I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 77: The Original Truth of the Truth

With Gu Shao's order, Wang Wu and others did not bring Song Shishan to City B, but only invited them to the county town where Luozang Township is located, a clubhouse with a fairly clean environment and enough quietness.

When Gu Shao arrived, Song Shishan was sitting hunched in a corner, holding a cup of tea tightly in his hand, his figure seemed a little shrunken.

Sensing someone walking in front of him, Song Shishan's body trembled, and the tea in his hand also spilled a lot.

I will clean it up if it happens. Gu Shao said, preventing Song Shishan from bending down to wipe the water stains on the ground.

After all, Gu Shao sat down opposite Song Shishan.

Seeing the one in front of him, a look of horror flashed in Song Shishan's eyes.


I'm Gu Shao. Gu Shao introduced himself briefly.

I, I know... last time I saw you at the entrance of the village with Lin Xi. Song Shishan opened his mouth and said.

However, Gu Shao emphasized seriously: Her name is Gu Xi now.

Gu Xi... Song Shishan murmured the name, then nodded, and said submissively: Very, very good.

You asked me to come here, what's the matter? Song Shishan asked cautiously.

Even if he knew that the person in front of him was Gu Xi's biological father, he had something to do with him barely, and probably didn't want to harm him or plot something against him, but facing Gu Shao, Song Shishan still couldn't help it. Live in fear.

That is to say, he didn't feel any malice in Gu Shaoke's expression and attitude, but sitting in front of him like this would easily bring a great pressure to him.

Gu Shao didn't speak, took a document from Wang Wu behind him and handed it to Song Shishan.

Looking at the things handed over, Song Shishan murmured in his heart, I don't know what's inside, but there is a bad premonition.

Song Shishan shook his head and refused: I-I don't know a few words—

Before Song Shishan could finish speaking, Gu Shao interrupted him, If you don't know the words, you can read the pictures.

Hearing this, Song Shishan knew he couldn't hide, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and take the document from Gu Shao's hand, and flipped through the document with trembling hands.

Song Shishan did not know much about the words on it, but he could understand those pictures.

The pictures should be taken from unusual angles such as public surveillance, but they are not the same as the current high-definition surveillance pictures-these photos are still black and white, and a little blurry.

Song Shishan stared at several photos and studied them repeatedly. Suddenly, his eyes widened in fact, as if he was frightened by something, he threw out the 'hot' information in his hand.

This, this is... Song Shishan's lips trembled, his face filled with horror.

——This is a restaurant when he was looking for the Lin family in city b.

The appearance of this restaurant is still fresh in Song Shishan's memory even after more than ten years: If it weren't for what happened that day, he wouldn't have been hiding in Songjia Village for more than ten years and dared not come out.

In the corner of the photo, Song Shishan really saw his original figure - he was running out of the restaurant in a hurry with a bag of things in the photo.

Song Shishan wanted to run subconsciously, but was pushed back to the seat by Gu Shao.

I don't know these things, and I don't recognize them. Song Shishan denied it.

Gu Shao, on the other hand, just glanced at the other party lightly, and said, If I hadn't grasped some directional clues, I would not have found you.

After finishing speaking, Gu Shao leaned over again, clicked on a few photos on the material, and said slowly: The place on the photo is a restaurant called Baiyelin.

On the day shown above, there was a serious incident of violence in this private room, right?

Gu Shao looked at Song Shishan sharply, saw that the other party shook his head and said nothing, and continued: In that violent incident, not only were injured, but two were stabbed to the vitals, and they lost their vital signs on the spot.

It's just that after the incident, you spent money to seal all the mouths, and gave a large sum of money to the families of the two people, so that the other party agreed to have a private relationship. After that, another car accident was faked, and the two faked it died in an accident, and finally the whole thing was suppressed quietly...

Gu Shao's words fell into Song Shishan's heart word by word, and what happened at that time kept flashing in Song Shishan's mind, as if he could vividly remember it.

Gu Shao looked at Song Shishan quietly, and threw out another sentence: Kill for life.

With a bang, Song Shishan was so frightened that he dropped the cup in his hand.

Gu Shao continued: And most of the evidence that can be found so far points to you.

