The efficiency of the school was very high, and Gu Shao received a call from the High School Affiliated to University A the next day.

This time, it was the principal himself calling.

Professor Gu, I didn't bother you. The principal spoke very politely on the phone.

Gu Shao signaled the person in charge who was reporting the progress of the research and development to pause first, and said to the principal: No.

That's good. After a pause, the principal said again: The child Lin Xi's entrance test results have come out yesterday, and the test results are very good.

More than good.

Looking at Lin Xi's test scores in his hand, even the principal himself couldn't help but feel excited.

——Chinese 96, Mathematics 100, English 98, Physics 100, Chemistry 100.

This kind of achievement is entirely to raise the average score of their school.

I heard that the deductions for Chinese and English were due to the lack of composition during the test, and the correcting teacher deducted a few points as appropriate.

On the phone, Gu Shao raised his eyebrows when he heard the principal talk about Lin Xi's grades, but he wasn't too surprised.

At this time, the principal said again: With this grade, I think it is no problem to enter the key experimental class.

Originally, he heard that this child was a child of Professor Gu's relatives, so he thought about whether to give Professor Gu a face and arrange some classes properly in the class division.

Unexpectedly, there was no such consideration at all. With Lin Xi's score, there is no problem entering the best class.

Next Monday, Lin Xi can come to school directly to attend class.

Then it's up to Principal Zhao. Gu Shao said.

Where is it, Professor Gu is being polite.

There is another question, said the principal, and said, This child comes to our attached middle school. May the parents of the child plan to borrow temporarily or transfer to another school?

What's the difference? Although Gu Shao is a professor at University A, he actually pays little attention to school affairs.

The main difference is the issue of student status. If it is borrowing, she will study with the class here, but the student status file is still in the previous school. Some important things such as the final exam and the city's unified exam still need to go back to the school. Take the exam at the school where your student status is.

If you decide to study in our attached middle school for a long time, you need to go through formal enrollment procedures in our school, and then transfer your student status from the original school.

Such a good seed, of course Principal Zhao hopes that Lin Xi can be directly transferred to their school.

So, Principal Zhao talked about the advantages of the High School Affiliated to University A on the phone.

I see, thank you Principal Zhao. After Gu Shao finished speaking, he ended the call with the other party.

Thinking about what Lin Xi said before that he didn't want to continue studying in the previous school, so it's not uncommon to transfer to another school.

However, in this way, a new problem has arisen: to apply for transfer to another school, you need to bring your household registration book.

——Lin Xi's household registration is still in the Lin family.


When Chen Ziyang came in, he saw their professor sitting at his desk, frowning slightly, as if thinking about something, with the report materials of a previous research and development project in front of him.

Professor, is there any problem with this project? Chen Ziyang asked.

No problem. Gu Shao came back to his senses and put the materials aside.

Do you know what documents you need to prepare for registering? Gu Shao said casually.

Chen Ziyang was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought: The professor intends to register for Xiao Xi?

It happened that Chen Ziyang's cousin transferred her household registration to his home in order to go to school in city b.

Chen Ziyang recalled a little bit, and said: I need to issue a proof of acceptance here, and then go to the place where the original household registration is to handle the transfer, and then take it here to re-register.

Thinking about it, Chen Ziyang reminded again: Proofs such as paternity test should be needed.

Gu Shao glanced at Chen Ziyang and said nothing.


In the evening, Gu Shao returned home very early on a rare occasion, which surprised and frightened Lin Xi, no, it was a surprise.

After dinner, Gu Shao called Lin Xi to him, and asked the same question again: Why did you leave your previous home and come here?

Lin Xi paused, without thinking about it, he said, It's because I didn't live well in my previous home, so I came here.

Is there no other reason? Gu Shao asked.

Lin Xi shook his head.

Gu Shao looked at Lin Xi with a slightly deeper gaze, and after looking at each other for a few seconds, he said in a deep voice: Even if you are not yet an adult, you should learn to be responsible for your actions. Choose, and the future consequences will be borne by yourself.”

Your current household registration is still with your biological mother. You can choose to return to the Lin family. Of course, out of obligation, I can still provide you with all the maintenance you need until you reach adulthood.

Similarly, you can stay with me. When you become an adult, I will transfer your account for convenience.

Gu Shao handed over the choice to Lin Xi himself.

Such a tone sounds without the slightest emotion.

Aunt Mei who was not far away heard Gu Shao's words, and felt anxious: Although she didn't know what happened to Lin Xi's biological mother, she heard that she already had her own family, and she didn't treat Lin Xi very well.

Now that the child is here, does the husband still want to send her back?

Not to mention taking care of her for two days, she couldn't bear it.

If Lin Xi was really sent away, the old man would probably be the first to jump.

