
The black-robed ancestor suddenly opened his eyes and exclaimed in a lost voice:

“All killed?”

“Yes, Laozu. The elder said that all of them were killed in battle. ”

“What about the horse three eyes? He’s the limit. ”

“Ma Sanyan also died in battle.”


The leader took a deep breath, a stirring spirit in his heart, difficult to do!

He originally thought that only Ma Sanyan was a variable that was not under control, but now, in less than half a day, Ma Sanyan, who was expecting to help him drag time, actually died in battle!

Time, who helps themselves to drag it?

A look of determination gradually flashed in the eyes of the leader, and he spoke:

“Send another fifty Gangjin disciples out of the mountain. Send out all the three thousand disciples of the outer gate. ”

The disciple who reported said in a somewhat difficult voice:

“Chief, fifty Gangjin disciples… This has already gone to the foundation of Wangwu Mountain. My Wang Wushan only has a hundred inner disciples in total…”

“I’ll let you go, you’ll go!”

The head of the house said coldly: “Go and do it immediately!” ”

“Yes, sir. One more thing…”


The disciple said with some hesitation, “Just now, the Great Elder came out of the mountain…”

“Out of which mountain?”

“Great Elder, go out, go to Earth.”

‘Buzz-‘ sound.

The whole mountain, an instant vacuum. The snowflakes falling from the sky all stopped.

Lao Zu stood up abruptly and roared a little madly, “Why didn’t you say it earlier? What is he out for? What is he going to do? ”

The disciple of the retribution immediately knelt down: “We asked. The head did not answer, just went out. ”


A look of panic flashed in the eyes of the leader, and he figured out the key to the matter in an instant.

Doesn’t the Great Elder know the consequences of coming out of the mountain?

He knows!

He knew he was still out of the mountains!

And out of the mountains and not tell yourself?

This is…… Make it clear that you want to go against me!

At this time, the head had completely understood that what he was thinking in his heart, his own plan, had been seen through by the Great Elder, and he wanted to deliberately work against himself.

Uncle Uncle! Why are you so ruthless?

There was some madness in the eyes of the leader, although I would sacrifice the entire Wang Wu Mountain, as long as I could achieve the Void Realm, no one would dare to touch me. As long as I live, then the foundation of Wangwu Mountain will never be broken. Why don’t you think about the big picture?

How can a warrior of my generation care about the private affairs of my children?

The white-robed old man also stood up at this time, his face full of coldness:

“The Great Elder is also too arrogant. Senior Brother in charge, what do you want to do? ”

The head was silent for a long time: “If nothing else, the rest of the Holy Land is about to feel it. You…… Can’t move, wait here. ”

“Wait for what?”

“Wait for me to come back!”

“Where is Senior Brother in charge going?”

The head said lightly, “I’m going out to persuade the Great Elder to come back.” ”

“Well, then senior brother go quickly, I’ll wait for you here.”


After speaking, the senior brother in charge looked back at the ‘fire’ word stone tablet with some distress, and resolutely left!

He’s not coming back!

He knew that this matter could not be hidden. Once the people in the Holy Land sensed that Wang Wushan was missing a breath, they would become suspicious and would come to check. When you look at it, no one can stop it. Whenever they find any clue, they can penetrate everything.

And at that time, everyone in Wangwu Mountain had to die!



Can it be dragged on?

He’s going to run. You must escape from this place, you must escape from the holy place, go to the earth to hide and hibernate to save your life. What persuades the elders back? It’s just an excuse, it’s just trying to trick his junior brother into staying here and trying to delay a little time for himself. Even if it’s just a little? That’s the hope of survival!


The figure is far away. In an instant, he left the Holy Land.

And at the same time.

On another mountain two thousand miles outside of Wangwu Mountain.

The head of Yandang Mountain, who was practicing in retreat, suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Wang Wushan:

“Huh? The breath of that void realm of Wang Wushan disappeared…”


The head of Yandang Mountain muttered for a moment, thoughtful: “Suddenly disappear, not fade away.” That is breaking the border and going to the hometown? What did he go to his hometown for? ”

The head of Yandang Mountain had doubts in his heart, but he did not check it. A moment later, he stood up again:

“Not good. The breath inherited by the head of Wang Wushan has also disappeared! ”

“What’s going on? What happened? The breath of the two Void Realm powerhouses has disappeared? Not good! ”

“Something happened to Earth!”

With a ‘whoosh-‘, the figure of the head of Yandang Mountain turned into a stream of light and rushed towards the direction of Wangwu Mountain.

Just on the way, I met another streamer.

The two stopped and stood in the clouds and looked at each other:

‘You feel it too?’

“Yes, I also feel that the two void realms of Wang Wushan are gone!”

“It’s an accident on the earth, hurry, go and see!”


And so at the same time.

Thousands of miles away.