Gu Shao's words became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Song Shishan immediately fell from the chair and sat on the ground, shaking his head like crazy, and kept saying: It's not me.

It's not me, I really didn't do it, I didn't kill it!

Who is that? Gu Shao asked in a deep voice. The calm voice seemed to know the truth.

I, I don't know, I don't know anything.

Song Shishan still wanted to pretend to be stupid, but Gu Shao sneered again: The original incident has not exceeded 20 years, and it is still within the prosecution period. Once you are sued, you still cannot escape.

Furthermore, after a pause, Gu Shao asked again, Do you think intentional killing can be done privately?

Song Shishan was completely shocked by Gu Shao's words, and he spoke the truth while crying: It's not me, it's Lin Yize, he deliberately framed me, he killed me

Top bag!

Evidence? Gu Shao asked.

I, I don't have evidence... Song Shishan showed despair: It's not that he didn't want to find evidence, but the real evidence had been destroyed long ago, and now all the forged evidence pointed to him.

Song Shishan suddenly looked at Gu Shao, but it was as if he saw a life-saving straw.

Song Shishan came up to grab Gu Shao, but Gu Shao avoided him, but he begged eagerly: It's really that Lin, who did all the things, please help me.

I can help you. Gu Shao said.

At these words, Song Shishan looked at Gu Shao in surprise.

Really? Do you believe me? Song Shishan asked excitedly.

Gu Shao was noncommittal - he didn't believe in Song Shishan, but believed in what he had investigated. Moreover, Song Shishan alone was not capable of killing those two lives.

So, Gu Shao said again: If you want me to help you, then you have to tell the truth.

Hearing this, Song Shishan nodded fiercely: I said, I said...

What do I want to say? Song Shishan asked.

Say you know.

Okay. Song Shishan nodded, and began to recall what happened back then.


Song Shishan was fond of gambling, because he owed a lot of money for gambling.

Later, Song Kexin hooked up with Lin Yize, a rich man in the city, and returned to the village to drag Zhang Cui and Song Shishan to divorce, and also wanted to sever ties with him.

In the early Song Dynasty, Shishan did not agree. As a result, the Lin family recruited a gang for some reason, and Song Shishan came to beat him severely and broke his leg.

Song Shishan was afraid, but had no choice but to sign the divorce agreement.

In order not to let Song Shishan go to city b to affect the reputation of the Lin family, Song Kexin agreed that after he divorced Zhang Cui, he would pay him a living allowance every three months.

At first, it was on time, but later, Song Kexin's living expenses gradually became irregular. Song Shishan asked for it at the Lin family's meeting, or Lin Yize's attendance, and if he didn't give it, he would be a rascal.

This trick works.

Once again, Song Shishan was cornered by debt collectors, so he had to go to city B again.

From the Lin family's servant, Song Shishan found out that Lin Yize was in a certain restaurant.

When he arrived at the place, Lin Yize's subordinates didn't drive him away, they just told him to wait.

Lin Yize was talking with another group.

The Lin family at that time was no better than the current Lin family. If Lin Yize wanted to make the Lin family prosperous quickly, he would inevitably engage in some dirty tricks.

Probably because things didn't reach an agreement, the two sides called.

Song Shishan was peeping outside—he was in the countryside, had never read a book, hadn’t seen much of the world, and had seen that battle there, and Song Shishan was frightened stupid immediately.

That's right! Those two were done by Lin Yize! Song Shishan said: At that time, everyone in the private room was red-eyed. Seeing Lin Yize stabbed the approaching knife several times with no expression on his face, the knife was fatal.

The fighting gradually subsided, and everyone on the scene was locked in a private room in the hotel.

Song Shishan wanted to run, but was stopped and brought to Lin Yize.

Lin Yize pointed to the two motionless '' on the ground, making Song Shishan admit that he did it by mistake.

Of course Song Shishan didn't want to admit it, but was beaten up by Lin Yize.

Lin Yize was both threatening and inducing.

