I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 83 If you really like it...~~

That Ms. Song is here. On the phone, Gu Shao, the person in charge of tnc, said. Come on, Fang snorted again: I thought I wouldn't come.

Finally, Song Kexin called TNC to make an appointment, but during this period, Song Kexin seemed to regret it and did not show up as scheduled.

But this treatment project itself is a voluntary act, so Song Kexin has the right to choose whether to come or not, they will not interfere.

Hearing Fang's words, Gu Shao just responded lightly, Understood, and then ended the call with Fang.

Here, in the reception room of the tnc Biotechnology Center.

The person in charge of the center met Song Kexin.

Hello, Ms. Song,?? My name is Ye. I am the person in charge of tnc, and one of the main persons in charge of this treatment project. Ye Huo introduced himself to Song Kexin.

This Song Kexin's eyes were slightly sunken, her face was sickly pale, and she looked extremely poor. It was as if he was desperate and finally found TNC again.

Hi, Mr. Ye, I'm here for treatment. I was delayed due to other things, so I didn't come. Song Kexin explained to Ye Huo. He didn't tell Fang, but it was actually because TNC's so-called treatment technique had doubts, so he didn't come here.

It doesn't matter. Ye Huo and Song Kexin didn't care too much: they had recruited enough volunteers, so one more Song Kexin was not too many, and one less Song Kexin was quite a lot.

Then... May I ask when will I start the treatment? Song Kexin asked, speaking urgently.

Ye Huo interrupted, and said: The project test launch room plan will start next week.

However, before this, I have to mention some circumstances and technical issues to you, Ms. Song. With that, Ye Huo handed the materials to Song Kexin.

Song Kexin opened the treatment and glanced at it casually, then didn't look at it again. The words and numbers on it gave me a headache.

However, Ye Huo began to introduce it unhurriedly: Our organ treatment project is one of the 'National XC1 Medical Development Project', which mainly involves several aspects of medical treatment, biotechnology and new technologies. The project mainly includes three stages , in the first stage, our technology is mainly oriented to special case groups, like Ms. Song, for example, due to special physical reasons, it is impossible to match suitable organs for transplantation in the organ bank, or there is serious exclusivity, unable to For patients receiving organ transplants from other sources, we will specially develop suitable personal replacement organs for the patients.”

After a pause, Ye Huo continued: In the second stage, we expect to popularize this technology, that is, in the future, this technology and cultivated 'sex' organ transplants will be transplanted from real people. In other words, unless there is an immediate need for an organ transplant...

Before Ye Huo finished speaking, he was interrupted by Song Kexin: Mr. Ye, I don't want to know about your technical plan. I just want to know how high the cure rate of the operation is and whether there are any sequelae.

When the words were interrupted, Ye Huo didn't care, smiled politely, and said: I'm not doing publicity or advertising, the reason why I told Ms. Song the above is just to hope that you can better accept the cultivation of sexual organs, It’s an artificial organ, let go of your psychological concerns.”

I'm fine, as long as you can cure me. Song Kexin insisted, even without the support of the Lin family, Song Kexin still didn't want to die.

We will do our best. Ye Huo stopped, straightened his face again, and said in a serious tone: However, there are some things I must mention to you.


Treatment is risky. After a slight pause, Ye Huo continued: You should know that no matter what treatment is risky, even traditional medical surgery also has surgical risks, and our treatment is the same.

At present, our project is still in the stage of practical testing, and it cannot be a fully mature treatment method. There is also a risk of treatment failure or sequelae. These are mentioned in the material in front of you.

Because of this, a group of volunteers who participated in the test needed to be transplanted, most of them were physical auxiliary organs, or to make up for some organ defects.

Only Song Kexin's situation is more serious, and the corresponding risk will be greater.

It may be that the organs we cultivated cannot fully match your body, which will cause other problems, or the matching degree may not reach the target value. In the future, you will need to take medicine for life to maintain the activity and balance of your organs.

