I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 26 What the hell? ! Answer: Question sense.

Soon, the teaching director and another invigilating teacher distributed the test rolls to everyone.

After receiving the test paper, Gu Xi read it back and forth.

There are four subjects in total: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology, all on one test paper, each occupying a page.

There are only 10 questions in each subject, and they are all multiple choice questions.

At this time, the dean opened his mouth and said: This test question is based on the previous competition questions, and the difficulty is similar.

There are 40 questions in total, and the test time is 1 hour. Everyone hurry up.

It is not difficult to do 40 multiple-choice questions in 60 minutes, but, before everyone is happy, the dean made another request that made people unhappy: Although it is a multiple-choice question, you must Write down your problem-solving process.

No, I still have to write the process of solving the problem? Wouldn't it be necessary to copy the things on the draft paper on the test paper again?

No wonder there is so much space under each question.

It's too troublesome...

Then why not ask the big questions directly.

A few people complained quietly.

Quiet, the dean glanced at the people who were speaking, and said again: Multiple-choice questions are the main type of questions in the league test, that's why you are asked to do multiple-choice questions, and why did you ask you to write down the process of solving the questions? , this is for the convenience of the teacher to evaluate your situation and level.

Okay, stop talking nonsense,... hurry up and do it.

The dean knocked on the table and announced the start of the timer. Finally, the few people below stopped talking nonsense and started the test quietly.

Gu Xi didn't think too much, and started to concentrate on the questions.

The first question is a geometric calculation problem. After highlighting the key parameters of the topic, Gu Xi began to write.

However, Gu Xi stopped just after writing the first word.

The teacher just said to write down the steps of his own problem-solving. It seems that there is no mandatory requirement to use any method?

Moreover, this is a multiple-choice question. In theory, there is only one scoring standard, right is right or wrong is wrong, and there is no problem-solving process score at all.

After thinking about it, Gu Xi finally did not use the conventional problem-solving method to calculate step by step, but directly drew a picture on the test paper, marked the data relationship and numbers one by one on the picture, and easily deduced this The answer to a question.

The second question is a calculation question. The answer should be 7 digits, so the answer should be between a and c.

Gu Xi took out the last digit after the decimal point of several numbers and calculated it separately, and the last digit of the calculated answer was 7. Therefore, you should choose c.

And then the third question...

I have done too many similar questions, but Gu Xi knew right away that she should choose b.

However, after hesitating for two seconds, Gu Xi still wrote down the simple idea of ​​solving the problem below the title.

After adapting to this mode of answering questions, Gu Xi's speed gradually picked up.

The test room was quiet, and for a while, only the sound of the pen tip writing on the test paper could be heard.

From the first question to the last question, Gu Xi spent thirty minutes, and then, Gu Xi habitually checked the test paper from beginning to end before putting down her pen.

Gu Xi raised her head, the others should still be answering the questions.

Only Sheng Xiuyan and Gu Chenyi had already handed in the papers at some point, and they sat leisurely at the back of the test room, one spinning the basketball and the other sleeping.

Gu Xi withdrew her gaze, and decided to check again—resolutely not to 'collaborate' with these two people.


When 60 minutes was up, the teacher collected everyone's test papers.

The four teachers exchanged and corrected the test papers on the spot, and quickly finished marking all eight test papers.

The teaching director took the test papers of several people and read them carefully, and after discussing with several teachers, he finally decided on the grouping of the competition.

Let me talk about the grouping. While talking, the dean wrote down the list of groups on the blackboard.

The first group, Mathematics, Gu Xi, Sheng Xiuyan, Wang Zhouwei.

Second group, chemistry...

A total of three people participated in each group of tests.

Surprisingly, Gu Xi, Sheng Xiuyan and Gu Chenyi took part in the two tests alone.

Except for the first grade in the third year of junior high school who took two tests, the rest had only one test each.

Yan Jie's family is the first in the third grade at any rate, which is easy to understand.

Gu Xi, the three of them are only in the second year of junior high school, why did the teacher choose them to be the leader?

The rest of the people were puzzled.

