I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 901: Fierce god!

Chen Ge didn't deliberately lower his voice. People around him heard what he just said, but everyone responded differently.

"On top of the red dress? Inseparable?"

When these words appeared in the headless female ghost's ear, she finally relieved her breath, and tiredness poured into her body. The scarred woman sat down behind Chen Ge, and her red coat became much more illusory.

Zhang Ju and Zhu Long, who are fighting the blindfolded man, also heard Chen Ge's voice, but the two just looked at each other with a wry smile, and did not take Chen Ge's words in their hearts.

The cherry red guarding the old headmaster rolled his eyes and whispered softly in his mouth: "Come again? There must be a bottom line to lying, half-truths will some people believe that blowing so big? How will it be round?"

"Is it impossible to appear above the red clothes?" The old principal had some inexplicable trust in Chen Ge, probably because he had seen Chen Ge's parents and knew some secrets.

"The painter, Chang Wenyu, and the man who came in from the Scarlet City. The reason why they are fighting around the door is that they want to use the door that can move by themselves to become the existence above the red clothing. Even all three of them Haven't taken that step yet, do you think anyone will believe what Chen Ge said? "Ying Hong looked like he hated iron:" This lame lie is too easy to be punctured. "

"is it?"

Blindfolded men and Lin Sisi, who turned into gray fog, did not take Chen Ge's words seriously. They had reached the point of blind obedience to the painter. The painter felt that there was no problem with Chen Ge, that was no problem.

"Pretending to be crazy and selling silly, delaying time, are you only left with these means?" Chen Ge's figure was reflected in the right eye of the blindfolded man, and the blindfolded black cloth disappeared: "Let me take a look before death. . "

Red clothes use their own special abilities to pay a certain price, the stronger the ability, the greater the price, which is one of the reasons why blindfolded men did not use their abilities against Chen Ge at the beginning.

If there is a top red suit on the opponent, his ability may not be effective, and a chance to use it will be wasted.

If the other party does not have a red coat, using special abilities to kill an ordinary person is really too wasteful.

The silhouette of Chen Ge in the left eye of the blindfolded man slowly changed. His body did not age, but there were scars.

"Unexpected death? You can't die old? You are too entangled with Li Gui, this kind of death is normal ..." The wounds on Chen Ge's body in the eyes of the blindfolded man are still increasing, and the sea of ​​blood in his left eye slowly becomes calm, the sea surface It seems to be declining.

Blindfolded men use their abilities, and the right eye sees the target when it dies, but consumes the sea of ​​blood accumulated in the left eye.

"It's covered with bruises, evil spirits and curses, why are you a living person still not dead?"

The sea of ​​blood in his left eye was falling rapidly, even an ordinary red dress should be able to see a rough idea at this time, but he couldn't see Chen Ge when he died.

Zhu Long and Zhang Ju obviously felt much less pressure. The blindfolded man seemed to be held back by something and his strength continued to decline.

With such a good chance, how could the two of them let go and tried their best, the blindfolded man was injured for the first time.

The man whose eyes are covered by the pain doesn't care, he cares about his own eyes.

The **** sea surface in the left eye continued to fall, and Chen Ge's figure in his right eye became clearer and clearer. He was wounded and cursed and tortured, leaving only one breath, but he didn't die.


There is a suction in the left eye, it seems to be sucking his body into it, and there is a tingling in the right eye, that kind of pain directly acts on the soul and makes people crazy.

"Why don't you die?"

When the sea of ​​blood in the blinded man's left eye was about to dry up, Chen Ge's figure in his right eye finally changed again.

Covered with injuries, Chen Ge seemed to be a puppet with no emotion, and he slowly raised his head, along with his head, and his shadow.

The shadow screamed and wailed, then dissipated in the sea of ​​blood, and a new shadow appeared behind Chen Ge.

The red dress was bloody, the pale bracelet was on Chen Ge's shoulders, and the black hair fell like a waterfall, revealing a small half of her suffocating face.

The bright red lips slowly opened, and the woman seemed to say something in Chen Ge's ear.

