I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 67 Sutuo boys must protect themselves when they go out...

Second uncle.

Second Uncle.

Gu Yanxiao and Gu Chenyi ran over, stood in front of Gu Shao, and called Gu Shao with a smile.

Then he showed off his team uniform first.

Look, I'll just say that this set is the most suitable,...you can see that we are a team,...and not as stupid as the others, isn't it, pretty handsome?

Gu Chenyi said in a chattering voice, but was met with blank stares from Gu Yanxiao next to him.

How do I remember that I found this first.

That's what I highly recommend too.

Beside ..., Gu Xi quietly looked at the two people, and did not speak.

To be precise, this set of team uniforms of the 'shit shoveler' and a few kittens are the activity uniforms selected by several people in the group.

Let the boss send them to Gu Shao's place and the main house of the Gu family respectively.

In addition to these four pieces, three other people also bought one of the same style for Gu Yanlin, and sent it to the address of the studio in country m.

However, as the person who was kicked out of the group chat, Gu Yanlin had no right to choose.

Therefore, the selected pattern is a wrinkled, fierce and strange-looking hairless cat.

Hey, I don't know if my brother has received it.

Let's take a photo and send it over. Gu Yanxiao raised his eyebrows and proposed.

Gu Chenyi also nodded his head: Yes! When the time comes, let the eldest brother p up by himself.

Of course, a team must be neat and tidy.

Gu Yanxiao and Gu Chenyi took out their mobile phones, as if eager to take a group photo. Obviously, he didn't notice a trace of disgust flashing in Gu Shao's eyes as he looked at them.

——The Gu family's production lines in several overseas countries need to be inspected at the end of the year. Gu Xuan had already set off for country S a few days ago. In addition, in the past two days, due to an important inspection, Gu Feng and his wife are also busy working overtime, so they don't have time to come.

Therefore, Gu Shao somehow came to take care of the child.

Gu Shao didn't feel very happy about this.

Set up a tent,?? Will you? Gu Shao looked at the two 'excessive' kids next to him and asked.

Yes. Fiddling with the photos, the two put down their phones and nodded in unison.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that the second uncle/uncle seems to be a bit disgusted with them?

Gu Yanxiao went over there to fix the red shelf, Gu Chenyi went to the tent to get it back, and set up the tent with me. Gu Shao arranged a division of labor for the two.

Hearing Gu Shao's arrangement, the two agreed in unison: Okay, and then went to complete their own tasks.

In order not to be disliked by their second uncle/uncle, Gu Chenyi and Gu Yanxiao's movements can be described as quite swift.


Seeing that everyone was busy, Gu Xi looked around.

Then I'll light the fire.

The camping area provides everyone with the materials needed to build a fire, ignition tools, as well as the carbon fire and dry wood needed.

It's just that you need to do it yourself to set up the stove and light the fire.

Gu Xi counted the pile of materials in front of him, and carefully identified each item before starting to build the stove.

Before coming here, Gu Xi made a special guide, which has several ways to build the stove.

Comparing the materials in front of her, Gu Xi began to recall the methods she should use.

——Look for a place with moderate soil humidity, dig a hole first, and then build stones around it...

Gu Xi did it step by step, but found that it didn't work?

The strategy that the blogger provided could not be found in the copy of the game. Gu Xi couldn't help but muttered, seeing that the front of him looked decent at first, but turned down the wild stove in reality.

Helpless, Gu Xi had no choice but to tear it down and try again.


Gu Shao was on the other side, where he had chosen to set up the tent, and together with Gu Chenyi, he fixed the general frame of the tent. When he walked over, he saw Gu Xi squatting on the ground, concentrating on tinkering.

When Gu Shao got closer, he realized that Gu Xi was building the stove, and it was almost finished.

Seeing Gu Shao approaching, Gu Xi was stunned, and asked uncertainly, Is this appearance okay?

The method in the strategy was too tricky, so Gu Xi decided to follow her own method.

... Looking at the stove that Gu Xi built, Gu Shao was silent for two seconds, and sighed inwardly, not knowing how to answer Gu Xi's question.

I wanted to say no, but seeing Gu Xi's concentration, I was afraid that it would hurt her enthusiasm.