Those people couldn't help but poked their heads curiously and looked at the test papers of the three of Gu Xi - nothing, they just wanted to see where the gap was.

After seeing it, several people were dumbfounded.

This... Gu Xi's test paper was probably too simple.

——They used seven or eight steps to calculate the question, but Gu Xi wrote three lines on the test paper!

Are you sure it wasn't cutting corners?

It's okay to cherish it, but I still wrote something. What the hell are Gu Chenyi and Sheng Xiuyan talking about? !

For the first question, Gu Chenyi drew a picture like Gu Xi, and then he wrote something - 'From the picture, the angle is only 30 degrees, so choose c. '

Sheng Xiuyan's even better criticism: Answer to the first question

: title sense'.

Why don't you say three long and one short choose the shortest, three short and one long choose the longest and choose c!


Teacher, what is your standard? Someone couldn't help asking.

With regard to the answers of these three people, they were all selected to participate in the mathematics competition. Are you sure you are not joking?

The dean looked at the dissatisfied people, and said calmly: This is a multiple-choice question, not an answer to the calculation. The reason why I asked you to write the steps of solving the problem is not to give you a score for each step of the problem-solving process, but to give you a score. Let's see how you answer the question.

This is also the biggest difference between competitions and general examinations.

The dean paused, and then said: During the competition, the method of solving the problem is not the key. Whoever can choose the correct answer with the fastest speed will get more points.

Especially in the last time-limited quiz, if you want to win, you have to be fast and accurate.

As he said that, the dean looked at the three Gu Xi, thought about it for a moment, and finally chose Gu Xi and Sheng Xiuyan to participate in the final round of time-limited questions.

She knew Sheng Xiuyan's ability very well, so she wasn't worried at all.

As for Gu Xi, the teaching director was not only not worried, but also very much looking forward to it: last year's league, she had read the test papers for the last match, and Gu Xi scored the highest score in the game alone.

If it wasn't for the fact that another student of Liming's answering errors was too high, and as a result, the total score of the two of them would be lowered, and they would have been the first in the high school attached to A University.

As for the reason for Gu Chenyi's 'failure' - this student had never participated in this kind of competition before, and the teacher was worried that he would be stage fright if he participated for the first time.

Okay, that's it for the time being. After you go down, you should prepare well according to the tests you have taken. If there are any changes in the later stage, you will make adjustments. The dean made a final decision.

Later, the dean explained some things about the league: There are some students who participated for the first time, so let me tell you here that the league has three days on Fridays and weekends. Transportation and accommodation are arranged by the school. Remember to explain the situation to your parents ...


At night, when I got home, Gu Xi told Gu Shao about the league.

...So, a total of 3 days.

Hearing this, Gu Shao nodded and replied, Yes.

In fact, Gu Shao already knew about Gu Xi's going to participate in the league - in the afternoon, when he was in a meeting, Director Zhou of the school called to tell him about it.

Gu Xi was stunned and looked at Gu Shao: That's it? Is there anything else to explain?

Here, Gu Shao looked away from the document in front of him, and when he looked up, he saw Gu Xi still standing there with his head buried, his face tangled, and his eyes seemed to be somewhat lost?

Be careful when going out, listen to the teacher's arrangement, don't act on your own, if you have any problems, tell the teacher or call home. Gu Shao explained again.

Hearing Gu Shao's instructions, Gu Xi finally had a smile on her face, and assured her: Okay, I understand, don't worry, Dad.

And... Gu Xi said.

What? Seeing Gu Xi's tangled look, Gu Shao asked.

Nothing. Gu Xi shook her head. She originally wanted to talk about the final awards ceremony of the league, and parents could go and watch it, but, thinking about what Xu Fei said earlier, Gu Shao seems to be very busy these days, Gu Xi thinks about it, and forget it.

Good night, Dad. After finishing speaking, Gu Xi turned and left.

Seeing Gu Xi who was jumping away from the study, Gu Shao raised his eyebrows, and the expression in his eyes softened a little unconsciously.


Fast forward to Thursday afternoon.

