I Have Decided to Go Look for My Father

Chapter 23 Participating in the Competition

The next day, Gu Xi ran into Gu Shao's car again.

On the way to school, Gu Xi lowered her head and swiped her phone.

After she told [aaa] yesterday that she was willing to form a team, she conveniently sent her a few g's of information, which is said to be the award-winning design of similar competitions in recent years that she painstakingly sorted out.

Right now, [aaa] is introducing these designs to her one by one in the group.


On the side, looking at Gu Xi who was holding the phone and staring intently, Gu Shao's eyes became serious.

Don't look at your phone in the car. Gu Shao said.

In the past few days, Gu Xi has gotten used to Gu Shao's stern attitude, so she won't be as nervous as before, but after hearing what Gu Shao said, Gu Xi stuck out her tongue secretly, and obediently put away her phone.

Seeing this, Gu Shao withdrew his gaze.

After a while, Gu Shao suddenly asked again: Do you want to join ntn?

Gu Xi:! ! !

Immediately, the whole person was like a bolt from the blue.

——Gu Shao knows? So he saw her composition?

Gu Xi's expression froze: If there is a hole in the bottom of the car now, she wants to get in, and then bury herself.

There's nothing wrong with the composition itself, it's just... too embarrassing.

This feeling, Gu Xi can’t tell what it is,?? Probably when I was a child, I secretly wrote in my diary such words as ‘I love my parents’, ‘My father is the best’, ‘My mother is super beautiful’ ,?? Thought that no one knew it,?? One day I found out that my parents would actually 'check' their diary every day.

Or send private messages to idols every day, thinking that idols will not see themselves as tree holes at all, but one day,?? idols come back...

That's right. Gu Xi said in a low voice.

He subconsciously rubbed his hot ears, and then pretended to be nonchalant and said: I just saw the report about ntn on my mobile phone before, and I thought it was very powerful, so I hope I can become a Very powerful people can also enter ntn.

After all, Gu Xi smiled calmly at Gu Shao to cover up.

Hearing Gu Xi's words, Gu Shao was noncommittal.

However, from an angle that Gu Xi couldn't see, the corner of Gu Shao's mouth showed a trace of indiscernibility.

Soon, Gu Shao regained his serious expression, and said to Gu Xi solemnly: It's not that easy to get into NTN.

This is a fact—different from the personnel training and research mechanisms of universities, NTN almost represents the most advanced technology in the Huaguo market, and at the same time, most of the recruits are top talents in the industry. There are corresponding threshold requirements.

However, this is not what Gu Shao mainly wants to tell Gu Xi.

Your choice is up to you. You have a long road ahead, but you are not limited to a certain direction. Gu Shao said seriously.

In the past, when Gu Xi was in the Lin family, he studied hard, tried his best in everything, and got the best grades in the exam... All of this was largely due to being a child, hoping to get the approval of his parents.

Gu Shao wasn't sure if Gu Xi's goal of 'becoming the best scientific researcher and entering NTN' for himself was also to cater to adults.

But, for him, no need.

He doesn't need a ruler to measure his child, and he doesn't need her to achieve a certain extreme of excellence in the eyes of the public.

You can do what you like. Gu Shao said again.

Hearing Gu Shao's words, Gu Xi was taken aback for a moment, and when she understood what Gu Shao meant, her eyes flashed.

The next second, Gu Xi grinned at Gu Shao: I know, but I didn't lie, this is what I like.

As if afraid that Gu Shao would not believe it, Gu Xi emphasized again: Really!

This time, it was Gu Shao who was stunned: If I remember correctly, girls of this age seem to like singing, dancing and painting, or dream of becoming a star.

This is the most common statement that Gu Shao saw on the Internet before.

Gu Shao glanced at Gu Xi, the earnestness and enthusiasm in the girl's eyes did not seem to be fake.


Gu Shao looked away. Thinking of the composition, I suddenly thought of the last composition I saw last night.


Gu Shao lowered his eyes slightly.

