I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 34 Online Dating? Gu Shao: It should be my daughter

What's up with his group?

Gu Shao frowned slightly, and took the registration materials from Wang Huazhou.

The moment he saw this extremely familiar name, Gu Shao showed a rare look of astonishment on his face—the first reaction was that he had the same name and the same surname, and the second reaction was that his identity information had been stolen.

Suppressing the doubts in his heart, Gu Shao continued to look down calmly.

The name is his, the ID number is his, and even his home address information is filled in verbatim.

——It’s just, why didn’t he know when he signed up for the ‘Tianchuang Contest’?

Gu Shao raised his eyebrows, and the face of a girl who always liked to be clever suddenly flashed through his mind.

He probably knows who his information has been 'stolen'.

Not many people knew Gu Shao's identity information, and after he left Gu's house, even Mr. Gu and the others didn't know the newly registered address information on his account.

The only one who can recite his ID number and fill in his home address, after thinking about it, is probably only the little girl who is in the same household registration book as him.

Is there any other information? Gu Shao asked.

Also, this is the information of other members of the participating group. Wang Huazhou handed another part of the information to Gu Shao.

Gu Shao, who took the documents, quickly scanned several pages of documents.

Shen Ye. The youngest of the Shen family?

Because of the relationship between Mr. Gu and Mr. Shen, he still knows a little about Gu Shao, a member of the Shen family. If I remember correctly, the Shen family has a grandson who seems to be classmates with Gu Xi.

Gu Shao continued to turn backwards.

When he saw the word 'Gu Yanlin', he was slightly taken aback.

Gu Yanlin was supposed to be abroad when he signed up, how did he get in touch with Gu Xi?

Gu Shao thought to himself.

However, in Gu Shao's perception, even if his own daughter and the old family's baby met in advance, it must be that kid Gu Yanlin who came to find Gu Xi.

Maybe this competition is also the kid looking for La Guxi.

——Affecting my sister's study, I don't need this year's lucky money.

Gu Shao narrowed his eyes.


Wang Huazhou on the side only paid attention to the change of Gu Shao's expression.

At this moment, Wang Huazhou was dumbfounded when he saw that Gu Shao was staring at this document seriously, as if seeing it for the first time.

——Could it be that Mr. Gu didn't know about this? But someone fraudulently used Mr. Gu's information to sign up?

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Huazhou became nervous.

Mr. Gu,?? We didn't do enough to review the data this time. There may be some loopholes in the information review, so there were mistakes. Wang Huazhou lowered his head and first reflected on himself.

After a pause, he said again: I'll have someone re-check the data immediately. In addition, we will also strictly check your information.

No need. Gu Shao closed the file and said.

No, no need? Wang Huazhou was taken aback.

In the next second, Gu Shao said again: It should be my daughter.

While speaking, Gu Shao still had a bit of headache on his face.

——Thinking of Gu Xi's cunning and pretending to be cute, Gu Shao felt annoyed and funny.

It seems that I can finally understand what I have seen in the evenings these days. Many parents post and say, 'My child registers a social account with an adult's ID number and mobile phone number, and recharges as a member'...

Hearing this, Wang Huazhou was dumbfounded: Your daughter?!

Probably because I was curious about this competition, I received an age limit when I signed up, so I used my ID number.

Wang Huazhou: ... That's how it is.

——Fortunately, a group of high-level executives from the competition group are still secretly thinking about Mr. Gu's intentions for signing up for the competition this time.

Embarrassment crossed Wang Huazhou's face.

But, it's not entirely their fault.

[Decisive battle at the top of Tianchuang] In this group, apart from the fact that the team name has won the second grade, if you only look at their project design plan, it is actually hard to imagine that the real contestant will be an underage girl.

After all, although the project design plan submitted by this group is only a first draft, it has already been done well.

And it's a good idea.

They had always thought that this project was brought out by Gu Shao with a project he had researched.

Gu Shao looked at Wang Huazhou again, and asked, The project design plan is out?

It's out, I just copied a copy here. Wang Huazhou took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Gu Shao.

This electronic document was originally intended to be taken back by him to study and study.

It's a companion smart device, Wang Huazhou said, and then said after a pause, Lingqianjin did a great job.

