Chapter 60 Deadlock

At this time, the Man Faced Demon Spider had already fully charged.

It raised its head and chest, aimed at Gu Fan, and instantly spit out a long and thin spider silk from its mouth.

This is the same as the attack on the spider silk and Gu Fan just now, it is difficult for human eyes to see.

However, because the speed is too fast, it causes air fluctuations.

Against the backdrop of the sun, it was like a sword energy, coming straight towards Gu Fan.

Obviously, the scientific knowledge of the Man-faced Demon Spider is not for nothing, knowing that under the same force, the smaller the contact area, the greater the damage.

If this attack hit Gu Fan, it might cut him in half.

At this time, Gu Fan was not idle either.

The card King of the Dark Street is activated instantly.

A dazzling purple light burst out from the card.

Then, the purple light lingered on Gu Fan's body, transforming his body.

The whole process, like the transformation of an armored warrior, looks complicated, but in fact it only takes a moment.

In an instant, Gu Fan felt an inexplicably powerful force erupt from his body.

Gu Fan just pushed forward and broke free from the spider silk sticking to his back.

At the same time, because of too much force, the clothes were also torn.

Gu Fan couldn't help but looked down at his naked upper body.

This bronzed skin, this delicate but explosive eight-pack abs, is this still my body?

In fact, the card King of the Dark Street does not simply improve Gu Fan's physical fitness. After all, it is a transformation card.

Just like the card Old Mechanical Werewolf, after use, it will change Gu Fan's body structure.

In the future, if a transformation card Man-faced Demon Spider appears, Gu Fan may also turn into a Man-faced Demon Spider to fight.

Of course, that would be a long way off.

Anyway, when Gu Fan saw the changes in his body, he was the first to react.

It would be great if this transformation card lasted infinitely.

Of course, when Gu Fan was thinking about this, his body was not idle.

After he broke free from the shackles, facing the attack of the Man Faced Demon Spider, Gu Fan instinctively dodged to the side.

Fortunately, Kankan escaped the blow.

Gu Fan quickly took a few deep breaths, feeling his current physical condition.

I have to say, it's really cool.

Especially the entire respiratory system, smooth as hell.

Gu Fan's body has been eroded by the poison of foreign races.

His respiratory system has suffered tremendous damage, and his lungs always hurt from time to time.

But now, after transforming into the king of the dark street, the body is immune to toxins, and even the poisons of foreign races are directly ignored.

Unfortunately, this transformation effect can only last for half an hour.

Again, it would be nice if the duration was infinite.

At the same time, Gu Fan dodged the attack of the Man-faced Demon Spider just now, but the big tree couldn't move, so it couldn't dodge.

That attack just hit the big tree.

In an instant, a big tree thick enough to be hugged by a person was cut off in the middle.

As the big tree fell slowly, Gu Fan on the side was also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the charged attack of the Man-faced Demon Spider was so terrifying.

But at this moment, the man-faced spider over there raised its head and chest again and aimed at Gu Fan.

Obviously, seeing that it missed a hit, it planned to hit Gu Fan again.

Seeing this, Gu Fan didn't hesitate, and rushed towards the Man Faced Demon Spider directly.

Three steps and two steps, at Gu Fan's current speed, he rushed to the tree where the Man Faced Demon Spider was located in just one second.

The Man Faced Demon Spider obviously didn't expect that Gu Fan's speed was so fast.

To be cautious, it hastily gave up this charged attack, and actually climbed up towards the crown of the tree.

Gu Fan couldn't get used to it, he actually followed him to climb up the tree.

Gu Fan already thought clearly, he must get close.

Otherwise, it would be grinded to death by the long-range attack of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

Moreover, Gu Fan's transformation effect can only last for half an hour, so it's better to hurry up.

While climbing up, the Man-faced Demon Spider turned its head back from time to time, spitting out a little spider silk to block Gu Fan.

However, Gu Fan's current body has good defense.

This kind of uncharged attack hit Gu Fan's body like hitting steel, and it couldn't even leave a mark.

Just like that, a few seconds later, Gu Fan had already climbed to the top of the tree crown, and was about to catch up with the Man-faced Demon Spider.

At this moment, the Man Faced Demon Spider turned its head and faced Gu Fan who was about to approach.

There was a mocking expression on that person's face.

Haha, a reckless man like you can't catch up with me.

As he said that, the Man Faced Demon Spider spit out a spider silk as thick as hemp rope from its mouth toward the trunk of another big tree.

The other end of the spider silk was instantly glued to the trunk of the tree.

With the contraction of the spider's silk, the body of the man-faced demon spider was brought to the tree in one fell swoop.

At the same time, he distanced himself from Gu Fan.

Reckless? Gu Fan was the first to hear someone call himself a reckless man.

This kind of thing is simply a great insult to Gu Fan.

But now, Gu Fan's behavior is indeed quite reckless.

After the Man Faced Demon Spider stayed away from Gu Fan in that shameless way.

Gu Fan jumped down from the tree and rushed towards the Man-faced Demon Spider.

To put it simply, Gu Fan's speed is faster than that of the Man-faced Demon Spider, but he can fly if he can't stand it.

As for the attack of the Man-faced Demon Spider, because Gu Fan kept approaching, there was no way to complete the charge, nor could it cause enough damage to Gu Fan's body.

For a moment, the whole scene froze like this.

Hahahaha, you're dead! After the Man-faced Demon Spider completed a quick movement in the air through the spider silk again, it laughed at Gu Fan: The spider silk in my body is enough for me to play like this for a year What about you? How long can you continue in this state?

As the Man Faced Demon Spider said, if this state continues, Gu Fan will definitely lose in the end.

Because, the transformation effect of King of the Dark Street can only last for half an hour.

But at this time, Gu Fan seemed very calm when he heard the ridicule of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

Just complaining in my heart, this man-faced demon spider, after mutating, its IQ has improved.

As a result, the good ones don't learn, but learn from some villains.

With a slight advantage, he began to be complacent and mocking.

Usually, such people end up dying miserably.

Can't you wait until after you have completely controlled the situation, or after you have won completely, before you can taunt?

Besides, in this situation, is the Man-faced Demon Spider really in an absolute advantage?

Gu Fan looked coldly at the man-faced spider that was still moving fast, and his body was also approaching quickly.

And just as it was getting close, the Man Faced Demon Spider started its usual routine again.

A spider silk was spit out and stuck to the trunk of another big tree.

With the contraction of the spider's silk, the body of the Man-faced Demon Spider was carried along and flew up in the air.

But at this moment, Gu Fan whispered something.

about there.

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