The eight people who participated in the league were led by three teachers. They went home to pack their things first, and then set off from school together.

Before going out, Aunt Mei worriedly held Gu Xi and told her for a while.

If you have anything to do, you must remember to call home, do you know? You can call home or your husband, and also, cold medicine, fever medicine, motion sickness medicine, Grandma Mei You put it in the suitcase, if you feel uncomfortable, remember to take the medicine, read the instructions carefully before taking it, and show your teacher if you are unclear...

Gu Xi nodded in cooperation with Aunt Mei's explanation, but she couldn't laugh or cry in her heart: she was only going for three days, and it wasn't too far away and she was still in city B, just one district away, so why did she have to travel far away with her? It seems like a long time.

Gu Xi glanced at the two suitcases over there, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

Originally going out for three days, Gu Xi only packed one suitcase. In the end, Aunt Mei added two suitcases because of a carelessness.

By the way, I almost forgot, Aunt Mei went into the kitchen again, took out a bag and handed it to Gu Xi: This is the snack I made when I got up early in the morning. Take it, Xiao Xi, on the way eat.

Gu Xi nodded, took the bag, took a look, and found that there were actually two copies inside.

On the side, Aunt Mei smiled and explained: There are two servings in total, Xiaoxi has one, and the other is for other students to eat.

Just two copies, the other one seems to be not enough for other students, right?

Gu Xi murmured silently in her heart.

Aunt Mei's 'other classmate' is obviously referring to Gu Chenyi.

Gu Xi endured not to expose, and nodded.

Take these as well. They are all snacks. If you can't get enough to eat outside, you can eat some snacks first. Don't be hungry.

Looking at the bag that Aunt Mei took out again

Gu Xi was ashamed of the big food gift bag: No need, there are too many and I can't take it.

Aunt Mei smiled indifferently: It's okay, if you can't take it, you can ask your classmates to help you.

Gu Xi: ... It doesn't take much thinking to know that this classmate's surname is Gu.


Gu Xi left home and went to school.

The car stopped near the meeting point, Gu Xi just got out of the car, before she could stand still, she saw Gu Chenyi popping up from the side.

Oh, what a coincidence. Gu Chenyi walked up to Gu Xi, with an expression of I was just passing by, and I happened to see you.

Gu Xi: Hehe, I'll just quietly watch you act, not to expose you.

It's a coincidence. Gu Xi smiled and raised the corner of her mouth towards the other party.

Here, seeing the driver take out Gu Xi's luggage from the trunk, before Gu Xi can get it, Gu Chenyi has already stretched out his hand to the driver.

give it to me.

No... Gu Xi subconsciously wanted to say no.

Over there, the driver had already handed Gu Xi's luggage to Gu Chenyi without hesitation.

It's a bit heavy. Gu Xi reminded: I don't know what Aunt Mei bumped into it afterwards.

It's okay. Gu Chenyi said indifferently.


Facing the surprised gazes of the others, Gu Chenyi helped Gu Xi carry the suitcase into the car and put it away.

That... At this moment, Yang Mengmeng came over.

Among the eight people who participated in the league this time, there were only two girls, Gu Xi, and Yang Mengmeng, who was in the first year of junior high school.

Yang Mengmeng came here because she wanted to sit with Gu Xi.

In the end, before she finished speaking, the seat next to Gu Xi was taken by Gu Chenyi.

Yang Mengmeng had no choice but to go back and find another classmate from the first year of junior high school to sit.

Over here, watching Gu Chenyi put the luggage of the two of them away, and then sat down next to her as if 'asking for praise', Gu Xi smiled, patted the other side's shoulder, and said: Thank you for your hard work.

By the way, you can take down that pink bag again. Gu Xi said, it contained the snacks that Aunt Mei had prepared for the two of them.

this one?

Yeah. Gu Xi took the bag, and handed one of the boxes of dim sum to Gu Chenyi: This one is for you.

Looking at the dim sum in front of him, Gu Chenyi's eyes widened, with a look of incredulity on his face: Give it to me?

Happiness came so suddenly that he hadn't reacted yet.

