I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 54 Dad's study reference

Boss Wu was invited in.

Seeing Gu Shao, Boss Wu immediately had a very good smile on his face.

I took the liberty to come to visit again today, and I hope I didn't disturb Professor Gu. Then, after a pause, Boss Wu explained his purpose of coming: Come here today, mainly to talk about the resumption of the competition with Professor Gu. Judging situation.

Professor Gu may have seen it on the Internet, but I thought it would be better to come and talk about it in person.

In order to avoid mistakes in scoring again, this time we invited more and more authoritative experts to form a review team to score the participating projects. According to the scores of the expert group, we cherish this group of topics It is truly well-deserved to get the highest score.”

After all, Boss Wu took a peek at Gu Shao's face that seemed to have softened, and then continued: I didn't conduct a more rigorous review of the subject before, and I listened to the opinions of individual experts. On this point, it is our work negligence, and I once again apologize for the previous mistakes and impreciseness of our competition group.

Boss Wu is not only apologizing, but also separating himself from Liu Dexing.

——Originally, Liu Dexing was not invited as the chief judge to avoid suspicion. Originally, Wu Pei thought that the other party would understand him, but he didn't expect that Liu Dexing would be so ugly in this matter, just because his grandson's project was not accepted. To the first,?? to discredit other groups.

If he hadn't kicked the steel plate, he would have been in another group, and he might have really suffered the loss of being dumb.

What made Wu Pei even more unexpected was that it was nothing more than a black-box operation. He didn't expect that Liu Dexing's grandson's group's project was also stolen from others.

Wu Pei was also taken aback by the scandals about Liu Dexing exposed on the Internet one after another. He never thought that his former classmate and friend would be so dark behind their backs.

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Although there is no way to specify who all these are,?? However, Boss Wu can guess with his toes: there is probably no second person besides Gu Shao who can easily bring down a mountain in the academic and scientific research world. personal.

Although he feels sorry for his old classmates, Boss Wu has been working hard for so many years, and he always knows how to judge the situation-so, when something happened to Liu Dexing, he issued an announcement without hesitation, an explanation that should be explained, an apology that should be apologized .

Boss Wu made a special trip to Gu Shao this time, and he also hoped that this guy's fire would not be burned on him.

The other group was also disqualified for cheating, and was banned for five years. Boss Wu added another sentence.

As for which group is which group, everyone is tacit.

Now Wu Pei only hopes that there will be no more drama in this year's Youth Innovation Competition, and the score will be changed for the fifth time.

Hearing this, Gu Shao nodded and said lightly: No problem.

Hearing Gu Shao's words, Boss Wu's hanging heart finally fell.

Boss Wu nodded towards Gu Shao, and said, Thank you Professor Gu for your understanding. In addition, I also want to thank ntn for the previous invitation.

The invitation Mr. Wu mentioned was exactly the technical conference held by NTN not long ago.

——If it wasn't for Gu Shao to prove directly for his daughter's subject, I'm afraid he would not be qualified to be invited by ntn in his capacity.

Still, the concept machine for teleportation of smell and taste is truly amazing.

I don't know what ntn plans to do with this 't\u0026s' product and technology? Boss Wu asked again.

As soon as he finished speaking, he met Gu Shao with a slightly deep look in his eyes.

Being looked at so coldly by Gu Shao, Boss Wu's heart tightened, and he also realized that his question seemed ambiguous.

Boss Wu's expression froze for a moment, and he quickly explained: I mean, Professor Gu, have you considered using this concept product as a display model for Gu Xi's group?

Gu Xi's project is very thoughtful, and the theoretical information is relatively complete. If this real object is added as a part of the project for display, I think the effect will be greatly improved in the second round of public display. The sensational effect will definitely achieve a very good result!

Boss Wu sold Gu Shao a great deal of face.

For one thing, they turned a blind eye to counting the finished product as a part of the competition project, and Gu Xi's team will definitely be able to secure the first place. Second, it might even have a sensational effect, making a university or even the industry notice it in advance. This is actually the ultimate goal that Liu Dexing wanted to help his grandson achieve.

That's a good suggestion.

However, after hearing this, Gu Shao's gaze sank, and he almost refused after thinking about it: No need.

I made the 't\u0026s' just to prove to the outside world that my daughter's idea is not unreasonable or impossible, that's all.

Meeting Boss Wu's surprised gaze, Gu Shao explained patiently again: I will give my child the best, but it must be the best at her age.

Sometimes the best is not necessarily the most suitable, which is why Gu Shao did not participate in Gu Xi's previous model making.

Although the model that Gu Xi and the others made is very simple, and Gu Shao can see many shortcomings just by looking at it, which is far from the real product, but it is indeed something that Gu Xi and the others can make, not 't\u0026s' This concept machine needs to spend a week and a half with several R\u0026D departments of ntn to barely complete it.

Too early to give Gu Xi too much extra halo only

It will add unnecessary controversy and burden to her.

Children of this age should be protected and grow up under protection.

- Makes sense.

Xu Fei on the side couldn't help but nodded when he heard Gu Shao's words.

