I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 64 You won't be pierced by the soul when you meet, right?

When the oil-green thing fell to the ground, it bounced twice before it 'settled' down. After confirming that the thing in front of it was not a living thing, Shen Ye took two steps closer and took a closer look.

What the hell? Shen Ye muttered, staring at the things on the ground, falling into 'contemplation'.

This thing looks like a headgear, but the key is who will put the green thing on the head? And it's so ugly!

Is the old man crazy? Shen Ye looked at the things on the ground with disgust, and murmured.

It's a prank? Or did you send the wrong item?

Before Shen Ye could figure it out, he saw that his eldest nephew was already ahead of him, and stepped forward to put away the green hood.

Don't look at it, it belongs to grandpa. Sheng Xiuyan said this seriously.

If you don't look at his obviously unnatural expression...

I'll help him carry it up. After finishing speaking, Sheng Xiuyan turned and went upstairs.

In a calm and composed state, there is still a little stiffness.

Watching Sheng Xiuyan go upstairs, Shen Ye looked suspiciously.

Why are they all so weird? Shen Ye frowned and muttered.

What did you think of?? Shen Ye called Sheng Xiuyan again: Hey, kid.

Sheng Xiuyan stopped, and took an annoyed look at Shen Ye: What are you doing?

Do you have a game this Saturday?

Yes, why? Sheng Xiuyan lowered his face.

What can I do, just care about you as an elder,... Shen Ye raised his eyebrows,...then smiled at Sheng Xiuyan, blinked, and asked: How about it,...do you want me, my little girl? Uncle is going to cheer you up as a group of relatives and friends.

Sheng Xiuyan's expression froze.

No need, thank you. Tell Shen Ye to go too, unless he can't think about it.

After walking a few steps, Sheng Xiuyan turned his head again, gave Shen Ye a cold look, and emphasized: Please don't come.

Shen Ye was startled by the warning eyes.


Soon it will be Friday.

After school in the afternoon, Gu Xi went to the cyc center.

At this time, many people came to the venue to watch the game.

Among the crowd, Gu Xi, a young girl in school uniform, stood out a bit.

Originally, Gu Xi felt that she was already very awkward.

As a result, she did not expect that there would be someone more abrupt than her at the scene.

On the other side of the venue, a man wearing a green ugly fish headgear quickly attracted everyone's attention. Even though the man was still wearing a hoodie and hat, and buried his head very low, trying to reduce his sense of existence.

But that headgear is so ugly that it's so 'fresh and refined' that it's hard not to notice it, especially the yellow protruding sexy fish mouth in front.

Gu Xi heard the people around him talking about it.

Hey, what happened to that man?

Are you sure you're here to watch the game? I'm afraid it's not for a joke.


It's not a draft contest, is it useful?

The tone of several people showed a bit of contempt.

But soon there was a different point of view:

It's too early to say something, it's time to slap your face. One person whispered.

What's the meaning?

This way of appearance, even if it is a big boss, I can't say for sure. This is true. After all, in such a competition, there is a possibility of a character like a sweeping monk.

Everyone looked at the fish-headed man with a little more inquisitive eyes.

Hearing everyone's discussion, Gu Xi also subconsciously glanced over there, still thinking it was very funny.


On the other side, 20 meters away.

Through the hood, Sheng Xiuyan noticed the pity in the crowd almost immediately.

Seeing the person he least wanted to see, Sheng Xiuyan felt nervous and instinctively wanted to run away.

But in the next second, Sheng Xiuyan stopped: now that he is wearing this hood, his father might not even recognize him, why run away.

Thinking of this, Sheng Xiuyan immediately calmed down, pretending nothing happened, and turned his gaze away from Gu Xi.

As a result, Sheng Xiuyan's fearful, even slightly awkward state lasted no more than two minutes, when the sudden shout from behind made him lose his power.

Sheng Xiuyan? When did your kid come?

This is Gu Yanlin's voice.

Hearing Gu Yanlin calling him, Sheng Xiuyan's neck stiffened, and he cursed in his heart: 'Damn it! '

He was disguised like this, how did that guy recognize him! Clairvoyant? !

Sheng Xiuyan didn't know that Gu Yanlin didn't recognize him, but from the back, he felt that the sweater looked familiar and his figure was more similar, so he called out tentatively.

While yelling, Gu Yanlin took out his mobile phone and prepared to make a voice call to the two people in the group.

