly embarrassed. After all, this was the Haotian Conference. They used the guessing box to determine the outcome, which was indeed a bit wrong.

Fortunately, Chen Zhulu won, a cloth, firmly holding the fist of the emperor...

Like I have nine female apprentices, please collect them: (wuxiaspot.com) I have nine female apprentices, and the literary updates are the fastest.

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