I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 28 Who is holding back? Xueshen: I was pressed twice? ...

so? how is she

Gu Xi glanced at the two leaders in front of her as if she was seeing a psychosis: Lin Anxin looked as if she had been wronged greatly, while Gao Zifan looked as if she wanted to bring her back to justice.

Gu Xi looked away speechlessly, and by the way pulled Gu Chenyi who was almost laughed angrily.

Brain tonic is a disease, and I don't know if it will be contagious.

Here, seeing that Gu Xi didn't speak, Lin Anxin was secretly dissatisfied, but she still maintained her innocent and helpless expression on her face.

Yeah, I'm just curious and came to say hello.

But senior sister, why are you here? Lin Anxin deliberately bit the word senior sister extremely hard, as if she wanted to tell the people next to her that her relationship with Gu Xi was only from the same school.

After all, Lin Anxin made a surprised expression again: Could it be that you are representing the high school attached to University A to participate in this science league?!

It's quite amazing, isn't it? Last year, my senior was still representing Liming in the competition, but this year she actually became a member of the High School Affiliated to University A.

——Is Lin Anxin's words 'helping' her to sow hatred?

Let Liming's people think that she has betrayed Liming, and by the way, provoke her relationship with her classmates from the High School Affiliated to University A?

Gu Xi was amused: Does this Lin Anxin regard such things as competitions as a joke?

Sure enough, when Lin Anxin said this, although the people from the two surrounding schools gave Gu Xi a surprised look, the people from the High School Affiliated to A University quickly calmed down.

Senior Gu Xi has transferred to our attached high school. Of course, she is representing our attached high school in the competition. Could it be that she also represents you Liming? Yang Mengmeng rolled her eyes at Lin Anxin, and said.

The people next to them also nodded: the school chooses who to participate in the competition based on strength.

What's the matter, are you still not allowed to transfer school?

That's right, if you have any questions, I'll see you on the field,?? Can you please stop running here to show your presence at this time.

Lin Anxin was dissatisfied with the attitude of everyone in the High School Attached to A University: She didn't want this effect!

But Lin Anxin also realized that these top students were not as easy to fool as the other melon-eating students she had in Liming.

Secretly clenched her fists, Lin Anxin raised her chin and looked at Yang Mengmeng who spoke first, and no longer pretended to be 'kind', but replied: I'm just worried for you.

Worried? Are you here to be funny? The third place came to worry about our first place? Yang Mengmeng sneered.

Lin Anxin felt a little anxious, but continued: So what about the third place? As far as I know, in the first four games of last year's competition, our Liming scores were higher than yours, right?

Saying that, Lin Anxin glanced at Gu Xi's direction meaningfully again, and said quietly: If Brother Fan hadn't been dragged back by someone in the last round, this first round would have gotten you attached to the middle school?

Lin Anxin's previous sentence was not wrong: in last year's league, the first four rounds of tests, the total scores of Liming and the attached high school were indeed similar, and even Liming was 2 points higher.

As a result, Liming encountered Waterloo in the last round of time-limited answering questions, and the sum of total points fell directly to third place.

And it was Gu Xi and Gao Zifan who represented Liming to participate in the last question answering session.

It's just that Lin Anxin was wrong about one thing. It was not Gu Xi who was holding back, but Gao Zifan.

——According to the competition system of the Science League, the last game is limited to answer questions, and two students from each school will participate. The competition group will provide each school with a 400-question test, which will be completed by two people.

In the end, the combined score of the cooperation between the two is the final score of the game.

Under normal circumstances, the two people who are cooperating either do half of the questions or do the odd and even number cross questions, or separate the four cross subjects in pairs, and each choose the test questions of the two subjects they are good at.

In the end, Gao Zifan didn't know what he was thinking, and actually did the exact same problem as her.

At that time, even the teacher who corrected the papers was dumbfounded, wondering whether Liming Middle School hadn't told these two students about the final competition system.

If two people do the same question, only one score can be recorded, and if there is a mistake, the corresponding score will be deducted.

So the final result was that in the last game of the competition, not only did they not get more points, but because Gao Zifan made too many mistakes, their final overall score was miserable.

Because it is a team competition, the competition group will not publish everyone's score, but only the school's total score. Therefore, everyone only knows that Liming Waterloo is over, but they don't know who is really holding back.

Gu Xi would know her score because after the total score was announced, Li Ming's team leader couldn't believe the score, so she took Gao Zifan and Gu Xi to the competition group to apply to check the score.

As a result, the teacher was dumbfounded. Of the two students in their school, one got the highest individual score and the other got the lowest individual score.

