The next morning, Le Jiayi got up early and went to work. Before leaving, she also received 200 billion Hong Kong dollars in support from Jiang Hao.

With such a large sum of money, she can completely save those VC firms that killed her.

Jiang Hao also got up. After running 10,000 meters on the treadmill, he rinsed and sat in the living room watching today's news.

In terms of games, some game experts began to talk about their feelings and thoughts after playing the Angel Love game online, accompanied by some small videos and pictures.

In terms of finance, due to a major flu, the global economy is in a downturn, and international trade has also begun to shrink significantly. The stock market in the United States has plummeted, and various precious metals have also begun to plummet.

By the time the U.S. futures market was closed this morning, gold futures prices had fallen 3% and are continuing.

The bulk precious metals such as silver, copper, and aluminum also followed the same trend as gold and began to fall sharply.

But the good show is yet to come.

There are also several articles on the news of Zhongying Group, introducing the inexplicable slump of Zhongying Group's stock price in Nangang and the United States, and mysterious capital predators are eating wildly.

This is supposed to be a phenomenon that contributed to the rise in stocks, but it violated some financial principles and caused a rare phenomenon.

After browsing for a while, Jiang Hao called Lin Peishan and asked, How many short contracts did you two put down last night?

Lin Peishan said, Xiaoyu and I each only released 20 million short contracts.

Jiang Hao knew that he released 30 million hands last night, which has already made some capital predators aware of it. It is not easy for the two of them to release another 40 million hands later.

However, even if it is an empty order of 20 million hands per person, there will definitely be an amazing gain.

Jiang Hao said with a smile: Tomorrow night, we can close our positions and collect money. This time, the financial investment market in London will directly decline for two years, and many futures investment companies will declare bankruptcy.

Lin Peishan said happily on the phone: Xiaoyu and I calculated, and after the settlement tomorrow night, each of us will have a net income of more than 300 billion US dollars, which is completely equal to the GDP of a medium-sized country in one year.

Jiang Hao also said happily: This is the charm of futures investment. Next time, let's go and copy the old bottom of the US futures market!

Lin Peishan chuckled: Okay, the funds in the U.S. futures market are much larger than those in the London futures market, and the daily flow is tens of trillions of dollars.

Jiang Hao said with a smile: Well, the United States scoops wool all over the world, then I will scoop its wool.

Lin Peishan suddenly worried: Brother Hao, Ye's Financial Investment Company and Xiaoyu's Angel Financial Investment Company are registered in different places. I am afraid that after the settlement, the money earned will be controlled by the foreign exchange bureau in England and cannot be transferred back smoothly. on our company account.

Jiang Hao comforted: You don't have to worry about this, I have a special channel to transfer all these dollars to our company's account, and their foreign exchange supervision department can't trace the final flow of these money.

After Lin Peishan heard it, she breathed a sigh of relief and said, That's good, otherwise such a large flow of funds will definitely attract special attention from the Bureau of Foreign Exchange in England and will be intercepted.

At this time, Jiang Hao also thought about the Zhongying Group and said, By the way, you will go to Changzhou to take over the Zhongying Group in the next few days. First, explain the work around you to a reliable person.

Lin Peishan responded, Okay.

Next, after the two chatted for a while, Jiang Hao hung up the phone.

Next, Jiang Hao also began to call other women to ask about the recent progress of the matter.

More than an hour passed by the time he made these calls.

Later, Jiang Hao also called Lilac and asked her to arrange some breakfast for herself.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door, Jiang Hao opened it and found that the little girl he saw at the barbecue restaurant last night was standing at the door.

Today, this little girl changed her outfit, wearing a white lace dress, she was slim, but she was too thin to look at, and she was too skinny.

How did you come?

Seeing this little girl, Jiang Hao was a little confused.

He knew that the news of his living here must have been told by Wei Dayong, but he didn't know what the girl came to him for?

The little girl said solemnly, I'm here to pay you back!

What money?

Jiang Hao was a little confused.

The little girl said, It's the money you paid for your meal last night and the money that Broken Tooth Dog paid to my family.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao finally understood.

Come in and talk.

Jiang Hao let the little girl in.

As soon as she came in, the little girl took off her backpack, walked to the sofa in the living room, opened it, took out twenty bundles of big red tickets and a stack of loose money, and put it on the coffee table, and said to Jiang Hao: It's two hundred thousand and one thousand, you count.

Jiang Hao didn't move the money, but sat down and looked at the little girl with a smile and said, These money are for your family's meals and compensation for breaking the store. You can take it back.

Do not.

The little girl shook her head stubbornly, and then said: If you hadn't helped our family get rid of the siege last night, our store might never have been opened again. You are our family's benefactor and must not charge you for meals.

In addition, although the dog smashed our store, he also got the punishment he deserved, and they didn't need to compensate him, so we can't ask for this money.

After listening to this little girl, Jiang Hao knew that he had met a stubborn master.

After he smiled, he said, Well, I'll use this money to buy the recipe for your barbecue seasoning, so I can get some delicious barbecue when I go out to play in the future.

If you want the seasoning recipe, I can give it to you for free, and I won't ask for your money. The little girl still shook her head.

Why don't I use this money to invest in your barbecue restaurant and expand your storefront.

Finally, Jiang Hao thought of this method again.

You don't have to persuade me, we really can't ask for this money.

The little girl saw Jiang Hao's thoughts and still shook her head.

Jiang Hao gestured for the little girl to sit down, then smiled, What's your name?

After the little girl sat down, she said generously, My name is Zhao Ruirui.

Jiang Hao nodded and continued to ask, Are you a student?

The little girl was Twenty Lang. Judging from her temperament and dress, she should be a student.

Zhao Ruirui nodded: Well, it's sophomore year after school starts.

Which university?

Zhao Ruirui said proudly, Tsinghua's.

Hearing this, Jiang Hao also took a good look at this little girl. He didn't expect that she was still a scholar, and he really underestimated her before.

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