Let me take a look. Gu Shao went to Gu Xi and squatted down, checking it with a 'pretend', but he was ready to rebuild it when Gu Xi didn't pay attention.

The result was somewhat beyond Gu Shao's expectations: the stove that Gu Xi built looked sloppy, as if it would collapse if touched, but in fact, it was quite strong.

Gu Shao checked and found that the space between the stones on the stove and the stones is very stable, and the ventilation and the gap between the pots and utensils are also reasonable.

Gu Shao was a little surprised, turned his head slightly to look at Gu Xi, and asked, Where did you learn it?

This is not the normal way to build a field stove, but it works.

I didn't learn, Gu Xi said, pointing to the stones of everyone's stove, and said, I built it according to the imprint on it.

The camping party specially prepared these stones so that the people who come here can experience the feeling of having a picnic in the wild.

So these

The stone was originally chosen to be a stove.

Just when Gu Xi was holding these stones at a loss, she suddenly discovered that there were marks on the stones that had been used by someone before.

The bare is exposed, and the burned areas are relatively black spots, while the connection between the stones still maintains the color of the stone itself.

Gu Xi set up the stove according to the different depths of the marks on these stones, and made some adjustments in the process, probably based on her little knowledge of physics and mechanics, but Gu Xi is not sure whether this is the case.

So, is this okay? Gu Xi looked at Gu Shao again and asked, a little nervous.

No problem. Gu Shao said with a smile. He did not change the basic structure of the stove, but slightly reinforced the edge of the stove.


Hearing Gu Shao's words, Gu Xi had a smile on his face.

Then I'll go to the thing that makes the fire! After Gu Xi finished speaking, she ran over excitedly, bringing over the tools needed to make the fire.

Probably in order to allow everyone to experience the fun of traditional camping and picnics, among the things provided by the camping party, not only the stove must be built in the most primitive way, but even the fire tools are the most primitive.

However, fortunately, these treasures are also included in the Raiders before.

Gu Xi studied for a while with the improved wood-drilling tool in his hand, and after roughly finding the way, he squatted in front of the stove and began to tinker.

Seeing that Gu Xi was so excited, Gu Shao really didn't want to interrupt, so he let Gu Xi go.

Gu Shao himself was on the sidelines, and the photo of the stove that he took just now was sent to Moments.

As soon as this status was sent out, a new comment was received.

[Gu Xuan: Hahaha, this stove is so ugly, who built it? 】

Gu Xuan wanted to know whether the stove was built by Gu Yanxiao or his son.

Seeing Gu Xuan's comment, Gu Shao's eyes flashed with dissatisfaction, and he replied coldly: 【Your son's tent is even uglier, do you want to see it? 】


On the other side, Xu Fei who was still working overtime at NTN also saw Gu Shao's state.

Xu Fei knew that Gu Shao took the three of Gu's family to participate in the Sutuo activity of the school, but he didn't know which one's masterpiece was on the stove in the photo of the boss at this time.

After thinking about it, Xu Fei tentatively commented: [The way this stove is built is creative and special. 】

The next second, seeing Gu Shao replying with a 'satisfied' expression, Xu Fei knew that he had guessed right: this stove was definitely built by Gu Xi, it can't be wrong!

Let's go with the rainbow fart spree!


Here, Gu Xi fiddled with the fire tools for a long time, but failed to light the fire. The expression on his face had changed from being excited at the beginning to the current 'face killing'.

It's a pity that no matter what Gu Xi did, there was only a little white smoke coming out between the stick and the wooden block below, and no sparks could be seen.

Why don't you ignite it? Gu Xi muttered, thinking to herself, maybe she was cheated by the online strategy again.

When Gu Xi was puzzled, Gu Shao walked over from the side.

I come.

Ah? Gu Xi was stunned, and handed the fire tools to Gu Shao.

However, after Gu Shao took over the tool, he just adjusted it briefly, and still maintained the appearance that Gu Xi had put on just now. After a little fiddle with it, it was only a blink of an eye. There was already a spark.

It's caught! Gu Xi exclaimed, with disbelief in her tone.

Hearing Gu Xi's exclamation, Gu Shao secretly laughed, and did not stop working.

I saw that Gu Shao covered the haystack with the combustible material without haste, and ignited a fireball by blowing it into the air a little bit, and then added dry firewood, and the fire began to stabilize.

