I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

homemade electric shock rod

Sure enough, looking at Lin Xi, Zhang Cui put on a smile after finishing his expression.

Another big piece of fat was added to Lin Xi.

You child, why are you so busy eating and eating meat?

After a pause, Zhang Cui said again: I'm going to go to my hometown, Xiaoxi, you haven't been there yet, have you? This time you go back with me to have a look, and you can live in my hometown for a while.


Lin Xi thought to himself, then quietly ate his food, looked at Zhang Cui, and asked with a puzzled expression on purpose: Okay, why do you want me to go to my hometown?

Aren't you okay?

Lin Xi shook his head: I don't want to go.

Seeing Lin Xi's resolute tone, Zhang Cui knew it was useless to just say so, so she pretended to sigh again, and told the 'truth': Actually, this is for your own good. What happened to you and Xinxin at school, When you go to school, you are sure that your classmates will tell you about you, and the school may punish you, what if you are asked to write an inspection and demerit?

So, you and grandma will go to the country to live for a while, and we will come back when this matter eases up.

——I believed you ghost.

Lin Xi complained in his heart.

And Lin Anxin, how did she fall into the lake? Didn't I have a point in my heart? He actually nodded at Zhang Cui's words and looked at her worriedly.

At this time, even Song Kexin, who rarely talked to Lin Xi, spoke up and said, Grandma is also doing it for your own good.

Zhang Cui nodded quickly: Yes, the conditions in my hometown are good now, and besides, I only live there for a while, and I don't want to stay there for a lifetime.

Lin Xi still refused: Then what should I do in class?

Don't worry about it. It's not like there is no school in the village. After a pause, Zhang Cui added: Your mother graduated there before.

Seeing that Lin Xi was not talking, he buried his profile picture as acquiescence, Zhang Cui's smile widened a little bit, and a bit of kindness appeared on his face, and said: Then it's settled, after dinner later, you clean up Pack up, let's go.

Xu Jiaofeng at the side took a sip of the soup and said, Let Uncle Li see you off later.

Okay, then I'll trouble my mother-in-law. Zhang Cui gave Xu Jiaofeng a grateful smile.

Lin Xi watched the interaction of several people, and sneered in his heart: Since everything has been decided, I still come to ask her what to do symbolically.

Knowing that the objection would be futile, Lin Xi didn't bother to struggle anymore.

Lin Xi poked the rice with the chopsticks in his hand, hesitated for a while, and said, I still have a few notebooks with my classmates. If I want to leave, I have to go to school to get the notebooks back.

Xu Jiaofeng was a little unhappy, showing dissatisfaction on her face: What can I bring with me for a few broken notebooks? What can't you buy when you go there?

It has my notes on it.

Xu Jiaofeng wanted to say something else, seeing Song Kexin winking at her, she accepted the words with an unhappy expression, feeling a little dissatisfied in her heart: Isn't it just sending a child away, so it doesn't take such trouble.

Several people looked at each other, and Xu Jiaofeng said: That's fine, we'll leave tomorrow.

But you have to leave early tomorrow morning, so you can't delay, or you will delay your grandma's affairs.

——Xu Jiaofeng looked down on Zhang Cui at all, so why would she think about her? It was obvious that he wanted to leave quickly.

Lin Xi wanted to laugh very much, but he stopped talking, buried his face in the bowl, nodded, and was making his own calculations in his heart.


Lin Xi and Lin Anxin took the car to school together because they were going to school to pack their books and have breakfast.

In the car, Lin Anxin looked at Lin Xi, hesitated for a moment, and then whispered: Sister, I'm sorry, yesterday was too chaotic, I don't know how I fell into the water, I told grandma and mother, but they Don't believe me.

Lin Xi turned his head to one side, not bothering to pay attention to Lin Anxin.

Seeing this, a trace of dissatisfaction and hatred flashed in Lin Anxin's eyes. After thinking about it, he continued: I didn't expect grandma to take you to my hometown. I heard that the conditions there are very poor. Why don't you tell grandma not to go.

Lin Anxin was provoking Lin Xi on purpose, but when she said this, it was like hitting cotton with a fist, and Lin Xi didn't respond at all.

Lin Anxin was a little frustrated, she looked away disappointed.

Along the way, the two had no communication.

When they arrived at school, the two got out of the car and went to their classrooms.

Because of the incident the day before yesterday, Lin Anxin brought two bodyguards into the school, thanks to Lin Anxin, a bodyguard was also arranged behind Lin Xi.

But the other party's job is not to protect her, but to monitor her.