At that time, Song Shishan was already frightened and stupid, and he was terrified of Lin Yize's viciousness, and his mind was not bright at all. After arriving at Lin Yize to make a speech, guaranteeing that he will be fine, and will help him pay off the debt, Song Shishan nodded confusedly, walked around the scene a few times as the other party said, and took the other party's gift to him. Things, and finally fled from the meal in a hurry with a bag of things.

The subsequent fuck was done by Lin Yize.

Sealed the mouth with money, cleaned up the real evidence at the scene, and concocted a so-called 'accident', and picked it up by himself.

As for Song Shi's bag on the top of the mountain, it was Lin Yize who left behind.

——Insurance, he forged evidence pointing to Song Shishan, even if this matter is overturned in the future, and the clues are found out, it will only be Song Shishan who was found to have been killed, and Lin Yize has nothing to do with him.

Lin Yize's methods were so good that the truth of this matter was buried for many years without being discovered.

However, Song Shishan has been living in fear, for fear that one day he will be caught and eaten peanuts if he shows up. That's why Song Shishan has been hiding in the Song Family Village all these years, not daring to come out.

Lin Yize did it all, please, help me. Song Shishan begged Gu Shao.

Yes. Gu Shao responded, and said, However, I need your cooperation to testify against Lin Yize.

At these words, Song Shishan hesitated for a moment, but retreated.

Lin Yize's ruthlessness when he killed him back then still makes Song Shishan terrified and cowardly - he dare not provoke that devil easily, let alone confront him in court.

Furthermore, the incident back then has not been discovered so far. If Gu Shao didn't say anything, he could actually continue to hide in the village without incident.

After so much of his life, for better or worse, Song Shishan now just wants to live.

As if seeing Song Shishan's thoughts, Gu Shao squinted his eyes and didn't say anything more.

Gu Shao took the teacup in front of him, and wanted to take a sip of tea, but seeing the 'not so clean' cup, Gu Shao gave up.

Putting the teacup back silently, Gu Shao stood

Turning around, he glanced at Song Shishan lightly.

15 days, choose, you can think about it slowly. After finishing speaking, Gu Shao turned and left.


After leaving Luoming County, Gu Shao returned to City B.

Just as Gu Shao returned home, he saw Gu Xi staring at him eagerly, with countless questions in his eyes.

Helplessness flashed across Gu Shao's eyes, he went out of the room and looked at Gu Xi again.

What do you want to know? Gu Shao asked with a soft sigh in his heart.

Hearing this, Gu Xi blinked her eyes twice: A lot, uh, I want to know all of them.

Sit down. Gu Shao asked Gu Xi to sit on the sofa opposite him.

Seeing Gu Xi obediently sitting in front of him, Gu Shao's expression also became a little serious, and he opened his mouth to explain to Gu Xi.

Because of Grandpa's identity, and because the existence of the Gu family has affected certain interests, the Gu family does have some potential enemies...

Gu Shao explained to Gu Xi the situation of the Gu family and the identities of Xie Hongbo and Gu Yaobai in as simple a way as possible.

As for the Lin family...

Is it because of me? Gu Xi asked.


That's because of the accident at the beginning, Lin Yize felt that he was with you..., so he twisted it and wanted to take revenge on you? Gu Xi said bluntly.

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Shao glared at him.

Don't think about those messy things in your head. Gu Shao said to Gu Xi.

Hearing this, Gu Xi shrunk her neck guiltily, and felt aggrieved: It's not that she was talking nonsense because of her unhealthy mind, but it was indeed like this in the novel.

Although this is done in the novel to emphasize the hero's deep love for the heroine.

That's a pervert... Gu Xi muttered in a low voice.

It's a pity.

Well, I won't say anything. Gu Xi covered her mouth symbolically, and looked at Gu Shao obediently.

Gu Shao glanced at Gu Xi with some headaches.

He never told Gu Xi about these things, because there were some things involved in it, Gu Shao felt that it was not appropriate to tell Gu Xi now, but he couldn't avoid it, and couldn't skip it.

The Lin family dealt with the Gu family because of their relationship with Gu Yaobai, because of business interests, and partly because of revenge... Gu Shao slipped through this part as concisely as possible.

The above are some of the situations our family is facing now. After a pause, Gu Shao said, I'm telling you this, just because I don't want you to think about it in your head all day, not to let you follow along. heart.

