I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 981 Emperor Qian’s Fear

Yang Qian stayed for a while and then continued towards the direction of Yujing City. Within half a day, he returned to the imperial city, stepped into the imperial study, met with Emperor Qian, and told Emperor Qian about what he had done. After reporting, he hurriedly left the palace and returned to Prince Jade's Mansion.

Emperor Qian sat on the imperial chair, dragging his chin with one hand. There was no joy in his eyes, and he was calm. There was even a trace of fear and worry on his face. He was the only one sitting alone in the entire imperial study. All the guards, chamberlains and maids were driven out by him, and even the doors and windows of the imperial study were tightly closed. If the candles were not lit in the imperial study, it would be completely dark.

Of course, although there were flickering candles, it still looked a little dark. The light and shadow between the flickering candles continued to appear on Emperor Qian's face, which was in line with Emperor Qian's mood at this time. The five flavors in his heart were mixed and very complicated. He Originally, Yang Qian was sent to suppress the Ci Dao Alliance because he wanted to use the Ci Dao Alliance to test Yang Qian's martial arts cultivation. After all, his son's behavior made him a little confused. His cultivation was so unpredictable that he always felt that he couldn't control it. a feeling of.

Emperor Qian never expected that Yang Qian would take down the Assassin Alliance without any effort. He even walked around the Assassin Hall without the Assassin Alliance being aware of it, forcing the Assassin Alliance to be unable to do so. If you don't keep your promise, you will close the city and the mountain for ten years and no longer interfere in the affairs of the outside world.

This was inconsistent with Qiandi's original plan. He had no way of knowing Yang Gan's strength. Although he knew that Yang Gan had walked around the Assassin Hall without any injuries, which was enough to prove his profound strength, it still left Qiandi in the dark. , looking at the moon in the water, unable to figure out Yang Gan's true identity, the fear in his heart became even more intense.

Since ancient times, emperors have been said to be lonely and few. It is not without reason. The throne is so tempting, constantly attracting ambitious people. I am the only one who is the only one, superior to tens of thousands of people. It makes people want to stop and be intoxicated. Therefore, everyone The emperor was very suspicious. He was not only worried about the civil servants, generals, and heroes of the family, but also the people around him. Whether it was the concubines in the harem or his brothers and sons, they were all the people the emperor needed to be on guard against.

The strength of the Jade Prince Yang Gan has exceeded the limit that Emperor Qian can bear, which naturally makes him jealous. He is afraid that one day Yang Gan will directly oust him from the throne and ascend to the throne himself. This kind of thing has happened in the past dynasties. Son The rebellion and the disaster that befell me were clearly recorded in the history books. How could we not make Emperor Qian uneasy?

"It seems that it is better for Prince Jade to stay away from the government and rest for a while!"

Emperor Qian's eyes were full of deepness. He put down his palm after a long time and sighed with a heavy face. Unfortunately, no one heard him.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for Emperor Qian to deliberately find a fault in the Ministry of Household Affairs and remove Prince Jade Yang Gan's authority from the Ministry of Household Affairs. He asked him to go back to his hometown to think about his mistakes behind closed doors and stop meddling in government affairs.

The prince, Prince Cheng, Prince He and others were naturally very happy, and they all added insult to injury and wanted to move Prince Jade Yang Qian down directly.

Unfortunately, Emperor Qian looked at the calm Jade Prince Yang Qian in the palace. After all, he was wary and did not dare to push the tiger into a desperate situation. He ignored the participation of the prince and others.

Yang Qian didn't seem to be surprised at all by Emperor Qian's actions. He had long sensed his father's fear of him. This was a common problem in the royal family. The relationship between father and son was extremely complicated. It was not just father and son, but also monarchs and ministers. Anyone who threatened the throne would They are all enemies of the emperor, not even his wife and son.

Yang Qian easily accepted Emperor Qian's arrangement without any objection or complaint. He happily accepted the order, turned around and left Lingxiao Palace, returned to Prince Yu's Mansion, went deep into the palace, and ignored the disputes in the court. He even appeased Zhuang Tong, Li Shenguang, Wei Taicang and others who had taken refuge in him, and prevented them from running for him.

Even the Divine Power King Yang Tuo went back to Yujing City in person and secretly paid a special visit to Yang Gan. I don’t know what the two talked about. Anyway, when they left, the Divine Power King Yang Gan walked lightly and smiled, as if I had a great time chatting with Prince Jade Yang Qian.

Yang Qian sat in the main hall and nodded secretly. He was a little surprised by the surrender of the Divine Power King Yang Tuo who had just left. Unexpectedly, the Divine Power King Yang Tuo could see clearly and knew that even though he was ordered by Emperor Qian not to do anything during this period, Contact with the government still does not harm the slightest. In this world where great power belongs to one body, the size of the power is only useful when the strength is balanced. The strength of Jade Prince Yang Gan has long been far beyond that of the prince and others. As long as He thought that the throne was so easy that not even Emperor Qian could stop him.

The mighty king Yang Tuo has been in the royal family for three dynasties and is the highest-ranking person in the royal family. The current emperor Qian's uncle is even more powerful. He has seen many battles for the throne. Naturally, he understands that Yang Qian is powerful and the throne is simply impossible. It is useless to ignore others, even if Emperor Qian objects. This is the gap caused by strength, and it cannot be made up for. Wasn't it because of his strong strength that Emperor Qian was able to stand out and become the supreme being today?

It is precisely because Yang Tuo, the mighty king, understands the principle of the weak eating the strong and respecting strength that he chooses to join Yang Qian when he is at his lowest point. The icing on the cake is not as good as giving help when the time is right. Although Yang Qian knows the plan of the mighty king Yang Tuo, he still has to accept it. Affection.

Yang Gan looked gloomy, looked in the direction of the imperial city, and murmured to himself.

"After all, my father was blinded by power. Even the mighty king Yang Tuo could see things clearly, but he couldn't see clearly. It seems that even the immortal soul with all his plans can't awaken a person who is blinded by power. emperor!"

Yang Qian lowered his head, looked at the stone slab under his feet, and asked quietly to himself.

"I have no intention of directly ousting my father from the throne, so why do you need to force me like this?"

"That's all, you are my father after all, please bear with me!"

"Preserving thunder and shock, a gentleman cultivates caution through fear."

Hong Yi pointed his sword and made a majestic sound. As soon as the sound moved, his sword also started to move.

This sword is no longer "Suifeng Xun", but has turned into a thunder sword.

When this sword is displayed, it is vigorous and vigorous, but it also has a small gurgling, careful and cautious flavor that makes up for all flaws and loopholes.

The violent Yang Gang was vast, the sharp Yin Qi, Yin and Yang gathered together, and there was a loud roar, making a loud noise.

When Hong Yi's sword struck, champion Hou Yangan felt sluggish. The Panhuang Life Sword in his hand was no longer able to swing, and its momentum was completely suppressed. His thoughts were shocked by the strong fist intention, and he was stagnant, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, unable to move.

Champion Hou Yangan seemed to be stunned by the thunder. He watched helplessly as the thunder sword struck his shoulder firmly.

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