When Lin Xi arrived in the classroom, he began to pack his things, the test papers in the desk and the textbooks in the storage box behind.

Hey, have you guys heard about Lin Anxin?

Suddenly hearing a familiar name, Lin Xi paused for a second while packing her things, and then she heard a few girls in the corner discussing what happened to Lin Anxin yesterday.

Lin Anxin, who? A first-year junior high school flower?

Yes, that's her.

What happened to her? A girl asked suspiciously.

You didn't know that she was blocked by Yan Xueqi to the artificial lake the day before yesterday, and then she fell into the lake, and many people gathered around to watch.

Is it so exciting? The girl who didn't understand before asked in surprise: What's going on? How did she mess with Yan Xueqi and the others?

Yeah, that Lin Anxin couldn't bear to think about it, to provoke Yan Yan

Xue Qi. Another girl also said in surprise.

Yan Xueqi also has a few small followers who are a bunch of bad students in the school. I heard that the background of the family is not small. Under normal circumstances, everyone will not take the initiative to provoke those people.

\u0026nb Wang Yukai from the class, you know it.

I know, Yan Xueqi's childhood sweetheart. It can't be a love triangle, right?

It's much more exciting than this. After a pause, the girl said again: That Lin Anxin probably doesn't like Wang Yukai, but she didn't refuse Wang Yukai's confession to her and gifts, but when she left her WeChat, she deliberately put her good friend Wang Yukai left her WeChat account, and lied to her good friend that Wang Yukai liked her.

\u0026nb! There is also this kind of operation, so her good friend always thinks that Wang Yukai is chasing her, and Wang Yukai always thinks that she is chasing Lin Anxin? This operation is quite coquettish, what does she want to do? Neptune is still hiring employees?

I haven't finished yet. Lin Anxin accepted the gift from Wang Yukai, and then gave it to her good friend directly. She also said that Wang Yukai asked her to hand it over to her. Guess what, Yan Xueqi caught the gift in the process. All right.

It's such a big melon, no wonder Yan Xueqi wanted to trouble her. But how did you know?

You don't read the forum, Yan Xueqi posted it in the forum.

Let me take a look. The man took out his phone and quickly flipped through the forum: No, it seems to be reversed.


Look for yourselves, it's a post from a friend of Lin Anxin's, saying that she asked Lin Anxin about it, and said that Lin Anxin herself was also in a daze. She always thought that the one Wang Yukai liked was a good friend, and she was just passing on a message to her.

Isn't it, making friends out of nothing? Does anyone believe this explanation?

The problem is that some people believe it. Well, many people support Lin Anxin. Here and there, there are people who say that Lin Anxin is cute and cute.


——It turned out to be like this.

Hearing the conversation of several people, the corners of Lin Xi's mouth twitched. While amazed by Lin Anxin's operation, he finally knew the cause of the incident the day before yesterday, and was a little speechless.

The school was full of gossip about the whole incident, Xu Jiaofeng and the others just came to the school casually to find out that Lin Anxin's falling into the water had nothing to do with her, but they firmly chose to believe Lin Anxin's nonsense, maybe they didn't believe it, but did it on purpose Choose favoritism.


Over there, several girls continued to complain. At this time, one of the girls seemed to have discovered Lin Xi's existence here, pursed her mouth, and stopped the classmate who was about to speak.

Let's talk about it in another place. Said in a low voice, the girl also pointed in the direction of Lin Xi to the others.

When several people saw Lin Xi, their expressions were the same as that of the girl before.

Let's go, let's go over there and talk. Several people walked away quickly, as if Lin Xi here was some kind of virus.

Lin Xi has become numb to such a situation.

When Lin Xi first entered the school, he got along well with everyone and had good friends. But since last semester, there have been a lot of malicious rumors about Lin Xi in the school forums: saying that she is a child who sent samples to other people's homes, that she is the child of SR criminals, that she is the child of QJ criminals, and that she is taking exams. Her grades were all due to cheating, and even worse, she said that she had an improper relationship with the boss of the school's printing room in her fifties and sixties, so she was able to get the test papers in advance every time and pass the exam so well...

These rumors are obviously outrageous, but some people believe them.

Good friends gradually alienated her, and other people around her also avoided her.

Although the school later came forward to confirm that the rumors were false and cleared up all the rapes, the impact of the rumor itself has been indelible.

The ridiculous thing is: the school clearly said the day before that it would find out the students who spread rumors and deal with them seriously, but on the second day, the school seemed to have forgotten about it and didn't mention it again.