When the bell rang, Sheng Xiuyan hung up without even thinking about it, then his brain froze and he ran to the other side of the crowd.

It seems that I read it right.

But where is that kid going? Gu Yanlin who was holding the phone looked surprised.

Hey, Sheng Xiuyan, this way! Gu Yanlin shouted, walking in the direction Sheng Xiuyan left.


Here, Gu Xi, who was looking at the layout of the competition venue, was slightly taken aback.

——She seemed to hear someone calling the name 'Sheng Xiuyan' just now?

Could it be that Sheng Xiuyan also participated in this competition? Gu Xi muttered in surprise, and the voice just now was also a little familiar.

Gu Xi looked in the direction of the sound, but unfortunately there were too many people at the scene, Gu Xi looked around but did not see any familiar faces.

However, everyone at the scene was discussing separately, and it was a bit noisy, and it might not be true if I heard it wrong.

Thinking of this, Gu Xi withdrew her gaze and continued to follow the queued crowd into the next exhibition area.

A total of 80 groups of projects entered the first round of the Open Competition.

In the Open Competition, each group's commentary, demonstration and presentation time is 15 minutes in total, without pause in between, and there is no interval for preparation time.

Therefore, a total of two display booths are set up in the center of the arena, one left and one right. The group that draws odd numbers is on the right, and the group that draws even numbers is on the left. After the first group is displayed on the right, the second group will be on the left. The show starts on the stage, and then goes backwards one by one.

The time for the previous group to explain and demonstrate is the time for the next group to prepare, install and debug equipment.

Gu Xi took a picture of the scene, and then glanced at the news of [Decisive Battle at the Peak of Tianchuang].

Now that there is no news in the group, Gu Xi was about to send a message to ask if the other two people had come. Then, the message notification sounded, and a new message popped up in the group.

[aaa]: I have seen the venue and our waiting area. I will draw a picture and send it to you when I get home.

[aaa]: In addition, I have confirmed all the equipment and instruments that will be on stage tomorrow, no problem, the equipment jack models are all available, and I have written down which ones I use.

After all, [aaa] uploaded another photo directly.

The implication is: You two don't need to look at it, go back to your own home.

【Lin】: What about you?

He should have read it right. As a result, when he chased after him, Sheng Xiuyan was nowhere to be seen.

[aaa]: I have something to do, so I will withdraw first.


As a result, Brother [3a] didn't reply anymore, as if something really happened.

Here, Gu Xi has already followed the team to the stage.

Because it is necessary to provide a very complete display platform for the participating groups, in addition to the video screen and ppt playback equipment that Gu Xi usually sees, there is also a large console on the stage. It's similar to [aaa] in the group, and it looks much more complicated than the experimental consoles that Gu Xi saw in school.

Gu Xi originally wanted to study it carefully, but because too many people came here at this time, there was not much time left for everyone to test and get familiar with, so Gu Xi could only think of [aaa] and took a photo to remember first down.

Gu Xi also posted the photo in the group.

[aaa] is from the left area, and cherished is from the right area.

To sum it up, the consoles on both sides are similar, except for a slight difference in layout.

After quickly looking at the consoles on the two photos, Gu Yanlin raised his eyebrows.

【Lin】: It seems that there is nothing wrong with me, so I will also withdraw.

When he goes back, he will compare the two consoles, and then carry out product debugging.

Seeing the two people in the group reply one after the other, Gu Xi was stunned.

that's it?

[x]: Shall we not meet today?

[aaa] There is still no reply, but [Lin] so-called said: Then see you directly on the field tomorrow.

The three of them have formed a team so far, and the project has been completed almost 20% of the time, but they haven't even met each other once, which is amazing enough.

Simply sex, it's not bad for a day and a half.

【X】: All right then.

Gu Xi replied, and looked at the two ice cream cakes in her hand, feeling a little regretful.

Originally, she brought the two of them a meeting gift.


For the next day's match, Gu Xi got up early.

Early in the morning, Gu Xi looked at Gu Shao eagerly with eager eyes.

Seeing this, Gu Shao was a little amused, raised his hand to rub Gu Xi's head, and promised, I'm going to deal with some things, and I'll be there later when I'm done.

Really?! Gu Xi's eyes lit up.

En. Gu Shao responded.

After receiving Gu Shao's reply, Gu Xi rolled her eyes and jumped with joy: Then you remember, the venue for the competition is venue No. 7 of the cyc center, and we are in the c2 area.