The whole operation was completed, the point is, it took less than a minute!



Are you so good at this? Gu Xi stood aside, looked at Gu Shao in surprise, and asked curiously.

There was admiration in his eyes.

Greeting Gu Xi with adoring eyes, Gu Shao didn't show it on the face, but felt a sense of composure in his heart, then smiled and explained: I was in the battalion before, and these are necessary military skills.

Hearing Gu Shao's explanation, Gu Xi nodded: She remembered that there was Gu Shao's military registration in the household registration book.

However, Gu Xi also became curious, why Gu Shao didn't stay in the camp, like Sheng Xiuyan's father, but chose to return to school.

Is it because you like scientific research more? Gu Xi asked her doubts.

Not exactly. After Gu Shao finished speaking, he explained to Gu Xi for the first time the reason why he left the camp and what happened to Gu's family back then.

——Originally, according to the position of the Gu family at that time and the concept of Mr. Gu, he would definitely send all three of his children to the camp.

It's just that something happened later, which changed the structure of the Gu family and Mr. Gu's thinking.

Gu Feng is a person who really yearns for the camp. If it wasn't for the injury, Gu Feng wouldn't have chosen to change jobs.

Your uncle's injury is a big blow to grandpa...

Mr. Gu blamed himself very much for that incident, and his physical and mental state were very unstable. And because of some tricks behind the scenes, the Gu family at that time was also in crisis and precarious.

That's why Gu Shao had no choice but to choose to retire from the army at that time, and returned to Gu's house to take over Gu Shao.

Take the position of the head of the family, and start to deal with the affairs of the family.

It took Gu Shao nearly half a year to completely settle the Gu family's troubles and resolve the Gu family's crisis. After that, Gu Shao apparently left the Gu family and took away most of the Gu family's resources. edge.

After that, the Gu family came into being.

Hearing Gu Shao's words, Gu Xi couldn't help but frowned, showing a serious expression: Although Gu Shao didn't go into too much detail about those grievances, Gu Xi knew that it might be someone who attacked the Gu family behind their backs. In the novel, the mysterious person surnamed Xie is also Gu Yaobai's biological father.

The one who harmed Uncle also harmed the entire Gu family, Dad, have you found out who it is? Gu Xi asked.

Hearing this, although Gu Shao didn't speak, Gu Xi could tell from Wu Leng's downcast eyes that Gu Shao should have found out who that person was.

Gu Xi originally thought that in the novel, the Gu family had an accident and was captured by the other party because they were unprepared, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Can't our family beat each other? Gu Xi subconsciously clenched her fists and asked.

——Not at all.

Gu Shao secretly thought.

Although Xie Hongbo has devoted himself to expanding his power over the years and has many connections under his command, in fact, the Gu family is not bad in comparison, but the sharpness has accumulated and some things are no longer visible.

Between the two parties, it is more like a mutually restrictive relationship.

Looking up at Gu Xi's worried face, his little face was wrinkled with nervousness, Gu Shao secretly laughed, but then he raised his hand and tapped Gu Xi's forehead lightly.

Our family doesn't have to be afraid of each other. Gu Shao said, paused, and then said: However, these are not things that you should worry about.

When Gu Shaotong said this to Gu Xi, he just wanted her to know more about his family and their situation, not to let her worry about those grievances.

The grievances and grievances of the previous generation will be resolved by the adults, and the children of the family, as long as they grow up healthy and happy, then they can do what they want to do.

This is also the consensus that Gu Shao, Gu Feng, and Gu Xuan have reached over the years.

Because of this, Gu Yanxiao, Gu Chenyi, and even the biggest Gu Yanlin were not clear about those things.

Okay, go and get the carbon here. Gu Shao said.

Well, good. Gu Xi agreed, temporarily putting aside the matter of the Gu family and that Xie.


Looking around, Gu Xi's group of fire was definitely the first to start.

Many other groups have not even set up their stoves.

In such a comparison, Gu Xi couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, looking at Gu Shao's back, she burst into a smirk.

At this moment, Dong Mingming came over, seeing Gu Xi's smirk on her face, she raised her hand and waved in front of her eyes: Are you smiling?

No, Gu Xi came back to her senses, looked at Dong Mingming, and asked, Is your house ready?

