I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 917: High energy start

"Not much nonsense, let's start exploring now. The haunted house is scary. There are only a few ways. As long as you believe that everything is fake, there is nothing to scare me. Seeing those haunted house actors will not only be scared, but even It's funny. "Liu He didn't regret to go to Li Bai anymore. He took a step forward and the eleven team officially entered the psychic ghost school.

If there were rumbling crying from the corner, the child's whisper was caught in the wind. Once it was a paradise, now there is only an empty corridor.

The half-open wooden door creaked, there were fine text on the walls, and the sharp knife carved the beauty that was left in the children's mind.

"It's true. We entered the largest abandoned school test guts in Xinhai a year ago. This place feels very similar to that school." Lan Dong took out his mobile phone and took a few photos casually: "Not like It was deliberately old, as if the school was originally like this. Look at the dust in the cracks of the window frames, and the traces of burnt in the roots of the walls. "

Finger squeezed the wall skin, under the dusty white skin wall was a layer of charred paint.

"If you want to create this scene, you need to burn the wall again and then repaint it. Has the haunted house owner even considered such small details?" There are two other students beside Lan Dong, one named Ali, who is chubby, watching Very honest, the other is a girl, very quiet, not very talkative.

"Perhaps the owner of the haunted house transported the burnt wall outside to the ground and remodeled it." Liu He didn't want his audience to feel that this haunted house had any bright spots. He tried his best to activate the atmosphere and wanted to dilute the horror atmosphere: We walked in for five minutes, and we did n’t even see an actor. The actor in this haunted house is not dedicated. "

"Maybe they are waiting for the opportunity." The male assistant replied with a smile, just about to go forward, and the big ghost and the little ghost at the forefront stopped suddenly.

"Have you heard a strange sound." The big ghost who had been silent suddenly opened his mouth, looked around, then turned to stare at the way they came: "It seems to come from behind."

"What sound? Why didn't I hear it?"

"It's a bit like the faucet is not tightened, the water drops drop by drop." The big ghost stepped back and pushed open the door next to Liu Jian. This is a very ordinary toilet. There are five compartments in it.

"Come on, the haunted house actor may be hiding in the cubicle." The background music of the langren got into his ears, the big and small ghosts entered the bathroom, and the others all stood at the door.

"What are you afraid of? With so many of us together, I will pull out the actors and show them to everyone." When the devil took the lead, he saw the camera shot towards himself, more proud, and pushed the door of the first compartment open. .

There was nothing in the narrow compartment, then he pushed the doors of the next few compartments open, and finally he stopped at the door of the fifth compartment.

"It took so much effort to restore an abandoned toilet. There must be a shock point hidden in this place. The sound of water droplets came from the toilet. There must be a problem in this last compartment." The little devil and the big devil were standing on one side, and the two were working hard at the same time. Push the door of the last compartment open.


The door of the compartment hit the wall. There was no Tibetan in the last compartment, just tossing a torn diary.

"A false alarm, it seems that we think too much." Others entered the toilet one after another, and the little and big ghosts picked up the workbook on the ground, with some words written on and off.

"Don't enter the dripping toilet alone, there may be terrible ghosts hidden in the four corners of the compartment."

"Don't walk with your head down, your cold hands will hold your head."

"Don't stay too long in the room full of posters, they can't get out, and they will leave you behind."

"Don't bite your fingers, be careful your nails are taken away."

"Do n’t stare at the broken mirror to prevent you from finding yourself in the mirror that is different from you"

"Don't read the diary you picked up. You will see him in the past and you will be the next one."

The little devil closed his tattered diary and pouted: "If I believe this, I won't go to the graveyard to sleep and be bored."

He threw the diary in the urinal, and while the diary fell, the door of the first compartment of the toilet suddenly snapped shut.

Trembles his hand, and the devil looks at the others in the room very unhappy: "Who closed the door? Is it sick?"

"It seems that no one touched it." White did not regret standing behind the line, he hesitated, his palm fell on the door of the first compartment, and the photographer pointed the lens at him.

Push slowly, there is nothing in the first compartment.

"The door shaft and the door frame are not equipped with any mechanism, how can they be closed suddenly? Is it the wind blowing?"

"Not right!" The male assistant suddenly shouted and surprised Liu Jian.

"Don't be surprised, what did you find?"

"Maybe I read it wrong." The male assistant smiled a little reluctantly. He quietly leaned into Liu He's ear: "I have been watching your live broadcast room. The camera was pointed at Bai Bai regrets just now. It seems that a child was photographed on the screen, lying in the first compartment. "

"If you are right, the barrage of the live broadcast room has already exploded." Liu Jian glanced at his live broadcast room. The barrage was normal. It seemed that only the male assistant had seen the scene just now: "I know I wo n’t take you this time. Do n’t frighten yourself. It ’s live broadcast now. It ’s too shameful if I ’m afraid. ”

After Liu Jian shot himself at the camera ~ www.readwn.com ~ calmed down immediately: "Okay, there is nothing to see in this toilet. Let's go and find oil paintings and try to complete the task half an hour in advance."

"En." Bai Buzhen also felt very strange, but he couldn't say anything strange.

All of them walked out of the toilet. Only the male assistant was still confused. He looked down at the live broadcast on the phone and shook his head: "Maybe I was wrong."

Was about to go out, and the male assistant suddenly felt a trace of coolness on his neck, as if pinched by a cold little hand.


Turned his head violently, and the male assistant saw a gray foot flash in the fifth compartment.

"What?" He didn't have the courage to run over and watch. He ran out when the little and the big demon left the toilet, and no one stayed in the toilet.

Tick, tick ...

The red liquid dripped from the water pipe, and there were slight water stains on the four corners of the toilet. It looked like four faces.

The male assistant held the phone tightly, and he squeezed beside Liu He, wondering if he should tell Liu He what he had just seen.

Now he is very uneasy, even staying in the center of the crowd can not dispel the feeling of panic.

He looked back to the toilet from time to time, the weird background music got into his ears, and the sound of footsteps behind him became messy, as if walking, there would be something more.

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