Even though the content of the entire composition is mostly based on imagination, or based on the Lin family's attitude towards Lin Anxin, which is far from the actual situation, but it is not difficult to see a child's desire for family affection from the lines. Including the beautification of Zhang Cui's grandmother and Xu Jiaofeng's grandmother in the composition.

Thinking of the phone call that the old man asked Steward Zhou to call before, Gu Shao thought for a while and said, This Mid-Autumn Festival, I will take you to grandpa's house.

Hearing this, Gu Xi was stunned, and then she was surprised.

Previously, Gu Shao's hukou was the only one, so Gu Xi didn't think much about it, and he never thought about the rest of the Gu family.

Suddenly hearing the word 'grandpa' mentioned by the other party, Gu Xicai realized that Gu Shao should have other relatives.

This point seems to have been mentioned in the novel, but only a few words.

Probably after Gu Shao collapsed, something happened to his family.

Although I have never seen it, there is no specific description in the novel.

, but perhaps because of the filter of that blood relationship, Gu Xi felt that the people of the Gu family should not be bad people.

Thinking of the fate of the Gu family in the novel, Gu Xi suddenly felt worried.


On the side, Gu Shao didn't know what Gu Xi was thinking, seeing the girl's brows were tightly furrowed, he thought that she was nervous and uneasy because of meeting the strange Gu family.

It's not that scary. Gu Shao said. At least the Gu family is not like the Lin family.

Huh? What? Came back to her senses, Gu Xi looked at Gu Shao.

In the Gu family, there are my father, your grandfather, your uncle's family, and your uncle's family. There are three boys in total, who are about your age... After all, he hadn't met anyone yet, so Gu Shao just said briefly Introduce Gu Xi to the family members on the other side of the Gu family, and let her know that the situation there is not complicated.

However, Gu Xi took down what Gu Shao said seriously.

Do you have any photos? Gu Xi asked.

No. After a pause, Gu Shao said again: I'll see you when the time comes.

Okay. Gu Xi nodded, and subconsciously turned on her phone to look at the date of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Calculate the time, that is, next week.

Then, do you want to tell Grandpa and the others about my existence? Gu Xi asked again in a low voice: After all, I haven't existed for fourteen years, and suddenly a blood-related granddaughter appears. Thinking about it, it seems a bit too sudden .

They know you. Gu Shao said, looking in a certain direction outside the car window.

——The old man specially arranged for someone to go near the school. Did you sneak here by yourself yesterday when school was almost over, did you think he didn't know?

After a pause, Gu Shao said again: Grandpa and the others like you very much.

Hearing this, Gu Xi's eyes widened, her face full of surprise: Really?

Gu Shao couldn't have said that on purpose because he was afraid that she would be nervous.

The members of the Gu family have never seen her, so how can they like her? She has lived with her grandma and grandma in the Lin family for so long, but she has never seen that the other party likes her.

Really, Gu Shao gave Gu Xi an affirmative answer, and said, It's here.

Ah? Gu Xi came back to her senses, only to find that the car had already arrived at the school gate.


Okay, Gu Xi smiled at Gu Shao, got out of the car, waved her hand, and said, Goodbye, Dad.

After greeting Gu Shao, Gu Xi also said to Xu Fei who was in front of her, 'Goodbye, Uncle Xiao Fei. '


At this time, Xu Fei on the co-pilot was holding his mobile phone and studying the content of the two circles of friends, almost not noticing that Gu Xi was saying goodbye to him.

After waving with Gu Xi, Xu Fei turned on the phone again, and continued to think about the intention of the two articles that the boss shared in Moments yesterday.

These two articles, one is called The Influence of Parents on Children, and the other is called The Important Role of Genetics in the Future Development of Children? !

Generally, Gu Shao seldom posts on Moments. Even if he posts occasionally, the content is mostly new product and new technology promotion or some technical papers.