After all, Gu Xi was still worried that Gu Shao could not be found, so she sent the address to Gu Shao's plane in detail.

Seeing the news of Gu Xilai, and putting a lot of parentheses on him to tell him how to get there and how to find the place, Gu Shao secretly laughed in his heart: He picked that place, how could he not find it.

However, this Gu Shao did not tell Gu Xi.

Come on for the game. Gu Shaoyou patted Gu Xi's head and said.

Okay. Gu Xi felt a little guilty. In competitions of this level, she always felt like a soy saucer.


Gu Shao asked the driver to take Gu Xi to the cyc center, and he also went out shortly after Gu Xi left.

The destination is also cyc.

The difference is that what Gu Shao went to was not the competition venue of cyc, but the control room of the competition group on the other side.

broadcast of the game.

Seeing Gu Shao's arrival, the chief on-site person in charge of the competition group immediately greeted him cautiously, and handed a document to Gu Shao.

Mr. Gu, here is today's competition schedule and the list of participating teams. After finishing speaking, the person in charge looked at the time again, and said, There are still 45 minutes before the start of the competition, and now all participating groups are preparing one after another. Everything is fine.

While talking, the person in charge took another sneak peek at Gu Shao's expression at this time, and then added another sentence: In addition, the order of drawing lots for the group of 'companion-type intelligent systems' is No. 67.

Although the Tianchuang Competition is a competition promoted by ntn that really plans to incubate outstanding projects and talents, and it is the first competition, Gu Shao attaches importance to it, and it is normal to come here in person.

However, she still felt that Mr. Gu's main purpose was to watch her daughter compete.

Because Gu Shao specifically explained before that everything is as usual and there is no need for any special treatment, so the person in charge said this relatively cryptically.

Hearing this, Gu Shao glanced at the person in charge indifferently, didn't say anything, but wrote down Gu Xi's appearance number in his heart.


Here, Gu Xi arrived at the waiting area of ​​the venue.

In the distance, he saw a familiar figure.

Sheng Xiuyan? Gu Xi raised her eyebrows when she saw Sheng Xiuyan who was sitting calmly with the expression of don't allow strangers to enter, her eyes flashed with surprise: So, did she hear correctly yesterday?

Gu Xi walked up to Sheng Xiuyan and said hello: What a coincidence, you also signed up for the 'Tianchuang Contest'?

After all, it is a competition for adults and professionals. Although the competition system was changed later, there are actually not many minors participating in this competition.

Gu Xi did not expect such a coincidence that Sheng Xiuyan also participated in this competition.

Seeing Gu Xi approaching, Sheng Xiuyan's cool expression froze on his face.

——Originally, he wanted to bring that headgear to come today, but it was so ugly that he couldn't stand it, so he hesitated and gave up in the end.

The point is that he didn't expect Gu Yanlin to recognize him even after he was disguised like that.

There was no other way, Sheng Xiuyan had no choice but to give up this plan, and came boldly.

Ah, yes, just join in casually. Sheng Xiuyan's eyes drifted to the other side, and he replied vaguely. In his mind, he was thinking quickly about how to explain to Gu Xi that they were actually in a group.

Did you come yesterday? Gu Xi asked.

She wanted to ask Sheng Xiuyan yesterday, but she forgot about the competition with [aaa] and [Lin] in the group discussion.

Sheng Xiuyan: ... Thinking of his stupid appearance yesterday, he didn't really want to answer this question.

At this moment, after Gu Xi, Gu Yanlin also came to the waiting area.

Then he found Sheng Xiuyan.

I'm talking about Sheng Xiuyan, why did you run away yesterday? Gu Yanlin walked towards this side while talking.

In the next second, Gu Yanlin's gaze happened to collide with Gu Xi who turned his head.


Why are you here? Seeing Gu Xi, she was surprised and delighted.

You came with Uncle? Thinking of the gossip he had heard before, the big investor in the 'Tianchuang Competition' was actually NTN. Gu Yanlin guessed that Gu Xi probably followed Gu Shao to watch the competition.

No. Gu Xi shook his head towards Gu Yanlin and said with a smile, I'm here to participate in the competition.

Without waiting for Gu Yanlin to be surprised, Gu Xi also asked the other party: Brother, are you also here to participate in the competition?

Gu Xi didn't expect to meet two acquaintances in one competition.