Gu Shao was noncommittal, and opened the first draft of the project design of Gu Xi's group on the computer.

With almost one glance, Gu Shao was sure that this plan was not made by that kid Gu Yanlin.

Gu Yanlin is majoring in electronic technology, and the progress of this project has not yet reached that stage.

However, Gu Shao originally thought that Gu Xi and that boy from the Shen family were just playing for fun and made a method for granted, but after reading the plan, Gu Shao found that the design was surprisingly good.

After Gu Shao read the outline of the project design concept, he took a closer look at the preliminary design concept behind.


The idea is very good. Gu Shao commented, his calm and flat tone seemed not to be praising his daughter, but just explaining a fact pertinently.

It's really good. The overall idea of ​​Ling Qianjin's design is very forward-looking, and the whole design is relatively complete and reasonable, Wang Huazhou also nodded with a smile on his face, and agreed without hesitation.

By the way, especially the simulated 'feeling' function mentioned here, I think it is a big bright spot. Wang Huazhou said again.

What he said was not entirely a rainbow fart just to compliment Gu Shao.

Gu Shao didn't speak, but at an angle that others couldn't see, there was a flash of embarrassment in Mr. Gu's eyes that he didn't even notice.

Then, Mr. Gu, how do you deal with the current situation? Wang Huazhou asked, with a hint of flattery in his words.

After all, ntn is the serious Party A of this 'Tianchuang Contest', so of course Gu Shao has the final say on how to deal with it.


Gu Shao looked at his registration form, and his temples twitched again.

This registration form is invalid. Gu Shao said.

Wang Huazhou's eyes widened when he heard Gu Shao's words: Void?

This is my daughter participating in the competition.

Wang Huazhou thought that Gu Shao would use his authority to retain this qualification and let Gu Xi continue to compete.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Gu would be so upright and 'destroying relatives with righteousness'.

Wang Huazhou sighed in his heart.

In fact, I still have some regrets in my heart—the project design submitted by Gu Xi is actually really good, and it is considered outstanding among all the proposals submitted so far, which is quite exciting.


However, it turns out that Wang Huazhou was thinking too much.

After saying that this registration information is invalid, Gu Shao said again: I will submit a new registration application for her later.

Meeting Wang Huazhou's puzzled gaze, Gu Shao said again: Change the competition system, cancel the age limit, and add guardian information to the information column for underage contestants.

Hearing Gu Shao's words, Wang Huazhou reacted and nodded: Such an adjustment is not a bad idea, and many competition-like activities are operated in this way.


If I remember correctly, some of the many applicants who were rejected in the early stage were because their age and other information did not match.

With such a change, the number of people who agree to enter the next round will increase again.

Their workload will follow suit...

However, these are minor problems, as long as Party A's father is happy.

I'll make arrangements and make adjustments right away, Wang Huazhou said.

Gu Shao nodded: Go.


Wang Huaxuan's actions were quick, and soon, an announcement on the adjustment of the competition was posted on the top of the official website of the Tianchuang Competition. In addition, the registration channel was opened again.

When Gu Shao logged in, he first filled in his own information in the Guardian column, and then filled in Gu Xi's name, birthday, ID number, identity, school, etc. in the information column of the registered contestant.

Seeing Gu Shao's operation, Xu Fei was a little surprised.

What surprised me was not the 'doting' of my boss on the child, but...

Boss, you actually remember Xiaoxi's ID number? He would even forget his own mantissa occasionally...

Gu Shao glanced at Xu Fei, and said as a matter of course: Of course I can remember my child's information.

Need all the fuss?


In the afternoon, Gu Xi leaves school.

Originally, Gu Xi thought that the driver would come to pick her up today, but unexpectedly it was Gu Shao.

Father? Gu Xi jumped into the car and looked at Gu Shao in surprise.

Seeing the surprised look on the girl's face beside him, Gu Shao felt a warm feeling inexplicably.

Originally, Gu Shao wanted to seriously educate Gu Xi about signing up for the 'Tianchuang Competition' without telling his parents.

After all, although the purpose is different, there is essentially no difference between Gu Xi's behavior and those who secretly play games and recharge with their parents' mobile phones without telling their parents.

