
   The first rain fell and hit the ground.

   "Does it matter who I am? Even if I declare myself, have you heard of it again? So I'd better pay for it."

   Shui Sanyi was speechless, gritted his teeth and took out all his possessions.

   Langren grabbed it and rubbed it between his fingers, about three or four thousand, which was a small sum of money.

   Langren glanced at the water three times, and put the money in his pocket.

   Shui San had his scalp numb with a glance behind his back, thinking that the other party wanted to kill someone and was ready to hand in life-saving skills.

   "I hope you don't meet me."

   Langren finished speaking, then turned his head and left the alley, leaving Shuizan with a bewildered look.

   In these days, there are still robbers who do not tear up their votes? ?

   When Shui San reacted, he hurried out of the alley and found that Langren's figure had disappeared.

   "...Dare to rob sea bandits, really treat us as soft persimmons?"

   Shui San gritted his teeth, and the feeling that his purse was empty made him very uncomfortable, but part of his assets were still in his account, and cash was only something that he exchanged every time he landed.

   "Braided up, soft appearance, thin lips, height 1.78 meters, cheap clothes, ages between 20 and 24, a student?"

   Shui thought about Langren's physical characteristics three times, and hurriedly walked in one direction.

   Langren looked at the probe around the corner and slowly followed.

   Just kidding, how could such a thing as letting go, he just wanted to put a long line to catch more.

   After turning a few blocks, Langren skillfully used the shadow stealth method and followed Shui San to a residential house that was not remote but very inconspicuous.

   Langren watched Shui San walk in without stagnation, as if he didn't worry about being followed.

   "Sea Bandit Den?"

   Langren looked for a while and decided to go in and take a look.

   He is off this afternoon, so he is not worried about absenteeism.

   held his breath and fully displayed, condensing all his breath, Langren walked in normally.

   This residential house is a bit old, the ash on the wall is dry and peeling, green moss crawls all over the corner of the wall, and there is a large household garbage can at the entrance of the corridor.

   opened the trash can and glanced at it, then closed it gently.

  If you turn it off too quickly, the air full of **** smell will rush to your face.

   Most of the trash cans contain packaging boxes for daily necessities and fast food. Langren can't see much.

  Because it is an old residential house and there is no elevator, Langren quietly stepped onto the steps.


   The sound of the door closing came from the top floor.

   Langren walked in no hurry, and did not stop step by step. When passing through each floor, he would quickly observe the doors on both sides of the abnormal change.

   "The door handle has been changed many times..."

   Just as Langren passed a certain floor, a door of the room happened to open.


   An unpleasant sound came from the door shaft, and Langren glanced at the door opener.

   He didn't notice this person's breath!

   The other party also couldn't notice Langren's breath, but he was obviously used to it and went downstairs with the trash.

   Langren glanced at the palm of the opponent's hand and saw the black trace.

   is a disciple of Yuhuaxian!

  Why do sea bandits come to places where there are Yuhua immortals? Are they related?

   But when he robbed Shui-san, he didn't see that Shui-san possessed the seal, so it should be a cooperative relationship.

   Langren walked up to the two floors and suddenly knocked on one of the doors at random.

   The door opened, and the person who opened the door was also someone who couldn't feel the breath.

   "What's the matter?" the other party asked in surprise.

   "Ah, sorry, I went to the wrong floor."

   Langren apologized and walked directly to the top floor.

   tu tu tu tu.


   Before the door was opened, the voice of impatience reached Langren's ears.

   Shui San pushed open the door, and a huge fist slammed in through the crack of the door like lightning, hitting Shui San's face accurately.

   Unprepared, Shui San was smashed out by this fist, his head was beaten blindly, and he couldn't feel anything other than the severe pain.

   Langren walked into the room and closed the door with his backhand, ignoring the humming Shuizan on the ground, and searched the entire room. There was only Shuizan alone, but there was a communicator on in one room.

   Langren turned his head and dragged Shuishan in, took a cup of water and poured it on Shuishan's face to make him sober.

