I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 833: I'm coming

"After being approved by the will of the school, you also have the qualification to become a doorkeeper, but I know that you just want to leave and will not do something irrational." At this time, only Chang Guhe left in the reading room Chen Ge is two people, so Chang Gu no longer hides, and directly warns Chen Ge.

Eyes silently looked at the mirror, Chen Getou did not return: "Chang Gu, what kind of person do you think I am?"

After experiencing the incident in Liwan Town, Chen Ge knew that he had lost a memory, so sometimes he would be confused and confused like Zhang Ju.

"The mirror behind the door can reflect your true appearance, and you will see a different self." Chang Gu is not interested in Chen Ge, he is just completing the task of Chang Wenyu.

"Is it?" Chen Ge put his palm on the mirror, and the cold feeling passed into his brain. He couldn't help thinking of the first nightmare-level task he had just done when he got the black phone.

The task was to make him stand in front of the mirror at midnight and look at himself in the mirror.

"The mirror is the beginning of everything. Now I stand in front of the mirror again. I don't know what I will see this time?"

Closing his eyes, Chen Ge counted his heartbeat silently as he did the first nightmare-level task.

After a few seconds, Chen Ge's palm was pulled by someone, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

He stood beside the bookshelf in the mirror, lonely and desperate, his face pale as paper, his body trembling slightly.

His eyes were loose and his eyes were empty, as if he were just a prop puppet in a haunted house.

"Is this me?"

Finger is clenched, Chen Ge can clearly feel the power from the mirror, he sees his shadow constantly changing in the mirror.

A black hair wrapped around Chen Ge in the mirror like a stream. His shadow slowly stood up and protected him from behind.

"Zhang Ya?"

The face of the shadow became clearer and clearer. When he put all his attention on the shadow, the black hair in the mirror suddenly wrapped around his arm and dragged him into the mirror.

Chen Ge disappeared, and the reading room completely calmed down.

"It seems not quite right."

Chang Gu did not leave, his expression was very surprised: "When he stood in front of the mirror, why does he look so unreal in the mirror?"

Walked quickly to the front of the mirror. Chang Gu looked at himself in the mirror. What was reflected in the mirror was not Chang Gu himself, but an ugly monster.

"The side of the mirror is a blood-red world. This mirror can reflect the ugliness in the heart of the person. But after the person looks in the mirror, he is still in the mirror! He has no evil thoughts in his heart? Or is his evil thought hidden in In the deepest part of my heart, can't even the mirror behind the door shine? "

Chang Gu couldn't think of an answer. He looked at the ugly self in the mirror doubtfully. His fingers stretched towards the mirror and finally hovered in front of the mirror.

"Everyone has a monster in his heart, ugly, savage, and cannot be exposed to the sun ..."


Thick **** smell poured into the nasal cavity, a wet sticky feeling came from the skin, the eyelids flicked gently, Chen Ge took a sharp breath, as if the drowner finally surfaced.

Opened his eyes, what reflected in Chen Ge's eyes was a blood-red world.

"This is the world behind the door, which makes people feel suffocated at all times, full of despair and uneasiness." Chen Ge stood on the spot and looked carefully around.

He stood in front of a cracked mirror surrounded by blood-red bookshelves, tables and chairs.

"Second reading room, I am now considered to have truly entered the world behind the" door. "Chen Ge hid in the corner, his footsteps were very light, and there was no sound:" Zhang Ju and Zhu Long came before me, what do you think? Can't reach them? "

In order to prevent everyone from getting away, Chen Ge also explained a few words to the members of the society before entering the mirror.

"Has an accident occurred?" Squatting down, Chen Ge observed carefully with her yin pupils. He did not find any traces of fighting in the reading room, nor did he see shoe marks or footprints.

"Zhang Ju did they leave first? Or did they say there was something standing on the other side of the mirror, and they hurried away after coming over?"

Chen Ge is very careful. Before exploring the new environment, he must first ensure his safety.

Put down Lin Sisi's backpack, Chen Ge opened the zipper of his backpack, he can't wait to see the employees.

"Repeater, puppet, comic book ... these things are all here ..." Chen Ge turned over his backpack, his face slowly gloomy.

There was one thing that should be missing in his backpack, and one thing that did not belong to him.

"Black phone is not in the bag!"

He rummaged several times and couldn't find the black phone. Instead, he found a student ID in the mezzanine where he usually put important items.

That blood-stained student card was written with his name on it, with his photo printed on it, and the strange thing was that the photo was taken when he was a kid.

Looking at the photo on the student ID card, Chen Ge thought of the shadow of Liwan Town, and the unborn child behind the shadow.

"This student ID was given to me by Chang Wenyu? How does she know what I was like when I was a kid?"

Accepted the student ID, Chen Ge took out the repeater and decisively pressed the switch.

The rustle of electric current was mixed with wailing and screaming, and a man's words could be heard faintly.

The corners of his mouth were raised. This horrible voice for Chen Ge is a hundred times more beautiful than the best song in the world ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xu Yin. "

Blood dripped, and pale arms stretched out from under the scarlet coat.

Chen Ge didn't look back and put the repeater back in his backpack.

"Although I don't want Chang Wenyu to be a doorkeeper, she helped me out of the predicament after all. This relationship needs to be paid back, but in what way, now I have the final say."

Chen Ge did not intend to help Chang Wenyu become a pusher from the beginning. No matter who controls the four-star scene completely, it will not benefit him.

He hopes to stay in chaos here until Zhang Ya becomes the existence above the red clothing, and then he selects one from the haunted house staff to become the doorkeeper.

"Perfect solution, so that the painter and Chang Wenyu do not have to tear their faces, everyone is kind and can still be friends."

There are haunted house staff around, Chen Ge is in a good mood, and he is very kind to see the blood-red world around him.

"Chang Wenyu dragged down the painter. The two most terrifying guys in the scene were gambling, and now no one seemed to care for me." Chen Ge smiled from the bottom of his heart: "Chang Gu said that there will be a chaos right here, Let me be careful. Think another way of thinking, that is to say, anyway, you have to mess around here, it is better to do it by myself, let the chaos come early. "

Finally glanced at the information on the student ID, Chen Ge remembered his class and student number, and then stuffed the student ID into his pocket and placed it next to Teacher Bai ’s teacher ID.

With a backpack in his hand, he strode out of the reading room while listening to the rustling of the repeater.

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