Aunt Mei didn't tell Gu Shao: Those members of the Gu family are already choosing a new name for Miss Xiao Xi's household registration, but they haven't decided on it because of disagreements. In addition, Mr. Gu, who has never been very superstitious, specially hired a master to calculate the auspicious days of Lin Xi's family tree.


Unlike Aunt Mei, Lin Xi's eyes lit up when he heard Gu Shao said that he would transfer her household registration.

——She really forgot to consider the issue of household registration before. If her household registration can be transferred from the Lin family, wouldn't she be able to leave the Lin family completely? She no longer lives with Song Kexin, has nothing to do with Lin Yize, and is no longer Lin Anxin's sister, so the plot in the novel may no longer happen to her.

I want to be with Dad! Lin Xi said without thinking.


Yeah. Lin Xi nodded sharply.

The smile on the girl's face was too dazzling, probably because of infection, the expression on Gu Shao's face subconsciously softened a bit.

I will take you to the Lin family and transfer your account.

it is good--

Lin Xi only said half of a good word, and then got stuck.

and many more! Are you going to the Lin family? !

Lin Xi's complexion changed when he thought of changing his account to go to the Lin family.

She resisted going back to the Lin family, not only because she was afraid of the plot of the novel, but also because of another very important reason: if Gu Shao went to the Lin family with him, wouldn't Gu Shao's identity as her real father be exposed in advance?

Knowing that the man who made his beloved woman lose the first time was Gu Shao, would Lin Yize attack Gu Shao in advance?

Although in Lin Xi's cognition, he always thought that Gu Shao was very powerful, but after all, Lin Yize was the one with the halo of the hero.

No. Lin Xi quickly shook his head.

You don't want to change your account? Gu Shao asked.


Lin Xi didn't know how to explain the story of the novel to Gu Shao. He was troubled, thought for a long time, and found a very lame reason: Dad, aren't you busy? I'll go over and talk to you about the account transfer. Mom and the others say it’s fine, so there’s no need to bother Dad.”

You can also ask Uncle Xu Fei or Grandma Mei to go with me.

In short, Gu Shao just couldn't go.

Gu Shao: ... Even if he is very busy, it is not necessary for others to do things like register.

Gu Shao didn't speak, Lin Xi thought he was acquiescing, so he smiled at Gu Shao: Then it's settled!

go to sleep.

Okay. Lin Xi turned around and walked towards the room. Halfway there, he realized that he had forgotten something, and turned his head to say to Gu Shao, Good night, Dad.


Seeing Lin Xi return to the room, the thinking in Gu Shao's eyes deepened a bit.

Gu Shao called Wang Wu.


Before Lin Xi was sent to his hometown in the countryside by the Lin family?

Yes, Wang Wu recalled, but it seems that he didn't stay there for too long.

Go and find out what happened to Lin Xi there, and what happened to the Lin family. It needs to be more detailed than before. Just now when he was talking about going to the Lin family, Gu Shao didn't miss the flash in Lin Xi's eyes. Fear and panic.

It's just that I'm not doing well in the Lin family, Lin Xi shouldn't have such strong emotions.

And from the past few days of getting along, Gu Shao can feel that Lin Xi is not a child who will act recklessly or can't stand it. On the contrary, Lin Xi is very good at restraining his emotions. , Lin Xi probably wouldn't come to find a father who was a complete stranger.

Hearing Gu Shao's order, Wang Wu immediately realized that the information they found before should not be comprehensive.

I understand. I will immediately arrange for someone to conduct an in-depth investigation. Wang Wu replied seriously.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Shao called Xu Fei again.

What do I have to do tomorrow? Gu Shao asked.

Tomorrow? Xu Fei rolled his eyes at the business records, and replied: Tomorrow morning there will be a ssi project seminar, and the team from Willr will come to the center for inspection and study in the afternoon. In addition, we have received two invitations for activities.

Xu Fei: That's about it.

Gu Shao: The seminar will be moved to next week, and the inspection team will arrange for other people to receive it. The remaining two activities will be postponed, and tomorrow's time will be free for me.

All day? Xu Fei just wanted to ask Gu Shao if he had any important arrangements.

Then Gu Shao said again: Also, go to contact the family of the chairman of the Lin Group, I will visit tomorrow.

Okay, President. On the phone, Xu Fei answered before he had time to think about which Lin family it was.

It wasn't until he hung up the phone that Xu Fei realized: Isn't the Lin Group and the Lin family the same as Xiaoxi's biological mother's family? !


The next chapter of the article will be entered into v~~ Thank you little angels for your support, and I hope you will continue to support~~

[ps] In order to thank you for your support, we will start a lottery after Wenwen v, and the little angels who subscribe will win 5,000 Jinjiang coins (≈50 yuan) each~~

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