This is nothing, but what is annoying is that these two students actually did the same test questions.

Not only Gao Zifan was criticized, Gu Xi was also criticized for not being united and cooperative.

Afterwards, it was already a shameful thing, so the school naturally didn't want to mention it any more, and the teacher didn't use the scores of the two people as an excuse.

Therefore, not many people know about this matter. Even if they know a little, they probably won't feel that Gao Zifan is holding Gu Xi back.

As for Lin Anxin, she heard about it from Gao Zifan.

At that time, Gao's family visited Lin's family, and they happened to talk about the game during the chat. Gao Zifan was in a bad mood at the time, and said it was all Gu Xi's fault.

Lin Anxin looked at Gu Xi with contempt, then looked at everyone, and said, But it's all right now, senior sister has gone to your middle school, and now you should be worried.

Hearing Lin Anxin's words, everyone showed surprise. They looked at Gu Xi and Gao Zifan, as if they wanted to prove it.

Under everyone's gaze, Gao Zifan's face became a little stiff.

——In last year's competition, Gao Zifan was very dissatisfied with the fact that the school arranged Gu Xi to be a team with him.

First of all, Gao Zifan doesn't like to cherish this person very much. In his eyes, Lin Anxin is an innocent and lovely younger sister, while Lin Xi is a person who is very jealous and vengeful, and will do anything to snatch her sister's things.

Secondly, Gu Xi was only in the first year of junior high school at that time, and Gao Zifan didn't believe in her strength at all. Moreover, Lin Anxin had told him before that Gu Xi often cheated to get high grades when she was in elementary school.

Because of this distrust, Gao Zifan chose to do the same questions as Gu Xi during the competition. At that time, even if he was dragged back and got a low score, he could prove that it was Gu Xi's fault.

But what he never expected was that the teacher took them to check their scores, but Gu Xi's final score was higher than his!

Gao Zifan tried his best to hide the embarrassment on his face.

But Gu Xi, who was also involved, was very calm.

As if Lin Anxin and Gao Zifan in front of her didn't exist, Gu Xi calmly pulled Gu Chenyi to finish the meal.

By the way, he gave half of the fried chicken on his plate to Gu Chenyi - this person's eyes were shining when he looked at the fried chicken.

On the other side, Gu Chenyi originally wanted to get rid of the group of idiots in front of him, but was pulled by Gu Xi, so he had no choice but to give up.

Seeing Gu Xi who was eating leisurely, a bright light flashed in Gu Chenyi's eyes: He always felt that Xi Xi had held back a big move and hadn't released it yet, he was waiting.

After all, none of the Gu family members are in the nature of suffering.


Here, when everyone's attention was on Gao Zifan, Sheng Xiuyan's eyes fell on Gu Xi, as if he remembered something, and deepened a little bit.

Sheng Xiuyan remembered that he seemed to have seen Gu Xi in last year's competition. At the final awards ceremony, the people from Liming Middle School stood in the third place from the far left, and Gu Xi stood at the back of the crowd , just like a transparent person.

At that time, Sheng Xiuyan didn't pay much attention to the affairs of other schools, but thinking about it now, it was obvious that Gao Zifan deliberately led other contestants to crowd out Gu Xi.

Those around who don't know the truth will think that Gu Xi got off the team's back.

But is this really the case?

Sheng Xiuyan got up suddenly and walked in front of Gao Zifan and the others.

Liming's? Last year's third?

Yes. Gao Zifan replied with a tense voice.

He knew that Sheng Xiuyan was a legend in the High School Affiliated to A University, and also a legend in the eyes of many top students in the school.

Gao Zifan was already considered a legendary existence in Liming, with a good family background, good looks, and good grades, but when he faced Sheng Xiuyan, those things of his seemed insignificant.

This was the first time Gao Zifan spoke face-to-face with this legend. Sheng Xiuyan in front of him looked idle, but it gave people an inexplicable pressure.

So you lost to our high school because someone held you back? Sheng Xiuyan continued to ask.

A few people from the High School Affiliated to University A next to Sheng Xiuyan's words disagreed: They won the first place based on their strength, okay?

Facing Sheng Xiuyan's question, Gao Zifan's nervousness deepened.

During the last competition last year, I was indeed influenced by Lin Xi. Gao Zifan said vaguely.

Gao Zifan didn't think it was a lie - he chose to do the same questions as the opponent because he didn't trust Gu Xi. During the competition, he obviously chose the right questions for some uncertain questions. Just like his, Gao Zifan subconsciously felt that it was wrong, and then changed to another option.

