I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 812: Portrait of doctor

"I can see the fire spreading, burning faster and faster, thick smoke billowing, screaming and howling everywhere, I can't open my eyes, I want to run out, but as soon as I opened the door, the flames rushed directly into the private room . "

Zhang Ju was lying on the ground, and there were blue bars on his forehead. The scar on his face was trembling gently: "The pain did not know where it first came from. I desperately rushed out, breathless, and barely seeing anything in my eyes. , And finally fainted in the corridor. "

"I dimly felt that someone lifted me up, and I still had consciousness at that time."

Muddy and **** fingers reached into his hair, Zhang Ju supported his body with his elbows: "I should have been sent to the hospital, I could hear the conversation between my parents and the doctor vaguely, I want to open my eyes, but open Behind the eyes, I saw a completely dark world, as if everything had been scorched. "

Zhang Ju ’s voice gradually returned to normal, and he collapsed to the ground: “I can think of my parents’ faces and the doctors and nurses who took care of me, but I ca n’t remember how I woke up from a coma, and I do n’t remember if I was How come this school. "

"Is there such a possibility, in fact, you have never been awake, this is the world after your coma." Chen Ge's words made Zhang Ju very surprised.

"I haven't awakened? This is the world after coma?" Zhang Junian whispered Chen Ge said: "Then all these are my dreams? Are you all I imagined?"

"Imagine your uncle, the more outrageous, can we be a little normal?" Zhou Tu grabbed the kitchen knife in Zhang Ju's hands: "I don't know others, but I'm not your dream man, I will keep it for you first. , You will cut people for experimentation. "

Zhou Tu felt that he was the only normal person in this society. It was safer to hold the weapon.

"What Zhang Ju said is not totally unreasonable, but he is not right about it. This world is not a dream for him alone, but a negative nightmare that brings together many people's negative emotions and desperate experiences." Chen Ge eyes Scanned the faces of all the members of the society: "You are all trapped in this world, and this world is made by you."

After Chen Ge finished speaking, the woods were very quiet, everyone looked at him, and the expression on his face was very wonderful.

"I know you may be temporarily unacceptable, but it doesn't matter, we still have time." Chen Ge carried Wang Yicheng and glanced at the wall in the distance: "Wang Yicheng's memory awakened the manager, and now Zhang Ju your memory is also Starting to loosen, the managers are likely to come over, we must leave as soon as possible. "

Chen Ge turned around and walked out of the woods.


Zhang Ju grasped the red soil on the ground with both hands and slowly raised his head, his eyes fixed on Chen Ge: "Who the **** are you? Why should you tell us this?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I can help you escape from here. In reality, your loved ones have been waiting too long." Chen Ge smiled: "Actually, I am very similar to you, and I have lost A memory of my childhood, so when I met you, I seemed to see myself once. "

With a wave of beckoning, Chen Ge stepped towards the distance: "It was your luck to meet me. At the time, I was unguided, and I groped in the dark and lost too many things ..."

Chen Ge was quite emotional. He led the members of the community to avoid the experimental building and the staff apartment building, and walked down the path to the teaching building.

"The toilet on the top floor of the teaching building, the answer I want should be here."

The teaching building in the west campus is quiet and gloomy, but the teaching building in the east campus is full of weirdness. As soon as you approach, a chill will climb up your back and go straight to your brain.

"Be quiet, if something goes wrong here, the consequences will be very serious." Chen Ge whispered.

"What's the consequence?" Zhou Tu sweated on his forehead. He held the kitchen knife from the hole in the tree, raking his back, looking around with his eyes, looking very nervous.

"Eastern campus stores garbage that the western campus does not want. How do we treat garbage in our lives?" Chen Ge smiled, but said some members of the community took a breath. "Catched In the future, we will be split into useful things, squeezed out all the value and discarded directly, and death here is really a luxury. "

Opening the bow without turning back, Chen Ge was the first to enter the teaching building of the East Campus.

I do n’t know if it ’s an illusion. The night on the East campus is darker than the West campus.

Stepping on the old steps, the staircase handrails left burning traces, and the sound of moving tables and chairs could be heard in the empty classroom next to them.

"This place is so scary, I can't imagine it going across a wall from us." Zhu Long lowered his voice, he walked at the end of the line ~ www.readwn.com ~ Hush, don't talk. Zhou Tu held a knife and followed Zhang Ju closely, fearing that the student with scars on his face would suddenly fall ill and want to hurt himself.

The more worried I was, the more accidents sometimes occurred. Zhou Tu kept staring at Zhang Ju, and the other party stopped suddenly while walking.

"what happened to you?"

"It's okay, I'm just curious. Why do you post so many pictures of doctors on the corridor of the teaching building?" Zhang Ju looked up at the doctors on the wall: "We are not medical universities, and these doctors don't seem to be well-known. There is no profile, only a work photo in a white coat. By the way, did you find that all the photos of these doctors are work photos. "

Zhang Ju's words attracted Chen Ge's attention. He had previously felt that the photos of these doctors were very strange, but could not find the reason. At this time, Zhang Ju said that he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"The world behind the door is woven based on the memory of the doormen. This school is very special. It contains the memories of all the students. The doctor photos on the wall may be the people the students have encountered in reality." Chen Geqing Gently hold Zhang Ju's shoulder: "Please pay attention to these photos to see if there is a doctor you know."

"The doctors who can be posted on the wall are the best in the industry, how can I know?"

"Here, the doctor may have a special meaning. You can do as I said." Chen Ge led the members of the society to continue to walk upstairs. When he passed the third floor, he stopped suddenly: "Don't move, someone in front."

The classroom on the third floor near the corridor was not locked, and the poor quality wooden door was crunched by the wind.

Chen Ge and several of them stood motionless in the corridor. After a while, a shadow came out of the classroom.

"This figure is a bit familiar, is it often lonely?"

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