I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 824: I saw myself

"Come on, the building is very dangerous. This is the safest way." Chen Ge was very experienced. He avoided those potentially dangerous rooms and quickly climbed to the third floor.

Stepping on the external air conditioner, Chen Ge squatted outside the experimental building, waiting for Zhou Zhou who was struggling to climb up.

"All the secrets are about to be revealed. The key to unlock is on the way. When Zhou Tu enters the studio, everything will have an answer."

Zhou Tu should have been a very obedient child before. He lived in the rules set by the teachers and parents. He never took a step of the rules. He was protected very well from harm. Of course, he could not see some only bad children. "Landscape".

When climbed to the third floor, Zhou Tu's arm had started to tremble. He didn't dare to look down. His face was pale: "Teacher, are we here yet?"

"On the fourth floor." Grabbing the edge of the window frame with both hands, Chen Ge crawled outside the oil painting room on the fourth floor and glanced inside through the gap in the compartment.

The oil painting studios that had previously changed have returned to normal, but the blood colors on those oil paintings have become more vivid, as if they were all just painted, and the paint has not yet dried.

The window sill was too narrow, and it was very dangerous to stand alone. Chen Ge was worried that Zhou Tu suddenly went crazy when he saw those paintings, so after confirming the safety, he signaled Zhou Tu to climb towards the room next to the painting room.

"You go up first, don't be afraid, I'm behind you."

The fourth floor was already very high, and the night wind blew his body. Zhou Tu nodded reluctantly, and climbed in the direction of Chen Ge.

After Zhou Tu entered the house, Chen Ge greeted all other members of the club to enter.

"one two three four?"

In addition to Zhou Tu, four figures flashed into the fourth floor just now.

"One more?" Chen Ge finally turned into the room. He frowned and looked around. The room was not big. Only a few members of the society were inside: "Did you find anything unusual when you came in?"

"I didn't see anything that was obviously wrong, but I felt very uncomfortable when I was close to this building. Now I feel more intense when I come in." Zhang Ju said, the scar on his face began to twist like a snake He seemed very uneasy.

Zhang Ju's coat was almost completely stained with blood. He was only one step away from the red coat, which made him feel uneasy when approaching the building, indicating that more than one red coat was probably hidden in the experimental building.

Here is even more dangerous than Chen Ge thought, plus the fact that there was an extra figure just now, he became more cautious.

"After going to the oil painting studio, no matter whether Zhou Tu has awake memory, we have to leave." Chen Ge explained a few words in advance, and waited for several people to agree before leaving the room.

The corridor on the fourth floor has not changed much since he came here last time. It is gloomy and depressed, as if it has not been used for many years.

"Zhou Tu, the art club you are looking for is on the fourth floor, and the scene you dreamed of is in the next room." Chen Ge just smelled a faint odor when he came to the corridor. Clearly, at this moment, the upside down monsters are wandering in the corridor.

Hasn't caught their attention yet, but the longer it is dragged on, the greater the probability of exposure.

This time, Chang Gu may not necessarily appear, he must fight quickly.

"Don't look around, hurry up, don't you go to the art club? Open the door, your dream memory will be awakened!" Chen Ge has spent a lot of time in school, the longer he stays here, he The less secure he is, the appearance of Chang Gu gives him another hope of breaking the game.

"Is it here?" Zhou Tu walked out of the room and stopped at the door of the painting room. He held the door handle, but did not have the courage to push it away.

"What are you hesitating? The answer you are looking for is behind the door! No matter what the result is, don't hesitate as long as you still want to get back the memory! Push it away!" Chen Ge has lost patience, and the extra figure As if it disappeared, the smell in the corridor became stronger and stronger, and the uneasiness in his heart grew stronger.

Zhou Tu is the last person in the society to wake up to memory. He has seen how everyone remembers when he wakes up and knows the pain, so he is under the greatest pressure at this time.

Living in a false illusion, or continuing the painful memory, everyone will have different choices, and Zhou Tu is also tangled.

He clenched his teeth, his chest undulated, and blue muscles broke out on his arms, finally pushing the door open!


Because of excessive force, the door panel and the wall touched together and made a soft sound.

All the members of the Paranormal Research Society surrounded the door of the room and looked at the house with their eyes.

"This seems to be a very ordinary studio."

"Although it looks very bloody, there is no **** smell in the room. The red should be all oil paints."

"Are these paintings painted by students? Why do they want to paint these things?"

Members of the society, you have a word for me, and you are full of curiosity about the studio. Only Chen Ge and Zhou Tu make no sound.

Chen Ge had been here once before, so he could remain calm. Zhou Tuze seemed to be too surprised, so he forgot to speak.

"Don't stand silly in the hallway, it's not good to be seen." Chen Ge gestured all the members of the society to enter the house ~ www.readwn.com ~ He walked at the end.

"Teacher Bai ..." Hearing Chen Ge's voice, Zhou Tu seemed to suddenly wake up from the dream. He pointed to the studio, and his face was incredible: "This ... is the scene in my dream."

"I know, I was very surprised when I heard you, so I promised you." Chen Ge has a smile on his face, he is like a big brother who can tolerate everything: "Go in and see, see Your past, think about your original intentions, no matter what choice you make, but I hope you can remember that we are not enemies. "

Zhou Tu is likely to be in red. Chen Ge must make two-hand preparations to ensure that he is invincible.

Entered the studio, at first glance it was full of blood red, the walls were red, the floor was red, the oil painting was red, and even the stains that could not be cleaned were dark red.

This is a red world, like **** on earth, but full of elegant taste.

Zhou Tu stared blankly at the thirteen easels in the middle of the studio. His eyes swept over those easels one by one, and finally stopped on the fourth easel.

"I must have been to this studio, I'm familiar with this path."

Walked slowly to the fourth easel. Zhou Tu's body completely froze when he saw the painting on the easel.

"Week chart?"

No matter how others yelled, he did not respond, a trace of blood was deep in his eyes, and the soul seemed to be drawn into the oil painting.

"I saw that, in this picture I am crying to me."

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