I Have an Adventure House

Chapter 805: Last story

"On the East Campus?"

Zhou Tu apparently hesitated. Both the senior and the teacher warned freshmen not to approach the East Campus. They did not specify the reasons, but the tone of the East Campus was dangerous from the tone they spoke.

"You have a deep misunderstanding of the East Campus, where it is actually similar to here, except that the management of the two campuses is completely different. They live in real terror, and you live in false happiness." Chen Ge looked at Zhou The eyes of the picture: "Compared to you, they are actually closer to hope because they at least know who they are and how to get rid of it."

Chen Ge did not deceive Zhou Tu. No matter the students in the East Campus or the West Campus, they were all trapped in this school.

The memory of the students in the west campus was modified, repeating the life made by the hands behind the scenes. The students in the east campus also knew how to find a substitute for the dead, and tried to leave.

"Students from East School are closer to hope? But I heard that only unwanted garbage from West Campus will be sent there." Zhou Tu has been moved, but he still feels a little uneasy.

"No matter what the judging criteria is, any school that treats students as garbage, then this school must be a garbage school." Chen Ge pointed to the high wall between the two campuses: "Do you know why that wall exists?"


"Because the school is afraid of getting out of control, they use various methods to reshape human nature, but they forget that human nature is the most complicated thing in the world. Things have happened, no matter how to forget, the wounds will always be branded. In my heart. I do n’t remember anything, it does n’t mean they do n’t exist, so some of the school ’s plans are doomed to fail. ”Chen Ge said that some members of the community did n’t understand. They did n’t know why Chen Ge said that, but they felt Chen Ge seems to have some truth.

The children's curiosity is important, and Chen Ge kept telling them the truth about the school, and finally succeeded in arousing the interest of the members of the society.

"Then let's go now? To be honest, I really don't believe that there will be a studio of my dream in the East Campus," Zhou Tu whispered.

"It's not the right time." Chen Ge glanced back at the shadow. The black shadow in the 413 dormitory was still asleep, but his body had changed a lot.

If you look closely, you will find that Chen Ge's shadow is different from the others' shadows. It is as dark as ink, as if all the light will be swallowed there.

It seems to be a lot stronger.

The great potential of black shadows is a good thing for Chen Ge. When he wakes up, Chen Ge will lead the students back to the East Campus to find the order of Li Gui.

Doing so can enhance your strength, and secondly, it can muddle the backwaters of the school and cover another "killer" in the college.

"It's still the stage of saving power. Before the school owner finds me this little bug, I have to prepare as many cards as possible for myself."

Chen Ge turned his head to look at Wang Yicheng. He knew the stories of the other three members of the society. Only the lame boy who entered the club first was left: "The next place we are going to is Wang Yicheng's dormitory."

"Go to my dormitory?" Wang Yicheng's reaction was a bit strange. He waved his hands again and again: "Forget it, the dormitory I live in has nothing to look at."

"When you say this sentence, your voice is higher than usual, the speed of speech becomes faster, and your eyes flicker, and your child is really not good at lying." Chen Ge gently hugged Wang Yicheng's shoulder: "Why don't you want us to pass?" Are you worried about what we see? "

"I ..." Wang Yicheng thought for a long time without knowing what to say, and finally turned his attention to other directions: "Nothing, let's go directly."

"it is good."

Wang Yicheng lives in bedroom 413 in the west campus, and Lin Sisi lives in bedroom 413 in the east campus.

The bedroom numbers are exactly the same, but in the 413 bedroom of the west campus, except for the No. 4 bed, there are students living in other beds. The East campus is the opposite. Only the No. 4 bed is occupied by people, and the other beds are empty.

"Don't tell others the secrets in our club. Everyone should be as low-key as possible. There are teachers like me in this school, and teachers who are not so good at speaking." Chen Ge is always on guard, they are making a lot of noise in the laboratory building. Large, the school is likely to have begun an investigation.

"There is not much time left for me. After going to the 413 bedroom to watch, we must avoid the wind."

There are four male dormitory buildings on the west campus. The number of students is several times that of the east campus. The lights have not been turned off yet. It is the busiest time in the male dormitory building. The sound of washing, the sound of falling plastic basins, the sound of conversation, standing You can hear clearly downstairs.

"This building is similar to the East Campus." Chen Ge behaved very naturally and entered the first building with four students.

The door of the cabin where the dormitory lived was closed, but the glass window was open, and a woman in her fifties was humming, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

An announcement is posted next to the small window ~ www.readwn.com ~ which reads that students are forbidden to use high-power electrical appliances in the dormitory and students are not allowed to cook in the dormitory.

"I remember the announcement in the dormitory building of the East Campus seems to be-Recently, a vicious case has occurred, prohibiting students from going out after the lights are turned off."

Separated by a wall, it is almost two worlds, just like inside and outside the door.

Through the corridor, Chen Ge and several members of the society came to the door of 413 dormitory.

"This dormitory is no different from other dorms." Wang Yicheng opened the door. When he entered the room, the other people in the same dormitory seemed to be doing his own business as if he did not exist, and no one spoke to him.

After Wang Yicheng walked in a few steps, the boy sleeping in the bed next to the door suddenly opened the mosquito net and glared at him: "How many times have you said? Come in and close the door, your legs are lame, and your ears are not easy to use?" "

The boy ’s speech was hard to hear. He did n’t know why he seemed to hate Wang Yicheng.

"He didn't close the door because there were people coming in later. If you need to apologize, we can apologize for you, but I don't know what kind of apology you need?" Chen Ge grabbed the door handle and entered the house, he swept A glance at the others in the bedroom.

When the mosquito net man saw Chen Ge, he immediately counseled him and said nothing. He pulled the mosquito net back in black again.

"Mr. Bai, this is bed number four, because no one lives, so we used it to put luggage." Wang Yicheng pointed to bed number four, and tossed a few suitcases on top, and only his luggage was put in this bedroom Under his own bed, everyone else threw the debris and luggage onto the No. 4 bed.

Chen Ge is very familiar with the No. 4 bed. He himself lay on the No. 4 bed in the East Campus.

Going to bed No. 4, although the bed was unoccupied, it was covered with bedding and sheets, but the bedding was now soiled by luggage and debris.

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