Don't you want it? Gu Xi raised her eyebrows and asked intentionally.

Yes! This is a pity to give, so far the only one in the Gu family!

And the familiar shape and the familiar taste are definitely made by Aunt Mei.

Gu Chenyi was eating a piece of egg yolk pastry, and was almost moved to tears: Ever since Aunt Mei was taken away by his second uncle, the food at home has been going from bad to worse.

Here, after Gu Chenyi finished eating a piece of egg yolk pastry, Gu Xi had already handed over a bottle of water.

Gu Chenyi: ! His cell phone, he must send a message to that guy Gu Yanxiao to show off!


Sheng Xiuyan, who was seated across from him, glanced at the two people over here, with suspicion on his face: When did the relationship between these two people become so good?

No, it should be said that when did Gu Chenyi, an idiot, become so popular?

Did the two know each other before? All surnamed Gu...

Sheng Xiuyan thought of a certain possibility, but quickly denied it on his own: as far as he knew, except for that Gu Xue'er who was barely considered a member of the Gu family, there seemed to be no one named Gu Xi.

Sheng Xiuyan looked away indifferently, changed his position and continued to sleep.


Here, while Gu Xi seemed to be asleep, Gu Chenyi took out his phone, and quietly took a group photo of the two of them, chattering and still in the group, and attached a sentence: 【I went to the competition with Xixi, don't worry everyone. 】

The Gu family, Gu Yanxiao, who saw the news, was so angry that his teeth itch: Originally, he planned to sign up to go with him, but Gu Chenyi snatched him away.

However, soon, Gu Yanxiao lost his anger, looked at the time, waited for 2 minutes, and then privately chatted with Gu Chenyi: 【You sent it to the wrong place. 】

What? Seeing the message from Gu Yanxiao, Gu Chenyi was stunned for a moment before realizing what the other party said.

Fuck! It's over! He sent the wrong group!

Originally, he was going to send it to the group [Happy Family] where the second uncle was, but he slipped his hand just now and sent it to another group [Happy Family] where Gu Shao was.

In addition, there are groups without uncle and father, respectively called [Amused Family] and [Happy Big Family]. These group names were changed by Mr. Gu.

Gu Chenyi really didn't understand why the old man wanted to make the group name so similar! Aren't you afraid of going to the wrong group when you speak ill of a certain son? !

But 2 minutes have passed, and I can't withdraw it even if I want to withdraw it.

Thus, Gu Chenyi received the first private chat in his life from his second uncle.

[Two people together, don't cause trouble. 】

With a simple sentence, Gu Chenyi could feel the warning coming across his cell phone.

【No, Second Uncle, I'm sure Xixi will be optimistic. 】

[Gu Shao: I'm talking about you. 】

【I? I'm okay...] Gu Chenyi replied with a guilty conscience.

Gu Shao didn't reply again, but gave Gu Chenyi

Throw a pen and transfer it over.

Looking at the sudden money, Gu Chenyi was startled: this is the first time he has received pocket money from his second uncle besides the new year's money!

Bah, no, this is the expenses for taking care of Xixi.


The car arrived at its destination quickly.

The teacher who led the team said to everyone: This time our school is staying at the Maple Leaf Hotel.

In order to ensure the fairness of the league and advertise by the way, the previous leagues were held in the comprehensive teaching experiment area in the suburbs of city b, and the accommodation was arranged by each school itself.

Maple Leaf Hotel, Gu Xi seemed to be the closest hotel to the competition venue.

This time our school actually snatched up the Maple Leaf Hotel ahead of time, yes.

Said a third-year senior who was sitting in the back row of Gu Xi.

At this time, a person next to him took the call and said, Anyway, I think it's pretty much the same.

This time, it seems that No. 3 Middle School, No. 6 Middle School, and Liming are also here.


When she heard the two familiar words 'Liming', Gu Xi was slightly taken aback, but she didn't pay much attention.

——It is normal for several schools to be in the same hotel.

However, except for the final awards, there are not many intersections between schools and schools, and they are all preparing for their own competitions.

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