How is it possible... Dong Mingming pursed her lips.

Our home also built a stove according to the pictures on the Internet, but it turned out that it couldn't be done well.

Therefore, our family has given up and asked Dad Dong to go to the supply area to get an iron stove that doesn't have to be built by ourselves.

Dong Mingming is here now to borrow fire.

Just get me two yuan, your family has already burned charcoal and give it to me. Dong Mingming winked at Gu Xi, and handed the iron basket that Papa Dong gave to Gu Xi.

It's not that their family couldn't make a fire. In the families at the scene, they tossed for a long time with fire tools and failed to make flames everywhere.

In the end, most of the groups gave up and went to the supply area to borrow firearms.

No need to start a gun|Gun is the last insistence of Dong Mingming's family on self-reliance and self-improvement.

——Girl, I’m afraid you have misunderstood self-reliance and self-improvement.

Gu Xi glanced at Dong Mingming silently, and complained in her heart, but she still happily divided her charcoal into two pieces.

After carrying back the two pieces of charcoal fire, Dong Mingming came back after a while, carrying a kettle in his hand.

Do you want to borrow it again this time? Gu Xi asked.

Hearing this, Dong Mingming chuckled: Don't borrow anything, let's make a fuss.

Before the words were finished, Dong Mingming had already 'consciously' put the kettle in her hand on the fire in Gu Xi's house.

Gu Xi: ...


Sitting next to Gu Xi, rubbing against the fire at Gu Xi's house, and eating Aunt Mei's snacks from Gu Xi's house, Dong Mingming suddenly thought of something, bumped Gu Xi's arm, and said, By the way, I saw someone posted a circle of friends. Ming also came here Sutuo.

Hearing Dong Mingming's words, Gu Xi was taken aback for a moment, and was about to ask something, at this moment, Gu Yanxiao and Gu Chenyi came over after setting up the tent and shelf.

You mean Liming? Gu Yanxiao asked with a frown.

Yes, Dong Mingming nodded, and said again: It seems to be next door to us.

There are many sutuo venues in Jingping Mountain, so even if they are together, they will not affect each other.

However, upon hearing this, Gu Chenyi still showed a somewhat displeased expression, and said dissatisfiedly: Why does this Liming get along with our high school every time?

Isn't this normal? Dong Mingming shrugged and said, And this time the No. 7 High School is also here. I heard that it's coming tomorrow, and it's next door.

——The top few schools in city B are not only compared in grades, but also in all aspects. They don't even ignore such things as Sutuo activities. I don't know how many times this phenomenon has happened. .

Everyone does their own thing. Dong Mingming said indifferently.

On the contrary, Gu Yanxiao, Gu Chenyi and Gu Xi were wearing the same uniforms, which made Dong Mingming envious.

Your team uniform is too pretty! Dong Mingming muttered, his face was full of expressions of beautiful, want, and begging for the same style.

It is one thing to look good in clothes, the main thing is to have so many family members to wear this effect.

Why is she just every cousin and cousin...

Dong Mingming felt resentful in her heart.

However, the next second, Dong Mingming suddenly turned her head to look at Gu Xi, smiled, and her eyes lit up.

Gu Xi, I have a suggestion!

Really? Gu Xi asked.

Why don't we form an alliance! Dong Mingming pulled Gu Xi's face and said excitedly. How powerful!

how is it going?

Seeing Dong Mingming's serious look but unable to hide the excitement of a little girl, Gu Xi subconsciously glanced at her two.

——Why does she think that the proposal of classmate Dong Mingming's alliance is fake, but in fact it's simply greedy for her family, Gu Yanxiao and Gu Chenyi?

The two other people didn't know that Gu Xi was complaining in his head, seeing Gu Xi looking at them, they thought that Gu Xi was asking for their opinions.

I can do it. Gu Chenyi shrugged and said.

Then, Gu Yanxiao also said: I don't care either.

Okay then. Finally Gu Xi nodded and passed Dong Mingming's 'Alliance Application'.

However, when Gu Xi passed by Gu Chenyi and Gu Yanxiao, she secretly sighed, and said to the two of them earnestly: Boys must protect themselves when they go out.

Gu Yanxiao: ...

Gu Chenyi: ???

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