I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 898: What is hidden in your shadow? !

"The painter will undoubtedly become the new goalkeeper of the ghost school? You are quite confident in him."

The location of the station is different, and the way to solve the problem is naturally different.

Lin Sisi, in their eyes, the painter is the only hope, the person closest to the red dress, but Chen Ge does not think so.

Whether it is a painter or Chang Wenyu, they are too extreme.

So far no one knows the true meaning of the existence of the door, and even the doormen themselves are not clear about it. In this case, there is no need to forcefully change the world behind the door.

Existence makes sense, Chen Ge's idea is simpler.

"Keep off, the students are innocent, you have no right to let them pay for everything." Chen Ge stood in front of all ghost school students: "It is the door of the ghost school that led them into the door, not their initiative. The door that was pushed open was the door of the ghost school, not these children. "

Every sentence of Chen Ge can resonate with those children: "No one of us wants to fight against the painter, just want to live."

The students who followed Chen Ge began to feel uneasy when they saw Lin Sisi and the blindfolded. They were becoming normal by being threatened by the will of the school, and the painter and the painter's men were in a sense representative of the will of the ghost school .

Against them indicates that he will be abandoned by the will of the ghost school. In the world behind the crisis, losing the will of the ghost school is almost equivalent to death.

They had no choice before, so even if sometimes the ghost school will violate their own ideas, they can only obey.

But on this day, Chen Ge came.

Gathered around him in red, rescued the trapped students in distress, dared to challenge the painter's men, did not fear the teacher representing the manager, everything he did was really considered for the students.

Why don't such people follow?

Why do people like him refuse him?

Water can carry a boat, and it can also overturn it.

The painter's men blocked the way of life, and their actions completely detonated the students' resentment squeezed in their hearts.

You know, not all the will in the ghost school students are ghosts, and a large part of them are the obsession of being abducted by the door. Their souls are hooked into the door, and their bodies are lying in the hospital, like a vegetative. That way.

When Chen Ge went to the ghost school to find Chang Gu, he had seen many parents of students besieging Chang Gu. The children of those parents were obsessed with the students who were led behind the door.

Release a small amount of obsession will not have any effect on the ghost school, but if all the obsessions of all students are released, the cornerstone of the ghost school will be shaken.

Neither the painter nor the ghost school will allow such a thing to happen, so they must stop Chen Ge ’s way.

"Chen Ge, I really don't want to fight with you, you can't win." Lin Sisi slowly lowered his head, as if inadvertently said a sentence: "You don't know the painter's terrible ..."

"Lin!" Before Lin Sisi finished speaking, the blindfolded man yelled sharply. He turned his head and ripped off the blindfolded black cloth: "Don't forget who pulled you out of the deep water and who used the painting to help You have left only beautiful memories. "

Hearing blindfolded words, Lin Sisi's expression slowly became cold, he seemed to seal his emotions.

"Chen Ge, Lin and I don't hate you. The painter also values ​​you very much and even wants you to join us. We shouldn't fight each other and lead all students back to the teaching building. The painter forgive you for the wrong things you did. "

"Forgive me?" Chen Ge took a few steps back. When blindfolded people and Lin Sisi thought he would give in, Chen Ge said again: "But I don't think I did anything wrong, so his Forgive me, I do n’t need it. It ’s up to you to reflect on it. ”

There are too many students who follow Chen Ge, and people are constantly being dragged away by the monsters in the blood mist and never come back.

The storm center's sick suit, worried that Chen Ge was persuaded by the painter's men, he drove a large number of ghosts to siege the students who followed Chen Ge.

Every second, a large number of students disappear.

"You will regret it." The blindfolded man dropped the black cloth in his hand. His eyes that had been closed were slowly opened. There was a sea of ​​blood in his left eye. Only people and ghosts could be seen in the right eye, and no scenes could be seen. It seems that there is nothing in his eyes except blood, living people and obsession.

"I have seen how you were when you died."

The painter and the man who controlled the blood mist reached agreement on how to deal with Chen Ge.

Monsters in the blood mist and blindfolded men started to attack Chen Ge ’s team at the same time. The only difference was that blindfolded men and Lin Sisi only started in red clothes, and monsters in the blood mist attacked indifferently.

"Stop it!" The old principal shouted loudly. He saw with his own eyes that a student was dragged into the blood mist in front of him, and his obsession disappeared.

Is too cruel, and dies behind the door, leaving nothing behind, which is equivalent to being erased by the world.

