Before having breakfast, Gu Shao paid a day's wages and asked Xu Fei to send the aunt back.

Lin Xi breathed a sigh of relief seeing the aunt who was suffocating her operation go.

After Gu Shao left, Lin Xi went online to check the email again.

In the past few days, Lin Xi has received email replies from four training schools, most of which are mathematics, physics, chemistry and English training institutions.

The conditions offered by several companies are similar. If Lin Xi participates in the competition on behalf of the training institution, the prize money of the competition will go to Lin Xi, and the training institution will give her an additional reward of twice the bonus. If it is a competition without bonuses, the training institution will also give her bonuses ranging from 6,000 to 18,000 according to her awards and rankings.

If she gets the bonus, she can pay Gu Shao 3,000 yuan for living expenses, and save the remaining 3,000 yuan.

It's a pity that this type of competition does not happen every month. Most of the competitions are only held once a year, and there are not many competitions with high gold content.

Moreover, Lin Xi looked at the competition list provided by the training institution, and the latest math competition will also be next month.

Lin Xi bit her finger, feeling a little regretful.

After exiting the mailbox, Lin Xi logged on to another information website.

This website has the latest competition news. In addition to ordinary student subject competitions, there are also many information about scientific and technological innovation competitions held outside the school or facing the society.

Lin Xi's eyes scanned the competition list one by one, not wanting to miss any of them.

A project highlighted in bold red is too hard to ignore.

The first Tianchuang Science and Technology Innovation Competition? Lin Xi looked at the name of the competition and the release date behind it, and couldn't help but clicked in.

At the very beginning, there was an introduction to the competition similar to an advertisement, and then the specific entry instructions.

This is a competition mainly aimed at research and development of idea science and technology. It includes four sections: environmental protection, medical health, artificial intelligence and future technology. A group of winners will be selected, and at least one of the four winners will be selected for further development, and the other groups will also have certain marketing opportunities.

And each group will also receive a bonus...


Looking at the numbers in the bonus column, Lin Xi's eyes widened and his jaw almost dropped from shock. Rubbing his eyes, he counted carefully again to confirm that he was not mistaken, it was indeed 1 million.

As long as you participate in a competition, you can get a bonus of 1 million, isn't it too cool?

Lin Xi couldn't help muttering in his heart.

If she has this sum of money, not only can she use it until she successfully completes her studies, she might save a little and save some of it. In the future, if Gu Shao is really killed by Lin Yize, the two of them can still use that sum of money Live for a while.

Lin Xi had already started fantasizing about the wonderful life after receiving the bonus and the planned distribution of the bonus.

After a smirk, Lin Xi shook his head to wake himself up.

——If it is a competition with a very high gold content, a prize of 1 million is not an exaggeration. The benefits brought by a good technical project may sometimes far exceed 1 million.

Therefore, this bonus amount is not unusual.

But it also means that the difficulty of this competition itself is completely different from other competitions.

The main participants of this 'Tianchuang Competition' are not students, but professionals with certain experience or scientific research teams in universities. The biggest difference between it and ordinary youth science and technology innovation competitions is that most youth science and technology competitions require only an innovative idea or a theoretical model, but this competition requires real results and finished products.

This is not something that Lin Xi, a junior high school student with nothing but brains, can think about.

Looking regretfully at the contest prize money again, Lin Xi sighed, exited the contest webpage, returned to reality, and looked at other contests for middle school students again.

After looking around, Lin Xi locked in two competitions in total: a traffic-themed innovation competition and a general high school students' new technology creativity competition.

After confirmation, Lin Xi entered the registration application page.

Filled in the name, age normally...

When it came time to go to school, Lin Xi encountered difficulties.

She should not be able to go back to the school she attended before, but she has no other schools to fill in.

This item is mandatory, and it is impossible to submit the application if it is not filled in.

Lin Xi struggled for a long time in front of the computer and filled in the names of other schools, but after hesitating for a while, he deleted them.

In the end, Lin Xi had no choice but to close the registration page.

When logging out of the webpage, Lin Xi couldn't help but glance at the message bar in the lower right corner of the webpage. At this time, almost all the messages popped up were about the 'Tianchuang Competition'.

Due to the high prize money, the news of the 'Tianchuang Contest' not only shocked Lin Xi, but also caused quite a stir in the circle.

Some people started discussing this competition in the website forum, and some even set up a special forum page for the 'Tianchuang Competition'.

Lin Xi couldn't hold back, and clicked in.

At this point, there are already dozens of posts, everything.

[Come in and tell me, let me see how many people like me participated in the contest for prize money. 】


: If you win the award, can you really get the development qualification? 】

[We are a design team with a very good project. We hope to find a team with development and manufacturing experience and strength to cooperate with us. If you are interested, come in and chat. 】

[The roommates are all abroad, has anyone organized a team to participate? 】

[I have rich experience in scientific research, recruit teammates online, if you are the one. 】


Because it involves the finished product of the project, it is impossible for one person to complete it, so there are many posts like this online looking for teammates to form a team.