As a result, Gu Shao abruptly took back the words of the lesson he had thought about before he came.

Study hard at school, and communicate with your parents when you encounter problems you can't handle, Gu Shao said in a deep voice.

Hearing Gu Shao's sudden words, Gu Xi was puzzled.

Did our teacher say it? Gu Xi asked suspiciously.

Gu Shao's words are like a prelude to being invited as a parent. It's just that after thinking about it, Gu Xisi couldn't figure out why she had to be invited as a parent.

I said so. Gu Shao said.

Gu Xi was even more puzzled, but in front of Gu Shao, Gu Xi nodded obediently: Okay.


The car got down quietly again.

Gu Shao answered the phone.

Gu Xi, on the other hand, took out the mobile phone that kept popping up message prompts from the school uniform pocket.

Turning on the phone, it was indeed bombarded with a bunch of news from [aaa] big brother.

[aaa]: I read the supplementary suggestions you sent earlier.

[aaa]: There are only two words, Niubi!

[aaa]: Add those points, I feel like our design is going to explode


[aaa]: How on earth did you come up with these things?

After all, [3a] brother also posted an emoji package.

[aaa]: It is simply turning decay into magic.

[aaa]: Cough, no, your design is already very good, the icing on the cake, the icing on the cake, haha.


Gu Xi has already adapted to this big brother's octopus-like chatting speed.

After recalling the design supplements she made today, Gu Xi replied: 【It’s fine if you think it’s feasible, but I’m not sure if there will be some technical conflicts and unreasonable things in it. 】

Although Gu Xi also carefully read the process and drawings of her own design, but her current basic level is still in the learning stage, and she really can't guarantee if there are any bugs.

[aaa]: I read it as a whole, and there is nothing wrong with it.

[aaa]: By the way, X treasure, where have you been for further training recently?


[aaa]: The progress is too fast.

Comparing [x]'s initial plan and the later editions, which are related to some professional and technical parts, especially some details, the progress of [x] is almost visible to the naked eye.

Before Gu Xi could reply, the other party sent another sentence: [Wait, I'll put together the diagram of the system tonight. 】

After all, [aaa] threw over another exciting emoji package with a black background and a bunch of big roses in the middle. The dewdrops on the top were still twinkling, and the bottom was colored There is a sentence attached to the words: [I can't sleep tonight]

Gu Xi: ... Where did you get this middle-aged emoticon pack? Simply poisonous.

And don't use emoticons indiscriminately, okay? !


On the side, Gu Shao ended the call, and looked down to see Gu Xizheng next to him holding the phone with both hands, burying his head and concentrating on tossing and turning, his nimble fingertips dancing quickly on the phone screen.

Don't play with your mobile phone in the car. Gu Shao reminded.

——Two days ago, some parents complained in the parent group that there was too much homework and their children were short-sighted.

Then, the head teacher shared an article in the group. The general content is: Most of the children nowadays are short-sighted not because of too much homework, but because of the incorrect posture of reading and writing homework, playing with mobile phones, the environment, or the use of electronic products. too long.

Hearing Gu Shao's slightly serious reminder, Gu Xi quickly put the phone back into her pocket, turned her head and smiled guiltyly at the other party, nodded, and responded in a low voice: Okay.

The phone in his pocket was still vibrating.

After a few minutes, Gu Xi still couldn't hold back and took the phone into her hand.

Then he secretly glanced at Gu Shao next to him.

Seeing that Gu Shao received another call at this moment, and was explaining something to the person on the other end of the phone, Gu Xi took out the phone, carefully changed the phone to the other hand, and put it on the side of the seat , ready to continue discussing the design with [aaa].

Gu Xi thought that Gu Shao didn't notice her actions, but she didn't know that Gu Shao could see her small actions completely.

[Or, let's meet. ] This is the latest message from [aaa].

——This project is not simple, especially the part about the intelligent learning of equipment to simulate 'emotion', which is a bit complicated. It is difficult to speak clearly in a few words on the mobile phone, so it is better to meet and chat.

And he really wants to meet [x] brother, plus [Lin], the three of them brainstorm together, maybe they can come up with more inspirations.

Gu Xi knew what the other party meant, and after thinking about it, the two of them seemed to be in city b, so they could meet each other, or make a video call.