The battle between the painter, Chang Wenyu and the man who controls the blood mist has reached an intense state.

Is a matter of life and death, and their men do not dare to carelessly, do everything to complete the master's order, even if it is worth adding more chances.

Without any temptation, the battle was the bloodiest fighting from the beginning.

The strength of blindfolded men and Lin Sisi exceeded Chen Ge's guess, and the right arm that can become a painter is extraordinary.

Both of them can mobilize the will of the ghost school, and both have extremely horrible special abilities.

Blindfolded men seem to be able to see what living people are like before they die, and can reproduce the process of death, turning themselves into fear and pain.

Lin Sisi ’s ability is even more special. His body can turn into a gray fog. No one can see through what is in the gray fog. All ghosts dragged by the gray fog, whether it is a ghost or a red dress, are already covered when they come out. It was wounded and lost the fighting ability.

Chen Ge felt that those who were dragged into the gray fog could still live out, completely because Lin Sisi had no intention of killing.

Lin Sisi and blindfolded men have special abilities, and the quantitative advantage cannot be fully reflected in front of them. The situation is not good.

Everyone understands that the reason why the thief captures the king first is that Chen Ge ’s team has a fatal flaw, that is Chen Ge himself, he is just a living person, if he is not protected by the red clothes, he ca n’t even be in a frenzy Survive in the blood mist.

Blindfolded man and Lin Sisi are trying to approach Chen Ge, one after another half-length red dress falls down in front of Chen Ge, and then it is red dress's turn.

Most of the red clothes that follow Chen Ge are injured. The most important thing is that apart from Xu Yin, no one in red clothes will fight with his soul to protect Chen Ge.

There are two enemies, but Xu Yin has only one.

Strong enemies attacked, the friends next to them fell one by one, and the blood-red city in the distance continued to have big blood waves, and the situation was getting worse.

The battle of the three top fierce ghosts above their heads has not yet been divided, and they have reached the limit. The final winner will take everything.

Han Song and Yinghong fire around to protect all the ghost school students who follow Chen Ge from being slaughtered by the monsters in the blood mist, and the rest of the red clothes are gathered near Chen Ge, blocking blindfolded men and Lin Sisi.

"Let's not cry without seeing the coffin." Lin Sisi turned to gray mist, and no one could stop him, so everyone began to besiege the blindfolded man. He felt the pressure and glanced at the wellhead.

The monster crawling at the mouth of the water well made a chuckle, and propped its limbs on the well wall, protruding its head into the dry well.

When everyone wondered what he wanted to do, the sound of the water flowing from the dry well, the sound became louder and louder, and finally hit the reef like a big wave.

When the monster on all fours extended its head again, everyone who saw him frowned.

The monster's head and body were turned upside down. He rushed towards Chen Ge with a smile, and after his departure, a personal head emerged from the dry well, like black blisters.

"what is that?"

The weird laughter was connected, and countless upside down monsters climbed out of the dry well.

"The best secret of the painter is buried in that well. It's a twisted world. These guys are like the people in the painter's heart." Lin Sisi finished this sentence and went straight to Xu Yin. He saw Chen Ge Value Xu Yin.

Covered with fog ~ www.readwn.com ~ engulfed Xu Yin.


Chen Ge watched Xu Yin disappear into the fog, that kind of person who felt like complete was suddenly vacant.

The monsters pouring out of the water well impacted Chen Ge's team. Almost all the red clothes dragged on and stood at the center of the chaos. Chen Ge calmed down.

Now the situation is out of control, the painter has a lot of backhand, that is a guy who can't see through.

Chen Ge looked at the gift box in his arms. He reached out and took a piece of sugar from the candy bag beside the gift box.

Milk-white candy exudes an attractive fragrance, but the face of the person crying for mercy above affects the appetite.

Silently chanting the name in his heart, Chen Ge gently threw the candy in his hand onto his shadow.

The candy dropped and nothing happened, but Chen Ge's strange behavior caught the attention of the person with heart.

"What are you doing?" The blindfolded man faced the siege of several red clothes and still had the ability to observe Chen Ge. This man is the most terrible ghost in the ghost school except painter and Chang Wenyu.

Chen Ge didn't reply, took out another candy and put it on his shadow.

This time the candy has changed, it is slowly melting, as if it is being absorbed by something in Chen Ge's shadow.

"What is hidden in your shadow?" The blindfolded man had a bad hunch, he made a sharp howl, and countless monsters running out of the dry well rushed to Chen Ge.

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