Hearing Ye Huo's words, Song Kexin's complexion darkened, and she turned over the materials again, and found Ye Huo's situation——Seeing the risk description above, Song Kexin became more and more chilled.

Worst possible, maybe even paralyzed? !

How is this possible? Obviously I just have a lung problem.

From the perspective of medical treatment, it is indeed possible. Ye Huo said frankly.

Think carefully.

I...I agree. After struggling for a long time, Song Kexin finally nodded with difficulty.

As long as there are other options, Song Kexin will never choose this place.

One day, Xu Jiaofeng secretly went to check into the hotel.

The Lin family went bankrupt, and even the original properties were taken to pay off the debts, so now Xu Jiaofeng can only take Lin Anxin to live in the hotel temporarily.

Song Kexin wanted to persuade Lin Anxin to make her decide to stay in the country.

Unexpectedly, Lin Anxin refused.

Lin Anxin's rejection of Song Kexin's reasoning was simple: now that her father has been sentenced and the Lin family has gone bankrupt, it has become a complete joke in the eyes of others. In school, those little followers and people who didn't look down on her now dare to bully her.

Lin Anxin couldn't bear the current situation, so she only wanted to follow Xu Jiaofeng to Country M, and then no one would know her.

And grandma still has at least a sum of money in her hand. What money can Song Kexin have? In addition to being very good at being Mrs. Lin these years, Song Kexin knows nothing and doesn't have a job. What will she support in the future?

Although, Lin Anxin also felt that grandma seems to be not doing well recently, but between going through hardships with Song Kexin and going abroad with Xu Jiaofeng, Lin Anxin still chose the latter selfishly.

Song Kexin wanted to take Lin Anxin away forcibly, but Xu Jiaofeng invited her assistant to find out and stop her.

Song Kexin came here with a guilty conscience, and because she didn't want to make things worse, she had no choice but to give up.

Before he could think of two ways to keep Lin Anxin behind, he heard that Xu Jiaofeng had already proposed to take Lin Anxin away.

Since you have no problem, please sign and fingerprint a voluntary letter. In addition, if the last sentence is confirmed to be correct, copy it again. It will be in triplicate, and each of us will hold one copy. submit it to the archives.

Song Kexin's assistant took over the pen from the hand and found a place to sign on the voluntary letter.

The last sentence of the voluntary form is very similar to the form of the organ donation voluntary form they forged. Song Kexin never thought that one day, retribution would fall on her head.

— But, it will be fine.

Song Kexin thought to herself.

After all, life had been going very well for the past few years.


On the other side, on the way back to the main house, Gu Shao received a message from Ye Huo.

[The Ms. Song has already signed the volunteer form for the test. According to the plan, she will start to undergo the examination together with the other 15 volunteers in this batch. After the confirmation is correct, she will officially enter the treatment stage...]

Apart from knowing through Song Kexin's identity information that he is related to the chairman of the Lin family who has become popular all over the Internet soon, Ye Huo doesn't know the relationship between Song Kexin and Gu Shao. He only thinks that Song Kexin is an acquaintance of Gu Shao. Therefore, in the news, Ye Huo tried his best to be as detailed as possible.

It's just that Ye Huo didn't know that Gu Shao was not interested in the long message behind him, so Gu Shao just glanced at the text message and put away the phone.

Sitting on the sidelines, Gu Xi was very interested in Gu Shao receiving this news—Gu Xi was curious about the content of the news, but felt that it would be impolite to just lean in and read it, so he could only watch Gu Shao eagerly from the side.

Seeing Gu Xi stretching his neck and looking anxious, Gu Shao felt amused and handed the phone to Gu Xi directly.

Gu Xi knew Gu Shao's password - 0717.

After opening the text message, Gu Xi saw the message from Ye Huo at a glance. Further up, there was a message from Ye Huozhi: [Ms. Song did not come to the center as scheduled, it may be that we have concerns about treatment. 】

Gu Xi knew about the above point, but he didn't expect Song Kexin to go to TNC again.

I thought I wouldn't go. Gu Xi muttered.

On the side, Gu Shao said lightly: There is no other choice.