Is this world too small, or is this 'Tianchuang Contest' already so popular?

Glancing at the same surprised expressions on the faces of the two brothers and sisters, Sheng Xiuyan at the side flashed a playful look, and suddenly felt relieved.

If Gu Yanlin knew that Gu Xi and him were in the same group, I don't know if the expression on his face would be more exciting.

For this, Sheng Xiuyan was full of expectations.

Here, Gu Yanlin nodded, answering Gu Xi's question, then looked at Gu Xi again, and said in a soft voice: Is Xi Xi so good? How dare you participate in this competition?

To Shang Gu Xi, Gu Yanlin's tone of speech was completely different from that of other people.

As he said that, Gu Yanlin couldn't help but raise his hand to rub Gu Xi's head.

But Gu Xi dodged it with 'disgust'.

Gu Yanlin didn't care about this, he smiled, and asked curiously, What is Xixi's entry?

Smart companion system. Gu Xi originally planned to continue to share with Gu Yanlin the design concept of his project, but when he looked up, he met Gu Yanlin with a surprised expression.

Gu Yanlin: !!! He has learned about the entire competition, and there is only one group working on the smart companion system, and that is their group.

you sure?

Gu Xi nodded: Yes, what's wrong?

Gu Yanlin took out his phone and looked at it, at Sheng Xiuyan, then at Gu Xi again: You you you you are x?

Seeing Gu Xi nodding his head, Gu Yanlin's expression suddenly fell into fantasy: I thought I picked up a teammate by the way, but I didn't expect to pick up my sister? After chatting in a group for so long, he didn't realize that [x] was Gu Xi!

Uncle must know, why didn't he tell him?

Gu Yanlin thought to himself.

There is a strong premonition that Uncle did it on purpose, and he didn't want him to delay Xixi's study?

And looking at Gu Yanlin's reaction, Gu Xi seemed to have guessed something, and the expression on his face was also mysterious.

Don't tell me you are also in that group. Gu Xi stared at Gu Yanlin and asked quietly.

Gu Yanlin raised his eyebrows and smiled at Gu Xi: Haha, this is fate!

It's just that he always thought [x] was a man.

Gu Yanlin began to reflect on whether he was too harsh or too cold when talking to Gu Xi in the group.

If you know that the other party is your baby sister, he won't do this!

So, are you [aaa]? Gu Xi looked at Gu Yanlin and asked tentatively, subconsciously reluctant to connect the nagging 'Lin' in front of her with the cold [Lin] in the group together.

Of course I am [Lin]. Gu Yanlin said.

Then he glanced at Sheng Xiuyan next to him, making sure that this person didn't know [x] was Gu Xi when he first picked up Gu Xi.

Gu Yanlin whispered again: Yes, everyone is here now.

Hearing Gu Yanlin's words, Gu Xi's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly had a bad premonition.

Gu Xi also looked at Sheng Xiuyan: Then you... Could it be that you are also in the group, there are only three people in the group.

Even just now, Gu Xi wondered if [Lin] and [aaa] in the group were all Gu Yanlin's aliases pretending to be.

Sheng Xiuyan's face was sullen, and after a long time he finally managed to say: I am [a].

Sheng Xiuyan dared not meet Gu Xi's miraculous eyes at this moment.

The regrets now are all the water in my head when I made the emoji!

Gu Xi: ...

Although he vaguely guessed it, Gu Xi still couldn't accept Sheng Xiuyan's words.

Gu Xi looked at Sheng Xiuyan and then at her elder brother, her face was still full of suspicion.

Are you sure you didn't change your number to lie to me?

No matter how you look at it, Gu Yanlin is not so cold, and no matter how you look at Sheng Xiuyan, he doesn't seem like a chatterbox!

What are you doing lying to you? Gu Yanlin patted Gu Xi on the head, and explained: That's my trumpet, I don't usually play it much.

As for the character setting, he is usually a cold personality, but he treats his sister differently.

The two are still discussing the issue of character design.

At this time, Sheng Xiuyan next to him coughed in embarrassment, then stood up, and said with a serious face: Let's go, it's about to start, it's time to get ready.

Gu Xi glanced at the time and nodded her head in agreement, but her gaze was still on Sheng Xiuyan full of curiosity.

Gu Xi: Sheng Xiuyan?

Sheng Xiuyan: What, what?

Gu Xi: You can't be pierced by human souls, can you?

Sheng Xiuyan: ...

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