Therefore, if Gu Xi's existence hadn't affected him, he wouldn't have performed abnormally.

Gao Zifan's words were regarded as an answer to Sheng Xiuyan's question, and also told everyone in a disguised form that it was indeed Gu Xi who was holding him back.

At this time, Sheng Xiuyan laughed suddenly, looked at Gao Zifan with a flash of sarcasm, and said coldly: So I should thank you for giving us the first place with a low score.

As soon as Sheng Xiuyan said this, everyone was dumbfounded: What's going on? Gao Zifan said he was held back by Gu Xi, but Sheng Xiuyan thanked Gao Zifan instead? !

What do you mean? Gao Zifan turned cold, but his hands in his pockets were trembling.

Literally. Compared with Gao Zifan's level, Sheng Xiuyan was more willing to believe in Gu Xi's strength he saw.

However, in the next second, Sheng Xiuyan quickly thought of another thing.

——In last year's contest, Sheng Xiuyan originally thought he would get the highest score in the last round, but after inquiring through some channels, the head teacher found out that Li Ming had the highest score on the single answer sheet, and the other party was 10 times higher than him Points, that is, do 10 more questions.

Since this person is not Gao Zifan, the only possibility is Gu Xi.

So, this person didn't suppress him once, but twice? !

Sheng Xiuyan shifted his gaze to that side and was still eating breakfast leisurely

Fan's Gu Xi suddenly felt a little stuck in his heart, what's going on?

At this time, Gu Xi finally finished her meal, took the juice that Gu Chenyi handed her and drank it, and then stood up from the chair.

Gu Xi looked at Gao Zifan and Lin Anxin without hesitation, and finally said: After talking for a long time, you pretended to meet by chance and pretended to be kind. What you want to talk about is that I was framed by you for cheating at school. , don’t beat around the bush, I’ll tell you directly.”

Gu Shao told Gu Xi before that he helped her solve all the things in Liming, so she didn't have to worry about anything, so Gu Xi would no longer be afraid.

Sure enough, as soon as Gu Xi said this, several people at Li Ming's side did not refute: the school publicly refuted the rumors, and they also knew that they had misunderstood Gu Xi before. However, Lin Anxin was the one who framed Gu Xi? Really?

Everyone looked at Lin Anxin with some deep meaning in their eyes.

You're talking nonsense, do you have evidence? Lin Anxin panicked.

There is no evidence. Gu Xi said confidently.

At the beginning, the Lin family pressured the school to erase all the evidence.

But the absence of evidence does not prevent me from believing that it is you.


Seeing Gu Xi's posture, Gu Chenyi on the side worked hard to hold back the laughter: Xi Xi's posture of it doesn't make sense, doesn't need reason, what I'm talking about is reason, is just as good as grandpa.

Besides, you still want to say that I'm not good enough. Last year's competition was because I didn't do well in the exam, so I caused Liming to lose. This year, I'm going to harm the High School Affiliated to A University, right?

Then I'm sorry, the truth may disappoint you. If it wasn't for Gao Zifan last year, just choose any soy sauce maker, oh, even if you come. We won't be able to win the third place. At least we can win to the second.

You lied! Lin Anxin retorted loudly, and then gave Gu Xi another look: No one knows the score of the competition, so of course you can say whatever you want now.

However, there must be a limit to deceiving people. You say Brother Zifan is holding you back? Huh, that's funny! Lin Anxin sneered, and said, Who do you think will believe you?

Indeed, between Gao Zifan and Gu Xi, Liming's people are still more willing to trust Gao Zifan.

After all, it would be too unreal to say that Gao Zifan held back Gu Xi.


Gu Xi didn't waste time arguing, but raised her head and smiled calmly at the few people: Facts speak louder than words.

Since you think Gao Zifan is very good, then let's compare one game. After a pause, Gu Xi continued: We will use this time's league score as a comparison.

Gu Xi's tone was calm, and the confidence in her eyes made her look like she was shining.

Gu Chenyi didn't do anything at this time, so he secretly took a photo next to him and sent it to the Gu family's group, and attached a sentence: 'Cherish the scene where people's names are jealous'.

Gu Xi in the photo is handsome and a.

【what happened? ] Gu Yanlin asked in the group.

Others followed closely in the group to ask questions.

Gu Chenyi explained: [Xixi used to have a few blind-headed idiots from school who came to trouble Xixi, and wanted to say that Xixi's grades were not good, but Xixi directly went up to her and asked the other party to compare with her. 】

Gu Chenyi said this to let his family see how handsome Gu Xi is, but as a result, it seems that everyone's focus is not on this.