Ah? Gu Xi was taken aback, looking at Gu Shao.

Gu Shao continued to explain: Lin Anxin was taken away by Xu Jiaofeng.

Huh? Gu Xi was puzzled.

Gu Shao did not explain further.

After Xu Jiaofeng left, Song Kexin went to find Lin Anxin. If it was just a simple farewell or reluctance, Song Kexin didn't need to make an appointment for a 'medical examination' for Lin Anxin.

However, Gu Xi soon understood the meaning of Gu Shao's words, widened her eyes slightly, and then shook her head: Probably not.

Although it was 'should', Gu Xi said with certainty.

Gu Shao raised his eyebrows, and before he could ask Gu Xi 'why do you think that', Gu Xi muttered to himself again: You don't know, Lin Anxin's situation in the Lin family is different from mine.

I, um, Song Kexin is fine. Even though she has separated herself from Song Kexin in terms of relationship and psychology, but when she said this, there was still a hint of emotion and loneliness in Gu Xi's expression.

Gu Shao raised his hand to rub the top of Gu Xi's head, and suddenly asked for no reason: Does Xi Xi want a mother?

Of course it wasn't Song Kexin, it didn't matter who it was.

Gu Shao's consideration may have been a whim, but not entirely.

Maybe it's because I'm concerned about children's education and I saw the articles titled Things Mothers Should Do During Children's Growth and The Role of Mothers in Children's Education, or maybe it's because I saw Gu Xi, sister-in-law and Cui Min these days. , and Dong Mingming's mother, and even interacting with several female teachers of University A and Meng Zixin, this consideration arose in Gu Shao's consciousness.

——As Gu Xi grew up, he needed someone to teach girls what to know. In this regard, as a father, Gu Shao might not be able to do that well.

Hearing Gu Shao's sudden question, Gu Xi froze, then was shocked.

Gu Xi didn't know that Gu Shao had this consideration entirely because, in Gu Xi's consciousness, Gu Shao would probably do it because he fell in love with a certain lady.

——So, does Gu Shao want to find a stepmother?

Gu Xi muttered something secretly in her heart, and couldn't help but start thinking about who Gu Shao would fall in love with.

Could it be that one of the female students in A University who always took the opportunity to come to Gu Shao to look at the data? Or was it the last time Gu Shao took her to eat in the canteen of A, and met the female teacher who was very enthusiastic and insisted on having a table with them?

Or the president's office of ntn and Taina

How many beautiful ladies? And the gentle and young aunt in the 204 R\u0026D center on the fourth floor of ntn? Or Xiaoli Lin Yize once Bai Yueguang Meng Zixin?

However, the relationship between these people and Gu Shao seems to be quite normal, it should not be you.

Otherwise, could it be Xu Bei who replaced Chen Ziyang these days? !

From Gu Xi's point of view, Fang expressed that it was a little strange that he didn't come up all the time. He seemed to be reckless, and he kept running to get a sense of presence. He would give Gu Xi a bunch of beautiful trinkets, but after being rejected by Gu Xi, he persevered and replaced them with snacks.

—Suspicious, very suspicious.

Gu Xi frowned maturely, pondering.

In just one minute, Gu Xi had checked everyone around Gu Shao in her mind.

And thinking that Gu Shao is about to find a stepmother for himself, Gu Xi's mood can only be described as mixed and mixed.

Although, knowing that Gu Shao is single now, it is appropriate to find someone he likes to date with, and even get married and have children in the future, but this happened suddenly, and Gu Xi couldn't feel depressed for a while.

Gu Xi struggled in her heart for a long time but couldn't figure out what attitude to use to answer Gu Shao's question, so she resorted to a stupid but useful method: pretending to be asleep.

Well, I'm so sleepy... Gu Xi cherished it, and yawned pretendingly, then turned around in a jerk, pulled back and prepared a small blanket in the car to cover himself, Then close your eyes and pretend to sleep.

The whole action was completed in one go.

Seeing this, Gu Shao didn't say anything, but just reminded Gu Xi: Cover it up.