Her voice became clearer, the sea of ​​blood in the left eye of the blindfolded man began to dry up, and the last drop of blood disappeared, but the suction did not weaken, and he was still squeezing fresh blood from the body of the blindfolded man.

"what is that?!"


The man's left eye was depressed downwards, and half of his cheeks became shrivelled. His left eye constantly eroded his body like a beast that could never be fed.

With a scream, the blindfolded man dug out his left eye, and at the same time, all the shadows in his right eye disappeared.

"Why is there a man and a woman and two different people in his shadow! So many fatal injuries and curses, why didn't he die?" The blindfolded man stepped back quickly, he wanted to remind the painter, but Zhang Ju And Zhu Long stopped.

Feng Shui took turns, and now it was time for the blindfolded man to struggle.

When the blindfolded man uses his ability against Chen Ge, Chen Ge is also careful to guard against him. He uses the Yin pupil to see himself in the blindfolded man's eye.

"Is that really me?"

When Chen Ge left the East-West Campus constructed by the painter, he had seen a similar scene in the mirror of the library. He didn't know what this meant, but he thought it might be some kind of hint.

"Is it the way I look in the mirror behind the door? No feelings, just like a puppet?"

Pale face can't see any blood, Chen Ge's body temperature is very low, he can only feel a burst of ice when he touches his body.

"Why does Zhang Ya wake up this time, I feel so cold, is it because she has no way to control herself?"

Blood mist condensed on the skin, and the voice in his heart guided him, Chen Ge looked up with his last energy.

The fight between the three top red clothes has reached the last moment. Most of the body of the sick blood suit that controls the blood mist disappeared. He stole the sky of blood mist from the red city at the expense of his body.

After using his special ability for the third time, the painter became extremely weak. He tried his best to attack Chang Wenyu and the door.

At this moment, the three-headed evil spirit pattern behind Chang Wenyu was completely imprinted on the door panel. Her body and the gate of the psychic ghost school were connected by the evil spirit pattern as a bridge, forming a very strange whole.

The cracked door was about to shatter. Facing the collaboration between the painter and the sick suit, Chang Wenyu knew that she had no chance, but the woman was not flustered, and the madness in her eyes burned to the extreme.


The last trace of blood faded. Chang Wenyu's body was like a smashed mirror. The white clothes that had lost her blood fell from the sky, and the debris of memory splashed around. She gave up everything in exchange for a chance for herself.

"This door should not exist!"

Chang Wenyu's voice came from the door. The eyes on the faces of the three evil spirits broke apart, and only the left eye of the middle face was left.

"I put the doorkeeper's left eye in my own eye socket, so guess where did I hide my left eye?" The three-headed evil spirits showed a terrible appearance, like this and the crazy mad Chang Wenyu. Somewhat similar.

The attack of the painter and the sick suit all fell on the door panel, plus the destruction of Chang Wenyu from the inside, this door of the psychic ghost school was finally unbearable.

The sound of cracking sounded in the ears of every student in the ghost school, as if the heartstring was broken, and the ship offshore was washed away by the big waves.

A crack broke from under the door panel to the head of the door, and everyone held their breath and looked at the sky.

The fragments fell off, and just as the door was about to split, a pale hand extended from behind the door and pressed against it.

Black hair is like a frenzy ~ www.readwn.com ~ There is no sign of influx from the ghost school in all directions, as if a black flower on the other side is going to wrap the whole ghost school.

Her hair fell, her pale skin contrasted with the black-red blood coat, and a painful soul wailed like a captive fish on her blood coat. If you look closely, you can even find that every wailing one Souls are all in red!

"Who is she?"

"How many red clothes did she kill?"

"Her breath is strong and weak, but it has exceeded the limit of the red dress!"

The painter and the sick clothes hidden in the blood mist didn't start, they thought of a possibility.

Chen Ge in the crowd also stared at the blood-clothed woman by the door. He couldn't look away for a long time. His brain suddenly flashed what Dr. Gao said before he died.

"If goodness corresponds to evil, beauty corresponds to ugliness, and truth corresponds to falseness, what is the opposite of human beings?"

"There is no answer to this question. Some people say it is a ghost? Others say it is a god!"

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