Lin Xi took a deep breath, speeded up and put the books into the bag.


After leaving the classroom, Lin Xi went to the experimental classroom again.

Teacher, I left my stationery in the laboratory before. Outside the laboratory, Lin Xi said to the administrator of the laboratory.

The teacher never doubted what a good student said, so he opened the door and let Lin Xi in.

Lin Xi walked to her laboratory table and opened the drawer. There were indeed several spare pens in it. Lin Xi quickly put the pens into her school bag, and at the same time, she was holding a few pens that walked along from the drawer. Small circuit components and experimental wires.

These consumable accessories are spared in almost every drawer of the test bench, but Lin Xi doesn't need too many.

After leaving the laboratory, Lin Xi went to the Academic Affairs Office again.

Song Kexin and the others had already called the school in advance to ask for a long vacation for Lin Xi, so Lin Xi just went to tell her, and the school released her early.


When the car passed a store, Lin Xi stopped the driver.

What's the matter, miss?

I'm going to buy something to take with me when I go out.

The driver thought about stopping the car, and Lin Xi went into the store to buy what he needed, took some snacks, mixed with some food that could fill his stomach, and returned to the car.


When she got home, Song Kexin called the bodyguard to her alone, and asked, I called a long time ago, why did it take me so long to come back from school?

Song Kexin was worried that Lin Xi would suddenly regret not going if he noticed the abnormality.

Go back to Mrs. Middle Miss, stop and go

Shopped for something.

What did you buy?

A power bank, an electric fan, some skin care products, some snacks like potato chips, and I also bought some insect repellent water, cold and cold medicine, and antiseptic medicine for bruises. There are also... a few plush toys.

Hearing what the bodyguard said, Song Kexin's eyes moved slightly: After buying these things, it seems that Lin Xi is indeed ready to go to his hometown in the countryside.

Song Kexin felt relieved.

Well, I see, you go down.



Here, after Lin Xi returned to the room, he didn't come out again.

Lin Xi who had been staying in the room did not arouse the suspicion of others.

In the room, in front of Lin Xi was a simple reflux device made of bottles and cans found in the kitchen. After carefully confirming that it was correct, Lin Xi added chopped chili peppers and alcohol into it, and connected the heating power.

The solvent soon begins to boil, and the process of evaporation and solidification is continuously cycled.

This is a very long waiting process.

Holding his chin and staring for a while, Lin Xi looked away, and took out the power bank he bought today and some circuit components and wires hidden in his schoolbag from his bag.

Using a screwdriver and a utility knife to disassemble the power bank, the structure inside is simpler than Lin Xi thought.

After studying the circuit, Lin Xi quickly found the safety current limiting device, and cut off the safety control circuit. Lin Xi also removed the output terminal of the power bank.

Lin Xi took apart several plush toys that could make sounds, and sure enough, she found the magnet she wanted inside the sounding horn.

According to the calculated quantity, Lin Xi wound the short wires around the magnets, and then connected them.

Soon, a small transformer was completed.

Lin Xi put one end of the small transformer on the output end of the charging treasure, and hid the two wire ends on the other side on the left and right sides of the ubs interface.

After doing all this, Lin Xi restored the charging treasure to its original appearance intact.

Press the switch of the charging treasure, and the wires on both sides of the ubs interface are directly connected to a naked eye's electric light instantly.

Such shocks are not fatal, but enough to knock down an adult.

Holding the self-made 'electric shock rod', Lin Xi smiled with satisfaction.

Then he turned his attention to the simple reflux device over there.

Lin Xi replaced the already warmed Ice Sprite with a can of Ice Coke, added some alcohol, and continued to repeat the previous operation.

After repeating this process four times, Lin Xi finally got a small bottle of capsaicin solution. Although it was not as clear as imagined, and there were impurities in it, this was the best she could do. .

After taking off the cumbersome bottles and jars, Lin Xi leaned closer to the mouth of the bottle and smelled it, and a burst of pungent and stimulating smell rushed straight to his forehead.

It should be fine.

Lin Xi wiped the irritated tears from her face, waited for the solution to cool down, and then carefully poured it into the pressurized lotion spray bottle she bought at the store.

Looking around, Lin Xi pasted the 'toner' label sent by the store.


Lin Xi packed his things into his luggage.

After hesitating for a moment, he took out the utility knife and scissors.

He also cut a small opening at the inconspicuous seam of the lining of the backpack, and stuffed the few cash bills that he will pay into it.

Checked it several times to make sure nothing was missed.


After completing these, it was almost midnight.

