The mighty breath made all the gods and demons bow down.

Huge ripples of golden waves swept through tens of thousands of meters in all directions, and everything was shattered and purified under this terrible force.

Countless undead disappeared without even screaming.

The blood river land on the ground was also washed alive into layers of crystal clear crystal ground.

The black gas wave in the sky was also extinguished.

The huge figures of those high demons and demon kings began to sway in a blur, as if they had also been terribly affected.

Under this majestic heavenly might, the demons were forced from the sky to the ground.

All the demons looked at the god-like figure in front of them in amazement.

This kind of power, they have almost never seen before.

But this familiar breath reminded the demons of something.

“This power, damn, can’t it be him?”

“Could it be him?”

“Mephisto felt this breath when he opened the dimensional crack before.”

“Mephisto fell, he should have done it?”

“It’s not good now, this kind of power is no longer comparable to me.”

All the demons began to think quickly, and they had realized that this figure seemed to be the existence that made Mephisto fall on the throne of Satan.

In the Hell dimension, Satan’s throne can only sit on the fallen Demon King Mephisto.

As the supreme demon king of hell, he was killed by this man.

And they…

Karen looked at the speculative and uneasy demons, his eyes glowing with a cold glow, golden ripples in his pupils.

Suddenly a step across.


The next second, all the demons were shocked to find that Karen’s figure did not know when it suddenly found in front of them.

Accompanied by strange fluctuations.

They couldn’t react at all.

The momentum exploded, the terrifying black aura swept through everything, all the demons were almost extremely nervous, and the being in front of them seemed to be thin and small, but in their eyes it was like a giant in the sky for them to look up to.

I wanted to escape, but under those cold eyes, I didn’t dare to move at all.

Damn it…

All the demons roared in their hearts and regretted it so much, why did they run so cheaply.

The majesty of the gods hung high above their heads like the scythe of the god of death.

Karen stared coldly at these demons, his mind racing.

“Four Demon King Levels, twenty High Demons are a little worse than the Demon King, and there is still a terrifying aura lurking in Hell, it seems that this Hell dimension is very interesting.”

“It doesn’t take a lot of effort to kill them, but as an opponent, it’s quite suitable for those little guys.”

Thinking of this, the corners of Karen’s mouth brushed a cold arc: “You are very lucky.” ”

“But you have to know awe.”


The vast surging divine power that was not stained with a trace of filth suddenly swept in, and the overwhelming and terrible momentum covered the bodies of all the demons.


In the anger and reluctance of the latter, they had no ability to resist and fell to their knees in front of Karen, bowing their originally high heads.

Karen gracefully walked up to the group of ugly demons and stomped the head of a demon with two huge horns to the ground.

At the same time that the crystallized ground exploded under this huge force, it cracked a dense crack.

All the demons looked at this guy with unwillingness and anger as they trampled on their dignity.


With a reluctant roar, they even wanted to resist, but in that overwhelming momentum, they sadly found that they could not do anything at all.

The cold disdainful voice exploded in all the demons’ ears.

“Know what it means to live in awe, put away that ridiculous little dignity, your so-called dignity is not worth mentioning in my eyes.” 」

“Mercy has come, and you don’t have to die in humiliation today, but one day in the future, you will die at the hands of a group of people dressed in holy clothes, and not only you, but the entire dimension of hell will be destroyed.”

Like thunder, it shocked all the demons.

More like the devil’s whisper, seducing them: “Isn’t it unwilling?” Feeling humiliated? Wait, wait for those who bring death to come. ”

The voice grew quieter and fainter, and at the same time Karen disappeared in front of the demons.

A group of demons were left on their knees.

The overwhelming momentum receded like a tidal wave, and the demons were no longer under terrible confinement.

But anger was already rising in their hearts.


The terrible and miserable blood color once again invaded the entire sky, and an angry roar was transmitted throughout the Hell dimension.

“Damn the arrogant guys.”

“No one can destroy the Hell Dimension, and those damn guys will die in endless pain and torment.”

“I’m going to torture the souls of those damn bastards for millions of years.”

Today, all the demons have recorded this moment of humiliation.

It is precisely because of this day that all the demons have begun to work together to wait for the so-called damn guy who can destroy hell.

It’s true that they’re not the man’s opponents, but they’ll let the arrogant guy know what regret is.


In the Temple of the Sacred Domain.

Fourteen golds gathered in the Temple of the Athena Woman, all of them frowning.

All the golds did not expect that Karen had completely disappeared, and they swept through the galaxy without finding a single trace of His Highness.

Just when everyone was anxious.

Karen’s figure suddenly appeared, and seeing his appearance, all the golds immediately knelt on one knee on the ground: “Your Highness~”


A supreme wave of great power propped up gold.

Karen looked at the group of young girls with fanatical respect and smiled darkly inside.

It can be said that just that operation is enough to make the whole hell angry.

If his cute little guys went to the Hell Dimension, they would be the most enthusiastic reception of the demons.

(Thank you very much for the strong support of the “Tang Moyan” big guy, thank you very much, thank you very much, sorry, everything is blamed on that damn sweet woman, stayed up late to catch up with the play, and today began to resume updates.) )

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