Xu Fei studied the two articles shared by his boss all night: he found that these were two ordinary Brick House soft articles that cheated the number of retweets and clicks, and one of them also had a link to an advertisement selling milk powder. Besides, Xu Fei didn't see anything special about these two articles at all.

If it wasn't for the boss replying to someone in a normal tone with 'it's not unreasonable', he almost wondered if the boss's account had been hacked.

In the back seat, Gu Shao didn't tell the driver until he watched Gu Xi enter the school gate: Let's go, go to University A first.


On the other side, after saying goodbye to Gu Shao, Gu Xi went directly to the classroom.

It wasn't too early for Gu Xi to arrive at school. When she arrived, there were already many people in the class.

However, what makes Gu Xi strange is: these people are not studying in the morning, what are they doing around their own positions?

Before Gu Xi could walk over, someone spotted her and shouted, Here we come, the Lord is here~

What's the situation?

Gu Xi muttered suspiciously in her heart, and walked towards the crowd.

The students in the class took the initiative to make way for Gu Xi.

Just looking at her gossip-smiling expression is really frightening.

Gu Xi walked to her seat only to find that there was an extra one and a big breakfast gift bag in her seat.

Why is it called a big gift bag?

It's because this box is too big, and there are quite a variety of things, not only breakfast, but also snacks, and small biscuits.

The cherry pink, cherry blossom-shaped lunch box is also equipped with the same non-disposable tableware, which is very conspicuous.

At this time, Dong Mingming came over and grabbed Gu Xi with a gossipy face.

It's ok, unexpectedly someone gave you a bento box the second day after you came to school! After finishing speaking, Dong Mingming lowered her voice again and asked curiously, Who gave it to you?

I don't know. Gu Xi also looked confused, looked at the people beside her, and asked, Do you know?

Everyone shook their heads.

I'm the first to come, and I'll put it here when I come.

Who is so nice? It's too spoiled to have breakfast delivered early in the morning.

Hey, it couldn't be given by a classmate who has a crush on Gu Xi. After all, with Gu Xi's looks, it's completely normal to have a crush.


Everyone fell into gossip again.

Fortunately, at this time, the bell for the morning self-study rang, and everyone stopped gossiping and replied

to his seat.

After Gu Xi sat down, Dong Mingming who was next to her came over and asked in a low voice, By the way, Gu Xiaoxi, you really don't know who gave it to you?

I really don't know. Gu Xi shook her head.

That's weird. It's a bit ridiculous to say that it was given by Gu Xi's crush, after all, Gu Xi has only just come to school for a day, and people who weren't in his class might not know that there is such a person.

Do you know anyone in our middle school?

Gu Xi shook her head again: No.

It's not necessarily misplaced. Gu Xi looked at the things in front of her, she really had a headache and didn't know what to do with it.

Then what are you going to do? Dong Mingming asked.

Gu Xi thought about it, and said, Leave it in the lost and found.

Dong Mingming: A good way... That is, this big gift bag looks delicious, what should I do if I want to eat it?


On the other side of the classroom, Wang Yankai and the others looked at Gu Xi and at Sheng Xiuyan who was sleeping on the table, and couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

By the way, brother Yan shouldn't have sent it, right? After all, they both witnessed Sheng Xiuyan's 'fall' yesterday.

Come here early in the morning to have a loving breakfast, then leave, and then pretend nothing happened and come to the classroom, hehe.

It's possible, otherwise, why did Brother Yan come here before the first class?

Several people discussed in low voices.

Fortunately, Sheng Xiuyan didn't wake up at this time, otherwise he would have thrown a sentence to them when he heard their conversation: brainless.


During the break between classes, Gu Xi was called to the office by the head teacher.

Mr. Chen, what do you want from me? Gu Xi asked.

Seeing Gu Xi, the head teacher had a friendly smile on his face: Here you come, Gu Xi, come here, I'll tell you.

After Gu Xi walked over, the class teacher said again: That's right, next week is the joint science competition for junior high schools in city b, you should know about this, right?

Gu Xi nodded: I know.