Whether it's an enemy you can see or not, don't be afraid. I, grandpa, uncle, and uncle will solve it.

Seeing Gu Xi nodding, Gu Shao continued to tell her about Song Kexin.

The reason why Song Kexin asked Gu Xi to go back to Lin's family abnormally several times, and the reason why Zhang Cui attacked Gu Xi, all had one purpose, which was to get Gu Xi to provide Song Kexin with organs.

Gu Shao originally didn't want Gu Xi to see the dark side at this age, and he didn't want Gu Xi to have doubts about other family relationships because of Song Kexin and Zhang Cui's embarrassment.

It's just that there are some things that can't be hidden, knowing these, Gu Xi can protect herself well.

After Gu Shao finished speaking, he glanced at Gu Xi nervously. Fortunately, apart from a trace of surprise on Gu Xi's face, Gu Shao did not see any sadness or despair.


From Gu Shao's mouth that Song Kexin was ill, Gu Xi was puzzled.

After all, in the part of the novel she read, Song Kexin didn't have any serious illnesses except for being ill once before, which made the hero love her even more.

Is reality different from fiction?

Or this paragraph actually exists, but is it skipped in the novel? Gu Xi lowered her eyes, muttering to herself.

After all, the novel is just a novel, and most of the content described is for the sake of the plot, and it is impossible to go into detail about everything, so it is possible to skip the not very sweet plot of Song Kexin's recurrence of old illness.

If so, how did Song Kexin recover later?

Yes, Gu Xi was still full of doubts.

Gu Xi recalled every detail of the novel as much as possible.

It's just that there are too few hints that can be given to her in the novel-except for the sweet love story of the hero and heroine, there are very few other things.

In the novel, there is very little ink on the black history of the hero and heroine Lin Xi.

But it seems that there was indeed a plot where 'Lin Xi' was mentioned...

There was a flash of inspiration in Gu Xi's mind, and just when she was about to think of something, her thoughts were interrupted.


After dealing with the follow-up of yesterday's accident, Gu Xuan came, bringing Cui Min and Gu Chenyi with him.

Just outside, Cui Min ran up to Gu Xi with a nervous expression on his face: Xi Xi was frightened yesterday, come on, little auntie.

Although she had repeatedly confirmed on the phone that Gu Xi was fine last night, Cui Min couldn't help but nervously pulled Gu Xi up and down to check her up and down, as if she was afraid that there was something hidden and unreported on Gu Xi's body.

I'm really fine. Gu Xi said to Cui Min with a smile.

Although yesterday's incident was thrilling, Gu Xi was indeed not injured at all.

It's fine as long as it's fine. Cui Min hugged Gu Xi into his arms, patted Gu Xi's back, and comforted her.

Gu Chenyi on the side also

I plan to come over.

As a result, as soon as Gu Chenyi came over, Cui Min slapped him back.

Say what you want to say, don't touch your hands. Cui Min cast a glance at Gu Chenyi and said.

At that time, Gu Chenyi was confused and wronged: I just want to comfort her... What's wrong with the hug?

Xixi is a girl, you are a boy, what are you doing? Cui Min said.

The two of us are close cousins.

That's not OK.

Hands, hands away.

Gu Chenyi: ... Who is not a baby anymore, the baby feels wronged.


Don't think that Cui Min seems to be quite 'unrestrained' running abroad in the past few years, but in fact he is still very traditional in his bones.

Gu Shao and Gu Xuan sat aside, watching the interaction of the three, Gu Xuan smiled and spoke.

After a pause, Gu Xuan continued: I didn't want to tell them, but I got a call at night, and I didn't hide it.

There is also the father's side, whether to hide it or not.

Said that Gu Xi almost had an accident, and that it was Song Kexin and Zhang Cui's plan, Mr. Gu was very angry.

But the old ones can't stand the emotional toss - Mr. Gu hadn't copied the guy and hit the Lin's house, but he was almost knocked down by the sudden increase in blood pressure.

Dahe and sister-in-law are trying to persuade her at home...

If Gu Feng and his wife hadn't stopped Mr. Gu over there, he probably would have called Lin's house with a blood pressure monitor.

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