I Have Countless Ability Cards

Chapter 22 The Final Step of Plan B

Chapter 22 The Final Step of Plan B

As soon as the words fell, the room was like a stone stirring up a thousand waves.

Those poor bank workers have just experienced the ravages of tall and strong.

Just when they thought they were rescued, they were pointed at by Gu Fan and dared not move.

As soon as the wolf was sent away, he met the tiger, which is probably what he was talking about.

At this time, Gu Fan, seeing the tense atmosphere in the room, glanced at his mouth.

Then, he said in as kind and relaxed a tone as possible: Don't worry, as long as you cooperate, nothing will happen.

Now, please take out all your ID cards and put them on the table. Note that you only have ten seconds. If you haven't got your ID cards out after ten seconds, you will be at your own risk.

As he said that, in order to show that he was serious, Gu Fan also turned on the safety of the pistol.

Gu Fan at this time, in the minds of the bank staff, the degree of danger is estimated to have surpassed Gao Dazhuang.

After all, ordinary people are afraid of dying, but desperate people are afraid of lunatics!

God knows why he's still here!

Therefore, all the bank staff scrambled to follow Gu Fan's instructions and put their ID cards on the table.

I was afraid that if I slowed down, I would really get shot.

Seeing that everyone put their ID cards on the table, Gu Fan put away the pistol with a smile.

Then he took out his mobile phone and snapped photos of those ID cards.

Then, he picked up the phone and shook it proudly at everyone, and said.

What I'm going to say next is very important, please listen carefully.

Because I withdrew the money just now, you already have all my identity information in your system. I know you can't delete this kind of transaction information, but it doesn't matter.

I ask you, when the police come later, don't disclose my information to the police.

You can say that it was a handsome young man who defeated the robbers and saved you, or you can directly say that he is a superhero.

Anyway, I have already photographed all your identity information, and it is easy to find you. As long as the police find me this afternoon, I will visit you one by one after I come out. What will happen at that time, you can play by yourself Imagine.

After hearing Gu Fan's words, the staff in the bank were dumbfounded.

They didn't understand why Gu Fan didn't want to be known by the police so much, and even used such extreme methods.

However, no matter what, Gu Fan at this time was already like a lunatic in their minds.

It doesn't make sense to reason with a madman. The best way is to obey silently.

In fact, Gu Fan had no choice but to do so.

First, the poison in Gu Fan is very serious, and the most important thing is to enter the Seven Star Academy in the fastest time. Moreover, he has a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, and he has already made a decision to sign up for the supernatural class this afternoon. It would make him very uncomfortable if he was taken away by the police this afternoon and wasted the whole afternoon.

Moreover, Gu Fan is really busy recently, and I don't want to waste an afternoon like this.

Second, and very important, Gu Fan is a pessimist. In everything he does, he usually prioritizes the worst possible outcome. And being taken away by the police, the worst result that can be brought, is very bad, and may die!

Let us repeat our thoughts.

If Gu Fan was really a hero, he would be invited by the police to take a statement at the police station.

When the police learned about Gu Fan's actions from other people around him, would the police treat Gu Fan as a normal person and let him go?


They will think that Gu Fan is a supernatural person, and then report the news to professionals.

And now in Yueming City, who are the professionals with supernatural abilities?

Ma Hongchang from Seven Star Academy! That long-faced man who wanted to kill Gu Fan.

At that time, it will not be a good thing to wait for Gu Fan.

Moreover, even at that time, Gu Fan wanted to resist.

With the help of the ability card maker, Gu Fan is still just an ordinary person whose strength is two to three times faster than normal people.

Even a group of well-trained policemen may not be able to defeat them, let alone people with guns.

And really wait until Ma Hongchang arrives, give himself any name, and kill him on the spot.

Of course, the above is only the worst case that Gu Fan considered.

But as long as there is such a possibility, Gu Fan is not willing to take the risk.

And now, in the bank.

Seeing the submissive faces of the bank staff, Gu Fan finally nodded.

Afterwards, he walked to the side of Gao Dazhuang who was already lying on the ground.

He turned Gao Dazhuang over in a single stroke, making him face up.

Then, he tore off the flesh-colored stockings that Gao Dazhuang was wearing on his head.

Gu Fan was really curious about what a mentally handicapped person like Gao Dazhuang who dared to rob a bank with a kitchen knife just after awakening his powers looked like.

However, when Gu Fan saw the tall and strong appearance, he was a little disappointed.

His dark and thin face was in stark contrast to his sturdy body.

Gu Fan seriously suspected that he was originally a thin man.

The reason why the body has become stronger is likely to be related to the awakening of power-type abilities.

If this is the case, it would be a subject worthy of study.

But looking at it now, Gu Fan really can't stand the tall and strong appearance.

Let's use the more famous words and phrases to describe it.

Dry, messy, not mellow at all, let him go!

Therefore, he resolutely put the original flesh-colored stockings back on Tall Zhuang's head again.

Then, he nodded in satisfaction.

At least for now, the tall and strong appearance is much cuter than before.

Afterwards, Gu Fan did not forget the business.

Unbuttoning the tall and strong coat, he took out fifty thousand dollars from his arms.

It was the money that Gao Dazhuang stole from Gu Fan at the very beginning.

Gu Fan took the money in his hand, turned his head and waved to the bank staff.

It's not that I'm robbing money. The fifty thousand yuan was snatched from me just now. You have to prove it to me.

At this moment, the female staff who had handled the money withdrawal business for Gu Fan just now stepped forward.

This is the money you took out through formal operations just now, I can prove it.

Thank you. Gu Fan casually took a bag from the table, put 50,000 yuan into the bag, turned and left.

While walking, he also said the last sentence: The police will be here soon, don't forget what I said.

Afterwards, Gu Fan walked out without looking back.

When I arrived at the hall, I happened to see the original hostages. I don’t know where to find the rope, and tied the short robber and the black-faced robber tightly.

Then, he punched and kicked them, venting his anger.

Gu Fan took a deep breath, feeling a little rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, it was resolved smoothly, and it was not to the point where I was allowed to implement Plan C.

In fact, at the beginning, what Gu Fan first formulated was Plan C.

The general plan of Plan C is like this.

Use some methods to cause some commotion and draw the robber's attention to other hostages.

Then, he took the opportunity to escape.

At that time, when the scene is chaotic, I can escape smoothly, and the others will probably suffer heavy casualties.

Of course, this plan will only be implemented by Gu Fan when the situation is very critical.

At least for now, Plan B is going smoothly.

By the way, I almost forgot, there is still the last step of plan B

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