But soon, Gu Xi thought of another question: What if the other party knows that she is underage and doesn't take her to compete?

Gu Xi was in a tangle.

Gu Shao, who was at the side, darkened slightly: ...


In the evening, Gu Shao was in his study room, facing the computer, and sent a question on a certain student education exchange webpage: ‘Under what circumstances would you use letters, such as aaa, instead of the normal name when saving the name of another chat partner? '

There was a quick reply below.

[Hahaha, I usually use 10086 or 10000 instead. 】

[Coincidentally, my girlfriend and I also saved aaa. 】

[I just don't want my parents to know who the other party is. 】

[This method of remarking is really mediocre. I have a better one. My mother won’t let me play games. I will save all my teammates who play games together as the names of students with good grades in our class. It has also been changed to a study group, and we still have a code, how many questions are there today, just how many rounds will we come to today...]

Most of the people who answered were students. Gu Shao frowned seeing everyone answering in various ways.

After exiting this webpage, Gu Shao entered a few more words in the search bar: 'The chat partner said to meet...'

The question behind Gu Shao has not been typed yet, and many related titles have appeared under the search bar.

[I'm going to face the base! 】

【Online dating? Let's meet. 】

[The person I have been dating for a year has asked me to meet. 】

[I'm going to meet my online dating partner, can I run smoothly? 】


Gu Shao's face darkened: What the hell.


When Aunt Mei brought tea in for Gu Shao, she saw Gu Shao staring at the computer in front of him intently, his expression seemed not very good.

Sir, the tea is here. It's getting late, so don't be too late even if you're working. Aunt Mei came in and brought the tea to Gu Shao. She was about to persuade Gu Shao to rest early, but it turned out that the husband didn't seem to be working.

Aunt Mei's eyes flicked across the computer screen in front of Gu Shao, which still had Gu Shao's previous search records.

'How do you know if your child is dating online? ’ ‘How should we deal with online dating with children? ’ ‘What do parents think when their child is in junior high school?’…

Aunt Mei was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on her face, and before she could understand, Gu Shao had already closed the webpage.

What else can Aunt Mei do? Gu Shao asked.

Ah, I have something to ask sir. After a pause, Aunt Mei said again: The Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days, I wonder if I should prepare some nice clothes for Xiaoxi if I want to go out ?”

When Aunt Mei said this, she was obviously talking about preparing clothes for Gu Xi, but she was actually asking Gu Shao if she wanted to go back home.

The old man was eagerly looking forward to the husband taking Xiaoxi back. When the two were not at home during the day, the old man made several phone calls in a row, afraid that Gu Shao would not go back.

Hearing this, Gu Shao glanced at Aunt Mei, and replied, Go get ready.

Seeing that Gu Shao agreed, Aunt Mei immediately put on a smile: In that case, I'll go and get ready.

After all, Aunt Mei said with a smile on her face, The old gentleman will definitely be very happy.

After all, everyone in the Gu family had been looking forward to Gu Shao taking Gu Xi back.

Not only the members of the Gu family were looking forward to seeing Gu Xi, but Gu Xi was also looking forward to meeting the people from the Gu family.

So, on the night of the first day of the Mid-Autumn Festival, Gu Xi didn't go to sleep, and walked up and down in front of Gu Shao from time to time to find a sense of presence.

——Actually, she just wanted to know what Gu Shao's plans were for tomorrow, whether she should take her to Gu's house, and when to leave.

In the study, he was finally annoyed by a certain girl who was looking for a sense of presence. Gu Shao looked away from the stack of documents in front of him, and looked at Gu Xi who had walked back and forth a dozen times at the door of the study.

Go to sleep, I'm going to grandpa's place tomorrow morning.

Finally hearing Gu Shao's words, Gu Xi's eyes lit up, and she subconsciously smiled - Shall I go tomorrow morning? Great.

In fact, Gu Xi didn't know what she was happy about, anyway, she was quite happy.

With Gu Shao's affirmative answer, Gu Xi'an went back to the room to sleep.


The next day, before Gu Xi and Gu Shao set off to the Gu family's old house, there were guests at their house first.

It was Gu Xuan, and he brought Gu Chenyi with him.

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