I just don't know where I saw it...

Xu Fei muttered secretly in his heart.

He is guilty - when President Zhou asked him to copy a certain file on the computer, he 'accidentally' clicked on a folder called [Study Reference] on the desktop.

Then what catches the eye is a bunch of strange online forums and official accounts to share soft articles: How to communicate well with children in the rebellious period? How to make your children friends with you, Parents should know how to respect their children, What role does it play in the growth of children...

This kind of brick house soft text is enough just to read the title. Xu Fei never expected that their president actually downloaded it and even classified it.

However, Xu Fei seemed to understand why the president only exhibited 't\u0026s' to the industry, but did not choose to make it public to the market with great fanfare.

Probably also to prevent 't\u0026s' from affecting the subject of cherishing them.


Here, after Gu Shao finished speaking, he glanced at Wu Pei in front of him again, and said, Besides, do you think my daughter's subject is not good enough?

Apart from rhetorical questions, Gu Shao's words also reveal a little pride.

Gu Xi's subject was very good, so she didn't need any 'foreign aid' at all, and she was able to get the first place.

Gu Shao's confidence is not without reason: No one knows that after the first round of the 'Youth Entrepreneurship Competition' announced the subject content of the participating groups, Gu Shao secretly read all the subject content of the participating groups, He even made a score comparison with his own daughter's subject.


the other side.

Gu Xi didn't know that the general manager of the 'Youth Entrepreneurship Competition' had approached Gu Shao, nor did she know what happened to Gu Shao.

Even because he was so busy looking for proofs this week that he was dizzy, Gu Xi didn't have time to connect to the Internet.

Gu Xi, Sheng Xiuyan, and Dong Mingming brought their proof materials to the office building of the competition group as agreed before.

Okay, we are in the No. 07 competition group. We had a problem with our project before, and we need to prepare proof materials... Gu Xi briefly explained the purpose of coming to the front desk.

Originally, Gu Xi thought that the other party would continue to ask them a few more questions, but unexpectedly, after the front desk confirmed that they were in group 07, they didn't ask any more questions, and didn't ask for an appointment, so they went directly to the office of the competition group. The attitude is very polite.

What made Gu Xi even more surprised was that not only the receptionist who received them was polite, even the office and the competition team were very polite when they saw them, and even poured tea for Gu Xi.

Gu Xi glanced at the people in front of her, they were still the same people from last week, but her attitude was completely different from last week.

Sitting on the sofa opposite the other party, Gu Xi suppressed the suspicion in her heart, and handed the other party a material that was as thick as half a Chinese textbook.

This is the proof material that we have prepared in this week. In it, we have made a supplementary description of each step, and added relevant theoretical literature support. Please take a look.

The leading deputy team leader took the materials handed over by Gu Xi and simply opened them.

Just glanced at it briefly, but it shocked the deputy team leader a lot——Zhou he made such an agreement with these three students, and it was more of a prevarication method, and he didn't even think that the three students If a child can find out a method of proof, he may think about it a few times, and he will give up when he encounters difficulties.

Unexpectedly, in just one week, Gu Xi and the others actually came up with a decent proof.

Although the deputy team leader is not a professional in this field, he can also see that this material is meticulous. Almost every step has a lot of theoretical explanations and document annotations, and there are even examples.

Just by looking at it, you can feel that this material is very convincing.

At this time, the deputy team leader was not only surprised, but also moved.

Whether this material is perfect or not, it takes a lot of time and energy to make it, and it goes without saying.

Seeing the serious look on the deputy team leader's face, Gu Xi felt a little uneasy, and waited until the other party combined the materials again before asking, Is this okay?

The deputy team leader smiled, looked at Gu Xi and the others, not hiding the shock on his face, and said, Of course it's no problem!

In fact, Gu Xi and the others are not coming today, and the competition team is planning to notify them to come. But not to see their proof materials, but to officially inform them of the latest results of the competition.

After all, whether or not there is such a material, my father has already proved the rationality of this topic in the simplest and most brutal way.

Hearing the deputy team leader's words, Gu Xi was overjoyed, but she still asked again to confirm: So, our subject is reasonable, and the previous judgment is also valid, right?

Yes, the deputy team leader nodded, and said again: Don't worry, your subject has passed, and the latest results have been posted online today. Just before you arrived, you were still number one.

The grading form that was originally re-examined had already been suspended, but within two minutes of hanging up, it was withdrawn again because of an accident in the subject of Liu Dexing's grandson's group.

The deputy team leader's words were originally intended to reassure Gu Xi and the others, but he didn't expect that Gu Xi became even more suspicious when he said this.

She just handed in the materials, and the latest results have already been posted online?

This doesn't seem to be a matter of speed anymore, maybe it's not a prophet?

Did I miss any link? Gu Xi looked suspiciously at Dong Mingming and Sheng Xiuyan beside her.

However, the two of them obviously also looked suspicious.


Halfway through, the deputy team leader received a call and walked out, while Teacher Yu sent Gu Xi and the others away.

Congratulations. Walking out of the office, Teacher Yu said to the three of them with a smile on his face.

