I have a role in the heavens

Chapter 976 Fist Spirit Phantom

Although Yang Qian couldn't stand the assassination of Daqian officials by the Ci Dao League, he still couldn't bear to kill them all. What Hong Yi said was not completely wrong. After all, the Ci Dao League had done a lot for Da Gan. , whether it was the establishment of Da Qian, or helping Da Qian to resist the Western Kingdoms over the years, many disciples and elders died. Yang Qian gave him a chance if he did not conceal his fault. If they followed his instructions, he would also If he persists in exposing this assassination, it will not be too late for him to strike again.

When the mighty king Yang Tuo, Hong Yi and the elders of the Ci Dao Alliance heard Yang Gan's voice coming from outside the mountain city, they all stood up in shock and knocked the table in front of them. The dishes and dishes fell to the ground, clinking in chaos. There was a loud noise and it shattered into pieces.

Divine Power King Yang Tuo quickly turned around and looked at the pillars of the main hall behind him. His eyes glowed with divine light, and he kept scanning the pillars. He suddenly saw the stone pillar where Meng Shenji originally left a message, and he was stunned.

Hong Yi and others are also quick-thinking people. They knew what Yang Gan meant when he opened his mouth, so they took a step behind Yang Tuo, the mighty king, and scanned the stone pillars in the hall, and finally set their sights on On the stone pillar where Meng Shenji left his words.

The mighty king Yang Tuo and the ten martial saint-level masters looked at each other and took steps towards the stone pillar.

When everyone stood still and looked around, they saw a few small words engraved on the stone pillars.

"A small punishment but a big warning, the mountain will be closed for ten years!"

Although these eight characters have Yang Qian's Qi Ji, they don't seem to be as domineering and profound as the characters left by Meng Shen Ji, and are ordinary.

Hong Yi frowned and looked at these eight words, feeling secretly angry in his heart. He came to assassinate the Dao League this time just to win over them. If the mountain was really closed for ten years, wouldn't it mean that everything he had done was in vain.

Hong Yi took a step forward and printed the eight characters left by Yang Qian with his palm, hoping to erase them.



"Hong Yi, what are you doing?"

When the mighty king Yang Tuo and the elders of the Assassin Alliance saw Hong Yi's actions, they immediately stopped him. Since the other party had already walked around the Assassin Hall, and he and others didn't notice it, they naturally needed to keep their promise, otherwise How to gain a foothold in the world.

Hong Yi turned a deaf ear to everyone's dissuasion. His palm gradually came closer to the eight words, and he was about to erase them.

The eight words suddenly burst out with a shocking martial arts proficiency, and a young man wearing a moon-white robe appeared in the void. He was tall and tall, with a face like a crown jade, an air of aura, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, gentle. Gentleman.

These shadows were transformed by the spirit of the fist left by Yang Qian. Looking at Hong Yi's oncoming palm, there was a warm smile at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were gentle and calm, and he spoke lightly.


The shadow formed by a fist seemed to be formed by the thoughts of the soul. It actually had its own intelligence and thoughts. It was like a living person and could speak and communicate with others.

Hong Yi was shocked. He was also a Thunder Tribulation Ghost Immortal now. He did not notice the fluctuation of thoughts on this phantom. This was really the spirit of the human immortal's fist. It was no different from Taoism. He secretly thought in his heart After a while, he became even more afraid of Jade Prince Yang Qian. His cultivation was simply unfathomable and beyond the scope of martial arts.

Although he was so alert, Hong Yi did not pause in his movements. The energy and blood in his palms rioted, and the human immortal body used all his strength to turn his palms into fists. This is the most powerful self-sovereign seal in the "Now Tathagata Sutra".

According to legend, when the Buddha was born under the bodhi tree, he could walk and speak. He took one step in each of the four directions of the southeast, northwest and northwest winds, and lotuses grew at every step. After standing still, he pointed one finger to the sky and the other to the earth, and said: "Heaven above and below the world, I am the only one who respects you! All three realms are suffering, and I should make peace with them."

The "Now Tathagata Sutra" is the power to grasp the present. The Self-Lord Seal is to realize the true self. The power of the present and the true self is infinite. Once this seal came out, even the mighty king Yang Tuo and others who stopped Hong Yi were shocked inexplicably. I felt admiration and admiration for the power of this punch.

Yang Qian's fist shadow looked at this fist mark, nodded slightly, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes, raised his palm slightly, turned it into a knife, and cut against this earth-shattering fist mark, and said something in his mouth commented.

"My boxing skills are good. Now that I am one with my true self, I have gained the Samadhi of Buddhism!"

Samadhi is also translated as "Samadhi". The free translation of "right concentration" originally refers to the three realms of reciting Buddhist sutras and comprehending their meanings: one is "concentration", the second is "right acceptance", and the third is "equal holding", which means that before reciting sutras, one must stop distracting thoughts and achieve The mind must be stable and focused; the attitude when comprehending the meaning of the scriptures must be correct and respectful in every possible way; during the learning process, one must concentrate and maintain a consistent spirit. Later, it was described as a person’s Buddhist spirit and pure cultivation.

Hong Yi looked at the shadow of Yang Qian who was dictating to him and making random comments. The anger in his heart rose sharply. The Buddha Vajra glared, and the anger turned into the fire of karma. The Sovereign Seal added three points of power, and the surrounding space was burned by the fire of karma. Twisted, the mighty king Yang Tuo and others looked at each other and could no longer suppress their shock and surprise. The power of this punch had exceeded their strength. Even if they used all their strength, it would be difficult to achieve this.

This is not to say that Hong Yi's martial arts cultivation has surpassed that of King Shenwei Yang Tuo and others. After all, he has only practiced martial arts for a short time, and his understanding of martial arts and martial arts background are still shallow. He is not as sophisticated as King Shenwei and others who have been immersed in martial arts for decades. , only relying on the powerful energy and blood of the Stone Fetus Human Immortal clone to overwhelm people with force and make up for the lack of realm, was able to use such an astonishing punch.

Yang Qian was not afraid of the shadow of his fist, and even took a step forward, slashing through the void with his hand knife. The space shattered and turned into chaos. Chaos turned into earth, wind, water, and fire. Under the raging force, more space was swept away. Going in, it turns into chaos, and so on, the power becomes more and more astonishing.

The eyes of Mighty King Yang Tuo and others widened, their expressions changed drastically, and as soon as they stepped on their feet, their bodies floated crazily backwards, with exclamations coming out of their mouths.

"How is this possible? The world returns to chaos, giving birth to earth, wind, water, and fire. This is the great magical power that created the world!"

Three feet of divine light shot out from Hong Yi's eyes, forcibly stimulating the energy and blood that was squeezing the immortal body. His fist turned red, like a huge furnace, and many karma fire red lotuses ignited in the surrounding space. He knew his cultivation level He is not as good as the Jade Prince Yang Qian, but if he doesn't try his best this time, he is afraid that he will be defeated by the Jade Prince Yang Qian again. Last time he was his real body, but now he is just a shadow of his fist and spirit. Hong Yi is arrogant and arrogant. , how can you endure such a failure, so even if you squeeze the potential of the immortal body, you have to fight for this breath.

The fist seal and the hand knife came into contact, and the mighty king Yang Tuo and others retreated again. The power of their moves alone was already so amazing. If they collided, the sky would collapse.

But what is surprising is that no strange phenomena occurred, and even the space returned to calm. The red lotus fire, earth, wind, water, and fire have disappeared. The calmness makes people feel unreal and unbelievable.

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