On the top of the misty mountain, a dozen or so people who were meditating cross-knee around a landscape painting suddenly opened their eyes.

Look at each other.

“Wang Wushan!”

“The breath of the two void realms has disappeared.”

“I went to my hometown and broke the boundary. Disappear breath. ”

“What if they deliberately shielded their breath?”

“Impossible, is there anyone chasing him, why does he want to shield his breath? Isn’t that a mess? ”

“Earth, something happened!”

“I also have a hunch, lately I’ve always had heart palpitations. Every time I see the avenue, I always feel like my heart is covered with lard. If you think about it, if a peerless powerhouse appears on the earth, it will make the people of the Holy Land unable to feel the existence of the Heavenly Dao. ”

“Go, go and see!”




Kunlun, Tianshan, Jinanshan …

Everywhere, there are constantly strong people coming out of the mountains. It turned into a stream of streamers and rushed towards the direction of Wang Wu Mountain, at least dozens of Void Realm powerhouses rushed towards it.

Earth, this is too important for everyone here. There must be no mistakes, it must be protected, and at the same time, martial arts must be forbidden!

At this time, in the midst of the city of Woody Lusa.

Li Yuan listened to the last sentence, and the words counted and gave him a pain.

I couldn’t help but sigh to the sky:

“Can’t give birth in the Holy Land? Can’t give birth to new life? If there are people on the earth who have sensed the Dao of Heaven, then there are some unlucky people in the Holy Land who will never be able to comprehend the Dao of Heaven? ”

“Above the strength, is it the Void Realm?”

“The Void Realm is also the Heavenly Human Realm? The avenue enters the void, and the power of heaven and earth is used endlessly. Is there such a thing in the world? ”

Li Yuan sighed with emotion, at this time, he really felt that he was like a frog at the bottom of the well. I always felt that the world I lived in was very big, but I didn’t expect that there was another world, which turned out to be even broader…

Step by step, he walked out of the city of Ulilusa. At the same time, he took an Immortal Pill and healed all his injuries. At this moment, the mountains were in an uproar.

“He’s not dead!”

“Martial Saint!”

“Win, martial saint transformation realm, hard shake the twelve strong people, win!”

“My mother, Martial Saint won!”

“Earth wins, ahahaha, earth wins.”

“We finally drove out all the invading enemies. We finally won! ”

“The Earth is rising!”


The cheers of the mountains and tsunamis spread in all directions.


One after another the sound of breaking the air came, and people constantly appeared in the mountains rushing towards them.

Kneeling on one knee:

“Martial Saint, I am Russian Grand Viyev, see Martial Saint. May I follow the Martial Saint in this life, before and after the saddle! ”


Another man on one knee:

“I am Zhang Zihao of Hunan, and I am willing to follow the Martial Saint and counterattack the Holy Land!”

“Pixian Niuwen, willing to follow Martial Saint!”

“Island Country Gang Tianjing Village, I am willing to follow the Martial Saint and cultivate the Great Avenue of the World!”

“Francis Josi, willing to follow the Martial Saint…”

“Martial Saint…”


With a loud roar, one figure after another, constantly appeared around Li Yuan.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of people came from all directions and corners, and they moved when they heard the news.

Around Li Yuan, hundreds of thousands of people knelt on one knee.

Roared in unison:

“Willing to follow the Martial Saint and drive the prosperity of the world!”

“Willing to follow the Martial Saint and drive the prosperity of the world!”

All out of the mountains!

At this time, two streamers shot out from afar.

Before the person arrives, the voice comes first:

“Li Yuan! My brother! ”

“Are you all right?”


A black robe was added to his body, and he carried a big gun upside down.

A wizened old man armed with a long sword. Both have coronas rising behind them.

Li Yuan was surprised: “Teacher Ji, Teacher Yu!” ”

The two looked Li Yuan up and down, and then looked at the corpses all over the city, and couldn’t help but be shocked:

“Are you all right?”

“It’s okay!”

“The strength of that holy place…”

“All dead!”


The two looked at each other, and both saw horror in each other’s eyes. All dead?

Huajin, the battle of leapfrogging the level is already incredible, and he has killed twelve strong people who are higher than his realm?

What a dazzling record?

At this moment, Li Yuan’s heart suddenly beat violently, and in an instant, a bad premonition struck.

At this moment, Li Yuanlian thought of a lot of things. He killed twelve Holy Land powerhouses, Holy Land, should have a feeling, right?

He knew that there were three Void Realm powerhouses in Wang Wushan. Don’t……

As soon as he analyzed left and right, Li Yuan immediately said to Ji Ji and the two: “I have a bad perception in my heart, something is going to happen, dangerous.” If my expectations are correct, it is the Void Realm powerhouse who has killed it. ”

“Void Realm?”

“Above the energy!”