   "—you follow me? Why didn’t they stop you?"

   Shui San covered his **** mouth and nose, and after seeing Langren's face clearly, he asked in astonishment.

   Langren thought for a while what they meant, and then he was referring to the Yuhua Cultists downstairs.

   "It turns out that you are so confident because of them downstairs? The concealment of breath is not the patent of Yu Huaxian."

   Langren said lightly, pointing to the communicator and asking, "Your job?"

   Shui San looked at the task assignments on the virtual screen, his face pale.

   "The hydropower transmission in Xiping District was interrupted within three days, chaos was created within four days, prosecutor Zhang Zhuliang was assaulted and killed, the civilian transportation hub was blasted, the official road blasted..."

Langren read one by one. During this time, Shui San still wanted to crawl away. When Langren put his foot on his knee, the pain caused Shui San to grit his teeth and stop. He knew that as long as he made a sound, he would stop in the next second. Will die.

   If you live for a second, you are still alive, and you have the hope of living.

   After reading the task instructions that can be seen so far, Langren touched his chin, clicked on the personnel form on the side, and took a look at it carefully.

   Coincidentally, I just saw a few familiar people.

   The two were divided by Langren to feed the fish, and the two had just met. In other words, these are the forms of the evangelists in this city?

   "Good fellow, or obey the believer arranged above?"

   After Langren assigned the two people he met downstairs to interrupt the water and electricity in Xiping District, he didn't bother to play this strategy game.

   "If you guess like that, your sea bandits are not real sea bandits, right?"

   Hearing Langren's words, Shui San said nothing and chose to remain silent.

   "When you unloaded the goods on the island that night, you said that the goods were requested by the employer. The employer came to inspect the goods in the middle of the night. After the goods were inspected, they would give your boss money."

"Employer, inspection, boss, how come these words don’t sound like a sea bandit's name? Your main ship, which organization’s maritime branch should be, your job should be similar to mercenary work. Do it with money, no matter who the employer is or who the victim is, as long as you have money, do everything."

   Shui San listened to Langren's words, the expression on his face gradually turned into horror, his lips trembled, and he could not speak for a long time while pointing at Langren.

   "What's wrong? I know that you are unloading goods, it's weird?"

   Langren tilted his head, the expression on his face was like a child who knew someone's secret.

   "How did you know!? Ghost...Yes, there is a ghost on the boat!!"

   Shui San was panting heavily, his small eyes that originally looked very wretched and rounded.

   Langren exerted a slight force on his feet, and a slight sensation of bone cracks spread throughout his body. Shui regained his senses, gritting his teeth and looking at Langren.

   "I'm just a small I take money to do things, and I don't know anything else. Even if you grind my bones, I don't necessarily know more than you."

   His words told Langren in disguise, his guess was almost completely correct.

   Langren smiled, stretched out a finger and shook it.

   "I don't need to know, I just need your cooperation."


   Shui San blinked his eyes, a little bit confused about Langren's meaning.

   "Now there is a ghost in your hire group, can you know who it is?"

   Langren asked.

   "No... I don't know, but..."

"But you can check whether it is right, where do you start? News. But so far, the news I have said are all the news you heard from your mouth. As long as I communicate with that person remotely once, I will tell them... ...."

   Langren glanced at the communicator, "disclose all to the prosecutor, and that person will immediately report a message. Shui San is an inner ghost..."

   "You!! You are planting! I am loyal to Nuo Tian Tuan!!!"

   "If someone reports a report, or shows evidence, who will believe you?"

   Langren's lips moved slowly, spit out twelve words and hit Shui San's heart.

   Shui's three foreheads seeped sweat, thinking for a moment, and found that no one would believe him.

   " are not loyal to the Nuotian regiment, but loyal to this one, right?"

   Langren took out a stack of money from his pocket, it was the one he had snatched from Shui San.

   Shui San looked at the banknote in Langren's hand and knew what Langren wanted to express.

   "What do you want to do? How do you want me to cooperate?"

   "I want a fuse."

   Langren said softly.


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