Then he helped Gu Xi pull up the blanket.


Later, Gu Xi didn't know when she pretended to be asleep but actually fell asleep.

When Gu Xi was woken up by Gu Shao pinching her nose, she realized that the car had already reached Gu's house.

Well, are you home yet? Gu Xi rubbed her eyes and glanced out of the car window in a daze.

Let's go, let's go. Gu Shao said, ready to get off the car.

Right here, Gu Xi stopped Gu Shao: Dad, wait.

What's wrong? Gu Shao turned around, and saw Gu Xi looking at him seriously, not only serious, but even a little serious.



Do you know Jin Yanyan? Gu Xi asked.

Gu Shao was slightly stunned: I don't know.

Well, what about Zhang Xianyue? You should have heard of it, right?

Hearing this, Gu Shao searched his memory a little, and asked, The famous director?

That's him! Gu Xi nodded, and continued: Jin Yanyan is a very popular girl group star, and later married Zhang Xianyue.

Gu Shao doesn't pay much attention to things in the entertainment industry, so he doesn't know much about Gu Xi.

Hearing Gu Xi's words, Gu Shao frowned slightly, but he didn't interrupt Gu Xi.

Then, Gu Shao saw that Gu Xi shook his head again, and said, However, they divorced at the beginning of this year. It is said that after getting married, I personally found that the age gap between each other is too big, and it is difficult to reach an agreement in all aspects. Coordination, so we can only divorce.

Well, what are you doing?! Before Gu Xi could finish, Gu Shao hit her head.

Stop watching these entertainment gossips in the future. Gu Shao said: When you're older, you should care about whether other people get divorced or not.

No, I didn't read the entertainment gossip, it's very important for me to tell you! After thinking for a while, Gu Xi said again: Also, is it the entertainment industry, Zhou Ningji is that old calligrapher, and he also married a The young wife, who is still his student, has the same interests, but in the end, she will not be lenient!

Seeing Gu Xi go on and on, Gu Shao's temples twitched, finally sighed, and asked a little speechlessly: So, what do you want to express?

I want to express—well, that's, that, Dad... Gu Xi tied her tongue, and finally straightened her tongue out, looked at Gu Shao seriously, and said word by word, seriously: I don’t think it’s right for an old cow to eat young grass.”

Gu Shao: ... The temples danced even more happily.

Gu Shao's face darkened, his brows were furrowed, and he thought to himself: In the future, it's not about stopping Gu Xi from watching entertainment gossip, but trying to reduce this girl's use of her mobile phone as much as possible.

Old cows eat tender grass?

——What is this?

Before Gu Shao could speak, Gu Xi looked at him seriously again, and said, I thought about that question just now...

Then, Gu Xi lowered her head subconsciously, and then whispered: You want to find an old...

The word 'wife' almost blurted out, but Gu Xi realized it was wrong, and quickly corrected it.

I have no objection if you want to find someone to marry, but don't want that kind of 'mess', want that kind of formality, and age, and it can't be that kind of gap.

Having an extra stepmother, Gu Xi endured it, but think about it, if someone who can be called Miss Sister at a young age wants to call herself Mom, how can Gu Xi not accept it.

However, Gu Xi hurriedly said again: If you really like it, then... that's fine too.

Gu Xi made a compromise.

After saying this, Gu Xi suddenly felt uncomfortable, and without waiting for Gu Shao, she jumped out of the car and ran back home.

Gu Shao also got out of the car behind Gu Xi, but he had a strange expression on his face.


Gu Xi entered the house first, but was walking

He stopped walking outside the living room.

Because it was found that there was not only old man Gu in this house, but also a person sitting in front of old man Gu, with gray hair and a long beard, wearing a white Tang suit, who looked much older than old man Gu, who was drinking with old man Gu. Drinking tea and chatting.

Who is that? Gu Xi murmured in doubt.

Gu Shao entered the house behind Gu Xi, then glanced in the direction of the living room, and said, Xie Hongbo.

Gu Xi:? !

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