Lin Xi was so sleepy that he climbed into the bed and fell asleep drowsily.

After an unknown amount of time, some fragmentary images reappeared in Lin Xi's mind.

In the dream, she seemed to be in a dark alley, she was running desperately, and there were noisy voices behind her.

It was dark before her eyes, and she was caught.

Lin Xi fell to the ground and desperately backed away, but she was still surrounded by a group of people in front of her, cornering her.

Lin Xi couldn't see their faces clearly, but felt that no one's expressions were hideous and terrifying.

They approached her, they grabbed her by the limbs, someone kicked her hard in the stomach, someone pulled her hair and smashed her head against the wall hard, making people tremble with pain.

--don't want! Help!

Lin Xi wanted to shout, but couldn't make a sound.

Countless hands stretched out towards her.


The dream, at this moment, came to an abrupt end.

don't want--!

Lin Xi shouted, waking up from the nightmare.

Lin Xi huddled himself in the quilt, his whole body was still trembling, and his numb hands tightly grabbed the quilt.

At this time, Lin Xi's face was pale, with cold sweat on his back and forehead, and the intense panic in his brown eyes had not calmed down for a long time——her mind kept repeating the terrifying scene of the last scene, that scene It's so real, it's not even like a dream.

The knock on the door brought Lin Xi back to his senses.

Mama Li's voice came from outside the house: Miss, are you awake? We're leaving soon, the old lady told you to get ready and go down.

it is good.


After 20 minutes, Lin Xi packed up, put his luggage on his back and went downstairs.

Seeing the huge luggage bag behind Lin Xi, Zhang Cui said in surprise, Why do you carry such a big bag? How much stuff did you pack?


Didn't you say you would stay in your hometown for a few days? Lin Xi asked back.

Zhang Cui reacted immediately, and nodded in agreement: Okay, okay, bring more, so you don't get what's missing there.

According to their plan, it was not for Lin Xi to live in the country for a few days, but for at least several years there. It's okay to bring more things.

Song Kexin looked at Lin Xi's backpack, not knowing where the uneasiness came from, so he ordered the servant beside him: Mother Li, go and help her look, so that there is nothing wrong with it.

Li Ma responded, went forward to get Lin Xi's backpack, opened it and checked it.

Most of the backpack is clothes, textbooks, and some snacks. The rest is a few bottles of travel-sized toiletries and skin care products, as well as power banks. There is nothing unusual, and this equipment is completely safe to travel.

Young madam, the young lady has brought everything together.

Song Kexin nodded, and stared at it herself, and then suppressed the uneasiness in her heart.

Take everything and let's go.

Zhang Cui led Lin Xi to prepare for departure.

At this time, Lin Yize came down from upstairs.

The moment he saw Lin Yize, Lin Xi's complexion changed drastically, he took a few steps back and fell down on the sofa.

Xiao Xi, what's the matter? Several people's eyes focused on Lin Xi, and even Lin Yize over there gave Lin Xi a cold look.

I, I'm a little dizzy from hunger, maybe it's hypoglycemia. Lin Xi explained with a pale face.

It's nothing serious to be hungry and dizzy. I brought some snacks here, and I'll eat it in the car later. Zhang Cui said, looking at the time: We can't delay. I don't know if there is a traffic jam yet. Let's go.

Lin Xi nodded, followed Zhang Cui, and got into the car driven by Uncle Li.

Taking advantage of Lin Xi getting into the car, Zhang Cui patted Song Kexin's hand: What's the matter, are you reluctant?

Song Kexin shook her head and expressed her concerns: Mom, what if Lin Xi finds out that something is wrong and runs out of the village?

Zhang Cui is not worried: Don't worry, she has no money and doesn't know the way, how can she run? Besides, you don't know that our village is still more than ten kilometers away from the nearest suburban station. I can’t leave. When she finds out, she’ll make a fuss at most, and I’ve made an agreement with Zhang Qiang to watch it carefully, and I’ll settle down after a long time.”

Seeing that her comfort had worked, Zhang Cui boarded the car without further delay.

Goodbye, Mom, goodbye Xiaoxi. Song Kexin waved to the two people in the car.

Lin Xi turned his head stiffly, trying to maintain a normal expression, and shook his hands at the people outside the car, saying goodbye, but he didn't dare to keep his eyes on Lin Yize.

Knowing that the car drove away, Lin Xi was slightly relieved.

——The dream from last night resurfaced in Lin Xi's mind again.

Just before the end of the dream, she could clearly see the face of the person standing not far behind the group of people through the many figures.

It's Yize Lin!

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