She paid special attention to the whole incident: I have to say that it is surprising and refreshing to cherish her father's hand.

The smile on Teacher Yu's face widened a bit, but Gu Xi and the other three seemed to be in a daze.

Teacher Yu raised his eyebrows: The three of you don't know what happened, do you?

I don't know, Dong Mingming shook her head, What happened?

This week, they almost lived in the library except for classes. The school library didn't have enough materials, so they went to the library of University A. In short, they just kept their ears shut.

It seems that your parents haven't told you yet, Teacher Yu said, looking at Gu Xi with a smile. The center has made a physical machine for the long-distance transmission of taste and smell, which is enough to prove the rationality and operability of your project.

Hearing Teacher Yu's words, Gu Xi's eyes widened immediately: You mean ntn?!

Yeah, Teacher Yu nodded, and added: And according to my senior who attended the press conference, the introduction of the 't\u0026s' concept product directly marked the source of design inspiration as your subject.

So it's Gu Shao, uh, my dad...?

The people next to him didn't notice that Gu Xi called Gu Shao's name directly, they just thought she was too excited.

Apart from being unbelievable in Gu Xi's heart at this time, there was indeed such a little bit of indescribable joy.

So, after the three of them left the competition group building, and said goodbye to Sheng Xiuyan and Dong Mingming, Gu Xi went directly to NTN.


Soon, the driver sent Gu Xi to ntn.

Walking into the gate of the center, before Gu Xi could find someone to explain her purpose, the gate outside the gate opened automatically after automatically reading her facial information.

Gu Xi hesitated and walked in.

This is her third visit to ntn center.

The first time was when he first came to see Gu Shao, and the second time was when Gu Shao picked him up for a paternity test.

This time, it was the young lady at the front desk that Gu Xi met for the first time who was on duty at the front desk.

Before Gu Xi came to the front desk, Fang Fang had already seen Gu Xi.

Xiaoxi? Are you here to see your father? The receptionist asked with a smile on his face.

Obviously, the other party already knew Gu Xi's current identity.

Facing the other party, Gu Xi feels embarrassed.

Well, sister, I'm sorry... Gu Xi apologized because of the time she lied to the other party before.

The front desk smiled and said he didn't care.

Who would have thought that there would be such a dramatic thing, that a little girl who appeared out of nowhere would actually be the biological daughter of their president.

After knowing Gu Xi's true identity, everyone secretly wondered who Gu Xi's mother was.

But fortunately, the people in the ntn center are so busy that they don't have much energy to gossip, and soon no one will discuss this matter behind their backs.

They just need to know that Gu Xi is the precious daughter of the CEO's family.

The president is probably in the office right now, should I go directly? Do I need to call Assistant Xu to come and pick me up? asked the front desk.

Gu Xi thought about it: I can go directly.

The front desk nodded: Then you can just take the special elevator to the 17th floor, just walk over here, pass through the public area, and go to the innermost elevator.

The front desk leaned over to point out the direction for Gu Xi.

Gu Xi said thank you. In fact, she had taken Gu Shao's special elevator for the first time, and she knew it.

Walking through the hall, Gu Xi also met people who were not ntn along the way. Most of them were just a little surprised when they saw her, and then they would smile and nod to her, and the one-year-old would ask kindly in the tone of an elder: School is over.

Thus, Gu Xi found out that not only the young lady at the front desk, but also the entire ntn people knew about her.

When Gu Xi took the elevator to the 17th floor, Xu Fei had already picked her up at the elevator entrance.

Uncle Xu, isn't my dad here?

Dad is still in a meeting. Xu Fei pointed to a meeting room next to him and said, Let's go, let's go to the president's office first.

Gu Xi nodded, followed Xu Fei to Gu Shao's office first.

After Xu Fei settled Gu Xi down, he went to help with other tasks.

Sitting in the office, Gu Xi could vaguely hear Gu Shao's voice.

The voice was obviously a few degrees higher than Gu Shao's usual voice, and there seemed to be a bit of anger in it, as if he was scolding others.

It was the first time Gu Xi heard such a tone.

The conference room for the meeting was next to the office, Gu Xiyou moved out curiously.

The door of the conference room was ajar, a palm-width crack, Gu Xi walked over, peeped through the crack and took a peek inside.

The result is just a glance,

Gu Xi shrank back.

— She seems to have been discovered?

Gu Xi trotted back to Gu Shao's office like a thief.


On the other side, in the conference room, Gu Shao's gaze had already been turned back from the direction of the crack in the door.

Such mistakes should not occur in a professional R\u0026D department. The confirmed release time will not be changed. Therefore, we still have a month to go. Therefore, in this month, we must not only correct the mistakes, but also complete the planned Run the test, go down and hurry up. Gu Shao said.

Although his face was still expressionless, his tone of voice was completely different from before.

So, when Gu Shao said this, not only everyone present, but even the person in charge of the ys11 R\u0026D department who was under criticism were surprised: Just, that's it? They made such a big mistake, the president won't continue to criticize them?

What happened to make the president suddenly become amiable?

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