This joint science competition is actually a science group joint competition jointly organized by 26 key and sub-key junior high schools in city b.

Held at the same time every year.

Gu Xi represented Liming Middle School last year, so she knew about this league.

Seeing Gu Xi nodding, the head teacher smiled again, and continued: This time from the first to the third year of junior high school, the school's plan is 2, 3, 3, and there are 3 places in our grade...

Hearing what the head teacher said, Gu Xi roughly recalled the competition system of the league: the competition system of the entire league is different from the general competition. Answer questions within a time limit.

For the participating schools, each school forms a team of 8 people, and the grades are determined by the respective schools themselves.

In the first two days of the test, each subject and each team selected 3 people to participate in the test, and on the last day, each team selected 2 people to do unlimited quizzes within the specified time.

Finally, the ranking is based on the sum of the total scores of all tests.

I thought about it, our class, I'm going to report your and Sheng Xiuyan's names. The head teacher said his plan.

Just at this time, Sheng Xiuyan also entered the office.

I thought you wouldn't come back until I finished speaking. The class teacher gave Sheng Xiuyan a look.

I won't repeat it if you didn't hear it earlier. This time, you and Gu Xi are participating in the Science League. This represents our school and Class 7. You must perform well, you know?

Although they had to go through the school's screening process before signing up, there was no suspense at all for the two people in their class, one first in grade and the other second.

Whatever. Sheng Xiuyan replied.

The homeroom teacher ignored him, looked at Gu Xi, and asked in a soft voice: Gu Xi, you're fine.

No problem. Gu Xi nodded.

that is……

Excuse me, is there any scholarship for this competition? Gu Xi struggled for a while, but still asked the question she cared about the most.

In previous competitions of this kind, Liming had corresponding scholarships.

As soon as Gu Xi said this, Sheng Xiuyan, who was standing next to her, looked over, and a look of contempt flashed in his eyes: vulgar.

On the other hand, the head teacher didn't mind at all.

In her eyes, a good student is right in everything. Even if she cares about bonuses, she must be buying study materials for herself.

After all, a family like Gu Xi's is never short of money, and bonuses are just a form of encouragement.

Of course there is, said the head teacher, blinking again and said, And our attached middle school is higher than other students.

Gu Xi nodded solemnly: She is completely fine.


Gu Xi returns to class.

Dong Mingming moved over curiously, and asked, Why did Lao Chen ask you to go?

Participate in the science league. Gu Xi explained.

Hearing this, Dong Mingming showed surprise on his face: Emma, ​​Gu Xiaoxi, it seems that you are not an ordinary schoolmaster.

This kind of competition where only two or three people are selected in one grade, generally a top student at her level can only be qualified as a trainee at most.

By the way, God Cultivator came in with you just now, will he also participate in this league?

En. Gu Xi nodded.

Dong Mingming patted Gu Xi's shoulder: Congratulations, you can lie down and win with Cultivation God.

Gu Xi: ...

She thought that Dong Mingming's sudden seriousness was about to say something...

Why not say that Sheng Xiuyan followed her to lie down and win?

Gu Xi secretly complained.

Although it was indeed A University Affiliated High School who won the championship last year, she was also the highest scorer in the third-day limited-time competition last time, okay?


Because of the celebrity effect, the news that Sheng Xiuyan was going to participate in this science league quickly spread to every class.

Gu Xi also wore it out by the way.

Gu Xi? Which Gu Xi?

The second year of junior high school? I haven't heard of it. Why isn't it Yan Xu from their class or Zou Le from class 8?


In other classes, some people discussed the latest news on the school forum.

At this moment, Gu Chenyi, who was still leisurely playing with his mobile phone, jumped up.

Who did you say signed up?

Who else is Sheng Xiuyan? said one person.

No, the other one, you just said Gu Xi?

Yes. The other party nodded, and was about to ask Gu Chenyi if he knew him, and what was the origin of this Gu Xi.

Gu Chenyi directly reached out to him.


Registration form.

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