Lin Xi casually clicked one to enter, and the host was chatting with other people in full swing.

It seems that the conversation is almost over, at this time the host released a group number: [This is my new group, if you are interested, you can add it, it doesn’t matter if you have a group or not, join in, we can chat together, by the way You can exchange information about the competition at any time. 】

The group leader's words are easy.

Lin Xi's brain twitched, he entered this string of numbers on his mobile phone, and sent out an application to join the group.

Seeing that the application was sent out, there was no response, and Lin Xi didn't care.

Soon, Lin Xi forgot about this episode where his mind was convulsed for a while.


In the afternoon, because Gu Shao told her not to make dinner yesterday, Lin Xi just made a few pancakes and waited for Gu Shao to come back.

After waiting for a long time, Gu Shao did not come back.

Thinking about what he wanted to tell Gu Shao, Lin Xi didn't want to go to sleep, so he simply waited in the living room, staring blankly at the direction of the entrance door.

After that, Lin Xi didn't even know when he fell asleep.


There was a product test today, and Gu Shao stayed late at the ntn center.

It was almost 12 o'clock when he got home.

The house was dark and quiet, and such a familiar scene of returning home made Gu Shao almost forget that there was an extra child in the house.

Gu Shao thought the child had already gone to bed and didn't care.

As a result, as soon as he walked through the living room, he saw a person curled up on the sofa.

Lin Xi, who was asleep, obviously didn't feel anyone approaching.

As if feeling the cold, Lin Xi shrank back on the sofa, and rubbed his feet into the gap of the sofa.

Still holding the phone in his arms, Lin Xi was about to call Gu Shao in it, but finally held back the call that he didn't make.

Seeing this, Gu Shao frowned: Is there no bed? Want to sleep on the couch?

But now, to wake up, or not to wake up, and how to wake up has become a problem that bothers Gu Shao.

Fortunately, at this moment, Lin Xi turned over, nearly fell off the sofa, and then woke himself up.

Lin Xi opened his eyes in a daze, but as soon as he opened his eyes, he saw Gu Shao standing in front of him.

Lin Xi was startled instinctively, and almost fell off the sofa again.

Gu Gu, Gu...uh. Lin Xi woke up and quickly called Gu Shao, Dad.

With a guilty smile, he said hello, Dad, you are back.

Gu Shao looked at Lin Xi: Go to your room and sleep.

Oh. Lin Xi nodded, obediently got up from the sofa, and returned to his room sleepily.

He was still holding the sofa pillow that he forgot to put down.


After entering the room, Lin Xi got into the bed directly, and was about to fall asleep, when she suddenly opened her eyes wide: It's over, she forgot to say what she was going to tell Gu Shao!

Lin Xi wanted to talk to Gu Shao again, but remembering that when Gu Shao spoke to her just now, his tone was a bit serious, and he seemed unhappy. Lin Xi nestled under the quilt, shrinking his neck cowardly, and finally gave up. .

The final result was that Lin Xi was thinking about things, staring at the ceiling with wide eyes, and didn't fall asleep until midnight.


Thinking of what he was going to tell Gu Shao the next day, Lin Xi set the alarm clock and woke up early.

Surprisingly, Gu Shao was even earlier than her.

And also made breakfast.

For breakfast, she made pancakes and a bowl of noodles that she didn't eat yesterday.

Let's eat. Gu Shao signaled Lin Xi to sit down and eat, his tone was still as indifferent as ever.

Meeting Lin Xi's surprised gaze, Gu Shao didn't explain: he just didn't think a child should be allowed to cook, so he got up early to cook.

Good morning, Dad.

Thank you, Dad! This thank you was not only flattering, but also had a bit of sincerity in it.

So flattered.

When she was in Lin's house, no one would make food for her. Even if she missed the meal time for various reasons, she could only sneak to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Lin Xi sat at the dining table, took the chopsticks and ate the noodles first.

Lin Xi was already prepared, no matter how unpalatable it was, she still had to show gratitude and act like it was delicious.

As a result, after one bite, the bowl of noodles was unexpectedly not bad.

It should be said that it is delicious, and it is the taste she likes.


Seeing that Lin Xi was eating noodles, and whether he secretly glanced at him with his eyes, as if hesitating to speak, Gu Shao asked, What do you want to say?

Lin Xi was organizing his words, but was interrupted by Gu Shaoyi, and the language he wanted was completely messed up.

That's Dad, can you take

I'm going to school. The previous a bit far away. I want to change to another school. Lin Xi looked at Gu Shao expectantly: the matter of enrolling requires parents to come forward, and she would definitely not be able to go to her mother or Lin Yize.

Hearing this, Gu Shao paused with his hand holding the chopsticks.

... He has no experience in raising children at all, and he seems to have completely ignored this matter: Lin Xi is still a 14-year-old junior high school student and needs to go to school.

Covering the embarrassment in his eyes, Gu Shao responded blankly: Yes.

But in exchange for Lin Xi's excitement.

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