The sky was faintly bright, Langren had finished resting and was exercising the breathing method in Hei Pan's memory.

   Langren remembers that when he is more than half proficient in this breathing method, he can obtain a state skill that can increase his essence in a short time.

   If there are those fifteen o'clock spares, he also has the hole cards.

   Suddenly, there was a movement on the other side, and the little girl sleeping in the pile of fallen leaves woke up.

   "Need to sleep again?"

   Langren asked with his eyes closed, still breathing intently.


   Then the two waited until the sun rose before starting their journey.

   It didn't take long for him to walk out, Langren suddenly leaned sideways under the tall tree trunk, and pulled the little girl together.


   A black shadow flew past the sky, leaving behind a white cloud.

   Langren glanced at the black shadow and thought a little.

  ‘He couldn’t find me because he held his breath, but Longyin is an ordinary person, why didn’t he come down to check it out? Treated as a wild beast? ’

   Ordinary people are not in the detection range of that shadow?

   Is it looking for the owner of this iron sword?

   Langren looked down at the sword in his hand, distinguished the direction the dark shadow was heading based on the position of the sun, and then recalled the map of the barracks.

   "Do you think you will go to the nearest city?"

   That's right, this way of judging should be that I am dead, and I want to go to the nearest city to pick up the clone.

   It's a pity that Langren doesn't plan to go to the city. He is still carrying a little kid like this. He must also be a person without identification. Wouldn't this combination be directly sent to the prosecutors office in a serious city?

   "So I have to go to the village..."

   Langren shook his head, realizing that the shadow would not come back again, and left the shade of the tree trunk.

The coastal areas of the continents are basically more developed cities, because before that, the transaction and trade were more by sea. After all, the amount of cargo carried by the sea is large, and the water system is also very common, so the coastal development is faster, and there are not many. The surviving population of the city is concentrated along the coast, so the development of the inland is more backward, and the smaller towns are more numerous.

   If it were not for the "advantage" in this aspect of the inland, Langren would not flee here from the beginning, and he would go straight to the royal family from the beginning of the barracks, and he would really join the royal family.

   But the premise for going to the coast is that there is no accident, such as his current three-point physique, which is an accident.

   ‘fortunately I didn’t go there...’

   Langren is once again thankful for his choice.

   Then this little girl.

   Langren glanced at her and met her.

"Are you hungry?"

   He had already sensed her emotions. After walking all morning, he was also hungry. It was because of Longyin's blood that the hunger was temporarily covered last night.

   "Yeah, but there is nothing to eat."

   "Will you starve to death? Without food sources."

   Longyin shook his head: "No, no matter how many days I don't eat, I won’t die, but my stomach will be uncomfortable."

  There is an inexhaustible fresh meat store...

  Evil thoughts flashed through Langren's mind, and it happened that birds screamed in his ears.

   Swinging a sword to cut off a few branches and cut them into finger-length spikes, Langren used them to collect several birds.

  Karma fire can still be used, so I baked it all alive, and started back on the road after filling my stomach.

   After walking like this for three days, Langren finally saw the crowd at dusk.

A small city expanded along the official road looks like meat strung by bamboo skewers from a distance. The buildings with different levels are arranged side by side. The tallest buildings seem to be the construction buildings under construction. All are only about seven or eight stories high.

   The moment he saw this city, Langren had an illusion of returning to the earth.

   But the text between the buildings is not the text of the earth, which brings him back to reality.

"Do you have money?"

   Langren lowered his head and asked.

   "Money? No..."

   is also right, how could this guy be rich.

   Langren looked at the clothes on his body that was shattered into simple polar clothes. The original watch on his hand was also disintegrated and shattered in the battle yesterday.

   Both are penniless.

   "No matter what you do to make money, you must first have clothes, right?"

   can only randomly pick a lucky family to steal a set of clothes.

   Within half an hour, Langren walked out of the toilet in the park, wearing an extremely large short-sleeved shirt and slacks, like a blanket hung on a bamboo pole.

   The collar slips off half of the shoulder from time to time.

   "I have lost too much weight, if I can hold it completely before."

   Langren held the sword wrapped in the scabbard composed of symbiont in his left hand, and pulled the collar from his shoulder with his right hand.

   Longyin also changed her simple logo costume and put on an easy-to-move clothes.

  Because she hasn't worn this kind of clothes for many years, she always twists her body to relieve skin discomfort.

   The two walked aimlessly on the street, Langren had to pull his clothes after two steps, and he lost his patience before he walked a hundred meters.

  The black symbiosis on the arm covers the whole body from under the clothes, and directly sticks to the clothes from the inside, so that they can move normally.

   glanced back, Langren found that Longyin was standing at an intersection and looking around, seeming to remember something.

   "I have been to this place."


   "I have been sitting in the car for some time, from over there..." Longyin pointed to one end of the road, and then to the other.

   "Go over there, I saw this sign midway, otherwise I can't remember it."

   Then he pointed to one of the four corners of the intersection.

   Fortunately, the Grand Hotel.

   "Where was the last?"

   Langren heard this, his hands itchy.

   "I think about it... are you going? I may not be able to find it. My memory is not very good."

   Longyin lowered her head embarrassedly.

   "Try it."

   Walking down the road, within two kilometers, the two came to a fork in the road. Longyue hesitated for a moment, and chose one of the directions uncertainly.

   didn't go far, and then withdrew, because the more stranger she passed, she knew she had gone wrong.

   tried so many ways, and a few hours passed.

   The sun has set, and the small county town enters the night, the street lights are lit up, and the people walking on the road are more visible to the naked eye.

   A purple-haired young man walked out of the private club, only feeling that he was happy to vent, and all the fatigue and tension of a few days were wiped out.

   After walking four or five streets, he boarded an inconspicuous small building.

   "A stinky smell, it's cool again? Why didn't you die outside ten days ago."

   "Yeah, I'm not dead, you are so upset? Hehehe."

   The purple hair guilty laughed, and he didn't care about the malicious words of his companions at all, because they could only say that if they do, the ones who suffer will be the ones who do it first.

   "You guys don't match up with me. There are still more than 30 subjects left out. I don't want to find out how to find them. Are you good at fighting yourself?"

"Boss, the gang of fantasies have been planning for a long time. More than ten days have passed. There are still more than 30 test subjects that have not been found. They must have been taken away by them. ——"

   "directly what?"

   The middle-aged man called the boss glanced at him, and interrupted Zi Mao's guidance.

"It's not long-planned, how could you bump into us to transfer the test body? Master Tan died and replaced two illusionists. Do you think it's a long face? One C-level for two D-levels? There are more than a dozen guards~ The middle-aged man has a hint of anger in his tone.

   "I didn't mean that... I mean we can penetrate one hand, the people who bought them..."

   The purple hair's voice became quieter.

"Don't you understand? This batch of test subjects is to be transported to the headquarters after being assembled from various collection points! The number 33, 48 and 81 of the lost personnel are the most important test subjects! We You may not be able to find such a small place... but at least you have to do something! We are tens of kilometers away from the place where the incident occurred. I still don’t know it’s our turn?

   said angrily.

   "I... I feel as if it is our turn."

   Zi Mao said blankly.

   "Did you shoot your brain out together?"

   asked contemptuously the person who had just scolded Zi Mao.

   Zi Mao didn't care about the sarcasm on the other side, and quickly clicked on the missing test subject materials posted above, looking at the contrast outside the window.

   "Eight...Eight eleven!"

   "Eh, what do you tell Dad to do?"

   "You gotta go! It's eighty-one! Boss!"

   Zimao leaned on the window and pointed at the intersection diagonally across and said excitedly.


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