There was no need to say more, Ji Ji’s face immediately changed: “Go separately!” ”

Li Yuan nodded and shouted at hundreds of thousands of warriors: “Everyone, scatter, run as far as you can.” Wang Wu Mountain, there are Void Realm powerhouses coming out of the mountain. Above the strength is the void realm, and the void realm is the immortal figure, the realm of heaven and man. ”

“The wind is tight. Scatter! ”

‘Buzz-‘ caused an uproar.

No one is hesitating here, no one is inking. After living in such a world for a long time, everyone has changed. At the same time, everyone knows a truth, don’t get together! Don’t pile up!

With a ‘boom—’ everyone scattered

And the next moment, Li Yuan also used the end of the world, and the whole person rushed towards the opposite direction of Huaxia.

Ji Ji and Yu Lianzhou also scattered and shot away in two different directions.

Just go!

There was no hesitation, no goodbye words.

It’s all in the middle of nowhere.


Run when you say you run, run when you say it, be extremely decisive and fast.

At this time, above Huaxia, an old man stood above the clouds and looked in all directions, his face was a little intoxicated:

“I haven’t been back here in years, it’s changed a lot.”

Muttering, the old man took out a jade tablet and crushed it. 、

Suddenly, a stream of light shot out from the jade tablet towards the west, and the direction was the city of Wulilusa.

The old man glanced in that direction, and then his figure disappeared, and he rode all the way to the woody road…

‘Bang bang’

As the old man flew away, a series of explosions continued to sound behind him.

This is a sonic boom!

And the people underground can only hear the ‘rumbling’ thunder in the sky, and they can’t see anything.

His speed has exceeded the speed of sound many times. A true realm of heaven and man.

In just ten minutes, the old man descended into the sky above Woody Lusa. Along the way, he saw many people running in the mountains, and he ignored them.

Standing above the city of Woody Lusa, looking at the corpses below, the old man’s eyes were neither sad nor happy. Just muttered:

“I didn’t feel any breath of the Void Realm, they weren’t killed by the Void Realm powerhouse. Is it Gang Jin? ”

After saying that, the old man suddenly appeared underground and slaughtered in front of a mortal warrior.


The warrior saw an old man descending from the sky, and he was frightened and stupid on the spot: “I, I, I, I…”

The Great Elder ignored him, just stretched out a hand and grabbed his head, closed his eyes and felt for a moment, all the memories in the warrior’s mind, so the thoughts, were all detected by the Great Elder.

And the warrior rolled his eyes and fell, his head was disordered, and he was a fool from then on.

“Li Yuan…”

The Great Elder muttered, and according to the warrior’s memory, he saw that Li Yuan fled in the southeast direction.


In the next second, the Great Elder turned into a stream of light again, causing a burst of sonic booms to chase towards the southeast. And his heart was also full of shock, he saw it according to what the warrior saw and heard. Li Yuan, just make up!

“Hua Jin, cross the level and kill twelve Gang Jin?”

The Great Elder’s eyes were filled with shock: “Wizard! ”

The Great Elder saw from the warrior’s memory that Li Yuan’s departing figure: “The end of the world… You actually learned such a magical skill? Gee, there is no anti-heavenly person like you in the Holy Land. ”


A sonic boom all the way.

It sounded like a muffled thunder, chasing Li Yuan and leaving…

And just a moment later, above the sky of Wangwu Mountain in Huaxia, a black-robed old man appeared again.

It was the head of Wang Wu Mountain, Mi Hei, who stepped on the clouds and felt the breath of the Great Elder heading west. Mi Ji muttered:

“You went?”

Saying that, Miji looked back at the entrance of the Holy Land and sighed: “Someone should catch up soon, right?” Fortunately, Uncle, since you went in other directions and left your breath, let them hunt you down. ”

After speaking, Mi inherited the ground and converged the breath of all the Void Realm powerhouses.

Then he ran wildly all the way, turning into an afterimage on the land and heading towards the sea. Rao was running wildly on land, and behind him, there was still a sonic boom.

It took only five minutes to reach the beach, and Miji did not stop in the slightest, stepping all the way to the waves. Head east.

After another ten minutes, Miji reached the Yumoto Trench. Standing on the surface of the sea, let out a long sigh:

“I don’t know, how many years will it take for you to forget me, and the Holy Land may no longer have an advantage.” Can the global martial arts be completely killed? Soon, this earth will also be full of strong people, right? It’s messy, it’s messy, but what do you have to do with me…”

Muttering, Mi inherited the waves into the sea, sinking all the way to the depths of the trench.

Nine kilometers under the sea, Mi Hei dug a large pit on the seabed, completely burying his whole person under the seabed. After gathering all his breath, he closed his eyes and slept for a long time. Thinking back to the word ‘fire’, I began to understand in my mind……_

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