[Head of the family: Which bastard bullied my granddaughter? ! 】

[Gu Feng: Which one is it? 】

[Da Linzi: Xixi is being bullied, what are you doing? 】

【Xiao: What's the use of asking you to follow? 】

Even Gu Xuan, who is in country d, sent a message: [Why don't you protect Xixi? 】

Gu Chenyi: ... He wanted to, but there was no room for him to use his skills.

Gu Chenyi thought about it, and replied to his uncle: [It's the Lin family that Xixi stayed in before, and there is also a Gao family, who should have contacts with the Lin family. 】

[Gu Feng: Received. 】

Uncle Gu's family doesn't talk too much.



Faced with Gu Xi's direct 'declaration of war', Li Ming and the others were slightly shocked.

Lin Anxin looked at Gu Xi strangely: she didn't believe that Gu Xi's score would be higher than Gao Zifan's, but the confidence on Gu Xi's face made her inexplicably uncertain.

What if you cheat again? Besides, this time, there is a cultivator from the high school affiliated to A University next to you. You two answer the questions together. Who knows if he will help you and claim the test scores he got as yours. Lin Anxin said dissatisfiedly, hatred flashed in her eyes.

The handsome boy next to Gu Xi is obviously protecting Gu Xi. Although Sheng Xiuyan's words just now were mainly aimed at Gao Zifan, he seems to be helping Gu Xi intentionally or unintentionally. In addition, there are people from A University High School After hearing what she said, he still acted as if he believed in Gu Xi.


Why is Gu Xi so popular when she went to another school!

Lin Anxin's words were really ridiculous. Gu Xi looked at her: There is no cheating in this level of league. Once the game is over, we will check the score together. In this way, you should not have to worry.

Faced with Gu Xi's gaze, Gao Zifan's complexion darkened, he gritted his teeth, and finally complied: Okay, compare.

The last time he was influenced to perform abnormally, and it is very likely that Gu Xi got the highest score due to good luck. He did not believe that the real strength of a sophomore in junior high school could compare with him, a junior in junior high school.

Then it's settled. Gu Xi raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, hiding her eyes

Sly: If you lose, please go to the forum to apologize to me publicly, and please don't come in front of me to disgust me again.

You! Lin Anxin glared at Gu Xi angrily: We can't lose, you should worry about yourself.

If you lose, not only do you have to apologize to Brother Zifan and me, but I also want you to go to the forum of the High School Affiliated to admit that you cheated! Lin Anxin had already made up her mind, and when Gu Xi admitted to cheating on the forum of the High School Affiliated, At that time, she will post all the black history that she cherished in Liming to the forum of the high school affiliated to A University, and some people will believe it. When the time comes, Gu Xi will be hated by everyone just like Li Ming before.

I won't lose. Gu Xi's blunt words seemed to state a fact.

Such an attitude once again made the people next to her feel that she was a blast.


Seeing Gao Zifan and Lin Anxin leaving, Gu Xi raised her eyebrows: We'll wait and see.

In the end, before he was stunned for two seconds, Gu Chenyi who was next to him blocked his sight with his hand: It will be contagious if you watch too much.

The Lin family and the Gao family will teach her a lesson.

Gu Xichi let out a laugh.

The car is coming, let's go too. From this position by the window, you can indeed see when the car downstairs is coming.

Several people set off together.


Today's first session is mathematics, and Gu Xi, Gu Chenyi, and Sheng Xiuyan just happened to participate.

Have you brought your draft paper and pen? Before getting into the car, Gu Xi asked Gu Chenyi again worriedly.

Bring it.

Unfortunately, how worried is this about him?

Gu Chenyi complained silently - it was all because the second meeting was too hasty.

Looking at Gu Chenyi's appearance, Gu Xi couldn't help but smile, and patted him on the shoulder again: Come on.

Don't worry. Gu Chenyi said, a look of seriousness flashed in his eyes.

The main reason for him to participate in the competition is to brush up the favorability value, and it doesn't matter if it's a question or something.

So, originally Gu Chenyi was going to take the test casually by paddling, but now it's different, he's serious.

Let those two idiots of Li Ming see what crushing is.

After finishing speaking, Gu Chenyi glanced at Sheng Xiuyan next to him again: There's still you, take the test hard. Don't hold back Xixi.

Sheng Xiuyan raised his eyes and looked over: Threatening me?

Gu Chenyi: No, I'm encouraging you.

Sheng Xiuyan: Hehe.

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