I have Nine Female Disciples

Chapter 1967: The wolf head mercenary group visited

"Give me a sword?"

Jiang Chen was a little surprised, thinking about it, he seemed to seldom receive gifts from others in the tenth cycle of reincarnation.

"Yeah, the Sect Master has always been very grateful to you for what happened some time ago, but she didn't say anything." Jue Qingzi nodded and said, "She said, see if you have never had any weapons at hand, all you use are It was transformed with fairy power, so I want to give you a weapon."

"Can your sect bring out so many immortal jade?"

Thinking that some time ago, in order to buy a pill for himself, he had almost wiped out the entire Valley of Love, Jiang Chen asked hurriedly.

"The cold door sent a lot of celestial jade, enough for us."

The unfeeling child said honestly.

"Well, if that's the case, then I'm waiting to get the weapon."

Jiang Chen didn't continue to question, Wang Min's thoughts made it hard for him to refuse.

"Then Young Master, have you decided to be a mercenary here in the future?"

Jue Qingzi looked at Jiang Chen, and she felt that Jiang Chen was enveloped in a mist, and she couldn't see through it at all.

"I am here to investigate some things. It has nothing to do with you. I will naturally go back when the investigation comes out."

"Elder Jeremy Son, I hope you don't tell anyone about this matter after you go back, even if it's Wang Min, it won't work, can you?"

Jiang Chen took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Young Master, don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Jue Qingzi shook the whisk in his hand and said.

"Well, go ahead."

Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"Young Master, this is Xianyu's promissory note. I let the sect disciple leave with the fierce beast."

Jueqingzi took a few steps forward, put a few promissory notes on the table next to Jiang Chen, bent over and bowed his hands, bowed to Jiang Chen, and walked out quickly.

In a short while, Jiang Chen saw the people in Love Juegu leave with the fierce beast.

After exhaling a suffocating breath, Jiang Chen was going to retreat for a few days, and then feel the swordsmanship in the Vermillion Bird Talisman Wood Sword. Although it requires a special mark, it is not impossible to practice without it.

"Brother Jiang Chen, the men from the Wolfhead Mercenary Group are here!"

Just as Jiang Chen was about to leave, a mercenary hurried in.

"Wolf Head Mercenary Group?"

"Aren't they grudges against us?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, remembering what Zhou Wu said to himself in the wild forest.

"They said, knowing that the leader of Zhou Wu is now injured, they are also sitting in the top mercenary group in the mercenary town. They are going to come and visit." Kill, how?"

"Let them in."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said, "I'm still more curious, how did they know the news that Chief Zhou Wu was seriously injured."

"Our mercenary group has their eyeliner."

At this point, the mercenary directly answered Jiang Chen.

This is already a recognized secret in Mercenary Town.

Take their beast-slashing mercenary group as an example. The hundreds of mercenary groups in several mercenary towns all have their eyeliners. These eyeliners will report the situation of each mercenary group to them and secretly. Do it and ruin their business.

"Let them in."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

With Jiang Chen's order, the mercenary immediately ran towards the entrance of the manor.

After a while, Chen Tai brought in several of his men, and they also carried a few boxes with bamboo poles.

"Brother Jiang Chen, long time no see!"

Just entering the door and seeing Jiang Chen sitting inside, Chen Tai walked in quickly and smiled at Jiang Chen who was sitting inside.

"Head Chen Tai, the relationship between our two mercenary groups is not very good. If you walk in grandiosely now, I'm afraid you will be misunderstood by others."

Jiang Chen looked at him, frowning and said.

"Grass and grievances belong to grievances, and I still have to move around."

"Brother Jiang Chen, when we were in the wild forest that day, thank you for your mercy, otherwise I am afraid we people will die in it."

When his subordinates put the things down for the week, Chen Tai waved his hand at them and let them go out.

"No thanks, I just don't want to intervene in the matter between you."

Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

"It can be seen that Brother Jiang Chen is a very principled cultivator. It is really a pity to stay in the Beast Slashing Mercenary Corps." Chen Tai still had a smile on his face.

When he came, he had already thought about everything that should and shouldn't be said.

Even how Jiang Chen would answer, he came up with different responses.

"Oh? Why?"

Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"Brother Jiang Chen is so principled, but Zhou Wu and his Beast Slashing Mercenary Corps have no principles."

"In hundreds of years, they didn't know how many methods they used to solve the threatening opponents in the mercenary town. You should know this. Otherwise, in the wild forest, he wouldn't want it. Do it to me."

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't refute immediately, Chen Tai felt that there was something to be done, and quickly continued.


Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"Then Brother Jiang Chen, you might as well join our wolf head mercenary group. We have existed for hundreds of years before Zhou Wu arrived here. Now, although the strength is not as good as them, it is still enough to rank in all the towns. Go to the top ten."

"As long as you can join, I will give you the position of deputy head immediately. From now on, we will sit on an equal footing. As for the immortal jade, you will be six and four, how about?"

Chen Tai was ready to strike while the iron was hot and take Jiang Chen down in one fell swoop.

"Forget it, no interest."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said.

"Don't brother Jiang Chen, as long as you can join our wolf head mercenary group, we can do whatever you say!" Chen Tai suddenly panicked.

After hearing his words, Jiang Chen originally wanted to drive him out, but suddenly he had a new idea.


Jiang Chen raised his head to look at him and asked.

"Of course, as long as I can do it, Brother Jiang Chen, just say, I will do it!" Chen Tai patted his chest, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"I don't know if Head Chen Tai has heard of the Suzaku clan?"

Jiang Chen smiled, waved his hand, directly closed the door of the hall, and then asked faintly.

"Suzaku clan?"

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, the smile on Chen Tai's face quickly disappeared.

Xuan even fell into contemplation.

Jiang Chen waited for a while and said, "Since Head Chen Tai doesn't want to say anything, please go back."

"I say!"

"Brother Jiang Chen, I said!"

Chen Tai gritted his teeth and hurriedly said after seeing Jiang Chen about to drive him out.

"Let's talk about it, I'll listen."

Jiang Chen nodded and said.

"Brother Jiang Chen, I have only heard of this Suzaku clan, and have never encountered it. It is said that hundreds of thousands of years ago, this spirit beast race was second to none in the entire fairy world."

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